Moza Aban

Aodán Sidal

The diamond in the rough
SWRP Writer
Oct 24, 2015
Reaction score
Moza Aban


NAME: Moza Aban
FACTION: Jedi Order
RANK: Jedi Knight
SPECIES: Ithorian
AGE: 34 Galactic Standard Years
HEIGHT: 6 feet 8 inches (2.1 meters)
WEIGHT: 200lbs. (90.7185 kg)
EYES: Black
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Dark-Red
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Two mouths on the side of his head, curved neck, throat know the usual for an Ithorian anyway.

STRENGTH: 6/10 Although slightly above average in terms of strength for a human Moza is by no means the strongest combatant. Although it should be noted by Ithorian standards he is actually rather strong and he does work to constantly better himself in his free time.
DEXTERITY: 6/10 Ithorians in general are not the most agile of creatures and are often slower and less dexterious than the standard human. So it can often come as a surprise to most to see Moza move as quickly and as capablely as he does. Granted it has taken a lot of years of training just to get to be above human standard where more nimble races certainly have it easier than him.
CONSTITUTION: 8/10 Master Moza is an incredibly hardy individual as are most Ithorians. With four sets of lungs and a strong frame it takes quite a lot to even come close to exhausting him. His stamina often allows him to outlast many who would try to face him if he can manage it.
INTELLIGENCE: 7/10 Moza is an incredibly intelligent individual who spent a great deal of his life after his metamorphasis with the Jedi Order. There he acquired as much knowledge as he could get his hands on and after becoming a knight he eventually became a teacher of younglings himself. His knowledge of herblore and mechanics are quite top notch.
WISDOM: 8/10 Moza has a deep connection with the natural world and with the force itself. He often prefers to look inward instead of without and has come to a great understanding of his abilities and those of others. This connection he often seeks to share and impart with others whenever he gets the chance.
CHARISMA: 5/10 While not the most charming individual Moza can often convey himself well when his opinions need to be spoken. Still many often might not take him as seriously due to his appearance. But he is quite the genial and polite fellow as are most Ithorians.

Moza sees himself as the inheritor of two legacies to carry on and try to make an impact within the galaxy. The first being the legacy of is herd and the second being that of his late master. Both groups saught to try and heal the wounds that war, crime, and general villiany has all but caused on many worlds. But whereas the Ithorian herd was more pacifist in its actions Moza has realized that sometimes force is needed to clear the rot from the wound before it can be healed. In this way the more martial bend of the current Jedi mindset has colored his views. But unlike many of his fellows he sees his nigh "holy" crusade to be one of mending not destruction. Keeping more in line with the tenets of the Jedi code the more he sees his fellows pull away from it.
The other aspect of Moza's devotion to the dual legacies comes in his delving into the force. With his late master and the nature priest Chodau having been the two biggest figures in his life and both considered deeply spiritual people. These two men guided Moza to always strive to explore the greater depths of the force as it was a path to enlightenment, or a means to commune with the Mother Jungle. This desire to expand his knowledge and his master's guidance was what lead him to adopt form VI.

