Ready or Not...


what am I doing here
SWRP Writer
Jun 1, 2017
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~ Calei ~
Inside the Jedi capital on Dantooine, a young padawan was about to receive her assignment to her Jedi Master.

Oh, stars, what if I get someone that doesn’t like me? If they have bad breath? Maybe I’ll never be good enough for this. I should just go back...

Calei Rein paced back and forth by the council’s room. She tried to focus her hearing to hear what was going on the other side of the door. She only heard a slight rumbling of voices and sometimes a shuffling of feet. As she walked, her frumpy (at least what she thought were frumpy) white ropes swept around her. Rein was anxious, bouncing on the balls of her feet, and waiting for that door to open.

I am absolutely positive they have never taken this long for any initiate.

Honestly, it probably wasn’t too long of a wait.

Sighing, Calei retired on a bench. She flexed her fingers and lightly drummed them on her thighs. Chewing on her lip, lightly grazing the inside of her mouth with her sharpened teeth Calei’s golden eyes searched walls before her for anything that would relieve her of her boredom. She got nothing. Closing her eyes, she began to search her mind.

A motherly presence swathed her brain, a smile perked on Calei’s lips as she remembered her mother. “Don't be anxious,” her mother would say, “everything will turn out the way it needs to”. I'm just excited, Calei mentally responded.

Rein just noticed how fast her heart was pumping, and it was hot and humid, especially in those stupid robes and with her hair. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. Calei lightly kicked the floor in front of her. She wasn’t actually agitated, she just wanted to know. The girl felt so out of place in this planet, and she hoped maybe having someone as guide would maybe help.

Calei began to lose sight in reality as she dreamt off to a faraway adventure, untuned to the environment around her.

@Valen Pelora

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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Grand Master of the Jedi Order Valen Pelora stalked the halls of the Jedi Stronghold on Dantooine. His mind raced, he fought the emotions boiling inside. He kept his Force signature small and his mental walls raised high. He could not trust what others would sense if he let his guard down. The events on Jedha had left their mark on Valen. He questioned the sanctity of the Order, who he could trust. He doubted his own Council members. The burden of responsibility rested heavily on his shoulders. He felt adrift in the Force, lost without a compass. He knew he should trust his Councilors, he knew he should confide in them. He knew he wouldn’t. Valen was trying to walk some calm into his mind. It was not working. No matter how many laps around the stronghold he did, his mind still raced. Anxiety clutched at his heart. The comfort of the Force only temporarily banished his fears. A small chime on his wrist shook his mind free.

“Valen, it has been a half hour.” The familiar voice of Alara politely reminded him of his duties. Before Jedha, he had agreed to take on another student. He firmly believed in continuing to teach no matter his responsibilities. He had promised Anileen he would not lose himself as Grand Master. He was determined to keep that promise. His feet carried him swiftly to the passageways that would take him to the Council chambers. The lift was ready and waiting when he arrived. He was whisked away to the private entrance of the chambers. He stepped into a room filled with Jedi Knights and Masters awaiting their assignments. The students waiting patiently on the other side of the doors. He strode towards the doors, Alara met him half way.

“Calei Rein.” He nodded. “Got it.” She handed him a datapad, he pushed open the doors, and he raised his voice. “Initiate Rein?” He waited for the girl to produce herself. @Iridescence


what am I doing here
SWRP Writer
Jun 1, 2017
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It took Calei a few seconds to register her name being called. She stood up quickly. Idiot. Turning to the voice of Grand Master Pelora, she blushed faintly. "Grand Master Pelora," Calei addressed, bowing her head in respect. She was rather intimidated, he was almost an entire foot taller than her and well built. Rein tried very hard not to get distracted by his green skin, and tried to focus on his eyes. She tried to search his face for any signs of how to respond. His blue eyes almost had a stormy overcast, but she didn't pay too much attention to it.
Calei almost felt dizzy in the event of all this, but she tried to focus. A thousand thoughts were racing through her mind, some of gratitude, most of were anxiety.
He's the Grand Master. How lucky are you? And then also, he is the Grand Master. His opinion means everything. Why me, why me, why me, why me?
She raised her golden eyes to his level. Calei tried to remain humble, and eventually excitement overtook the anxiety. She felt her feet start to bounce, and she smirked. "I'm Calei Rein, are you my Jedi Master?"

