Narcelia Shade


SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
Reaction score




"Remember when I asked for your opinion? Yeah me neither."
Name: Narcelia Shade, aka Nar'C Shade
Codename: Silver
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Species: Nagai
Homeworld: Cato Neimoidia
Height: 174 CM
Weight: 58 KG
Eye Colour: Pale Grey
Hair Colour: Silver
Skin Tone: Slate Grey
Force Sensitive: No
Faction: Insurgency
Rank: Intelligencer
Voice Sample: Link


Jadded and a bit disinterested in the day to day flow of life, Narcelia personal philosophy pretty much amounts to telling people to kriff off. Being polite makes people want to talk to you, and Miss Shade doesn't have time for that. Cursed with an overwhelming sensation of numbness after the untimely death of her wife, Narcelia spends her time doing one of two things, chasing after the fleeting sensation of anything: pain, a really good high, emotion, passion, or simply the thrill of revenge before it all crashes down and she simply feels hollow all over again. The only thing that she allows to break this never ending cycle, or perhaps perpetuate it all, is her desire to watch the Empire crumble for the crimes it committed against her.

It's not about revenge, it's not about getting even, or the foolish notion of justice. Narcelia Shade fights against the Empire simply because they took the only thing from her life that she'd ever truly loved. She commits crimes such as murder, arson, domestic terrorism, and sabotage without a second thought so long as such crimes are committed against the Imperial scourge. Paired with a grudge against humans because of how her wife was murdered, had left Narcelia a bitter, cold, and cruel woman with nothing to do but hurt those that hurt her first.

Battle Axe ~ Antihero ~ Hotshot




Narcelia lit a cigarette and looked across the metal table with her metallic gaze. She'd been brought to some sort of black site on Nubia. She knew they weren't Imperials the moment her interrogator stepped into the room. The woman questioning her told her about a rebellion of sorts going by the name Insurgency. She asked the Nagai woman how she'd ended up on Nubia, and why she had killed those two Imperial soldiers a few hours previously. "You want my life story? Kriff it. Guess I might as well get it over with then. I was born on Cato Neimoidia. My mother was some stupid young girl, around sixteen I think when she had me. She'd migrated from whatever backwards rock she grew up on. I never cared to ask to be honest, not that I ever really knew my mother. When I was four a Neimoidian woman took me in, older woman, all her kids were grown and long gone. I guess she's what I consider my mother, but I left the pathetic old nexu of a hag when I was fourteen." Narcelia put out her cigarette next to the ashtray, smearing the ash into the stainless steel metal, glaring at the woman across the table.

The interrogator broke the tension by asking her how many piercing she had, waiting for Narcelia to respond with the answer. She had thirty two on her face and ears, though she had a few much more interesting ones elsewhere, not that she was gonna mention those without at least dinner first. Rolling her eyes at the thought of bedding the human woman, Narcelia continued. "Took up with some pirates after that, mostly a group of Neimoidians. Traveled all over the Core, Outer Rim, and just about everywhere. I never felt much of a calling for space faring, but the different worlds were interesting. Most of them were just the same old different shades of trash, but there were a few nicer ones. Coruscant was big, bigger than anything I'd ever seen, but the first time I saw Alderaan I knew what I wanted from this life. To live on a world where cities came to an end and forests thrived. I was tired of the rust and smoke and chemicals, the crime and overpopulation found everywhere." Narcelia yawned, suprised she was so tired, perhaps the feeling she was about to be executed was having a calming effect on her. She was tired, her body ached in a way no amount of rest could cure. It would be nice to see her wife again, if there was anything to see after death.

