Open One... Two... Three...

Vallyrie Winters


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Nov 27, 2023
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The Vibe
OOC: Open to Imperials​

One. Two. Three. Sixty. Vallyrie sang in her head in a cadence usually reserved for morning P.T.’s Every count a measured step in her core workout. One was crunching up, two was her right elbow touching her left knee, three the opposite, and the final count was back down with her back touching the training mat. Sweat soaked her already skintight workout outfit, making the shirt form to each individual ab and angle of muscle. One. Two. Three. Sixty-One.

Her brown eyes were hardened and focused on the holo-screen on the wall in the gym. The Empire practically all but surrendered to the Hutts. Kriffing politicians. One of her friends from basic training had been killed in the fighting. Any one of the blood sucking bastards coming through the barracks would find a frag grenade shoved up their ass faster than they could surrender to a bunch of slugs… Oh wait…

One. Two. Three. Sixty-Two. Every time she came up, she blew the air from her lungs to compress her core, and then breathed in on the way down. A brand-new Lieutenant in the Imperial Assault Corps. Given a platoon of forty troopers to command in battle and the Empire goes and ends the fighting before she can get a taste for it. The platoon had practically laughed her out of the room when she was introduced by the Company Commander.

Second Platoon, the most reliable soldiers in all of Iron Company, and they gave them a brand-new Lieutenant who’s only combat experience was dropping a jock in high school because he thought he’d earned a feel of her ass after a compliment. That was okay though, she had everything to prove and nothing to lose. One. Two. Three. Sixty-Three.

It was a wonder she hadn’t knocked anyone on their ass since getting stationed on Raxus. Only things to do in her spare time was punch bags, workout, and go out drinking. Everyone knew she was a soldier; it was clear from the way she moved and talked. The way her muscles flexed when she took a drink, or when someone got a little too close to order their drinks. Didn’t stop people from shooting their shot with her. Right, guess she ought to add fucking to list of things to do. As much as she enjoyed her time off, she needed the kriffing field.

Surzi Voarvi


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Jan 5, 2023
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The end of the war didn't mean the end of responsibility, nor did it mean that there wouldn't be something in the future to punch. Thus it was important to maintain conditioning and push ones self to the limits constantly, to ensure that one remained at peak readiness.

More brand new to the Empire than Winters, the bionical warrior had yet to be assigned to a unit although it was clearly obvious where someone of her talents would thrive.

Poking her head into the gym, Surzi nodded toward the other woman in the gym as she looked around inspecting what the room had to offer.


Amer Dragata


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Die Shize
Oct 14, 2023
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Sit-ups. Push-ups. Pull-ups. Just do it, was every exercise’s slogan. Don’t fuck up the rhythm. Stick to it. Get with it. That was Amer’s maxim. It’s what she told herself every time she stepped into hell, stood in the line, sat down in a crowd of patrons to get drunk, or walked with aimless passers-by.

Eyes peeled in the field, or in the city streets—keep going, keep moving, keep pumping. She wouldn’t quit. Didn’t give a shit if it meant her death. What was life if not worth a fight? So she might cry but she would never whine.

She pumped that iron, felt that sweat, up and down again. Lying on her back, but not at rest. This gym was her hell, a burning cloud to work out her demons, presently with a pair of dumbbells.

Hair tied back, sweat glistening on countenance, dressed in a black tanktop and leggings, alone on her bench but not alone in her efforts at strength and her endeavor to be the best. It wasn’t a competition among soldiers like Amer. It was a shared essence.

Sergeant Dragata, commander of the Dust Dragoons, Assault Corps, Imperial Army. Screen overhead, depicting politics, latest galactic information, but all this woman hears is the music. It keeps her focused, claims her attention, lest her memories get the better of her, like this was Dubrillion all over again.

“I left my home…” She says between breaths and beads of sweat. “To join the army…”

@TheDudeMike @Xorism



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Jan 16, 2023
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Clarr'honwe'nuruodo sighed at the news on the holo. Her red eyes moved back to refilling her water bottle and let her ears do the rest of the work. She was far from pleased with how things had ended with the Hutt-Imperial War. But this was still a chance for her and those under her supervision to do better, to improve.

The chiss was wearing her usual black exercise outfit. Her blue skin made her relatively easy to spot among the other gym attendees who appeared human or near human. The ISB officer carried out a consistent regime that kept her physique in peak condition. The woman's navy skin was marked with scars from injuries long since healed. In one hand she carried a water bottle and towel over one of her broad shoulders.

The gym was one place to hone one's physical abilities. While she was a tactician and intelligence officer, Rhonwen sought to eliminate any weakness her enemies could exploit. She advised everyone in 7th Platoon to better themselves beyond the bare minimum. However it seemed barely a third of them had taken on the challenge and made consistent turn out. Rhonwen had come to the gym almost every day and had kept an eye on who was and was not making an effort.

