Nayel Kohner


Reality needs Fantasy.
SWRP Writer
Aug 17, 2014
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"One word is often the crux where the balance of a situation hangs. With one word, a man is executed, a government toppled or a planet bombarded. With one word, I can save this man, ensure the long lasting peace of a world and prevent the loss of over a billion lives who had no right to die just because someone, somewhere, spoke out of turn.

So shut up."
NAME: Nayel Kohner
ALIAS: "Sandman"
AFFILIATION: Imperial Legion/Former SBZ
RANK: Shocktrooper (121st Division)
AGE: 25
HEIGHT: 5' 11", (1.8m)
WEIGHT: 146 lbs, (66kg)
MARKINGS: Tattoo on forearm
FACECLAIM: Michael Fassbender


Those who count themselves as close confidants of Nayel are more than often mistaken in their understanding of the quiet man. Rather than a lack of words, Nayel keeps his words valued in situations where it is not needed and prefers to show than tell. Though many of his actions appear overkill, precision was never listed under his resume. Rather than that, Nayel's policy of liberal application of violence is what makes him a somewhat effective individual, if a liability at times. His principle to lead by example and to follow through with his own commands however, has shown an impressive amount of loyalty from his colleagues; when Kohner orders a charge, he runs ahead. Therefore Nayel works best where collateral damage is not a variable, where the someone is preferred dead and where his involvement can be denied should he inevitably fail.

Nayel is nihilistic; his motivation and will to do something is usually reinforced by a clear objective. Clarity of his purpose produces a dogmatic nature and the desire to finish what is laid before him. Given that he has nothing more beyond his duty and job, having nothing to do and no set goals in life irritates and frightens the man. This suggests a highly active mind, requiring a means to expend its energy into a focus. Combined with a level of fastidiousness and an obsession with cleanliness, sharing space with Nayel is to condemn one's self to ritualistic hell; or a self-paying maid, whichever suits the person's views. Though contradicting with his modus operandi, the difference can be understood as a process of 'cooling' down; the flurry of activity and extensive attention to detail by his rigid lifestyle compensated by the clarity of freedom given in combat. Kohner becomes disconnected, entering an autopilot mode which coaxes his inner desire for a little less detail, maybe a trail of dust left undisturbed or perhaps even the simple pleasure of the smell of brimstone.

His attention to detail however makes him an invaluable asset to information gathering and intelligence, even if his tendency to over analyse a variable can lead to a length planning process. In the end however, cut through the fancy words and jargon and Nayel's plans reveal themselves with an unexpected level of simplicity. Of course, usually involving a situation where liberal application of violence is necessary but the line of work was never meant to be dull or to be completed without a single shot fired.

Nayel understands that there is no black-and-white within the universe; grey areas are all that exist, sometimes of a lighter shade or black as sin perhaps but no more significant than an ant to a lion. No choice leads to a happy ending, only a profitable situation that provokes yet another complication in the future. If asked to take sides, he would rather align himself with the Sith; not for its values or its beliefs, but because he feels the Republic as self-appointed leaders who are no better than the worse criminals they themselves condemn. Each body of organization had its moral flaws, but at least the Sith accepted it as their stereotype- or at the very least had a level of transparency not seen in the Republic. Highly distrustful of politicians and 'soft' individuals, it is not hatred in his glare aimed at the men and women of the Core Worlds, but disdain and disappointment.


[fancybox4=""]A spacer child born in the cargo hold of a smuggler's freighter, Nayel's entrance into the world was a hushed affair as passengers huddled around the dying woman, bereaved from the joys of raising her child. To her husband she whispered last words of endearment and her final wishes. The words remained a mystery but whatever the mother's wishes were, it is perhaps fair to say it was never carried out. Nayel found himself within a state orphanage on Ord Radama and had very much lived within its cold blank walls.

The caretakers found very little reason to love the child; at a very young age he was found to be distant and rarely reached out to them. Communicating with the child was at best, troublesome. At worse, Kohner Jr. went out of his way to ignore them. So they reciprocated back in kind- oh yes, they'd care for him with food and a warm bed but beyond that? The simple act of kindness to coax a poor boy to open up? All efforts abandoned and conversation became less of a method to affirm their relationship, and leaned towards totalitarian orders. If the child had any qualms, he never made an effort to let them know.

Nayel fled the orphanage when he was 16 and his disappearance lead to a brief city-wide search; no one could readily justify the use of state resources on a man hunt for a purportedly troublesome child. After only a week of searching, his case was closed and the city kept living as it always had for centuries.

Several years later he resurfaced in a cruise ship bound for the Core Worlds, though under a new guise and name. Forged identities carried a harsh punishment to Kohner, who by then was 18 years old. Arrested for identity theft (his latest guise placed him as a 35 year old IT maintenance crewman who was rather understandably, confused as to why his bank and state account had locked him out.) and document forgery, the judge sentenced Nayel to a stint in prison: 9 years in the local penitentiary. Unflinching as ever, the adolescent accepted his sentence. Meekly, as some of the witnesses present described but a few claimed that he seemed 'happy' to have been sentenced to prison.

