Roman Severad


Kept you waiting, huh?
SWRP Writer
Jul 19, 2013
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[floatleft][/floatleft]The slow, steady thwoomp of the cannons still rings in my ears. The siege may have ended, and we may have lost, but the war is not over. It lives on, in all of our hearts. Never shall we kneel to the Imperial dogs. We are the Rebellion, and tall we will stand, to the very last. The corrupt Sith may topple us, the weak Jedi may leave our sides in our darkest hour, and the Stormtroopers may make us bleed, but we will not fall.

Not while I still draw breath.

I am Roman Severad. I am a human male, and I stand at one point eight meters tall. I am twenty-nine Galactic Standard years old, I am of an athletic build, I have red-brown hair, I carry seventeen credits in my pocket, and I am a soldier of the Rebellion.

This was not always so.

There was a time, a time that feels like a life ago, and some would say it was. I was an idiot, then. Concerned with nothing more than the pleasure of touch and wealth, I sailed the void black in search of nothing more than that. Blaster in one hand and a drink in the other, the lives I took meant naught to me, I who stood at the top of a mountain of flesh both writhing in ecstasy and lifeless in death. The fool doth think he is wise, and I was the most foolish of all in my crew. They laughed with me, cried with me, and died by my side, but for all the credits in a layman's purse they would've slit my throat without a second thought. I realize that, now. I do.

They say that some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them, but this is not my case. I saw greatness; he shone with the light of a thousand stars, and I have strove since that day to follow his shining example. When I fought by that man's side, I saw nothing but the blazing hope of freedom, the wishes and dreams of the entire galaxy wrapped up in the armour of one soldier. All of my prior delusions vanished beneath that man's cleansing light. I know my purpose now, and it is simple.

I am Gladius Libertas, and I do not dull.

Luce Iustitiae, unique revolving charric designed and built by Roman Severad; seven power cells cylinder capacity, pump-action.
Heavy Blaster Revolver, eight shots per cartridge.
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