Rhonwen gave a smile and a nod to Sergent Ambros and Srgant Ganner, leader of Alicorn Squad and Gorgon Squad respectively. Most of their subordinates were making an effort so hopefully with some encouragement the others would change their ways. There were numerous other gym attendees that caught Rhonwen's red gaze. Perhaps she could try to scout some recruits here or at least learn who had what it took to be a leader in the Empire.

The Intelligence officer found her way towards a few young women that seemed to be focused on their exercises. She respected their concentration but she would still interrupt their workout if only to slightly distract them for a question. "Would one of you mind spotting me?" She hooked a thumb over her shoulder towards the bench press. It was better to be safe than sorry.

Rolled to see if Rhonwen's NPC troops make a turnout
44/100 barely a success
@TheDudeMike @Xorism @Die Shize

Vallyrie Winters


Character Profile
Nov 27, 2023
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Vallyrie was just about to hit seventy when a face poked in from the doorway of the gym @Xorism . She turned her gaze to the woman peering in, stopped in her tracks in the sitting position. The woman nodded to her, and Vallyrie nodded back. The Lieutenant returned to her exercise, getting only five more four-count reps in before she was interrupted again. Vallyrie fought herself to keep her frustration in check, deciding to slowly and smoothly turn around without growling, groaning, or bitching. It was a good thing she kept that frustration to herself. The woman that had asked for a spot was massive @Darasuum . You go girl.

"Sure, I got you," Vallyrie said, pushing herself to her feet. She followed the woman to the bench press, and got behind the bar in a position to be able to pull it up if need be. Emperor's Balls this woman could lift a kriffing freighter! It would be a full body workout for Vallyrie just to even help the woman push the weight up. Lucky for the woman, Vallyrie loved a good challenge. She clapped her hands together, rubbing them to wipe some of the sweat from them so they'd get a good grip and got ready. Her hands wouldn't even go near the bar until the woman looked like she couldn't push it up any longer, but she doubted it would even come to that.

"Guess I don't have to break the ice and ask you if you come here often, do I?" Vallyrie quipped, nodding to the woman that she was ready.

Jhaa Fott


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Nov 26, 2023
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Jhaa had spent the last two years on the run from both bounty hunters and Hutts. The constant evasion had helped her stay fit without needing to go to a gym. However, after returning home from Tatooine, she found herself stuck behind a desk, poring over intelligence reports for long hours, leading a sedentary lifestyle that caused her fitness to suffer.

Realizing the need to take action, Jhaa took a break from her work and went to her footlocker, which she had brought from her ship. She unlocked the clasp and opened the lid with her left hand, revealing the contents inside. The footlocker contained a spare uniform and Jhaa's gym gear, which consisted of a tank top with her rank bar embroidered on it and plain black shorts.

Jhaa pulled off the white tunic she was wearing over her head and placed it on a hanger, which was gently rocking with the movement of the ship. Standing half-naked, she took stock of her physique, which was built over many years, and put on the tank top and shorts where the tunic was.

Before leaving her office, Jhaa made sure that her terminal was secured from prying eyes. Although she never enjoyed gym sessions, it was a matter of life or death in the field, so she focused on what was to come. As she made her way to the gym, she stopped at the doorway to survey the equipment and who was training.
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Character Profile
Jan 16, 2023
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One eyebrow slowly rose as Rhonwen saw Vallyrie fight a knee-jerk reaction of mild irritation. But she did not have to wait long for an answer as the frustration in the human's physique changed to interest and perhaps something else. She certainly had the build needed to help Rhonwen in her workout otherwise she would not have approached her. "Excellent." She gave a professional smile in return and headed to the bench.

Large weights were set on either side of the bar already. The intelligence agent was far from a meek desk jocky. There was enough weight to eclipse her own body weight. She had a goal she wanted to reach and there was only her own ability standing in the way. The bar practically bent as she pushed it off of its mount and held it. Veins on her body bulged and her muscles tightened to fight against the force of gravity exerted on the weight.

One. Up it the bar went. Beads of sweat formed on Rhonwen's face. It came back down. This was the hardest she had pushed herself yet.

Two. Another repetition. Her back slightly began to arch and her abdominal muscles flexed as she kept in proper form.

Three. The last one slowed as it rose up. It barely reached the hooks. Rhonwen let out a short grunt as she willed her body to move the weights up and away one last time but it did not budge. Hopefully her spotter noticed and would assist or it would begin sinking back down towards her.

