Open Invasion Paradise Lost: Civilian Evacuation of Ithor

Tie’en Chianti

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Dec 20, 2021
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Location: Ithor | Pilgram Staging Site South of the Tree of Life
Timeline: During the Attack on the Tree of Life
Death Enabled | Open to 1 Jedi or indie Agent | 2 Sith of Comperable Powerlevels
The holy week had gone surprisingly well. At first the Ithorians had been axious to allow pilgrams to visit the holy site that has, for the most part, remained hidden from the galexy at large, until recently. A number of Jedi, as arbiters of peace and protectors of the living force, had been requested to act as a security detail for this sacreligious event. It was to be unlike anything ever seen before.

The atmosphere above the floating city that had acted as a staging ground for their small group, deceptively hid the magesty of the large arborial lifeform that acted as a source of the living force that resided on Ithor. Padawan Chi'anti was dressed in simple grey robes, a durasteel chest plate covering her chest over top of the kimono style fold of the robe. A simple belt held her Jedi weapon, a simple saber hanging from her belt's right hip. She wore a Sentinal helmat, which hid her face as she acted as an escort for the Ithorian shuttle that was just returning from depositing a group of pilgrams, eager to pay homage to the life tree that served as an attraction for religious fanatics and tourists alike.

She could see the landing platform in the skycity approaching as she eased up on the control stick of her E-7 Ewing Escort Starfighter. This was one of the many standard equipments the Jedi had deployed in hope of giving a "Show of Force" with their security efforts for the regligious event they were suppose to be protecting. Thought completely armed, there was no intention of using these ships for combat, who would be crazy enough to attack Ithor when it was so heavily defended, Chi'anti thought to herself as her messy brown hair was a mop underneath her helmet. She lowered her rear thrusters to the lowest setting and activated the underbelly repulsors, guiding her ship down onto the landing platform next to the Ithorian Shuttle, which was preparing to realign itself to make another trip down to the planet's surface, to deposit and retrieve more pilgrams and civilians partaking in the tree of life.

Even being this close to such a magnificent wonder of the galexy was, to some extent, theraputic. Chi'anti had felt at peace each time their landing party would approach the surface. She flipped a switch in her cockpit which deployed the landing gear and her ship gently settled on landing deck. She popped open the release hatch on the cockpit and carefully climbed out while a polite crew of Ithorians replaced some of the fuel cells and charged the battery packs to ensure their return trip was fresh. She stood next to her vessel, looking out at the peaceful sight below, as the crew of the shuttle worked to prepare their vessel for their next return trip. This was the way of the Jedi, nothing could go wrong.

In a moment, something felt off, as if the radience of life that emitted from the planet had detected something sinister. A feeling of anxiety twisted at Chi'anti's stomach, as if suddenly something perverse had tainted the pure aura of Ithor. She saw it before the alarm sounded. A number of vessels, ominous in appearance, diving down towards the planet's surface. They hurled towards the surface like vile Gnats, looking to infect the tree of life with malicious sentiments of toxic hate. "What in the worlds?" Chi'anti questioned to herself as suddenly a large Ithorian paw came to rest on her shoulder, followed by a blaring alarm. The Ithorian shuttle crewmember adjusted their translation collar and spoke.

"The Tree is under attack, an evacuation has been ordered, we must return to the surface." The shuttle pilot stated, the calmness of the translation collar's tone was unsettling, but Chi'anti could tell that the situation was much tenser than a simple voice modulator could express. She nodded abruptly and spoke briefly, "we will do what we can, may the force be with you" the mantra like response seemed only comforting to herself as she returned to the cockpit ramp. She was POSITIVE that her collegues on the planet's surface had ordered the retreat. She had not spoken to any of the knights since they had departed with the party of Pilgrims on the planet's surface. The number and quality of their attackers was unknown. The Atmospheric rumble of the floating city let Chi'anti know that this was no cruel joke. They were under attack.

