Armor Ottilie Teresi's Armor


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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Ottilie's Armor

Refitted after facing combat situations, Ottilie's armor consists of several components to protect her from minor inflictions that get through her defenses. The fabric tunic is laced with armorweave that would protect from scratches and minor pieces of shrapnel. A duraplast plate protects the chest and upper-torso region from more serious damage from blaster bolts. The armor also has cortosis plates on the forearm and the wrist of both arms to give protection from a lightsaber blow. The left wrist specifically contains the computer spike to allow her to slice through locked doors and computers. There is also a black covering to pull over her nose and mouth and a hood in addition to further cover her face.


Legal. Wearing a fully-enclosed helmet may draw attention from authorities in some systems.


To provide a write up for Ottilie's personal armor.


As Ottilie's personal armor, no other known copies are in existence.


Type: Light Armor

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)

  • Torso: Lightweight durafiber tunic with a duraplast chest plate to protect chest and upper abdomen
  • Lower arms: bracers made from cortosis plates to protect wrists and forearms
  • Neck, torso, back, arms, legs: Armorweave underlay (see "Function 1")


Function 1: Armorweave Accessory (Default; not removable)
  • Most often in the form of a heavy cape, skirt, or underlay beneath armor, armor weave provides some protection against the penetrating effects of shrapnel from explosives and other unpowered high velocity impacts, with only a small amount of bleed through damage (bruising or very minor wounds). It offers no protection against kinetic impact or energy, vibroweapons, or similar "powered" weapons. Having more than one accessory (example: Cape + underweave) provides no additional effect.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes

Function 2: Computer Spike (Default; not removable)
  • Computer spikes are used to forcibly decrypt or unlock computer terminals. Most civilian systems can be cracked in one posting round, while most military or hardened systems take two or more.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes