Sith Order Morgan Moonbane


belfast's sweetheart
SWRP Writer
Dec 9, 2021
Reaction score

Morgan Moonbane


► 19
► Human
► 5'10
► 120lbs
► Green
► Black
► Nar-Shaddaa
► Male, He/Him
► Sith
► Acolyte
► Yes
Born and raised on Nar-Shaddaa, Morgan discovered his force abilities at a very young age - and wasted no time putting them to use. On a dog eat dog moon such as Shaddaa, any advantage was to be used for survival and his connection to the force naturally made him a cut above the rest - frequently employing his rudimentary abilities as an enforcer for petty gangs. As untrained as he was, even the most rudimentary force technique was enough to stun most into obedience. But as he grew older, and he started dealing with bigger, badder people he would find his abilities were no longer enough.

After attempting to extort the wrong person, using his force powers to throw some objects around, the usual shindig. His target wasn't impressed, revealing themselves to be a Sith Maurauder - who proceeded to beat the living shit out of him - almost costing him his life. While most would be encouraged to leave the Sith well enough alone, Morgan became obssessed. The ease with which he'd carried himself, the ease with which he'd almost obliterated him - with barely the waft of his hand. Morgan wanted that. Needed it.

He spent the next two years researching the Sith and what they were capable off. The more he learned, the more he yearned. The Sith and the Powers they wielded would be his to master. He saved up his credits and began his journey to Korriban, where he joined the sith academy. Eager and thirsty, for knowledge, for power... for blood.
Morgan carries himself with a somewhat bratty demeanour, considering himself entitled to all the luxuries and delights the galaxy has to offer due to the power that courses through his body. To Morgan, self-denial is weakness, and he staunchly believes that one should seize every opportunity to gratify their desires and to better themselves without hesitation.

Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Morgan seeks enlightenment not only through the pursuit of power but also through the experiences and sensations that life has to offer. He approaches every new encounter with a voracious appetite, eager to expand his understanding of the universe and unlock its deepest secrets.

With this combination of hedonism, arrogance, thirst for knowledge, and a philosophy of indulgence, Morgan is a force to be reckoned with, driven by a relentless desire to experience everything the galaxy has to offer and to claim his rightful place among its most powerful beings.
Sith Lore Initiate - Morgan has embarked on a journey to uncover the ancient secrets and forbidden knowledge of the Sith. He studies ancient texts and scrolls, delving into the dark history of the Sith Order and learning from the teachings of its most powerful masters. Through his studies, Morgan gains insight into the rituals, artifacts, and arcane practices that have shaped the Sith's legacy throughout the ages. His thirst for knowledge drives him to seek out hidden tombs and lost archives, eager to uncover the secrets that will grant him power and prestige within the Sith hierarchy.

Dark Side Adept - Oisín has begun tapping into the power of the dark side of the Force, harnessing its energies to fuel his abilities and enhance his strength. While still developing his skills, he shows a natural affinity for channeling his emotions into raw power, unleashing bursts of dark side energy in moments of intense passion or rage. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the dark side, Morgan's connection to its power grows stronger, paving the way for his ascension within the Sith Order.

Streetwise - Morgan has honed his instincts and street smarts through years of navigating the treacherous alleys and underworld of Nar Shaddaa. He possesses an innate understanding of the criminal underworld, knowing how to navigate its intricate webs of deception and betrayal. His upbringing on Nar Shaddaa has taught him to trust his instincts and rely on his resourcefulness to survive, making him a valuable asset in the cutthroat world of Sith politics and intrigue.

+ Holophone
+ RAO-2 Blaster Pistol
+ Sith Attire


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