Rothana Rothanadanna

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score

Rothana Rothanadanna


The wheels of war are spinning again. The tenuous impossible peace that has settled across the galaxy as the Republic fell is fading. The Jedi, Empire, and Mandalorians are preparing for war. Border skirmishes are flaring up across the galaxy. Tensions are rising. The factions are searching for any edge, any advantage, they can possibly find. The Empire’s war machine is massive and the Mandalorian’s are renowned warriors. The Jedi have absorbed much of what was the Grand Army of the Republic but it is not enough. Rothana Heavy Engineering is renowned through the galaxy. The Jedi need the innovation and support of the corporation. The Council has dispatched teams of Jedi to curry favor with RHE.

Note: These missions are critical to the Jedi’s war efforts. Please start the mission within 48 hours, and try your best to complete the mission within 2 weeks. If the mission is abandoned or uncompleted this will deeply affect the faction. If you need a replacement partner contact the leadership team. The missions need to be 15 posts long, with multiple paragraphs in the post.

Two Wilds and Crazy Guys


RHE’s is home to some of the brightest minds the galaxy has to offer. Unfortunately, with genius often come eccentricity. Two of RHE’s most accomplished and brilliant engineers have gone missing in the frozen wasteland. They have been working on a highly classified prototype of a new blaster rifle. They have sworn to RHE upper management that it will change the way the war is fought. The engineers are often prone to hyperbole. Inexplicably, they felt the need to test the rifle deep in the confines of the frozen tundra. The engineers have been missing for over twelve hours. Find the engineers, or find out what happened to them, and report back to RHE officers. The management will be deeply grateful if you can return the engineers and the tech.
PARTICIPANTS: 2-3 Jedi, Ask Thread

Church Lady


Most of RHE’s employee's place science above religion. They know the Force exists but do not hold to the religious tenets espoused by the Jedi or Sith. It is viewed more as an element, akin to gravity. That doesn’t mean all RHE’s employees share this view. There is a small sect of RHE engineers who are deeply religious. They are lead by a female engineer who is not fondly referred to as the “Church Lady.” Typically, this is has not created any issues within RHE, but as tensions have risen in the galaxy so have they risen in RHE. There is growing friction between the religious and nonreligious engineers. The icy relationships are beginning to affect the work product of the engineering departments. RHE’s efficiency and workplace morale will be greatly improved if that tension is eased. Discover the source of the growing issue and ease those problems. PARTICIPANTS: 2 -3 Jedi, Ask Thread

Blues Brothers


The frigid temperatures of Rothana can quickly send even the heartiest humanoids into a cold grave. The beasts of Rothana are not so easily deterred by the cold. The creatures will strike at night when it is coldest and the RHE facilities are most vulnerable. A RHE outpost has gone dark. This is troubling for a number of reasons. First, if the outpost has lost power the workers will quickly freeze to death. Even more troubling, the base has been being waylaid by mysterious creatures each night. The RHE employees are at serious risk. Travel to the outpost and discover the problem. You must arrive before the employees turn to blue popsicles or are attacked by the creatures. Solve the outpost’s problem, save the workers from a cold or gruesome death, and fight off any monsters. Easy. PARTICIPANTS: 2 Jedi, Ask Thread


