
Jessica Cloud

Character - Force Knight
SWRP Writer
Feb 19, 2016
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Sorta: How smooth or easy a thread reads in the mind of the viewer.

Yet honestly? IMO. Readability is not something I ever consider much when I'm fandom writing. Yet. Readability is something really, really powerful when I'm browsing other people's threads. It's what keeps me going. If I can't keep up with what's going on during the thread then I feel really discouraged to continue reading it. So I stop and go do something else. Often loosing out on adventure just halfway through. Alas and so, it's a guilty pleasure of mine to mention that all of my threads are written just for me. Just the way I like them. And they often read horribly because of it. Lol.

With that in mind. I'd like to ask some questions of the community. Just to get a feel of every bodies taste level. Here goes,

  • Q: What are your favorite threads or thread types to read and why?
  • Q: What considerations do you as a writer make to ensure that your own threads read smoothly?
  • Q: About how much does post length factor into your own ability to stick with a thread? Or, when do you consider a post too long to bother reading?


Down and Dirty Country Girl
SWRP Writer
Nov 22, 2015
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1. Unfortunately I find that my attention wavers if it's not a thread I'm involved in. This mostly is because I have little enough time as it is to devote to my own threads, so reading everyone else's seems like more of a chore than anything else.

2. When replying to someone in a thread I'm involved in, I always make sure to write and respond to each of their actions before adding any of my own actions to the post. That way, nothing feels unfinished to undone, everything is taken into account. I always start a post with responding actions, words, or feelings to each of the previous characters posts and then further the story with my character's own actions or words.

3. I very rarely find posts too long for reading. For me, more detail is more engaging and more interesting. When I see a short, one to five sentence long post, that's when I stop and no longer feel like writing with that person any more. I always make sure my posts are decently long and give enough of a push to the other people I'm writing with that they have something to work with other than "He said this." "She said that."

The Captain

Villainous Scum, Scummy Villain
SWRP Writer
Sep 1, 2015
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Pretty much every question can be answered, for me at least, with four simple words: Get. To. The. Point.


returning to action or something like that
SWRP Writer
Oct 23, 2013
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  • Q: Are you bored?

Don't be superficial. Outer appearance is misleading, inner beauty counts.

Jessica Cloud

Character - Force Knight
SWRP Writer
Feb 19, 2016
Reaction score
The anxiety on this website is too damn high. :D :p

Lol. But seriously. Great feedback guys and gals. Ya'll rock!


SWRP Writer
Jul 4, 2014
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1. I have to agree with Red on this one, I usually don't have much time for threads I'm not in myself. Thought I do try and peek at what new character profiles or new writers are doing to try and see if there are things I can take from them to improve my own writing skill. When I do take a moment to read others. It's normally those on my follow list or amazing story writers like Bee or Marf who can make a page out of a single post at times. Thus making me want to reach of the popcorn.

2. A smooth thread for me starts with the prep work. Getting in touch with the other writers before hand to hash out a couple ideas before the starting. Trying to address issues before hand in the OOC etc. After that it's Trying to be descriptive and paint a picture without sounding like I'm running on and on.

3. I'm not so picky about length as long as there is substance to it. If a few lines of conversation is all that needs said to move the story along at that moment then why add filler. But I must admit when (and I'm guilty of this myself from time to time) a post is like a one liner of "your right" etc etc or "and my guy counters your action..." with little else. It drives me a little nuts.


Romantic Egoist
SWRP Writer
Jan 5, 2012
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  • Q: What are your favorite threads or thread types to read and why?
  • Q: What considerations do you as a writer make to ensure that your own threads read smoothly?
  • Q: About how much does post length factor into your own ability to stick with a thread? Or, when do you consider a post too long to bother reading?

I just write my dude. Off the cuff, plan a few details with my partner where they're pursuant to action. Be down to get down, and as long as the story's enjoyable? idc

Everyone's got their preferences.