She closed the hatch on her cockpit and activated the airlock. Turning on the ventilation life support systems, she ran through a preflight check. Her R7 model astromech left standby mode and began assisting with the preflight check. She activated her comms array, linking up with the other starships in their column that would be making the return trip to the surface.

"call in to all evacuation taskforce vessels, status on all pre lift checks and assignment of all callsigns, we've got some civilians that need exfiltration from the surface." She called over the intercomm as the shuttle's engine's beside her E-Wing began to ignite as they were preparing to take off. They had no idea what they were expecting. She watched, out of the platform's bay port, as numberous dropships filled with feelings of the darkside descended upon the planet's surface. All she could do is watch on helplessly as she finished preparing for launch. Lives were being exterminated, but she would do everything she could to mitigate the damage.

OOC: This is initially starting just above the atmosphere in a floating city. Indie pilots who have been invited to work as Taxi shuttles from the cities down to the surface may partake! This will be a hybrid Fighter / Ground interaction with the goal being to evacuate as many civilians as possible. Sith may start on the surface or in a vessel. Lets add to the depth of this invasion!

\\Starship Vessel used is a E-7 E-Wing Escort Ship, which is standard Inventory for the Jedi, the Ithorian Shuttle is comperable to any regular dropship\\


Essla Ta'dek


Character Profile
Feb 8, 2024
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The ARC-170 trailed behind the E-Wing, engines whining as the landing skids extended slowly. "Cee-Too, help me with the power-down sequence and let's get this thing down," Essla told her R6 droid as she engaged the braking thrusters. She was just about to land behind the Jedi fighter when Cee-Too hooted an alarm. "Capships? Where?!" Essla twisted around in her seat, lekku bumping the canopy as her head turned. To her horror, a long, menacing line of dropships was descending towards the surface. Immediately, before even the alarm came over the comm, Essla was swinging into action. "S-foils in attack position…Cee, re-engage the weapons and charge up the power." With a roar, the fighter's engines resurrected themselves, the afterburners igniting. Before the landing gear had even fully retracted, Essla broke off her landing approach and sent her ship in a snap-roll that brought her over the pad and main buildings, then accelerated towards one of the landing ships. Cee-Too whistled. "I…I don't think…oh fine, you oversentimental bucket of scrap." With a sigh, she slammed her fighter into a skidding turn, then accelerated towards the ground. I guess its a rescue op now, the Twi'lek thought.

Myla Lessi

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Feb 27, 2024
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Myla wasn't sure why she had gone to the Life Tree event, but here she was. Maybe to sort out her life, or contemplate on the fact that she was…what, two hundred years old? But she was technically only sixteen. Shaking her head, she dismounted from the ancient Y-Wing BLT-B and sighed, then froze. A long line of military transports hovered ominously over the planet. Then, the Mirialan saw the smoke. A thick black column, rising up as if in attempt to extinguish the stars. Shaking that gloomy thought out of her head, Myla scrambled back up the ladder and closed the canopy. The sleek gold and white starbomber whined to life, engines glowing brightly. Suddenly she found herself behind an ARC-170. She keyed the comm. "Trooper, sta-oh…" she trailed off. Right. This isn't the Clone Wars. As her fighter trailed the ARC, memories flashed through her head. Jakiim. Christophis. A Y-Wing disintegrating under the withering fire of a turbolaser. Clone troopers mowed down by a droid gunner. Then Myla was jolted back to reality, shaking. Deep breaths. I am one with the Force, the Force is one with me. I am one with the Force… Repeating the mantra over and over, Myla maneuvered the fighter towards a particularly damaged area and steadied herself.
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Tie’en Chianti

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Dec 20, 2021
Reaction score
The E-Wing's repulsors kicked on as she noticed an ARC-170, an antique by modern standards, hurl towards the planet as their fighter group left the hanger escorting the shuttle transport. She angled the stablizers and changed the pitch down towards the the planet's surface. A Y-Wing, another ship that had to be more than 150 years old, flew at their rear.

