Nalana Inek


SWRP Writer
Dec 9, 2005
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Sooo... I guess I'm jumping back into the RP :)

Nalana Inek


I have lost the most precious of all my senses
You believe it to weaken me?
You could not be more wrong
I am blind... but never have I been able to see so clearly

Twenty seven years ago came the birth of a beautiful mind. It belonged to a female who went by the name of Nalana Inek. It was a name her father gave her, meaning calm as the heavens -- a translation of everything he wanted Nalana to become. He was a very kind and spiritual man who was married to a headstrong/obstinate woman; they brought out the best in each other. Though Nalana loved her mother, she was much closer with her dad, being what one would call a "daddy's girl".

He would give her lectures, like most fathers would do with their daughters, but unlike most children, Nalana looked forward to his lectures. Even when he would speak in riddles, Nalana would never find herself confused - she was a bright child, and her father noticed this much. His words never ceased to inspire her and she always took everything he told her to heart.

Always look for a flower in a field of weeds, and I can assure you... you will find one.

Over the years, Nalana's parents started fighting. She never paid attention to what they fought over, instead she would lock herself in her room and bury herself in her books. When Nalana was only fourteen, her father left (probably because he got fed up with the endless fighting), leaving behind nothing but a note written on a long piece of cloth (most likely due to the fact that he was in a hurry and the cloth was the closest thing he could get his hands on).

Please forgive me
I thought long and hard about my decision, but I had no other choice
I'm sorry I won't be there for you... or be around to give you advice
Oh you'll never understand how much this hurts me
And I'm sorry for putting this burden on you
Just remember to always be the lily among the thorns
I will always love you
Never forget that

Nalana broke into tears. How could her father leave her if he claims to always love her? It didn't make sense. He didn't have the right to hurt her like this... he didn't have the right to hurt her mother like this. Nalana grew to hate him, and as time went on, she started blaming her mother for his departure. Nalana claimed that her mother drove him away, and she hated her for that. She stopped talking to her mother, and once again took refuge in her books.

Nalana soon left her home on Berrun and went on to become a scientist. Her mind was her true gift. She was very intelligent and knowledgeable beyond her years. Science and books were where she found her true happiness. She loved learning and challenging her mind. She was a very logical person, a visual learner, and had a photographic memory, being able to memorize maps, works she read, faces, and basically anything she was able to get a look at.

Nalana put her abilities to the test when assigned to Project "Reminder".
In short, this project was designed to turn a man into a ghost. They needed to do this by allowing him to lose matter enabling him to go through solid walls. They would create the perfect spy. Of course putting Reminder through so many tests went against his will. He was kidnapped and had his family killed in the process. What the scientists had done and were trying to accomplish was wrong, but Nalana had given up on her morals a long time ago.

When the project was nearing its end, something terrible happened. It was a day Nalana could never forget... it was the last day Nalana ever saw.

A man broke up trying to steal technology. He shot half of Nalana's team, but kept her alive for one reason, and one reason only - he needed her eyes. The only way to get passed security was retinal scans. He tried to get her to cooperate and scan her eyes, but she would not comply. The man grew angry, and out of frustration, he gouged out her eyes. Nalana's screams could be heard throughout the entire facility. The pain was excruciating. She put her hands over her face and continued screaming even after her eyes were no longer there. She was so used to crying during times of pain... it was sort of a way to relieve her of all that hurt her, but she couldn't do it. Her eyes were what she relied on most, and for someone to take them away would be equivalent to taking her life. The world around her was colourless. She became weak and eventually passed out.

Nalana awoke to a man screaming the screams of a painful death. No doubt it was the man who gouged out her eyes. A hint of joy sparked within, until Nalana started thinking again. There's only one way the man could've gotten hurt, and that's if the experiment was let loose. He must've broken the doctility chip... NO! Reminder can't escape! The experiment wasn't done... not to mention, Nalana and her team completely ruined his life.

Filled with grief, Nalana put her hands in her pockets to pull out a cloth... the cloth her father wrote his letter on. She carried it around with her everywhere... it gave her strength. As much as she'd hate to admit it, she loved her father... she hated what he did to her, but she loved him nonetheless. Nalana took the cloth and tied it around her eyes to hide what was done to her. She never took this cloth off.

For the first time in her life, Nalana was able to feel the force. It took her a while, but she learned how to "see" through the force and let it guide her. Losing her vision strengthened her. She became a different person, having to make much changes in order to cope with her lack of sight. She had trouble feeding herself information she received through her books (now in braille), as she was a visual learner, but she managed. She started training to better her physical abilities... allowing her other senses to greatly strengthen.

Not only did she change physically, but emotionally as well. Nalana developed a new perception on life... She lives in regret. So many regrets... No longer does she judge simply by looking, no longer is her philosophy "seeing is believing", no longer will her eyes deceive her. It took her years to see the truth.... she is not the blind one...



SWRP Writer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
0's good.

But I have a hard time reading stuff in a blocky paragraph format. I usaually put a space inbetween every coupl sentences...