Rasputin's Desk


Russia's Greatest Love Machine
SWRP Writer
Dec 13, 2012
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Asha Daleth



NAME: Asha Daleth
AGE: 51 Standard Years

FACTION: Independent

HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 185 pounds


Asha Daleth was born on Dromund Kaas within the boundaries of the Old Sith Empire fifty-one standard years ago, before the civil war. The firstborn son of the Sith Lord Elyss, he was a member of the prestigious Most Pure House of Daleth. Expected to take his father's mantle from an early age, Asha was groomed with Sith knowledge from an early age. However, there was far more to life at the Korriban academy than just textbook theory. Everyday was a fight for survival, against both the creatures in the tombs and fellow acolytes. His overseers were especially hard on him, seeing his familial connections as an apostasy to the "true" ways of the Sith. Often, he would have to feed on rotting Klor slugs that had been killed by the other acolytes to keep from starving.

During his final trial, when journeying into one of the tomb to steal a kyber crystal for his lightsaber, he was ambushed and struck by a rival acolyte. He would've been killed, but whether it was the will of the Force or sheer luck, he was spared from death that day when a pillar collapsed on the rival acolyte before the killing blow could be struck. However, rather than continue his journey into the catacomb, Asha Daleth deserted, fearing he would fail and meet his end either in that tomb or by the hand of the overseers that were surely eager for his death.

Knowing that he could never return home, Asha fled to the Outer Rim on a planet called Sneeve, where he resigned to a simple life. Banished from civilized lands and often spat on due to his heritage, he remained isolated in the woodlands hunting and foraging for survival. He lived in relative peace, though failed to find that same peace within himself through his exile. One day, while resting at camp, he shot and killed a little girl from the nearby village, having mistook her for a wild animal through the bushes. The next morning, men from the village had set out searching for the girl in a posse, and discovered her body at Asha's abandoned campsite. They quickly rounded up Daleth as he fled, and dragged him back to the village to be lynched for the murder. However, Daleth was suddenly spared from death upon the arrival of Zygerrian slavers that had come demanding tribute--for he had become their tribute.

Now in a life of bondage, Asha Daleth was sold off to the Geonosis gladiator arenas for a high price when his heritage became apparent to his captors. During his captivity, Asha was saved from death by a Mandalorian warrior named Nal Perun and the two formed a begrudging alliance to survive. Sometime later, a slave revolt broke out, giving the two a chance to escape. Amid the chaos, as they were fleeing, Nal fell into a pothole, twisting his ankle. With pursuers quickly catching up to them, Asha elected to leave the Mandalorian to die to save himself.

Having journeyed deep into the desert to escape his captors, Asha Daleth likely would've died out there, had he not been lucky enough to encounter a lone vessel that had landed for maintenance. It was not until the ship was long out of Geonosis's orbit that the captain, Vespasian Reed, discovered the stowaway. However, rather than eject him out of the airlock, Reed, an eccentric man as ever, offered to play a game of cards--a hot meal for Asha if he lost, and the Mandalorian helmet for Reed if he won. As luck would have it, Asha defeated the trickster at his own game, winning both the meal and Reed's respect. The two of them have been working together ever since.


Asha Daleth has spent most of his life without any strong interpersonal attachments, and has constantly had to look over his shoulder just to stay alive. This has left him highly distrusting towards others and forced him to make decisions some would consider extremely pragmatic at best--and outright treacherous at worst. This isn't to say that he's totally amoral, as symbols of the misfortunes he has personally wrought tend to incite a feeling of guilt within him. Still, he manages to endure by convincing himself that such actions are necessary for his own survival.

His experiences have also made him a bit awkward in social situations. Usually, he keeps his thoughts to himself, knowing he shares very little in common with other denizens of the galaxy. However, when Asha does speak his mind, he frequently does so with a sharp tongue and a dry wit, though not always by design. Therefore, he's far from the best person to lean on for emotional support.

While he may appear arrogant, Asha is actually only seeking to prove himself for his past failures—particularly in his failure to become a Sith Lord. In reality, his bravado is only a mask for his fear, and he fuels that overconfidence with a variety of vices. While he looks down on the weak, he respects power and is wary of those that have proven themselves stronger than him, especially the Sith. Thus, he is hardly above retreat when his back is pushed against the wall.


  • Fluent in both Basic and Sith; knows a few words of Mando'a and Geonosian
  • Well-versed in Sith lore
  • Amateur swordsman
  • Hunting and animal tracking
  • Subtle Force-aided intuition


  • Modified Mandalorian helmet — Stolen from Nal Perun on Geonosis, this helmet has been repainted and fitted with a breathing apparatus.
  • Light battle armor — With lightly-plated armoring, this outfit allows for maximum flexibility for Asha during a fight.
  • Twin vibroblades — These twin vibroblades are Asha Daleth's signature weapons, given to him during his time on Geonosis.
  • Blaster pistol — This blaster was bought at Canto Bight, and remains a seldom-used piece of Asha Daleth's arsenal.


  • TBA
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