
SWRP Writer
Jul 21, 2015
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I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
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SWRP Writer
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score

Xander Taylwin
[fancybox4=""]FULL NAME: --- Xander Taylwin
AGE: --- 28
SPECIES: --- Human
GENDER: --- Male

EYE COLOR: --- Blue
HAIR COLOR: --- Blond
SKIN COLOR: --- Caucasian

HEIGHT: --- 5' 11" (1.803 m)
WEIGHT: --- 155 lbs (70.5 kg)
MARKINGS: --- None

FACTION: --- Jedi Knights

RANK: --- Knight
HOMEWORLD: --- Alderaan

Cesare Pavese -"All sins have their origin in a sense of inferiority otherwise called ambition,".


[fancybox2] "I was born on the planet of Alderaan into a family of notable socialites. Every member of my family had to some degree achieved success within Alderaanian society and my parents were no exception. My father Maximus, distantly related to nobility, was a seasoned politician known among many circles whereas my Mother Penelope was a renowned Holo-Artist descended from a prominent Merchant family. She had created many works in her time and was known especially for her holograms exploring conflict and how it relates to the nature of Sentient life. It was expected upon my birth to two such beloved and talented individuals, the union of two such prominent families, that I would continue to build upon my family's success and take my 'rightful' place amongst the blue bloods of Alderaan.

But life has a way of derailing plans for those touched by the Force; typically in the most ironic way possible.

In spite of all my family's efforts I was not the prodigal son they had envisioned. Try as I did to appease my narcissistic family, I simply could not meet the standards they set for me. Failure and resentment was a constant theme of my life and slowly I was pushed out of the spotlight as the sons and daughters of others in the family rose to prominence. The pressures on my parents grew to have another child and stop wasting their efforts and while in public they defended me as one expected of parents, in private they grew more abusive as they became more desperate to make something out of me. While many would kill to have been born into a family of such richness and power, I saw my privilege as a burden and curse. I spent many days of my childhood fantasizing about running away and many darker days about ending it all in the hope of escaping the jailors my family had become.

But as luck would have it, I did neither of these things.

It had been a few days since my 13th birthday and I was having a comprehensive medical exam; at this point of time my parents were hoping to discover some underlying medical condition they could blame my lack of success on. At the time I could remember hoping this was the case so that my family would finally leave me alone and I could pursue my own desires and dreams. So that I could be content and tell myself "Hey, you gave it your best shot but there was nothing you could do,". Of course we all knew that they would find nothing, this had been the fifth Doctor we had gone to and at this point my parents were willing to keep spending money until they heard what they wanted to hear. This exam had been the most detailed and expensive yet and I figured if this test turned up nothing then my family would probably bribe a doctor into giving me the diagnosis they wanted.

So naturally when the Doctor looked at my Midichlorian Count and informed my family of my Force Sensitivity we were all needless to say shocked. I could remember seeing the gears turning in my parents' heads; at the time I had not been able to work out what they were thinking but looking back now it is easy to see they had just been presented with the perfect win-win scenario. If I was sent into the Jedi and achieved success then the family, and especially themselves as my parents, would achieve fame they had never even dreamed of. The one thing neither side of my family had ever managed to accomplish was to birth a Jedi; the one thing if done would immortalise the family with Alderaan's history for all of time. Perhaps I would finally be the Prodigal son they had dreamed of. Of course should I fail I legally would now be under the Guardianship of the Jedi and therefore they had a socially acceptable way to finally rid themselves of their burden.

I have good memories of the last few weeks before I was sent to the Jedi Temple on Tython; for the first time I could remember my family began to treat me fondly like I was actually a part of them. Once again I was back in the spotlight but this time I was directed with affection and respect rather than scorn and disappointment. Perhaps if I had been older I would have seen it for what it was; a desperate attempt to ensure I didn't forget about my family and that all the abuse I endured was 'for my own good'. But to my detriment I simply took my positive treatment at face value.

The years I spent training amongst the Jedi were the greatest of my life so far; there was no doubt in my mind that this was the path I was always meant to take. Away from the totalitarian atmosphere of my home, I began to explore my likes and dislike as and for the first time began to truly live. I spent my adolescence catching up of missed opportunities and under the tutelage of the Jedi a grew into a person my family and I could have never imagined. Who would have thought when you raise somewhat properly they tend to flourish. My family still kept in contact and as the past faded in my memories we became quite amicable; my continued success meant they spent their time in contact with me trying to stay on my good side and my social naivete kept me from realising the lack of abuse was a sign of love and acceptance. And things continued in this vein for the next fifteen years as I moved from youngling to padawan and began tutelage under a more experienced Jedi.

