Putting It To Use - GA/Indie friendly plot sign up


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Putting It to Use

Do you feel like going right up the edge of Sith space and delving into an old jedi temple? Why not sign up your character to join the one, the only jedi padawan Fury Drast. He's eager to recover old records and making sure that those darn Imperials keep their mitts off of the sacred texts. See below the likely list of events to transpire. There are one or two spots open for this adventure.

Brenton Fury Drast is not responsible for any loss of property or bodily harm that comes to anyone on his adventures. Please make sure your will is written, health/life insurance is in order, and that you don't have any outstanding debts. Batteries not included.[/fancybox2]

Locating the Temple ASK ⌬ Self-DM

"Alright boys and girls, first things first, we need to know where we're going. I'm a pretty good navigator and I've been reading some old books on some cool $#!*. It talks about an old jedi temple on Spintir. I think there's something worth making a trip over but I don't have the exact info so we'll probably have to do some asking around...."


Rising Sun ASK ⌬ Self-DM

"....then after we locate the temple, well it won't just be a situation we can walk in. The temple won't be unlocked. There's bound to be something locking it down. At least I hopeso, otherwise it's probably already been looted. Anyways, the planet has some local fauna so keep an eye out for that but I'm sure there's not too much to worry about..."


Inconvenient Coincidence ASK ⌬ Self-DM

"...Now we're probably not the only only ones looking into this place. It's been there for awhile. It's also right on the Empire's doorstep so we might need to make a fast exit. Hopefully we just get in and get out but there's no telling. Be prepared to fight some of those Impies if need be. Any questions?"


Please submit your interest with your character name and either a link to your subaccount and/or character sheet along with your desired thread(s). Thank you for reading and I hope you have fun!



SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
Thank you everyone for signing up for the plot to help out. There are sure to be more in the future. Unfortunately I couldn't have you all join. The two that are joining Brent in his shenanigans are @Powerfullhorus @belligerentProle and not just because they signed up first. I've looked over people's characters and went a little bit deeper than that. I look forward to still possibly rping with the rest of you in the future!