Pop Goes the Lizard


Least Best GALAF AFL
SWRP Writer
Mar 4, 2014
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Isde Naha


Recreational Center Alpha-6; 1200 Hours
It was another bustling day on Isde Naha. Citizens and numerous geopolitical aliens, many of them immigrants looking for opportunities in a less regulated land, worked alongside droids even on regional Saturday, as today happened to be.

But in Rec Center Alpha-6, a mass congregation was gathering, barely contained by the planet's local riot police. Slogans of freedom, economic independence, peace, equality, and in a small number, death to the Force, were all being shouted. It was an amalgamation of angry, dissatisfied people and their families who'd been promised way more than they got. For once people came together...all pissed, and all waiting for at least a good hour or so for a lizard with connections to a revolutionary movement to come up on stage to rile them up.

It was this throng of the proletariat that Slars was preparing to walk into, along with his entourage. He fixed his red ascot in the glass window of an apartment close to the action he'd rented out as a staging area, allowing his tactful combination of grey vest and white shirt to be properly accentuated, before turning back to his bodyguards for the day, including his lifelong Herglic friend Grissz sitting in the back.

"Right...so...if anyone shows up 'ere that ain't on the up and up, you'll lemme know right? I'm trustin' you guys with my life...literally, mates."

@RED-1 @christhebarker


To give hope is the right thing to do
SWRP Writer
Jul 28, 2015
Reaction score
Vane stepped off the ramp of his ship a man in a suit waiting on him. “Mr. Vane?” ask the man. Vane handed him the card with the 3d image on it but said nothing. “I am thims, I am glad you could make it. Come this way are transportation is waiting” the mans said motioning to a vehicle. Vane fallowed him and sat in the passenger seat. As they travailed looking a round Vane noted that this was a typical industrial city.

They arrived at some apartments near the space docks they looked nice Vane thought to him self. The man got his bags “this way” Thims said walking in to the building. Vane fallowed making notes of security and exits. The man showed him to a room and unlocking the door he walked in he put the bag down and handed Vane the key "this is were you will stay wile you work." He walked over to the middle of the room where a holographic table sat turning it one an image appeared of the area the speech was to take place. “Mr. Vane, this is where the speech will take place. I am an assent and I am here to help you with anything you my need. This room is safe and has been check out. Do you have any questions?”

Van looked around “no this will do” he said. The man turned to walk out and stopped “we have a meeting to night here be ready” then counted to walk out. Vane pick up his gear and walk back in to one of the a jointing rooms. The room had the typical set up He put his stuff by the bed. And walk out to the main room looking over the holographic image.

OCC: I hope this works
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SWRP Writer
Oct 19, 2016
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"This isn't my first rodeo, Slars. you're going to be fine." Janston replies to slars ending it with a sign in his combat gear with his rifle slung around his back "I've been coordinating with the local security they know what to look for, I've even managed to get some sniper teams in some of the buildings to watch the crowed. I promise not a single scale on that body of yours will be harmed. so just relax." he says trying to reassure the Trandoshan that all necessary precautions have been taken.

As he finishes his reassuring a mental reminder immediately popped into his head 'where in the world is Vane'. "Excuse me, for a moment." He takes a step back from Slars and turning around to open his comms "Vane report to slars room ASAP." He turns back to Slars to carry on the conversation they were having.


To give hope is the right thing to do
SWRP Writer
Jul 28, 2015
Reaction score
His communicator beeped "Vane here" he answered. "Vane report to slars room ASAP." said Janston over the comm. Vane let out the sigh I new it they gave me the wrong information he thought. "Yes Sir,moving out now." Vane opened his room door and looked out to see if anyone was watching. He left his room quickly walking down two doors he touch His communicator "at the door" said Vane. The door opened and Vane walk in "Reporting Sir, sorry intell was bad on this meeting." Vane said smiling walking next to Janston. "Slars Sir." Vane says acknowledging the VIP.