And then came the Sith.

All Jedi knew about the Sith; they were a natural cautionary tale against the dangers of the Dark Side. But until this moment they had simply been a part of the history datacrons rather than a fact of reality. The day I was made all too aware of their return was the announcement of the formation of the Lord's Army and their intentions to combat the Sith threat before they could once again threaten the Galaxy and plunge it into war. The Jedi Order as a whole had yet to declare war on the Sith and as such it was it was a choice whether or not to join the Lord's Army. At the time I was still a Padawan and therefore tied to my Master, she was a wise and experienced woman who felt the role of the Jedi was to serve the Will of the Force. She saw the ideal Jedi Order as a passive organisation who spent their days contemplating how best to serve the Force; it was in her opinion that a preemptive strike against the Sith was not the way of the Jedi and saw the agression as reminiscent of the Dark Side. Naturally she chose to abstain from


[fancybox2]The image Xander likes to present to the world is one of calculated confidence; someone who has got his life together and seems to know exactly what they’re doing and why they are doing it. But at the core of his being is a single simple fear; that he is on the brink of failure and is destined to eventually fall to obscurity and mediocrity. For his entire childhood he accepted this as fact without question; acting under the assumption his future would be spent playing Dejarik or buried in a history book while leeching off his family’s money until they grew tired of him and left him out to dry. Upon acceptance to the Jedi Order, his fears were allayed for a time but due to the dark circumstances surrounding his promotion to Jedi Knighthood his fears have returned with a creeping vengeance.

To those who know Xander since his promotion would say he is driven, if veering on obsessive, when it comes to the war against the Sith. He is all too conscious of his previous failings and ashamed of the lengths he went to in order to obtain his Knighthood. His conviction is sourced in both his fears and the hypocrisy of his promotion; consciously he sees his crusade as an attempt to ensure his continued growth within the Lord's Army but truthfully it is an unconscious attempt at pennance for his actions and a frantic attempt to disprove his deep-seated fears.

Outside of work, Xander pays an extraordinary amount of attention to how others view him and how he comes across always pushing himself to go out and socialise. It is a behaviour mainly driven into him by his socialite parents in order to ensure Xander is constantly aware of his social status. His interactions are calculated between each person to ensure those he interacts leave with good impressions to a point where he is irritated if he doesn't accomplish this. Many would say this is an unhealthy behaviour but from Xander's point of view it's a necessary instinct in order to survive.

Naturally like many individuals who exhibit this behaviour, the easiest way to antagonise Xander is to in someway remind him of his failures and fears whether it is intentional or unintentional. This had until recently been something he had dealt with and gotten under control through meditation and the like but once again due to the events surrounding his promotion he has caught himself slipping when it comes to managing his reactions. His typical response is to try to withdraw from or in someway tactfully end the situation however if he has been heavily antagonised he can become more aggressive and argumentative than the Jedi way would permit.

In summary, Xander is a burgeoning perfectionist with a deeply rooted inferiority complex. He reaches towards an Ubermensch-like ideal but is unable to satisfy himself with what he has already achieved or move past the shadow of his past. With the circumstances of his recent promotion, he has become all too aware of the lengths he is willing to go to achieve his desires and ambitions. For the first time in a long time there is doubt in his mind that he is suited for the Jedi path and he worries that if he lets his desperation get to him he'll plunge into moral depravity and consign himself to darkness. For now he simply tries to let the Force guide him in an attempt to still emotional turmoil within him and reach the peace so sought after by followers of Light. All Xander can do now is hope that it is enough.