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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Valen quickly scrolled through the datapad. Thank the Force for Alara, she had annotated the Initiate’s file. A lifetime ago he would have read the entire file himself. He would prepare a specialized training session to discover the Jedi’s strength and weaknesses. He would have spent a day or two simply getting to know his new student. He didn’t have the time. Valen smiled as Calei stepped forward. He felt a small wave of envy in the Force from the other students. Their jealousy was misplaced, they should not envy Initiate Rein. Valen had successful trained many students. Most of them had hated him for at least the first month. His attention shifted back to Calei, he could sense her anxiety in the Force. He poured peace and calm into his aura. He was careful to not lower his mental barriers.

“You drew the short straw and are stuck with me.” He smiled. His eyes continued to scan over the datapad. Calei had come to them later than was typical. She had showed some skill with a blade and in the Force. Alara had made a large red notation at the bottom of file. Attitude Problems. Great. Just what he needed, another teenage Initiate with an attitude. He had been too old for that a decade ago, he was certainly too old now. “Walk with me.” He gestured for Calei to follow him from the room. Once they were in the halls of the Stronghold he turned to his newest student. “Tell me about yourself, young one.” He would have to improvise. He was usually far more prepared. Valen would make it up as they went along. It had worked before. @Iridescence


what am I doing here
SWRP Writer
Jun 1, 2017
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"It's nice to meet you."
Calei silently noted to herself is that, in fact, is how her life usually goes (drawing the short straw). "Well, I do have small hands," Rein responded quietly, hoping he would get the joke. She wasn't the best at speaking load or clearly, or relatively. Just to seem busy, she quickly scanned the room. Calei felt the eyes of her fellow initiates burning through her. I didn't ask for this, she thought towards them, knowing they wouldn't hear. Calei felt the assurance from around Grand Master Pelora. She thought it was very sweet of him and actually brought a smile to her face. She noticed the gesture, and tried to fall in step with him.
"So, where are we go--oh," registering Pelora's question, Calei felt her heart thump-thump-thump-thump-thump as she searched her brain. She didn't know what was too much or too little.
"I don't really quite know how to answer that. Um--are there any specific questions?" Calei lost her voice for an almost second, her throat getting rather dry. She decided asking for specifics was probably her best bet.

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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Valen smirked at Calei’s remark. Jokes were good, it showed some level of comfort. He could teach her nothing if she did not trust him. That trust was built over time. It rarely came easily and had to be earned. He was at a distinct disadvantage. His prior students had all come to him knowing he would be their teacher. They had come prepared. He had been prepared. His life was very different now, everything was different. War had changed them all. For better or worse he might never know.

He had to be honest with Calei, being his Initiate put her at risk. He was a target and all those around him were targets. Valen stopped as he heard Calei’s question. He had tried to paint with a broad brush. What she told him would tell him much and more about her. Answering a question with a question was enlightening. His never-ending steps had taken them to a door off the east wing of the stronghold. He waited to answer Calei’s question. He motioned for the young Jedi to step inside. It was a plain circular room, with large windows looking out on the plains. An array of chairs and desks was spread about the room. He walked in and plopped down in the seat. He smiled and sighed.

“Four or five years ago, I would have asked you a million and one questions. I would have known just what to ask because I had read everything about you.” He ran his hands through his hair. “But, I do not have the time I once did.” Something clicked into his mind. A clip of something he had read. “You answer my question with a question, well I have another. Tell me about your mother.” Valen would learn about the girl, no matter he deflections. @Iridescence


what am I doing here
SWRP Writer
Jun 1, 2017
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Okay, he's not completely uptight.
As Calei walked into the airy room, she smiled. Seeing planes take off and land was one of her favorite sites as a child. It also, thankfully, gave her something to look at other than Valen. She has always felt awkward about looking at people. She sat down in a chair across from him, admiring the room once more.
As he spoke, she heard the exhaustion and exasperation in his voice. Grand Master Pelora all of a sudden just seemed older. Rein figured she didn't want to waste his time, but for some reason her next comment flew out of her mouth.

