Sith Order Rhea Dameron


Wannabe King
SWRP Writer
Aug 20, 2015
Reaction score

- Rhea-Dameron.
TITLE: None RANK: Sith Acolyte HOMEWORLD: Sembla (Adopted)
SPECIES: Human AGE: 17 HEIGHT: 1.73 m

The Sith Acolyte Rhea Dameron, lived during the Force Eternal era. Born to a Jedi family, Rhea was reluctantly pushed down the path of her forefathers, until one day something happened, an accidents tore apart her world and now she is forced to fight on the side of the Sith.


Rhea was born on the old Jedi world of Ajan Kloss, both her parents belonging to the reborn order. Both her Grandfather and Great-Grandfather had also been capable and influential Jedi in their lifetimes. As soon as they noticed the potency of The Force within Rhea she was in their eyes destined to become a Jedi. Much of her early childhood was surrounded by the Light Side of The Force, living within the Temple Grounds and slowly being taught the ways of the Jedi and The Force.

She was only nine and had just begun her official training as a Jedi when the Sith arrived on Ajan Kloss, led by her future masters. Luckily for Rhea she was one of the first evacuated from the planet, although her Grandfather would die in defence of the temple alongside the Grandmaster and countless other Jedi.

Being confronted by death along with her growing independence as a teenager, slowly brought Rhea into confrontation with her parents and their desire for her to follow in their footsteps. The young girl was stuck between her own wants and desires and that of her family and the guilt of betraying her Grandfather who died for their cause. The coming years would be tough for Rhea, her heart not truly in the training but her innate ability allowing her to pass each hurdle.

To escape the confines of the Temple and the surrounding Padawan’s, Rhea took to piloting the escapism she found in the cockpit brought some comfort and happiness to her life. She would end up fighting in both the defence of Ossus and Yavin within the Cockpit of an X-Wing.

Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Rhea was sent out on a mission with her new prospective master and another Padawan. The Jedi Knight was close friends with her mother and father, Knoll Yi. The mission was going well, but then the ‘incident’ occurred. After the dust settled, Rhea was on the floor, her lightsaber in her hand, blood covered her body and Master Yi was dead.

She was quickly accused of murder and tampering with the Dark Side. Rhea tried to contact her parents to explain things but they never answered, the fear of jail or worse drove her away from Republic Space and into the bosom of the Empire landing on Sembla. Captured on the border world, Rhea was taken to the nearby Imperial Councillor Darth Anaris for questioning, realising the potential of corrupting the fourth generation Jedi, opened her arms to the young girl.

Anaris gave her promises that she would have time to adapt within the Empire and not be forced to drink on the Dark Side like others. Before enrolling her in the Academy, giving her new papers and letting her go. Though she was unknowingly watched constantly by the ISB.


Initially trained as a Jedi since a young age, Rhea was a proficient Jedi Padawan prior to her departure from the order. As such she has a strong affiliation with The Force and Lightside and Neutral Techniques. However she is still new to the Dark Side of The Force and struggles with some of its teachings and much of its practical applications. Rhea is capable with a lightsaber having trained in a variety of forms at the Jedi Temple, however she has not picked up a blade since the 'incident' instead preferring to use a blaster and The Force during recent undertakings for her new home.

Due to her innate Force Ability, Rhea has great reflexes making her an excellent pilot, shooting down a number of Sith fighters during the attack on Yavin and Ossus even at a young age.

Primary Saber Form:
Form IV: Ataru

Secondary Saber From:
Form III: Soresu

Primary Weapons:
Rhea's Pistol


TIE/vn Starfighter


Wannabe King
SWRP Writer
Aug 20, 2015
Reaction score


Spelunking - Ongoing

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