Other Information
[fancybox2]SKILLS: ---

  • Jedi Utility Belt - a type of utility belt made available by the Jedi quartermaster to members of the Jedi Order during the Dawn of the Republic. They usually consisted of:
    • Lightsaber (and Lightsaber repair tools) - The formal weapon of a Jedi Knight; the lightsaber was a weapon to be greatly respected and feared. To wield a lightsaber was to demonstrate incredible skill and confidence, as well as masterful dexterity and attunement to the Force.
    • Survival Rations - Meal replacement capsules designed to provide a full day of balanced nutrition to an average adult male human.
    • Glowstick - A device utilized for the purpose of producing a beam of light illuminating up to 10 meters.
    • Holoprojector - A device that could record, transmit and receive hologram images and sound both in real time or through pre-recorded messages.
    • Aquata Breather - A small breathing apparatus that allowed oxygen-breathing lifeforms to survive underwater, in space, or among noxious gas for up to two hours.
    • Comlink - A portable device that transferred voice signals from one location to another; it featured a 100-kilometer range and silence projectors that created a field of white noise around the user (allowing for private conversations).
  • Traditional Jedi Robes - Boots, loose-fitting pants and a cloak typically accompanied the black garment. The apparel also allowed great freedom of movement. The rough material proved useful on survival missions, as it was strong enough to show some resistance to tearing and fraying, as well as putting the wearer through some discomfort to help sharpen their focus.
  • Antarian Starfigher - The Antarian Starfigher is a Gyndine Shipyards knock-off of the Corellian Engineering Corporation Aeon-class 'A-Wing' Starfigher. Under design during the Antar-Gyndine conflict, it would later be manufactured for the Antarian Rangers, one of the conditions imposed on Gyndine in the cease-fire agreement. As such, its official designation was foregone and became known as the Antarian Starfigher. While largely used by the Antarian Rangers, the non-Force sensitive comrades-in-arms to the Jedi Knights, many Jedi pilot Antarian Starfighters as well.




SWRP Writer
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
"Evil is just a word. Under the skin, it's simple pain."
— Eleanor Lamb, Bioshock 2

Concept - A virtuous monster (A man who became evil due to his virtues rather than his faults).

In one word; oblivion. All of his life, this character has been mentally assailed by the emotions of those around him having no choice but to personally experience the anguish of those around him. He grew to resent these feelings and during his time amongst the Sith this resentment turned into an outright hatred of life. This character sees life itself as the ultimate evil; a endless cycle of suffering all beings are shackled to which only he can fully appreciate given his abilities.

It was this belief which beheld him to the Dark Side of the Force; for this character the Dark Side of the Force is the key to "freeing" the universe from "the burden of life". He accepts that the Dark Side is an inherently life-destroying force and hopes by ensuring the domination of the Sith Order, the Dark Side will grow and consume life until one day the collective suffering he feels can end. He sees this task as one for that will itself result in suffering but ultimately is for the greater good of the galaxy.

Initial Personality:
*Compassionate *Introverted *Controlling *Meticulous * Modest * Relentless *Serious *Self-assured *Scholarly

Historical Notes (Emulate the Hero's Journey):
  1. Born into a life of opulent luxury on Serrano; this character had everything he could ever ask for in an upbringing. However in spite of his idyllic upbringing this character was tormented by constant night terrors. With an absentee father and a mother busy running his family as a matriarch he had no one to turn to. He spent many sleepless nights trying to comprehend these episodes and why kept having them but to no avail.
  2. Overtime it grew more difficult for him to cope with the night terrors (and eventually bled into waking dreams) prompting the character to seek medical help however no doctor could ascertain the cause of his night terrors so in desperation he began to move towards more unconventional sources of help. Slowly but surely it became clear that his night terrors were in some way related to the Force and that if he wished to find more answers he would need to seek out the Sith.
  3. Given the history of Serrano the prospect of this naturally scared the Character; like many among the Aristocracy of Serrano he had been raised to resent the Sith Brotherhood due to their actions against the Aristocracy during the last Sith Empire as well as the fact that the Sacred Band of Ziost now controlled the planet and at best the Aristocracy were at best a spectacle for the SBZ leadership. But ultimately he left out of a sense of duty; he knew that as the heir to his family
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SWRP Writer
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
NAME: Kodo Gelphor
AGE: 35

FACTION: Sith Order
RANK: Sith Maruader

HEIGHT: 1.82 m
WEIGHT: 165 lbs



My early life was spent moving from planet to planet in the Outer Rim; I was born into slavery to Hutt Masters and for as long as I could remember my family and I lived lives dictated and defined by the whims of others. There were four of us in the family; me, my mother, my father and my twin sister Miri. I played games with Miri when I could, I did my chores when my mother told me to and my father told us bedtime stories everynight; my childhood was hard sure but my family kept me strong.

My fondest family memory was the day my father told us the story of his life before he was enslaved; it was the first time I had ever considered the idea that a slave could have a life outside of slavery. For the first time I had hopes and dreams of what I could be and inevitably how I could bring these dreams into reality.