"That's more of a demand, really," Calei responded, wincing immediately. Why are you like this. Not wanting to hear a reply, she flew to the actual topic. "My mother, hm." Her response came out rushed, almost a jumble. She felt a quick pang of homesickness, and lost her train of thought. "Um, my mother...she's not my biological mother, obviously," Calei breathed, "But she is my mother. She found me as a grieving widow. No one has any idea where I came from or who my biological parents were. Humans didn't normally visit Cathar, especially to bring their young. I was a mystery, but my mother never really minded. There were some stigma among the others. She found me in a meadow, just there. Her name is Plumar, by the way. The meadow was where I actually got my name, it means 'from the pure meadow'. My last name was created in case there were any others around with my name. Rein, usually partaking with royalty and gold, was influenced by these orbs, " Calei paused to reference her eyes, "Plumar was a wonderful woman. She loved me fiercely, as any mother should. She had similar yellow eyes, so she told me that we shared the same genes. I miss her, a lot. I know she's probably fine, out there, but she guided me. I was a stranger in a strange land. Now I am once more, but on my own." Calei's throat tightened and dried, her eyes stung. She didn't quite realize how alone she was until now, even if there was someone sitting five feet away from her. @Valen Pelora

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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Ah, there it was. The attitude that was astutely uncovered by Calei’s former teachers. It was quickly covered by nervous rambling. Words tumbled out of the young Jedi’s mouth as she answered his demand. Valen sat silently and listened. He felt Calei’s nerves, her loneliness. She missed her mother. He didn’t interrupt as he was told the story of his newest student’s mother. This was the danger when they came to the Order later in life. The Jedi did not forbid personal ties, but it was hard to leave the ones you loved. He didn’t remember his parents. All his significant relationships had been formed as a Jedi. He had lost friends in the War. It was a similar feeling. The difference was, he was not a fourteen-year-old girl. The aching loneliness that rang in the Force sent a pang through Valen’s heart.

“You miss her.” It was statement, not a question. “It is not easy to leave those we love to start something new.” She had probably heard this a hundred times. He forged ahead. “But you have a gift, a chance, to do something great.” He paused for a moment, considering his words. “Your instructors are impressed with your abilities given your time with us. Men and women I trust have given you high marks.” By the Force, he was rusty.

“Sacrifice is required of us all. I know you miss your mother, and you should never forget her. Think of all that she taught you. She would want you here learning to protect those who cannot protect themselves.” He pushed himself up slowly from the chair. He went to look out the massive windows. “Nothing about this life is easy, but we are needed.” The war would reach them all eventually. @Iridescence


what am I doing here
SWRP Writer
Jun 1, 2017
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Calei listened to his every word.
She met his eyes as he talked. If she looked away, she would cry. She did not want to cry. Rein considered his words. She never paid much attention to the marks, the young Initiate was pleased with them, yet she didn't realize how much weight they carried. The Jedi Order seemed more or less to care about reputation and orderly conduct. She heard this before coming here, in passing conversation. Of course, those two things were hard for her thinking and her mouth. Rein, when she first came to Dantooine, she tried her darned best to fit in with the others. This included staying quiet and acted what was expected of her. Even that was hard. How do you what was expected if you didn't know what those expectations were? Giving up, Calei had only acquaintances, only ever talked to those acquaintances when she greeted them in the hall or when she was forced to make small talk to avoid awkward silences.
Calei Rein was also most often avoided, or at least within a special subject. Her philosophy of the Force seemed almost alien to a lot of those around her. The young teenager was also naive, and she knew this, but Rein still stuck by her rather neutral outtake on the Force. Dancing on the line of neutrality, she knew, put her in a line of risk of falling to the Dark Side. Wondering how her brain strayed this far, and noticing the gap of sound waves, Calei spoke.
"I've been ready for this adventure since I learned what the Jedi Order is. I just didn't realize how much I would miss Cathar, or how was.," Rein responded quietly. "I have a very personal connection with the Force, if that's what you mean. I've always sensed it around me, in this shield-but-not-a-shield manner. I was an infant in a meadow on a jungle and primitive planet. Slavers were often around. Creatures lurked, and they probably heard my cries. Yet, I'm still alive." Calei surprised herself about how much she was easily opening up to her Master. Grand Master Pelora felt easy to talk to. Rein couldn't quite decide on why that was. She was always looking for a reason. "Thank you, I honestly didn't realize I had high marks, Grand Master." She couldn't tell if he was just saying this just to say it, or if he actually meant it.
"I don't see this as a sacrifice, Grand Master, I see it as a purpose, as you've said," Calei tried to remain respectful as possible given her earlier remark. Noticing a shift in mood, the Initiate decided to ask a question. "I do miss my mother greatly. Is there anyone you miss, Grand Master?" @Valen Pelora

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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Valen had not expected that. He was used to being asked questions and getting answers. Frankly, an Initiate had not been so bold with him in a long time. Sigal had bristled at his authority, Xen had been timid but curious, Orlan questioned his surroundings, and Calei was something different. He could not place his finger on it. Was her question a deflection or a genuine interest? It had caught Valen off guard. There was more to Calei than an anxious young girl with a razor-sharp tongue. Her upbringing still had a strong influence on her world views, and her view of the Force. It was unique. Since Sigal, he had sworn to be honest with his students. No matter his reservations.

