Tabloid President Thorne kidnapped

Lîsabé Hanivel


Character Profile
Sep 8, 2021
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President Thorne kidnapped

It's with much sadness that we came to report that President Emryc Thorne was kidnapped and is presumed dead. Our sources told us that the President was at a charity dinner when he announced that was going to the bathroom, but never returned. Hours later images of him being attacked started to circulate on the Holonet.

So far the kidnappers did not announce any ransom demand. However the fan club We love Emryc Thorne started a a campaign to raise money for a possible ransom. It's going from accepting donations to selling t-shirts and head bands with President Thorne's ears. The fan club seems to be optimistic that the President is still alive. However, others aren't so sure of that.

With the President presumed dead, some fans are doing protests across the Galaxy. In Coruscant the protesters occupied the Senate Plaza, proclaming their love for Thorne and burning trash cans and speeders.

With the kidnapping taking place on Coruscant, several rumors started to appear. One in particular says that the President was kidnapped by orders of Chancellor Emil Ro, who apparently wanted to add the half-Selphi in his collection of lovers. Some say that the Chancellor wants to have nights of pleasure with his young Firrerreo lover and Thorne.
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