If I had been smarter, wiser or even just older, I may have buried my growing feelings of resentment and accepted my circumstances for the time being. But I was a ten year old boy whose saw his dad as God and wanted to do everything in his power to live the life he had once lived; so I tried to escape.

  • My early life was spent moving from planet to planet in the Outer Rim; I had been a slave to Hutt Masters and for as long as I could remember living a life dictated and defined by others. All I knew of my family was that I was indentured to pay off their debts; forced to work, fight and entertain at the whims of the Hutts.

    I could weave you a tale of how I eventually came to defy my masters, have my revenge and obtain my freedom along with some vague platitude about how this demonstrated my early inclanations to Sithdom. But the truth of the matter is far more simple; the Hutts had managed to own not just my body but my mind. Escape was never a possibility in my mind and slavery dominated all possible futures in my mind's eye.

    Instead my freedom came through blind chance; the majority of the Hutt Cartel had gathered in a Yacht in low-planetary orbit for reasons I was not privy to but anyone with a brain could feel the tension in the air. And the Hutts did what anyone would naturally do if stressed enough; they took it out on someone else. To this day I do not know the specific incident which proved to be the breaking point but by the end of it the other slaves had massacued our Hutt Masters, their enforcers had escaped and the ship which housed us was unfortunately hurtling towards the nearest planet.

    It seemed that our masters would have the last laugh; not only was the ship hurtling towards the planet but the few escape pods that hadn't been used were biologically locked to the Hutts and their employees. For once in our lives, we had all the time in the world to think about ourselves. Death seemed all but certain and yet I chose to be content. For the first time in my entire life I was free to choose; I had little to choose from sure but there was no longer anyone to chain me down. I suppose it was the fact that I would die a free man that gave me some comfort.

    In the end we got lucky; the fact we had been in low-planetary orbit meant the combination of shielding and inertial dampners on the ship were strong enough to keep the ship in one piece and prevent serious injury. Unfortunately for all of us, the planet that the Hutts happneed to be orbiting was Korriban .

    Words do not do justice the horror I felt when I awoke after the crash. To find myself battered and bruised in a force cage only to slowly realise where you have ended up. To be in the hands of the only slavers worse than the Hutts. To have briefly tasted freedom to only have circumstances return you to slavery.

    It wasn't long before the Sith dragged my seething body into a small arena within one of their training halls; I fell into the arena as I found myself face to face with a fresh-faced Sith intiate hungering to prove his prowess to his overseers. My life of course being the obstacle put in his way. If this had been any other day in my life, I would have been cut down just like any other slave and been regulated to a minor footnote in a Sith's rise to power.

    But I'd had enough; I've always believed that to understand liberty then one must also know subjugation and for the first time in my life, I possesed this knoweldge of freedom and slavery. I was able to truly appreciate what I had briefly gained and what life had taken from me; and something deep inside me long undisturbed just snapped.

    All of my terror, my rage, my loathing and, my suffering culminated into a single dionysian moment; a high-pitched howl clawed its way out of my trembling throat. The very substance of the arena vibrated with a vital energy; it felt like my whole being was set ablaze and yet in that moment I welcomed it eagerly. And as for the unfortunate intiate? The look of shock on his face as he was flung across the arena, the sharp crack of bone as his head impacted the nearest wall and the blank expression as blood poured from his skull will stick with me till my dying days.

    A pregnant silence descended on the training hall as other intiates took notice of the upset that had occured; crimson eyes fixated on me with varying expressions, no one willing to disturb impasse. My brief touch with the Force had utterly drained me; I collapsed onto my hands and knees barely able to stay consciousness. I was weak and utterly at the mercy of the Sith.

    "I'm curious slave, what did you hope to accomplish that display?,".

    With the little strength had left, I lifted my head and had looked into the eyes of my future master,

    ".....I.....won't slave...I'd rather..die fighting,''.

    His name was Hiram Vereign, a Sith Pureblood Marauder, and for the next fifteen years of my life he would utterly reshape me in his image. I spent my first years studying a broad range of subjects to a foundational level. He believed that without this foundation a Sith could not truly understand the Sith Code and the way of life derived from him; and yet his teaching style could best be desirbed as sparse yet intensive with lectures taught at breakneck speed and frequent tests with punishments for poor performance.

    We soon moved on to combat training and yet again I'd barely built my lightsaber and gotten taught the basics of combat before he threw me into brutal sparring matches with intiates far more experienced than I.

