Independent RC-5175


...I See You...
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SWRP Writer
May 7, 2020
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NAME: RC-5175 aka Commander Winters
FACTION: Independent ( The Republic)
RANK: Clone Commander for the Galactic Army of the Republic
SPECIES: Human (Clone)
AGE: 166
HEIGHT: 6’0”
WEIGHT: 174 lbs.

Winters looks like every other generic clone trooper and is a spit image of Jango Fett.
His 77th Marine Corps armor is painted with dark grey and blue camo.

As a genetically engineered super soldier bred for the soul purpose of combat and warfare, Winters is like every other typical Clone Commando. He is an extremely good shot with exceptional tactful thinking and great reflexes. He is good in both range and up close combat along with training in aquatic assaults. He was specially engineered to be a leader so his strategy and communication skills are hard to beat.

Winters is not a pilot, however, and prefers other people do the flying. He knows guns, armor, explosives, and all things “War” forged- but when it comes to starships, he’ll either cheer for them if they’re being flown by allies or relentlessly try to shoot it down or render one useless if it’s being piloted by the enemy.

STR: Mid
DEX: Mid
CON: High
WIS: Mid
INT: Mid
CHA: Mid

Winters is quick witted and prefers using sarcasm and insults as weapons on the battle field along with his DC-17x. He has a fiery disposition and is a passionate comrade and warrior. He’s always looking out for his brothers and Jedi commanders along with the poor civilians that get caught in the unwelcome battles Winters is sent to. He does not care about pleasing people and calls things as it is, which reflects on his ability to take orders. If he’s given an order he doesn’t agree with, he’ll ignore it and do what he thinks is right instead. He fights for freedom, liberty, and the Republic and his loyalty to those ideals are unwavering.

Currently, he is struggling to cope with the fact that it's been a century and a half since the Clone Wars and that all of his brothers are seemingly dead, and the fact that his brothers were secretly programmed like "damn droids" to kill his beloved Jedi leaders that started the new Galactic Empire. He's very much on edge and is extremely distrustful of everyone, especially the Kaminoans as they knew about the inhibitor chips but said nothing about them. Kamino is not Winters' home and he never wants to set foot on that planet again.
He feels hopeless and alone and depressed. He thinks that he could've saved everyone if he didn't crash land on Abyssm and wishes he was a better soldier that could've saved the day.

Winters was deployed first in the Battle of Geonosis along with the rest of the 77th Marine Corps. Since then, he’s been fighting mainly in covert missions to stop CIS supply runs and to carry out Separatist espionage to slow down their military progression. His platoon has stopped many potential wars for the republic. Sadly, his service was cut short when their Venator Class Star Destroyer was ambushed, chased down, and sabotaged all the way to the planet Abyssm. The Jedi who was currently on board the ship, Master Rowal, felt strongly that these men needed to survive, so he took them all into a small section of the main hangar and had them go into hybernation stasis chambers. Rowal promised he would wake them up when the time came, but he died after the ship crashed into the surface.

These clone troopers all missed the events of Order 66, the Empire Era, and the end of the First Order. Over time, some of the stasis chambers malfunctioned leaving the soldiers inside sound asleep but no longer immune to aging, thus ending some of their lives unknowingly to the rest of the clones. Out of 40 clones to begin with, only 8 remain, including Winters. Winters tried venturing to the bridge to find the remains of Master Rowal, but the ships power was no more. He has no idea that he’s been asleep for a century and a half, and hopes that his older Republic Era transmission reaches someone soon so the rest of his brothers can safely get off the hellish planet of Abyssm.

Marksmanship (Expert),
Close-Quarters Combat (Expert),
Battle Tactics and Strategy (Adept),
Stealth/Infiltration (Adept),
Land-Vehicles/Speeders (Adept)

Katarn-class Commando armor (1),
DC-17x Interchangeable Weapon System (1),
DC-17 (2)
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