Moza, like most Ithorians, was born upon one of their mighty herdships that hovered over the vast jungle planet of Ithor. The clutch he was born to held hundreds of his brothers and sisters, though sadly most didn't make it passed the puba stage of their life. Yet this timultuous time was when the strong stood out and even among them Moza stood above the other puba. Chodau Pefan, the herd ship's nature priest and spiritual elder, felt the pull of the force from the young Moza as time went on. As did a visiting human Jedi Consular by the name of Rion Lau whose mission was to learn more of the Ithorian terraforming process. For centuries the heated battles of the jedi and their sworn enemies the Sith had ravaged worlds in the past. So when the rumors of the Sith's return began to echo along the outer rim Master Lau took it upon himself to try and find a means of healing what he precieved to be wounds caused by the destruction of warfare. Whether it was coincidence or guidence by the force Master Lau had chosen the exact herdship that Moza was located upon. Had he picked any other one the future of the young Ithorian might have taken a vastly different shape as a nature priest instead of the knight he would become.
As it was Mastr Lau negotiated for the puba to be brought into the Jedi order ater his metamorphasis took place. In return the Jedi Knight would add a degree of legitimacy to the world traveling Ithorian herdship's buisness interests. Opening doors to the Ithorians through his own personal contacts that would have passed over the group otherwise. It was during this period of waiting that Moza learned much of his people and culture. For the puba the world was so vast and vibrant that he simply couldn't get enough information. This thirst would more or less linger with the Ithorian through all of his life, but never again would it be as pure as it was a puba. Still Chodau was accomadating and developed and excellerated learning course as he wished to impart the values of the Ithorians to Moza before he was taken off by the order and away from his herd. These lessons were meant to instill a sense of legacy in the puba to carry on into the Jedi order. As well as give him a foundation always steeped within his people to build upon. Though largely private the lessons did have one special visitor that was allowed to join them, and that was the Jedi Rion Lau.
In this manner things continued until Moza and his many surviving siblings underwent the metamorphasis. Having learned much it was time for the young Ithorian to part ways with his herd as per the agreement made years before. Yet this was what he was training for and it was with an eager heart that the Ithorian freely left with Master Lau to begin the next phase of his life. Leaving the only home he had ever known to travel with the Knight to the Jedi temple to begin his formal training into the order. Here the young Ithorian's mind was able to expand with so much information at his fingertips. His body was also put through rigorous training to make up for the inheraint traits of the Ithorians. Time flew in a whirlwind of exploring and training until the years came to see Moza graduate from youngling to padawan learner, and the formation of his lightsaber. In spite of his youth Moza was already proving to be quite adept with his usage of the force. So when it came time to be assigned to a master there was little surprise that the Ithorian already had one lined up for him. A Jedi Consular who understood Ithorian, had a wealth of knowledge on their customs and traditions, was gifted with the force, and had known Moza most of the Ithorian's life. The Master Lau that Moza had viewed almost as a replacement father figure chose him as his padawan.
The accomplished Jedi taught the young ithorian much in their time together, with much of it dealing with the greater mysteries of the force itself. It was under Master Lau's suggestion that Moza began to learn Form VI Niman as the knight was already a master of the style and felt it fit Moza personality perfectly. The normally difficult moderation form seemed initially quite easy for the Ithorian to pick up at first. The relaxed bladework was easy to learn coming out of the temple and it flowed smoothly for Moza in practice and live combat. Only when his master decded it was time to begin to incorperate force techniques into the style did Moza truly see the difficulty of Form VI. To split ones mind between the force and combat was hard enough with practice droids and training sabers. But then adding the very real dangers of live peacekeeping missions and Moza develped a whole new appreciation for his master's skill. The two continued their adventures with Moza's abilities constantly on the rise and his training being shaped by his master and his lineage. Then at the age of 22 Moza was finally deemed ready to face the trials to ascend to knighthood. The harrowing test was met with the Ithorian's placid calm and in th end Moza earned his place as a knight in the Jedi Order.
The next few years saw the Ithorian at the Jedi temple honing his skills while teaching various classes of younglings on the force. It was during this time that Moza was first acknowledged to have mastered Form VI by the Jedi council in a demonstration of his abilities. This was the culmination of a decade of training and a dedication to the sole style for almost the entirity of his life with the Jedi. Yet good news is often tempered with bad and in Moza's case it was no less true. Taking the form of a message from the council of the death of his old master Rion Lau while out on a mission in the outer rim. It had been five years since they had last seen each other and yet the news hit him just as if they had seen each other the day before. Moza's grief was immense as it was to Moza like losing a father. In all his life he had never once displayed the unique Ithorian bellow they were capable of. But on that day the halls of the temple rang with the sound of his cry as grief drowned out all sense in Moza. Yet this was a lesson all Jedi eventually came to know intimately, and why the formation of attatchments were so potentially dangerous. Had it not been for his fellow Jedi and the tenets that had shaped his life up until that point Moza might have lost himself to his grief and anger. Instead the Ithorian came out of the passing stronger and eventually regained his peace once more. That eventually peace found itself in the solace that so long as he was alive his master was never truly gone. Rion Lau, Moza rationalized, lived on within his training and in the training that he might one day impart upon a padawan. This glorious realization did not come quickly, but when it did it sparked something new within Moza. The Knight who had been content to teach suddenly found in him a calling to carry on his late master's work. Resolved on the matter he went to the council, and with their blessing he finished his last classes and set out to the galaxy at large to begin a new chapter.

