Need people for Clan Skirata


And don't mess around with us Mandalorians
SWRP Writer
Mar 25, 2015
Reaction score
I want to start a mando faction called Clan Skirata but right now I need people to join. I have made the post with a poll on the Unapproved factions forum. Here is the description for clan Skirata if you are wanting to learn more.

"He cared what happened to us. He was one of us, pretty much. Not just there because he couldn't cope with not being in the army anymore, or had to disappear. No, he was a good man."

Clan Skirata is small family clan that started with the adoption of Falin Mattran to Munin Skirata, from then on Falin Mattran was now known as Kal Skirata. During the early stages of the clone wars Kal Skirata trained elite Clone Commando and ARC Trooper units. Later after his retirement Kal was called in by CSF to control his NULL ARC's which after the battle of Geonosis refused to go into stasis. Kal agreed to do the job as long as he was re-enlisted to GAR and they gave him command over all his boys and no punishment for the NULL's. Kal always wanted the best for his boys and hence always looked for away to reverse the aging process eventually he succeeded in his goal not at all long after adopting Omega squad and the NULL ARC's, Bardin Jusik as his sons.

The Skirata clan remained small and prosperus their primary goal Family and Survival. Boba Fett would encounter Venku (Kad) Skirata and Jaing Skirata who would heal him of his slight clone aging and Jania Solo would meet a much older Bardin Jusik who would teach her how to defeat her sith brother Jacen.

Now even smaller than before Clan Skirata struggles to survive each day coming a little closer certain doom. However their morals remain the same family, clan and tradition over all.

"I—The Nulls, Vau, and me, we've been getting an escape route together, and a refuge for any man who wants to leave the GAR without a body bag. And we're getting close to finding out how to stop your accelerated aging. It's a whole new life, ad'ike, a long one like any other human's. Are you in? Will you come with me when I say it's time to run?"
Kal Skirata to Omega Squad, sharing his plans and information

The Skirata clan's primary focus is family. To them family is more important than anything. Skirata clan members are brought up to not turn down some one in need, whether it be a stranger or some one known. Not ones completely ready to jump into the fight the Skirata Clan will fight to defend family, friends, clan, Honor and the Mandalorian way and people.

Every day life for Skirata clan member is filled with the action of hunting down a bounty or some other way to put food on the table. Skirata clan members will do any thing to help the clan and family survive this dreadful time of lust and war. Clan members don't particularly like to get involved with the war as risks the chance of exposing the clan as it has been thought to be long gone and extinct, They will however take almost any other job offered to them. Because of this need to hide existence of the clan all members will use a different name in public and when excepting and finding work.

Skirata: "We Mando boys like to show we've been in action. Anyway, this is top-grade beskar—full density, two percent ciridium, no fancy lamination or carbon-alloy."
Vollen: "Does all that mean it's heavy?"
Skirata: "Yeah. Very heavy. Heavy is best."
Vollen: "Explains why you're so short then."
―Kal Skirata, explaining his armor to

Like all Mandalorians the children must pass the Warrior trial at age 13. Many do not wish to send their sons and daughters through the trials, as family ties are more important to Skirata clan members than Honor as for them Honor is family. Passage of the trial is achieved in combat by either completing 3 mercenary jobs or getting an amount of 5 kills in battle. If the competitor does not wish to accept ether of the following two challenges he or she may try to best 3 council members. Many who do not Complete trials will be accepted as have completing them any ways.
On passage the child would be given a set of Mandalorian armor made out DuraSteel by the clan, unless there was a family set that was to be handed down to him or her.

With family and clan being more important than any thing else crime comes with a minor punishment and other times off with a warning, this with the more serious offenses other wise it is nothing at all as long as it wasn't to help family or clan. If one was try harm family or clan the punishment would be death. This would be carried out by one of victim family members or a council member of the clan.

Clan laws also apply to out siders who wish to have sanctuary under their care.

The Skirata Clan is lead by a 5 person council consisting of 5 head members of 5 different clan family's. This council makes all decisions for the council, however if enough clan members disagree with the council ruling and wish for some thing else then the majority request will be recognized and be excepted as the finale ruling unless it would harm the clan in some manner.

The Council is also the court of law for the clan and pass of ruling on all convicts.

All are welcomed into clan skirata as long as you have had no ties with the sith who are out to destroy the Mandalorians. However if you can prove that you have broken all ties with the sith then the person would be accepted. If it was found out that one who has joined the clan had intentions of harming the clan then they would be put to death immediately after the news was reported to the clan unless the accused had proof other wise that weren't.

Clan Skirata's home base is New Kyrimorut. Which is an abandoned small town on the system of Iego. New Kyrimorut was made after the Battle of Mandalore, the town has fortified with hidden bunkers other places of safety incase of an attack however the clan has so far done a good job at keeping New Kyrimorut a secret from all.

-council members-

Ghez Skirata
Ilas Skirats



6 Marauder class Corvetts
2 Nebulon C frigate
Mandalorian Gunships
Imperial assault Shuttle
I am particularly looking for 4 other people to be on the leadership council.
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