@TheDudeMike @SilentLeges

Rolled to see if Rhonwen could outdo her personal best
30/100 barely success

Vallyrie Winters


Character Profile
Nov 27, 2023
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The chiss woman putting up this amount of weight was impressive to say the least. Vallyrie kept her hands at the ready but never actually touching the bar as it rose once. The bar actually had a bend to it there was so much weight on it. Who needs artillery? Just drop this woman into combat from orbit with her bench weights. Last thing the enemies of the Empire would see is an angry blue woman with heavy weights dropping into their lines and ending a whole lot of traitors with blunt force trauma.

One... Two... Threeeeeeeeeee... The third repetition dragged out longer and stalled. Vallyrie was there in an instant, palms touching the bottom of the bar and lifting up with all her strength. She was absolutely positive that she was only helping a small percentage, and the thought of being helped was what was pushing the bar upward, but it was semantics at that point; semantics Vallyrie wasn't about to argue. The bar lifted, and as it passed the hooks, Vallyrie nudged it toward them so that the woman could safely drop the weights onto them.

"That was... something," Vallyrie said, new beads of sweat running along her fore head and neck just from helping the chiss woman lift the bar. Her brown eyes weren't even on the woman, they were still focused on the the sheer size and amount of weights on either end of the bar. Vallyrie would get crushed if she tried to push that up. "How long did it take you to be able to put this up?"

@Rhonwen @Xorism @SilentLeges @Die Shize



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Jan 16, 2023
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Rhonwen let out an exertive breath as the bar was set on the hooks. Her chest heaved and she sat up. Veins continued to bulge around her arms and shoulders from the effort she had just made. "Thanks." She gave an appreciative nod for the help. The Chiss continued to gain insight into her own limitations and was glad to see she was successfully pushing those boundaries.

The red eyed agent looked over her muscular shoulder at the impressive weight. "It's been years, a decade perhaps?" She knew the answer but feigned ignorance, not wanting to give too much information about herself away. It was a habit considering she was had expertise in counter intelligence. Even in a relaxed and safe place like the gym she could not turn that part of herself off.

"How long have you exercised?" Her infrared vision switched from the weights to looking the Lieutenant up and down. Rhonwen was glad to have Vallyrie spotting her. Her strength had already showcased itself as did her character. The Chiss might have to look at the Human's record after the gym. She might be a reliable soldier to have in her corner going forward. Rhonwen grabbed her water bottle to take a swig. It would be another minute before she tried to press the bar for a second time.


Vallyrie Winters


Character Profile
Nov 27, 2023
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Vallyrie leaned forward against the bar, resting her forearms on the steel after it was benched and secure. She watched the chiss woman. With a build like that, there was a good chance the woman didn't have to wear trooper armor. Her arms alone would take up two seats in a transport. Vallyrie ripped her fingers through her long, blond hair. As curious as she was to figure out just what the woman did for the Empire, it was better if she didn't know. Trooper or not, it was not Vallyrie's place to question why.

"I think I was fourteen when I started," Vallyrie said, thinking back. Fourteen sounded right. Saw a kid get pushed around by a bully. Decided to do something about it and got her ass kicked. Started lifting and taking boxing lessons. Next time she confronted the bully she didn't just knock him on his ass, she knocked him completely out. It was just a competition after that between Vallyrie and everyone else in school with a fitness lifestyle.

"Someone needed to be taught a lesson. I made it happen," she said, shrugging. Vallyrie lifted herself off the bar, allowing for the chiss woman to resume her position to go for a second set. Vallyrie wasn't exactly the talkative type, not when work had to be done. In the gym, the only work that needed to be done was working out. Mission accomplishment demanded more sets.




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Jan 16, 2023
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The earlier was the better, or so she had been told for humans at least. It was a similar case for Chiss but the blue skinned woman was also a spook. Sometimes she had to vary her diet and physique to some degree to fit a mission profile. Those were the hardest missions. Good food was hard to resist but it was one of many things she had disciplined herself against.

Gluttony did not appear to be a sin Vallyrie was guilty of. If she was, the blond worked it off in the gym and in the field. The intelligence agent could only guess at what event may have sparked her introduction to weight lifting. "Perhaps we can grab something to drink sometime and you can tell me about it. I'm Agent Rhonwen by the way. Apologies for not introducing myself sooner." they could get to know one another in a more appropriate setting but the gym was for exercising first and socializing last. It was gains season and there was still progress to be had.

Rhonwen lifted the bar from its hooks and pressed the weights with a similar result as before. With Vallyrie helping her once more she would finish her set and offer to return the favor. She wanted to circulate to the free weights eventually. To finish she would do some cardio. "Do you like swimming?" She was not up for using the pool today. But Rhonwen still wanted to improve her swimming skills. Later that week there would be an opening for the pool to be used and for more than just physical therapy.