“I did not know my parents, I was brought to the Order on Tython when I young. I spent all of my life as a Jedi. My family was the Jedi Order.” He stood and walked towards the windows. He stared out at Dantooine. “I was close with my Master, he died shortly before I became a Jedi Knight. I miss him, but it has been decades.” The old wounds were healed. It was the fresh wounds that still burned in his soul.

“I lost friends, family, when Tython was destroyed. The war has taken even more from us. I miss them.” His voice was sad and distance. “It is not easy to be apart from those we love, but we can make them proud just the same.” Valen ran both of his hands through his hair. Everything he did was for those the Order had lost. It was not vengeance or revenge. It was more than that. “You may see your mother again when the time is right. You should continue to strive to make her proud.” Instinctively, he reached for the Force. The Lightside sang to him as his sorrow washed away. @Iridescence


what am I doing here
SWRP Writer
Jun 1, 2017
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Calei listened and watched intently as her master spoke. She watched his eyes especially. Her heart ached for him when she heard the hurt in his voice. Instinctively, a hand flew out near him but, Rein caught it and withdrew her hand back to her side.
"My mother would be proud of me no matter what I do, but I know she hates this galaxy in the state it's in. I hope to change that," Calei responded with a small smile. Rein felt more at ease with him now, especially knowing that he has patience with her.
"Thank you for opening up. It's not easy...whats the next question?" Calei thought that maybe a change in subject due However, she had more questions but she would store them and file them out for later. The Grand Master was interesting. He really wasn't that old. Something in her brain just clicked everything he spoke, the Initiate just realized how glad she was that he was her mentor.

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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Valen slowly withdrew back into himself. His emotions were still raw from Jedha. Kael’s betrayal had cut him deeper than he cared to admit. He had let his walls tumble down for a moment, that had been a mistake. Lanna, Logan, or Buln, was more suited to hear his fears. He was going to teach Calei about the Force and the Jedi. He would not project his own failings on the girl. The Order was in a state of flux. Valen was confident he could manage his students while keeping the Order moving. What choice did he have? He turned to look at Calei again.

“We should always be honest with each other, difficult as it may be.” He closed the chapter on that question and shifted his mind to another. “Reports can only show me so much.” He needed to understand Calei’s skills to assess where she needed to grow. It was never any easy task. “I need to learn what you know.” Many of the Initiates had been with the Jedi since they were children. They had had grown up in the Order. The war had changed the very nature of the Jedi. There were more and more students who came to them later in life. Few were turned away, the Jedi needed every advantage they could muster.

He retook one of the seats and crossed his arms. “Lift the chairs.” He was uncertain how difficult of a task this would be for Calei. Her instructors had noted her skills with the Force, a caveat was often attached. He saw for her time over and over again. Valen needed to understand if Calei was truly gifted or simply gifted for how long she had been a Jedi. He certainly did not want to embarrass the young girl. @Iridescence


what am I doing here
SWRP Writer
Jun 1, 2017
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Calei felt anxiety crawling up from her lumbar up her spine. Her hands began to shake, her toes curled. Sharp teeth grazed the inside of her mouth again. The Initiate's nerves rumbled and vibrated at the expectations of her, and they tingled as the Force surrounded her once again.

"Right now...?" Calei's bottom lip trembled as she spoke. Realizing her Master meant right now, the Initiate grimaced. She didn't even know, by Stars, if she was actually gifted. Good marks, eh, teacher's comments, eh; but this was for Grand Master Valen Pelora!

Closing her golden eyes, Rein felt the Force squeeze around her.
Lift the chairs. Lift the chairs. Lift....the....chairs.

Calei Rein heard the rattling of the chairs, they were resisting. Rein felt her limbs almost floating outside her body. Her fingers curled and straightened as she focused. There was a slight humming in the Force, she felt it, she felt the energy.