Barely two years into his sentence and a massive breakout occurred at Nayel's prison- though unsuccessful in escaping en masse, a few prisoners went missing from their cells: notably, a very young man who had 7 more years to complete. This time the city unleashed an even more determined search for its missing persons- he disappeared just as quickly as he reappeared to the public, leaving very little to trace back to him. A year later, almost all of the missing criminals had been re-apprehended; almost, except for Nayel and two other suspected accomplices, later found dead in their respective safe houses after an anonymous tip.

Nayel's next appearance was brief; working as part of a criminal group by the space ports, his identity had been ratted out by a captured member of the group, only to be silenced after the first round of interrogation. Kohner's criminal record grew during his years as a mastermind, with several cases of theft, grand theft auto, destruction of public property and of course, homicide. Nayel's luck ran out a year later as his group ran straight into a police ambush- caught in the open in the midst of a shoot out he took a bolt to his chest, falling down without a word. The rest of his group died, fighting to clear their way through the ambush, clutching their weapons even in death. After a commissioner's report and the good word of the morgue assistant, Nayel was finally pronounced dead.

And the city kept living.

Of course, dead men don't usually stay dead: while the policemen patted themselves on the back for a job well done, Nayel had been smuggled out off planet, having bribed the morgue's assistant (later killing him) and several other important individuals. Now considered dead, the man had very little to do. For two years he tried his luck going legitimate; working as an IT worker (ironic, given his first sentence was a result of stealing an IT worker's identity) lead to disappointing results as he was fired after assaulting his manager for sexual harassment of a coworker. A job as an accountant almost saw him sent to the can again for fraud and deliberately mismanaging accounts to pocket a few extra credits but the intervention of a scapegoat allowed him to leave relatively unscathed- asides from being viewed with suspicion.

After leaving his last job as a diner chef Nayel enlisted with a group of mercenaries in order to pay off his massive debts incurred from his constant moving about. Though it was meant to be a one time job he found himself missing the violence of action after a successful run. Perhaps it was the simplicity of the objectives- to kill and to not be killed- perhaps it was the thrill of adrenaline. Or maybe Nayel simply wanted to break free from trying to live a second life free of troubles. Clearly everything that lead up to this point of life was preparing him for what he was truly made for: War, in all its majestic simplicity and harsh unforgiving nature.

Nayel was sold.

This did not mean his streak of bad luck had come to an end- after a bad engagement against a detachment of local planet militia, the group disbanded leaving behind Nayel disheartened and to a point, nearly suicidal. Everything had quite precisely gone to the dogs at every stage of his life, unbelievably so. Stuck alone in a vast universe with a desire for combat, he turned to the closest thing for closure: the Sacred Band of Ziost. Yes, entrance was hard and the training even more so- the elite couldn't be seen with slack standards and he matched them- struggling at points but very much with great determination. It was an objective, a goal he could reach out- and took hold of. The price he paid was in blood and sweat, the reward a hard night attempting to adept to new conditions but in the end it was very much worth it.

Brother Nayel. Now that was a word he never wanted to stop hearing.

Chapter 1

The Sith Empire.

As Imperialistic as it sounds, Nayel didn't really feel that all too different. Wasn't he, as a subject of a Dominion to feel better than anyone who wasn't in the exclusive fold? Or was he mistaken, lied to? The operator couldn't really tell. At the very least, there was no physical changes which was a relief. Change was very hard to adjust to, especially when you're so used to one path.

He looked down on from his bunk, his feet hanging off the side. It had been a week since the whole organization went into a full restructure. He was no longer a 'Brother' of the Sacred Band of Ziost. Instead he was a 'Shocktrooper' from the 121st Division, on the basis that he was a former member of a now defunct organization. How did that made him feel? Well for one, it was more official sounding, and boy was he one for order. It did sound like it had a negative vibe to it, but he literally blew up a cruise liner full of civilians on a holiday, so that was a moot point.

It made him feel like he was fighting for something real.

Yeah that was it. So much more official sounding, like he was standing up for something important. But what was it? They'd say he as a shocktrooper was fighting to keep the Sith Empire strong, but everyone had their own motivations for joining the 121st. Some for personal glory, some for revenge and others because there was nothing else to do on their craphole of a world. He could sympathize. Before, back in Gorgon he enjoyed the freedom he was afforded. Now that was gone too, the moment their files were discovered by the rest of the organization they scraped the plan. Whether or not it was a bad move wasn't up to him. It wasn't in his place to think what the superiors thought was right or wrong. He was hired just to shoot and ask questions never.

But he still didn't know why he was fighting for them. Before it was because the Band gave him a purpose in life- cripple enemy infrastructure, destroy morale, perform heinous acts in the name of a dead Empire. Well, now it was alive and well. So what now?

Well that was for him to find out, wouldn't it? Just the everyday necessity of life.
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Tech Admin
Sep 29, 2011
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He's obviously a scrub, and a thief.


Mr Dyslexia
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 4, 2012
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