"R-7, interface me to that ARC-170's comm link" She commander her droid confidently as it tooted obediently, changing the comms frequency to that of the ARC-170. "Pilot, this is Chi'anti of the Jedi order, identify yourself" she requested as the ships entered the atmosphere. She diverted power to her front deflector shields as they flew down into the atmopsheric barrier.

She waited for a response as dropships continued to hail down to the surface. They had not encountered any fighters as of yet. "If you're with us, call in, we are working to supply the Ithroian transports with fighter support while they evacuate civilians from the surface." She called over the communications link as she surveyed the skys as the transports continued on their path towards the southern landing zone.


Essla Ta'dek


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Feb 8, 2024
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Essla keyed her comm unit. "This is Essla. Call me an independent. I won't kill anyone…at least nobody being a decent person." Deactivating the mic, she yanked on the stick, pulling up into a hard Cobra maneuver which lined up her ship with a landing craft. With a grimace, the Twi'lek depressed the trigger, sending a lethal spray of blasts into the dark fuselage. The bolts reached out to strike the shuttle, then impacted in a spray of sparks. As she flew past it, the large ship puffed up and then detonated violently. Essla's ARC-170 was thrown around a little, but other than that she and the fighter were fine. "Woohoo!"

Myla Lessi

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Feb 27, 2024
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Jedi? Myla's heart lept as she heard the message. A Jedi! She had finally found one! The Mirialan was about to send a message to the Jedi when, suddenly, the ARC nosed almost straight up and slowed down instantaneously. Myla shoved the control stick forwards to avoid a crash, pushing the Y-Wing into a dive so quickly that her vision became tainted with red. Immediately, she pulled back up and made a clumsy turn to follow the other ship-and then flew straight into the explosion. The ancient fighter was shaken around, and instinctively she shielded her eyes from the bright explosion. Myla fought to supress the memories, and was partially successful. For being over a hundred years afterwards, this feels very muh like the Clone Wars. As the BTL-B cleared the blast, she breathed a sigh of relief. Then she punched the comm. "Myla of the Je-uh, Old Jedi Order, I guess…" Her distinctive stutter was even plainer now.
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Ayomi Jakarta

Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 19, 2023
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Karys had put out an open call to the Sith Order to join in on his invasion of Ithor, and though their friendly relationship had faded some time ago, Ayomi couldn't refuse a fight. In fact, they'd been itching for one. The Academy dueling yard and it's droids were too easy, while the deep pits of Utapau had been filled with too many lipless monstrosities to enjoy the moment. But here, on a day meant to be marked by peace and tranquility? The Tiefling could relish in the thrill of the fight. Assuming they'd eventually get into a ground fight, they wore their personal armor set with both of their lightsabers hanging from their belt.

As troop transports descended and the planet's defenders scrambled to react, Ayomi sped through the atmosphere in the cockpit of their TIE Hunter entering the fray away from the Tree of Life itself. Karys would deal with that, but there were other objectives to accomplish as well; namely wreaking havoc and terrorizing the local population. To that end, the Sith champion's TIE screamed through the clouds, bursting into a fray of other ships as its s-foils locked into attack position.

At first, Ayomi was worried they'd flown into an antique show; their yellow eyes locked on to an ARC-170 and and old Y-Wing following close behind, relics of an era long past. Functional relics, apparently, as the former blasted through one of the Sith transports. "Well then," the Tiefling muttered to themself, "why don't I return the favor?" They steered their TIE towards one of the Ithorian shuttles and pressed down on their trigger, unleashing a volley of green bolts upon the unarmed vessel. Its engines burst into flames, causing it to lose control and crash into the ground in a firey explosion. There would be no peace today, only death and flames.

Since the main event was so short, I'm gonna put myself on a 10 post timer before Karys' signal to rest retreat goes out. Let's have some fun!

@Tetsu @Interdictor
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