The idiot across from her pressed the wrong issue, asking for more information about Narcelia's wife would not be a good way of getting the Nagai to cooperate with whatever these Insurgents were planning. Still, she saw no issue explaining her motives. "I met her on Naboo during a smuggling operation. Nautolan, to think I'd fall in love with a squid, I wonder what the Neimoidian hag would have thought of that.Her name was was like honey, she kissed like rain. She tamed my wild heart in a way I can only pray to remember for the rest of my days. Even now, after all this time I still wake up every morning and she's the first thing I reach out to. That's why I'm here, talking to you. Willing to join this so called Insurgency. You guys want to take down the Empire right? Just let me kill as many of them as i can get my hands on and I'll do whatever you want me to." The woman remained silent, grinning at Narcelia as she wrote down something on her little notepad.

After a few moments of silence, the human woman looked up again, this time wanting to know more about the exact nature of Nericelia's wife's death. Narcelia could feel the rage and pain of those memories rising up inside of her. This wasn't the place to have an emotional break down, but she couldn't help yelling across the table. "What happened? You mean me and the squid? Are you trying to get a rise out me? Fine. We married and settled down on Nubia. When the Republic fell and the Sith sweeped in there were riots. My wife was one of the protestors. They targeted her because she was an alien, Imperial bastards. They beat her in the street and when I tried to stop them they restrained me. What more do you want to make me remember? Because you didn't kill her, but your human, you'll never never know what it feels like when your kind look at us. How odd we look. How many legs will that one have or what sort of uncultured language will they speak. We're not here for your entertainment, we're people. Imperials embody ever stare, every slur, and every ounce of hatred your kind has for so called aliens like me." Nercelia spit at the woman, hitting her in the face. She didn't actually hate the woman for being human, but it allowed her to express her emotions without speaking about what exactly had happened. In truth, Narcelia had no words to describe in any detail the way it'd felt watching those Imperials beat her wife to death. It just wasn't something she could explain, and she wasn't interested in trying.​


Right Click For Links

[surl=]Personalized[/surl] [surl=]Vagabond Armor[/surl]
[surl=]Portable Tactical Monocle[/surl]
2 Cans (Per Thread) of [surl=]Firespray[/surl]
A two foot long vibro-machete, sheathed on her right leg.
[surl=]SmartSec 22A Ion Blaster Pistol[/surl], 2 Spare Ammo Packs
[surl=]SP-30 Suppressed Blaster Pistol[/surl], 1 Spare Powerpack
[surl=]Astora-Arms HL-9914 Carbine[/surl], 1 Spare Ammo Pack
[surl=]P-30 Anti-Personnel Rifle[/surl], Two Dozen Spare Ammo
[surl=]Quad Wing Bomber[/surl]


Thread Tracker


Operation Silver Dawn: Part One: Ask - Ongoing
Frozen Delights: Ask - Ongoing
Stomping the Plague Rats: Ask - Ongoing
The Pellezara Incident: Ask - Ongoing
Thread: Place - Holder
Thread: Place - Holder
Thread: Place - Holder


[surl=]~ Theme Song ~[/surl]
Formating Stolen From @Korvo
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SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
Reaction score
~ Reserved Parking ~

Gear has been added, as well as a voice sample under Information.
Added a spoiler at the bottom of the profile containing an image of Rivers, Narcelia's dead wife.
Added Narcelia's archetypes under her personality section.​
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Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
We would post indies at the same time.

Your gif game stronker than mine tho

The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
Very nice character, great job!

Also feels nice that she's using both of my freshly approved tech pieces :D


SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
Reaction score
Very nice character, great job!

Also feels nice that she's using both of my freshly approved tech pieces :D

I'll be using both of them in her first/second thread as well. Look out for Operation Silver Dawn: Part One & Two, coming to a thread near you.​


The Lightbringer
SWRP Writer
May 13, 2015
Reaction score
I like her. A very nice picture as well as the profile look itself. Ever thought of joining the Shadow Syndicate lol?


SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
Reaction score
I like her. A very nice picture as well as the profile look itself. Ever thought of joining the Shadow Syndicate lol?

Yes actually, but the pro-human vibes are simply a vile heresy that cannot be overlooked or understated. Also the Syndicate is pro-slavery and I'm a black woman so fuck that. I love you as a person though, always will. :P​