Mercury Aurum


what am I doing here
SWRP Writer
Jun 1, 2017
Reaction score
Rank Knight
Sect Sentinel
Home PlanetPantora/Orto Plutonia
Height5'2 (1.6)
Mercury Aurum



Birth – Youngling:
Ages: 3 - 14
Mercury Aurum, or Merc, was born a citizen of Pantora. She didn’t remember much from the moon, only a few vague memories of her curiosity and one last memory concerning her family. Right before she left for the Jedi Order, her grandmother held her tight and brushed her cheeks with a metallic paint. The youngling didn’t quite remember what was said, only the cool temperature of the wet paint. Every day from then on, Mercury would reapply the paint on her cheekbones in the same pattern. She never got it tattooed. The youngling wore it with pride, although she never quite understood until later.

When Merc was rummaging through her small pack of things from home, she discovered a pair of blacked out goggles. As a quirk, she kept those goggles on. She only takes them off for special occasions and when it’s time to wash her hair.

As a youngling, she often dissociated herself. This wasn’t on purpose, she was aloof and often spent her time thinking about other things than the topic at hand. Merc was an odd child, fascinated with the plethora of life-forms found in the galaxy, and how the galaxy came to be. She often thought herself into problems, and eventually, out of them. She prided herself on her intelligence. Unfortunately for the youngling, athletic ability came harder to her. She wasn’t bad, she just had to work harder than most when it came to practice with her lightsaber. She felt the Force coursing through her being; it just graced her with easy learning, rather than the talent of fighting. Eventually, she managed to not only gain skill with one lightsaber but two. Merc, along with the Jedi Masters that she always bickered with, knew she had to meditate and find her own way.

After a couple years of rigorous meditation and light reading, Aurum approached the Force as if it was an old friend. She found comfort and solace in the Force and how she reached out to it. Light usually only spoke to her, but sometimes the Dark side had its occasional pull. It was resisted at all costs.

Youngling – Jedi Knight:
Ages: 14 - 23
Merc is a newly made Jedi Knight. After the trials, she felt light. But now, the weight of the Galaxy is slowly dawning on her. She has the cool cockiness of a fresh Knight, but she knows to be humble around the older Jedi. The Jedi had friends among the Order, but she was usually occupied with the wildlife on whatever planet she was training on or visiting. She couldn’t wait for more missions to come her way, always swallowing what nerves jabbed at her brain. Mercury was ready for whatever came her way.

During her teachings, she always walked the line between the Consulars and the Sentinels, constantly going back and forth between the two sects. She finally came to a decision, to follow the ways of the Sentinel due to some of her personal disagreements. Although Mercury has chosen to stay in the background, she often visits the Great Jedi Library. Other than that, she often goes around in the Outer Rim, protecting citizens from crime.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Mercury, having been taunted about her height by her taller comrades, makes up for it in her personality. She’s known for her spunk and altruism. She’s quite sociable but would usually like to be left alone. Often in her own little world, she can be called aloof and oblivious. By the adversities she faced when training as a youngling with her saber, she’s become determined to overcome anything in her path. During Merc’s training and her scholarly pursuits, she did have some trouble focusing. Hyperactivity has always been an issue for the young girl.

Being an inspiration has always been an aspiration for Mercury. She likes giving advice, although sometimes it’s not welcomed. She can easily be discouraged quickly and can have a negative attitude. These moods never last long. Mercury has been described childish by some, and then mature by others. It really varies on how they know the young Knight.



Mercury’s skin is a deep cerulean where her honey eyes peek out of a cherub face. Her curly, midnight hair ends at her shoulders, but it’s often pulled back into pigtails. The goggles hold up her bangs. The young Jedi’s build is proportionate to her stature. She’s lithe and agile, with a strong core. For what she lacks in size, she makes up in speed. She often wears white or a light tan robes, with minimal decorations.


[TR][TD]Lightsabers(2): [/TD][TD]Blue[/TD][/TR]
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[ All I am surrounded by is fear — and dead men ]
SWRP Writer
Jan 29, 2013
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I hate it do a thread with me