Force push/pull 8/10
Force speed 6/10
Force Jump 7/10
Force Sense 9/10
Force Barrier 8/10
Mind Trick 8/10
Force Heal 8/10
Force Bellow 10/10

Moza's greatest skills come in the form of his knowledge and power in the force. Spurred on by his late master Moza developed his abilities in conjunction with his bladework. The practice of Niman giving him plenty of time to strengthen his skills with the force itself. He has also been declared a master of the Niman style after spending a decade of working only upon that one combat form both with his master and on his own.
Moza is an accomplished healer and a rather skilled botanist. With an ever expanding knowledge of herblore which comes from his ever growing collection of books on the subject.

*A strong Peacekeeper and Healer
*Skilled practitioner of the force and the more defensive lightsaber forms. He is also capable of producing the strong Force bellow, further enhanced by his spiecies physiology.
*Highly tuned sense of the natural world, he is capable of feeling out what he calls wounds in the force. Ofter corruptions of nature, and or devistation of a planets natural state.
*He can speak Ithorian and understand Basic, Shyriiwook, Bocci, Binary, and Twi'leki

Moza carries with him a single hilt green bladed lightsaber at all times.

Rankings (from weakest to strongest) Novice, Adept, Expert, Mastered.
Form I: Shii-cho, Adept: When Moza first joined the Jedi Order shortly after his metamorphasis he was trained in Shii-cho as all new Jedi are. While not particularly favoring the form he did learn enough to become profiecient and allow him to move to other forms.
Form III: Soresu, Expert: Soresu has been a form Moza had started learning before his Master changed his course to work on Niman. It was recently readded to his skill set after gaining mastery of Niman, and as such he hasn't achieved the mastery that some of his commrads have in their forms. Moza began training in this style to shore up his defense against blaster fire and to make use of his general stamina in a fight.
Form VI: Niman, Mastered: Due to the relaxed bladework of the style and its dedication to using the force in combat Moza chose this as the first style to truly learn. The training was tough and the focus on splitting ones focus to actively use the force in combat was difficult. But after a decade of training in the style he became an official master of the moderation form and uses it as his primary style of fighting when he goes into combat.

+Skilled Force user and dualist
+Healer and botanist
+Wise and Intuitive
+Has two mouths and four throats therefore rather difficult to Force choke

-Can't defeat a skilled Makashi user in combat
-In terms of strength and deterity he is just barely above a standard human
-Can't speak basic without a translator droid or device attatched.

Green bladed lightsaber, Datapad, Translator device, Grey loose fitting clothing with a black robe.


None yet

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None yet

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None yet

The Three Amigos
On the beautiful world of Tython Moza has been called by an old friend Marcus Mor to meet up with him and his other go friend Niishal. The Jedi General of the new branch of the order being a little vauge in the call says he wants to discuss something but wouldn't go into detail on what, yet...
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Aodán Sidal

The diamond in the rough
SWRP Writer
Oct 24, 2015
Reaction score
Important People
Here is a section for the good, the bad, and the very nasty! Basically if your character or NPC has made any impact on Moza and his story then you will likely have a spot up here!

Marcus Mor: Marcus and Moza first met when they were both apprentices to their respective masters the Jedi General Brax and the Jedi Knight Rion Lau. With their Masters being fast friends it only stood to reason that Marcus and Moza would work together often. Over time their own friendship developed as they studied, fought, and grew together. While Moza was knighted first in spite of being younger it was Marcus who was there at the ceremony, and in kind Moza had been there with Marcus when he followed suit a year later. Their adventures only continued and along the way they picked up a new comrade to add to their cadre, a Pau'an by the name of Niishal that had been knighted with Moza. Both of whom were there to help Moza through his rough patch when his old Master Rion Lau was slain and no matter the distance they have always remained close since. Where their story goes from here it is up to the force to decide...

Niishal Kydon: Niishal, or Niish as many others call him, is truly a prodigy that Moza proudly calls his friends. The pair having met during the trials of knighthood and both were knighted at the same time with a few others. Unlike most who see a Pau'an and show some level of fear, suspicion, or distrust Moza treated Niishal as a boon companion almost from the start. The two quickly formed a friendship and eventually Marcus was brought into the fold to secure a friendship that would last for years to come. Moza has often found it amusing that they went into near twin fields of Botany and Biology, and more over that both share some measure of soundwave manipulation through the force. Where their story goes from here it is up to the force to decide...