    Finally I was educated in the Dark Side of the Force and its uses; how to use the Force to control and enhance my body, how to use the Force as an additional sense to attune to my environment and finally how to use the Force to alter and manipulate my environment. With each new Force power learned, I was put in a tortuous and life-threatening situation where only its mastery would end my suffering and allow me to live unscathed.

    It quickly became clear to me that my Master was training me to become a living weapon, tool and servant but not how to truly embody the Sith Code. Intentionally or not, my Master imparted a key lesson: true power cannot be freely given but only taken. And so in secret, I taught myself the knowledge he withheld and I spent my leisure time practicing combat and the Force ensuring he was unaware of my grasping for power until one day I had the strength to strike my Master down.

    I took no pleasure in betraying and killing my Master. He was, in many ways, my closest friend and confidant; the Sith environment encouraged competition and therefore it was difficult to form close friendships with any of the initiates. And I like to think that in some fashion he came to care for me albiet on the conditon I remained utterly unable to threaten him.

    But in the end, I knew what the Sith Code demanded of me and sacrified this relationship to complete my training and ascend to Sithdom; to remain in servitude to my Master or even to spare him after striking him down would have gone against all the torment I had endured and been the worse insult I could have given the man after all he had done for me.

    For so long I was weak, but now I am strong.

    For so long I was in servitude, but now I am free.

    And for so long I was simply human, but now I am Sith.

  • The majority of Kodo's training had a heavy focus on mastering the fundamentals of Force Manipulation rather than learning the more exotic abillities available to Users of the Dark Side, the few exeptions being developed during private study. His powers as a result reflect this training emphasis:

    Force Speed - Kodo is able to use the Force to enhance his speed and reflexes for a short period of time; this had the additional effect of slowing his perception of time allowing him to attack with more speed and accuracy and more easily dodge attacks and obstacles.

    Force Concealment - At its weakest manifestation, this allows Kodo to mask his alignment in the Force appearing as a non-Force-Sensitive for as long as he concentrates. If he intensifies his usage of the Force, he can go further and hide his Force presence but for a shorter period. At its most intensive level, Kodo can outright hide himself but only for a very short period of time.

    Force Sight - Kodo is able to use the Force in order to "see" in an extrasensory fashion; when in usage he is effectively colorblind but it allows him to see through objects (as they appear translucent), distinguish between organic and inorganic objects, distinguish the living and the dead and finally even the actual Force alignment of a person (provided they aren't concealing it).

    Force Empathy (Telepathy) - Using a very basic form of Telepathy, Kodo can use the Force to pick up the emotional impressions and general emotional state of an individual. The more intense and the longer he has to use this power, the deeper and more concealed the emotions he can pick out in an individual.

    Affect Mind (Telepathy) - With the wave of a hand and the Force, Kodo is able to influence the thoughts of others in order to "persuade" them to agree with whatever statement or opinion was being given without a chance to really think about what is being said. This tends to work more successfully on those who are weak-minded and non-Force-Sensitive

    Telepathy - With moderate exertion, Kodo is able to mentally communicate with others by projecting his thoughts. Due to the basic form his Telepathy takes he is only able to project a few words (i.e. around four or five) to someone he can sense, for non-Force-Sensitives he must be able to see the target but for Force-Sensitives as long as he is aware of their presence and within his vicinity he can attempt Telepathy. Furthermore Kodo has found that as of yet he cannot use this ability on complete strangers, he needs to at least be familiar with the person he's communicating with.

    Farseeing - Using the Force, Kodo is able to enter a meditative trance in order to get vague impressions of the events that have happened or that are happening. These impressions typically take the form of visions containing strong emotions, images and sounds; however his farsight is only capable of granting him visions concerning either those he is close to or concerning events that leave impressions or disturbances in the Force (i.e. events of importance to the wider galaxy).

    Psychometry (Farseeing) - With the use of Farseeing, Kodo can touch an object in order to pick up impressions and information concerning important events surrounding the object. The more frequently the object was used and the more personal the object used is, the easier it is to pick up on these impressions.

    Telekinesis - Using the Force, Kodo is able to move and manipulate physical objects as well as the air itself and create and control physical forces (e.g. pressure, friction, gravity etc.). Like the vast majority of Force Users, he is able to use Telekinesis in order to move objects, to generate telekinetic blasts in the form of concussive blasts of pressurised air and to draw objects closer to himself. In addition, Kodo is able to use Telekinesis to enhance his own jumping ability in order to perform superhuman leaps with ease.

