Mission Pack Rule The Tides

Fine Dining Set

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Jun 27, 2021
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Rule The Tides

Vossari Khaldun has been promoted to Master. As he rises in power, so too do his ambitions grow. The Acting Dark Lord Arcanos has a regime to construct - and Master Khaldun intends to contribute in the only way he knows. Having built inroads across ocean worlds throughout his time as a Sith, he has identified now as the time to strike out and create a new, watery realm, where the Sith rule is law. Fools beware, for the ocean is home to many secrets, some dark, twisted, and beyond mortal comprehension.


The Dragons Roar
@Vossari Khaldun and 1-2 characters, ASK

The planet of Drexel is a quiet, unassuming world quite close to Vossari's homeworld, Wrea. Drexel is also home to sentient, aquatic dragons with the ability to use magic. These powerful dragon creatures would be an indelible asset for the Sith. Secure an alliance with these creatures by toppling the human colonists that live on the surface. Return the planet to the depths of the abyss.

@Karai Hekk-iv-Adas @Ayomi Jakarta

Voting Booth
2-3 characters, ASK

The Order of Shasa is a Dark Side cult that has infiltrated every level of Selkath society on Manaan. Vossari has allied with this group, and their support was instrumental in the taking of Dromuund Kaas. Now, the Order of Shasa has called on the Sith with a most important mission. The cult is running members for president and vice president. Help guide the cult to an electoral victory, and they will pledge allegiance to the Sith.

@Iymril @Zira Suvan @Chasdrym Tlin'yth

Eldritch Horrors
2-3 characters, ASK

The Leviathan of Glee Anslem was identified by a group of acolytes some time ago. Now, Vossari commands to control this massive creature full of Dark Side energy. Find a way to trap it, befriend it, or enslave its' will, and use it as a locus of power for the Sith as they expand their forces beneath the waves of Glee Anslem.

Woe, plague be upon thee who opposes.
I will DM bad things happening if you take too long with this :)

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SWRP Writer
Sep 3, 2023
Reaction score
Name: Karai Hekk-iv-Adas
Rank: Sith Acolyte

Signing my new guy Karai Hekk-iv-Adas up for The Dragons Roar. :)
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Site Owner
Sith Order Faction Leader
May 3, 2010
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@Zira Suvan for Voting Booth. Note that she doesn't take up a Sith slot - she's just tagging along with her master. I won't slow things down<3

Fine Dining Set

SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jun 27, 2021
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Anyone else for Eldritch Horrors? I'll sweeten the pot........