On The Rocky Road

Ganato Trell

SWRP Writer
May 14, 2019
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- Broadcast Origin - Unknown

"Life on the Rim might not be easy friends, but never forget that there are friends among you that work to make it easier. Every day in every corner of the galaxy, armies of the unseen work to keep you free and keep you riding on into the endless future of sun and shine. Yes, friends, the fight never ends. Not so long as there as a single soul left sick and with seldom any help to be found. The Empire may try to wash over these worlds like a wave, but the rim worlds are like rocks. They don't break to water. But even out here we gotta keep our own alive. And if that takes a mad dash for no cash, then that's what it'll take. That's right friends, the alliance has a ride to the rescue on the horizon. So don't you stop for a second keeping that flame of hope alive, cus we're coming with ten thousand gallons of gazto glug to burn the oppressors down!

Gotta dash, cus this guns gotta prep for the run. Till next time, always remember.

Trell Talk Don't Stop."


Ketezek Mining Outpost
Mid Day

The star beat down hot on Ketezek on the bitter rocky world Terminus. Not much was to be said for the comfort and luxury of a world that had nothing but scattered mining outposts and destitute refugee homesteaders that were trying to survive on the barren world. Still it was a world that was considered mostly free. Free from the Empire, free the Mandalorians, and free the misery of the brewing galactic war that was doomed to consume the entire galaxy into chaos that would see no clean victor at the end.

Ketezek was the largest of the mining outposts on the world, and had one of the few above ground rivers that ran across the surface. It allotted itself as a trade hub for what little offworld trade came through, and was often the first stop for anyone that came onto the dismal hot world.

And for a mission to help a newly sprung refugee camp of pour travelers that were escaping the Imperial onslaught, it was inevitable that here would be its start.

On worlds such as Terminus, the Galactic Alliance was rebuilding itself. And when Ganato Trell started broadcasting his illegal programs in the nearby system, it was plain enough that some sort of operation was to come. Just basic propaganda and the usual hearing himself talk was all it was, but it certainly did it well. His signal came from his small transport and only covered within the system. But he had hope that one day those signals might be more widespread.

He had heard the call of Ketezek, just as some others of the Galactic Alliance. Though they could supply very little to the aid workers that had banded together to make the run to the refugee camp, any guns would be better then none.

Ganato Trell rode into the town with his swoop bike. The hovertrucks were already loaded and stocked, prepared for the convoy. He made himself known loudly and bombastically.

"Anyone call for a wave rider!?" He mused loudly with a smile. "Got a gun that's ready to run."

They trucks were not armed nor armored, and there were bandits on the road between them and the camp. Those that would take the supplies and sell them back at horrendous prices. That wouldn't do.

Trell knew that there would be other Galactic Alliance members arriving, his contact had informed him of that, but he had to wait for them to make their presence known.

@Kae'Leigh Tameris @Gerruf

Kae'Leigh Tameris

SWRP Writer
Dec 17, 2018
Reaction score
The Empire is bringing more resource-laden planets into their fold, so should we, in both arms and necessary goods. Terminus, and its mining colony neighbor Polis Massa are a good beginning for these necessities. Not only will they provide their own planetary resources, but citizens willing to join the Alliance. It may be a small beginning in the name of diplomacy, but it will strengthen our place in the war against those that would suppress us.

And so she would come. Kae'Leigh Tameris was not the kind of girl who believed in any sort of divine providence, but she did understand that sometimes the Force would direct those on their paths. The Galactic Alliance had been pushing its way around the Outer Rim recently and its sights were set on Terminus today. A convoy of hovertrucks transporting medical supplies to a refugee camp would be in need of protection from bandit attacks. Their task today was crucial for they must escort the convoy safely, though most importantly, the medical supplies must not be damaged during transport.

As such, the Jedi Knight was sent to assist. Her Padawan leaner sadly would not be joining her on this endeavor, but instead was given a mission all of his own to partake in. Kae'Leigh was proud that he would be allowed a chance to shine and not just because she was there to help him. He could proof himself today and hopefully that spotlight on him would allow the higher ups to consider him a Jedi. Though, she understood that trial itself was her own choice to make of him when it came to the way things worked inside Jedi ways. Things had been strange ever since the masters left to go into Exile. Kae'Leigh wished she had a way to contact her dear Master.

It was no surprise that Kae'Leigh did not receive any sort of welcome when her Mynock-series freighter came to dock in Ketezek. Her vessel was far from shiny or jaw-dropping. But that was because the blue skinned Twi'lek had done nothing to the spaceship's hull. All her beauty went to the engines and the interior. Being a rather exceptional mechanic, the girl had fine turned that beauty to do some serious clocking out there in the black.

Kae'Leigh set the ship down and left it to be guarded by her KLT-series astromech droid which she'd named Johhny. The little bot would lock the place up and make sure no undesirables would come around and try to rob it from under her nose. For their mission today, Jedi Knight Kae'Leigh Tameris had chosen to wear her medium-coverage Jedi armor that she'd only just finished completing. The outfit came complete with several plates of durasteel plates to cover her tall slender frame without sacrificing too much speed to hinder her natural Twi'lek movement. On her waist she proudly displayed her wooden brylark hilt of her blue lightsaber which was a Jedi's only weapon, save to the Force itself.