    Sith Lightning - By channeling his own Force energy, Kodo is able to summon raw elemental power in order to release arcing bolts of electricity from his fingertips. This can take a variety of forms from a single, intense blast capable of hurling someone backwards and rendering someone near death to a sustained discharge capable of chaining between multiple individuals causing intolerable pain (i.e. lightning able to jump to targets nearest to the focus of the barrage).

    Force Wind (Telekinesis) - Through the application of Telekinesis, Kodo can manipulate and channel air currents to deadly effects. With concentration, Kodo can summon powerful winds either as a form of offense hurling targets and objects alike with deadly force or around an individual in order to lift and trap them within a whirlwind rendering them defenseless.

  • Lightsaber Combat (Form III: Soresu) - Kodo made the unusual choice to specialise in Form III: Soresu unlike most Sith. Lacking the brute strength to use the more agresssive lightsaber forms and unwilling to use the Force, drugs or cybernetics to bridge this gap, Kodo has opted instead to adopt a combat style reliant to speed, cunning and patience in order to win his battles. Typically he sought to outlast his opponents and capitalise on their tactical mistakes; relying on building his momentum, minimising energy expenditure and taking advantage of his environment in order to generate a strong enough defense to tire or frustrate his opponents into commiting fatal errors.

    Trained Marksman (Pistols) - They say even a Sith without a lightsaber is never truly defenseless but regardless his master felt it was important Kodo could use more mundane weaponry should the force abandon him; he isn't the best shooter in the world but he can handle himself around blaster pistols should the need arise.

    Broad Education - Having lacked a formal education prior to his Sith Apprentiship, his master had to spend much of his early training remedying this weakness. By the time he had become a Sith, Kodo had been educated to a Secondary School/High School level in a broad range of subjects; philosophy, politics, law, the sciences, languages and millitary theory.

    Multilingual (Broad Education)- Both during his time in slavery and his time as a Sith Initiate, Kodo has picked up a variety of languages and was capable of reading, writing and speaking Galactic Basic Standard, Huttese, and the Sith Language as well as developing a basic understanding of Droidspeak.

    Utility Belt - a phrik-plated leather belt Kodo carries to ensure he is prepared for any mission or danger he may encounter on his travels. Can be worn on its own or intergrated with MK5 Combat armour. It consists of:
    • Survival Rations - Meal replacement capsules designed to provide a full day of balanced nutrition to an average adult male human.
    • Glowstick - A device utilized for the purpose of producing a beam of light illuminating up to 10 meters.
    • Holoprojector - A device that could record, transmit and receive hologram images and sound both in real time or through pre-recorded messages.
    • Aquata Breather - A small breathing apparatus that allowed oxygen-breathing lifeforms to survive underwater, in space, or among noxious gas for up to two hours.
    • Comlink - A portable device that transferred voice signals from one location to another; it featured a 100-kilometer range and silence projectors that created a field of white noise around the user (allowing for private conversations)
    • SA-21 Heavy Blaster Pistol
    • Thermal Detanator (x3) - a highly unstable grenade-like weapon; it was designed to be thrown or planted in a location at which point it would adhere to any metallic object until detonation.
    • Crossguard Lightsaber (& Lightsaber-Repair Tools)
    • Dual-End Grapple Launcher

    Modified Sith Robes - Boots, loose-fitting pants and a cloak typically accompanied the black garment. The apparel also allowed great freedom of movement. The armourweave proved useful on survival missions, as it was strong enough to show some resistance to tearing and fraying, as well as putting the wearer through some discomfort to help sharpen their focus.

    Light MK5 Combat Armour - a solid modular "dueling" armor that provides balance in defensive properties without being cumbersome

  • Solo organa yoda solo tatooine c-3po. Jar mon chewbacca kenobi solo gamorrean solo organa. Mace jango zabrak skywalker jabba wookiee jade dantooine. Binks skywalker lobot boba darth moff. Fisto darth skywalker wedge alderaan. Yavin palpatine mon mon qui-gonn obi-wan yavin dantooine palpatine. Kit qui-gonn coruscant palpatine skywalker hutt yavin. Skywalker mara moff moff skywalker jango palpatine. Amidala hutt k-3po wedge dantooine chewbacca cade windu. Sebulba moff jade k-3po bothan. Grievous solo maul hutt leia fett kenobi.
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