"Did you mean all of the chairs?" Calei Rein slowly opened her eyes. She needed to know.

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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Valen felt the Force ebb and flow. He could feel Calei reach for the Light in an effort to move the chairs. He sensed her reaching for success. Probing. Her anxiety flitted about the room. Suddenly, the Force withdrew. Valen laughed as he heard Calei’s question. A broad smile played across his face. He fell just short of slapping his knee in mirth.

He looked at his newest student and slowly nodded his head. “Yes, all the chairs.” His smile softened. There weren’t that many. “We will do it together.” He closed his eyes and reached for the Force. The familiar embrace of the Lightside wrapped around his body. Valen breathed easily of the Force. He reached out and let his aura spill into the room. He lent his strength to Calei. She could lean on him to aid in lifting the chairs. It was a common use of the Force. Valen often lent and received strength in the field. Two was always better than one. Harmony within and harmony without. Calei needed to have confidence in herself. He would help her find her inner strength. He took a deep a breath and waited. He knew his newest student would succeed. @Iridescence


what am I doing here
SWRP Writer
Jun 1, 2017
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"I can do it by myself...," Calei responded quietly, her lower lip protruding ever so slowly in disappointment. Calei actually didn't know if she could do it by herself, but it didn't seem too hard. Like her Master said, there weren't that many chairs. She probably should accept his help; however, Calei wanted to prove to him, and to prove to herself, that she could do this. Also in her thoughts, the Initiate realized how rude and arrogant she sounded.

"I mean," Calei coughed quietly, "I would like another try, please." The Force hummed around her from what Grand Master Pelora summoned before her. Calei Rein sent the aura away to make room for hers. Closing her eyes, Calei Rein's lips lit up as she felt it. The tingling sensation once more. The chairs all of a sudden felt alive to her. They felt like they were breathing. The frequency they emitted in the universe began to speak with her. Inanimate objects seemed to ebb and flow around her finger tips. Then, they began to float. The nerves were sparking in a billion ways. Calei never felt the Force so attuned with her before. Is it because of him?

Losing her train of thought once more, the chairs clattered to the floor. @Valen Pelora

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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Valen felt his aura rudely shoved aside. He would respect Calei’s desire to attempt to lift the chairs on her own. It gave him another insight into his newest student’s personality. He would not force the young Jedi to accept his help. It would have been easier if she had pulled on his strength in the Force. Perhaps, it was best she did not learn to rely on him. His most successful students had always been independent thinkers.

He thought of Sigal, Orlan, and Xen. They were all unique. They had all joined the Jedi from strange circumstances, and each of them had sought to prove themselves. He sensed Calei was no different. So, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, sat back and watched. Valen felt the purposeful moving of the Force. He felt the chairs began to lift before he saw it. In a moment, the chairs were in the air, for a brief moment. He felt Calei’s concentration break as the chair’s clattered to the ground. Oh dear. His task had made an unfortunate mess of the room. Valen clapped his hands together and smiled.

“Wonderful, simply wonderful.” He grasped the Force and deftly went to setting the room back together. The chairs flitted into the air and righted themselves. He set the chairs back in place. He had one final question for his new Initiate. “Tell me, what do you want to learn.” He could lecture until he was blue in the face. He could drag Calei across half the galaxy, but she would learn nothing if she was uninterested. The young Jedi struck him as a student who could become uninterested quickly. Enjoyment was a critical part of learning. Valen had learned that lesson the hard way in his early years as a teacher. @Iridescence


what am I doing here
SWRP Writer
Jun 1, 2017
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Calei smiled faintly, she felt a little weak, but empowered. A single tremor took over her body, and then she was fine. She felt airy, like she could float. She smiled, a huge wave of self-confidence overcoming her. Maybe I do belong.The Initiate never focused that hard on lifting before and the Force never flew through her being like that before. She listened to her mentor but she didn't register what he had said. The Initiate blinked a few times until she answered.

"I don't know," Rein said bluntly. As far as learning, she wanted to learn everything she could. Calei thought about ways she could actually say that without being a royal pain in the arse. The Force never really left her. Her heart still raced, her brain was a lil fuzzy. The Initiate contemplated. This was a difficult question, unless she was being indecisive. She didn't want to say the wrong thing, but she wanted to learn everything she possibly could. "I want to learn everything, but being that's close to impossible...I think I want to start with getting to know the Force...better," the Initiate's eyes never left Grand Master Pelora as she spoke. @Valen Pelora

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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Valen listened carefully as Calei answered his very broad question. A good start, but he couldn’t teach her anything on Dantooine. The Jedi were centered on the grassland world. He much preferred the ancient Great Temple on Jedha to the long hallways of the Dantooine stronghold. Valen had never felt comfortable teaching in the confines of any of the Temples.