Prior to this, she'd been wearing darker robes that gave her the appearance of a Sith. It did the trick in the more civilized systems, but out here she didn't want to get shot in the back for wearing the wrong colors. Then again...being a Jedi would get that same reception. But not today. Here on Terminus the people were expecting the Galactic Alliance. They probably didn't expect a full fledged Jedi to show up though. And as soon as someone noticed her long brown robes over her grey and gold armor they rushed to greet her and cheer for her, begging them for safety and protection. Kae'Leigh laughed with a delighted smile to see everyone treating her like some white knight out of a fable, rather than just another Twi'lek dancing her way through life on Nar Shaddaa (not that she'd ever done that; the only reason she ever set foot in those casinos was to gamble...and steal men's credits).

"Thank you, everyone," the Twi'lek said in appreciation as she wormed her way out of the mob of women and children. "But I simply must be going. The convoy will be leaving soon and others need those medicines."

With a wave she would see them off and head over to the more militarized section of the city where the transports were waiting. She was surprised to find she was not the last to arrive. She didn't know who she would be working with either way, though, so to her she might as well have been last. Deciding to not look like she hadn't a clue as to where she was, the blue skinned Twi'lek decided to walk around the convoy of hover trucks and examine them for any sort of security risk. While she didn't expect the Empire to come swooping down to destroy them, there was ever bit a possibility that bandits might.


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SWRP Writer
Apr 17, 2019
Reaction score
There was no swooping in or joyous entrances for Gerruf. No, he had arrived a few days earlier to take care of some other business before the mission, quietly slipping into town amidst a random cargo freighter. It was just his way, to go about attracting as little attention as possible, a hold over from his past life. Not that it hadn't suited well to his life as a rebel either. Anything other than careful stealth on Sith controlled worlds usually had a tendency to go bad very quickly.

Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen circumstances he was now a bit late, and currently running the last few blocks towards the convoy. The Bothan was a bit of mess, his armor stained with mud and dust, adorned with scorch marks even from a few close calls. That was inconsequential though, he was here and ready to go just in time. His weapons were loaded, and his armor still functional for its intended purpose. Even if he hadn't been, he had the force and that would've been sufficient. He was a Jedi, and the worth of a Jedi wasn't measured by their armor, weapons, or appearance.

Luckily, the other members of the team had only just now arrived as well. So he wasn't too late then, and Gerruf slowed to a relieved walk as he neared the actual trucks. Yes, he could sense another Jedi now, a powerful one. Feeling out the force presence, Gerruf soon found his gaze drawn to a blue Twilek. One of the other mission members he was remembering now, her name was Tameris if he was remembering correctly. Gerruf waved to her, and then the other member up on a swoop bike. Good they were all here now, it meant they needed to get on their way. He walked over to the Twilek, nodding a greeting as he spoke. "Alright good, I apologize for any wait I caused. If its ok, I'll head for the front truck and ride with them. Tell them to get us going too."

If there was no objections and after waiting for a response, Gerruf would go to do just that. Hopefully from there he would perhaps be able to feel out any upcoming attacks.

@Morse @EmilyHuene

Kae'Leigh Tameris

SWRP Writer
Dec 17, 2018
Reaction score
As the Twi'lek looked around for any sort of hazards that might get in their way, she felt a familiar twinge within the Force causing her to stop what she was doing any look around. Her sights brought her to a Bothan who was waving at her. Kae'Leigh smiled as she saw the man, a general reaction to someone waving at her. Sadly, she didn't recognize him by any means, simply by means of laziness. Kae'Leigh could very well have searched her mission log and figure out who it was she was supposed to be working with today. But things escaped her mind and she got distracted by a hundred other things so one thing led to another and now here she was. Either this Bothan knew her, knew her by reputation, or was simply waving at her because he recognized her to be a Jedi. Out of kindness, he raised a hand and replied with a small wave before then making her way back towards the meeting location.

Upon approaching the man he would immediately apologize for making them wait, which would prompt the Twi'lek to respond, "Not at all. We only just got here ourselves."

After she interrupted him, he'd then say he was going to set up a position in the front of the train and that they would likely be going soon. "An excellent plan," she'd confirm with the Bothan. "I think I will then take a spot at the back then. If I were to rob a train I would come up from behind, personally." Kae'Leigh didn't want to think about the potential of her ever doing such a heist. She'd done her fair share of thievery, but that was mostly digital and one on one. Never large scale like this.

"Plus," she'd add. "If I can stop them from getting on the train in the first place we'll be that much better off. Good luck. May the Force be with you."

Kae'Leigh bid farewell to the Bothan as she made her way to the back. From where they were he had a shorter distance to go, so she'd get to the last car and climb aboard. As she did, she began looking for a good place to camp out. If she were a sniper she'd pitch a spot between the seats or under the window of the caboose. For now, just sitting in the center of the cab would be sufficient. The Jedi Knight would kneel and close her hands in her lap. Her thoughts turned to when she visited Bothawui where she'd been sent on a Diplomatic mission. Her task -along with her Padawan- was to ensure a treaty between the Alliance and the council of Bothans. There wasn't so much a talk as there was a fight between the prince and her Padawan in martial combat. Thankfully, her Padawan came out on top, but it was an ordeal Kae'Leigh had not wanted to bet on. Not that she wouldn't not put credits on her ward. Her money was always on him. Perhaps, the Bothan she was working with today had heard that story. Maybe that's where he'd heard of her. Nothing she could do about it now.