Ask Rebels On Utapau

Telly Udon

Resistance Commander

Character Profile
Fantasy Liver
Nov 21, 2022
Reaction score
Utapau was a world still very much in recovery from the AMS virus. Empty plains, ravaged sinkholes, dangerous predators - the world had still not quite healed from the devastation that the AMS virus had wrought upon it. Nobody in their right minds came to the world anymore and, consequently, this made it the perfect place to have a clandestine meeting in or to house outlaws.

In Telly Udon's case, he was doing both. His motley collection of rebels were not quite up to his shipshape standards he was accustomed to in his Rebel Alliance days. While the Imperial defectors he'd recruited were professional enough, they were few and far between and certainly couldn't overcompensate for the rest of his forces; the plentiful but untrained Mustafarans, a few eager Yavin Yellowjackets, and whatever homeless veterans and glory-hungry youths that Telly had convinced to take a stand against the Sith and the Empire. No, it wasn't the 501st Legion or Phoenix Squadron but they were at least committed and Telly hoped that these few days spent on the remote plains would build them up a bit. The AMS-infected inhabitants provided ample target practice opportunities and the dangerous flora and fauna forced Telly's men to be constantly vigilant.

The meager "fleet" that made up Telly's cell - some personal craft and a few stolen Imperial crafts - had landed in a circle on the plains, creating a makeshift camp for his forces. And today, they were awaiting one more ship to join their ranks. Having been evacuated from Utapau during the height of the AMS pandemic by the Jedi Order and having fought alongside a Jedi when the Sith invaded Yavin, Telly had enough clout with his former Yavin neighbors that he could get into contact with one if he really needed. And the one he had chosen to contact was one Hera Albion.

It was his hope that he could meet with Hera and discuss the ways that his burgeoning rebel cell could be integrated into the Resistance at large, how to best coordinate attacks against the Sith and Empire, and, possibly, retaking his Yavin IV home. Telly hoped it would be a fruitful chat and had erected a command tent in the middle of his camp to receive Hera when she arrived.

@Black Noise