Independent Mik Cavan


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Apr 18, 2015
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Mik Cavan

Name:Mik Cavan
Age:27 Coruscant rotations
Height:183 centimeters
Weight:84 kilograms
Faction:Coruscant Underworld Police
Force Sensitive:No
Written By:@Eccles


Officer #18, Coruscant Lower Levels. Three years ago.

[Crime Incident Report Log #14]

Ehm, so I showed up at the intersection just south of 'Chesa's Cheese' around fifteen past. We were responding to a domestic disturbance in the area and noticed a man we had seen before at -- [REDACTED] --

-he kept deflecting my shots with his lightsaber. Casper and Dillon were, uhh-I mean, Officers forty-two and twelve were on the ground. Both had lost limbs and I wasn't in the position to confirm whether or not they were still alive. The only light in the building was the red from my own blaster and the red from -- [REDACTED] --

-when I reached the lab below there were these large glass vats with what seemed like fully grown -- [REDACTED] -- there a misformed child on the floor. His face was crooked as his nose seemed to have grown inwards and he had claws for hands.

No one in those vats survived til the morning. We went up the chain, first the CUP chief and then rangers -- [CHIEF HUDSON] -- but no one seemed to care and then the thing happened -- [SITH ATTACK CORUSCANT | RANGER SERVICE MASSACRED] --

Things just got busy afterwards. Hundreds of convictions got overturned. Lower levels flooded with gang activity. It's been crazy and we're not exactly expecting any help from the upper levels as -- [REDACTED] --

I only got to uploading the last testimonials this morning. Got --[REDACTED] -- from above to close the case and allow the building on 1313 to get back on the market.