Initiates were kept safe most of their training. The war had driven caution into many of the Temple’s teachers. Even older Initiates had never left Temple grounds. That was never who he had been. He knew it was a risk, more so now than ever, but younger Jedi had to learn out in the galaxy. They had to learn by experience. Being trapped in a Temple did nothing. He walked towards the door. A broad smile was plastered to his face.

“Excellent. Excellent.” He had an idea of where they should go. Valen didn’t want to put young Calei in any undo danger, but risks had rewards. The lives of Jedi were full of risks. “But, I can’t show you anything crammed in the dusty halls of the Temples. The galaxy is the best place to learn.” He slapped a com on the wall to send a message to Alara. “Get your things and meet me in hangar 4. The Puddle Jumper is my ship.” Valen clicked the com twice more to ensure Alara would have the ship ready. He strode from the room and headed to the hangar. The moment Calei arrived with her effects they would head off world. @Iridescence


what am I doing here
SWRP Writer
Jun 1, 2017
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Calei beamed at her Master's words. This was very, very exciting. After 7 years of only being on Dantooine, she was actually getting to explore other planets! She's never been to Jedha, she just heard it was a large desert. She never minded the heat, only her hair did. It also made her think of a friend, which made her smile even more. This was going to be fun. It also pleased Calei to see the Grand Master smiling. This was her first time on a ship in a very long while. Also, she couldn't help but laugh at the ship name belonging to Grand Master Pelora. She snorted rather loudly.

"The w-what?!" She giggled out. Seeing Valen Pelora shoot her a look, she tried to stifle it. Rein headed after him to go grab her things, giggling down the hall. The Puddle Jumper. Hopefully he didn't hear her laughter, but she almost didn't care. She headed to her chambers. Her brain was going into hyperspace, thinking about what she had to pack. Grabbing a basic duffel like bag that she had arrived with, she began to pack. At first, she delicately folded everything, but then just threw it in. Maybe she'll meet more Initiates, make more friends, maybe. Calei let out a heavy breath, recollecting what she needed. Then, she flew to under her small bookcase. It was a small, fibrous satchel filled with things from her childhood. She tossed it in last in her bag. Slinging the bag over her shoulder, Calei exited the room and broke into a jog towards hangar four. Puddle Jumper... Calei Rein arrived with a wide smile on her face.
@Valen Pelora

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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The Puddle Jumper gleamed in the hangar bay. His yacht was the traditional diplomatic vessel of the Jedi, but it was a yacht in name only. He had piloted the sparsely furnished ship for nearly a decade. At first, he had flown it by himself as he hopped from Outer Rim world to Outer Rim world. Countless mission partners had shared the cockpit with him. Now, he was scarlessly ever left alone. He rarely piloted the Puddle Jumper himself. There were always guards hanging around at Alara’s insistence. Valen missed having the freedom to go wherever he wanted, whenever he wanted. His faithful administrative assistant waited by the ramp of the Puddle Jumper.

“Where to now, Grand Master?” He could sense the Jedi Knights waiting onboard his ship. “Nal Hutta.” Alara frowned. “Again? The Hutts do not like you after last time.” He smiled and laughed. “I will take that as a compliment, but our fellow Jedi need assistance finishing their assignment. This will be a good chance for Calei to experience life outside the Stronghold walls." He got another withing look. “This time the guards are coming.” Valen wanted to leave as soon as possible, he wouldn’t argue with Alara today. Fine, but they are staying in the ship this time.” Alara nodded and headed off into the vessel. Valen patiently waited for his newest student to arrive.

Things had gone oddly the last time he had ventured to Nal Hutta. The categorically strange alliance between the Hutts and Jedi was nearly complete. It made him uncomfortable but it was necessary. This last step would hopefully carry them over the edge. He knew he was exposing Calei to a potentially dangerous situation, but the entire galaxy was dangerous. He spotted the young Initiate and waved her over. “Pick a cabin, there is plenty of space. We will be leaving in 15.” Valen headed into the ship to make the final preparations. @Iridescence

OOC: End thread