Restricted Droid S0 Series Training Droid


Galactic Fallout
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2016
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S0 Series Training Droid

Rebublic Era Jedi


Training Droid

Power Supply:
Rechargeable power cell, 72 hour duration.

2x Optical Sensors
1x Auditory Sensors
1x Motion Sensor

Height: 1.9m, Weight: 95 Kg,

Armorplast Plates (Legs, Arms, Chest, and Back)
Plasteel (Skull, Hand, and Foot composition)

Tools and Equipment:

While the Jedi Order may have been known for their excellent philosophers and warriors, they also had their fair share of gear heads working behind the scenes. Many great pilots and mechanics were also within the order, the Jedi had to repair their own technology after all. One such piece of technology the organization would frequently utilize were training remotes. Droids, which could assist in teaching younglings and padawans how to defend against blaster fire. It was a simple droid, but effective in its task.

In the year 32 BBY, the battle of Naboo occurred and Sith prescience was made know in the galaxy thanks to a certain zabrack. Many Jedi feared it would soon be time to fight their ancient enemies again. The droid mechanics among the order were no exception to this. In order to fight the Sith, they needed something that could imitate the Sith. Two Jedi brothers, one a scholar and lore master, the other a master mechanic, decided to combine their knowledge. Together, they would design a new training droid, one that would be capable of emulating the Sith to perfection.

This was the backdrop to the creation of the SO Series Training Droid. The droid would be build of a bulky armorplast frame, allowing it to take a good deal of punishment at the cost of it's mobility and speed. The droid's head would be made of plasteel specifically, giving it a bit of a weak point when compared to the armorplast. The droid features two small yellow optical receptors, an auditory receptor, and a motion sensor. The motion sensor was an attempt to simulate the 'force sense' ability many force-sensitives possessed.

All SO droids were programmed with basic skills in each lightsaber form, this gave them great versatility in combat and would help individuals prepare for any combat situation against the Sith. While lightsaber combat was the majority of the droid's programming, it was also to imitate a Sith in personality. The droids were giving a personality matrix and Heuristic processor to reflect this, though they would also be programmed with a good deal of Jedi and Sith lore in their databanks.

After making a few finishing touches on their prototype, the brothers would have their creation manufactured by small independent company on Courscant. Eighty SO series droids would be created. After this batch had been finished, it was officially time to pitch the idea to the Jedi council. They were unfortunately denied even an audience with such an idea...

Hanging their heads low, the brothers would have their small collection of droids shipped to Raxus Prime. Their creations would be sold of scrap. While many have though the droid series to be extinct, a couple dozen still remain, but are not in good condition. All remaining units are on Raxus Prime however.

They are technically legal, as they are thought to be extinct.

This adds a former Jedi training droid to the lore, and creates a good excuse for anyone looking to play an evil droid.

Considering only eighty droids of this series were ever manufactured, and they were all shipped off to Raxus Prime over one hundred years ago, finding one is exceedingly rare. The SO-Series Training Droid can only be found on the garbage world of Raxus Prime, and none of the surviving models are in good physical condition. These droids will usually be discovered with a limb or two missing among the mounds rubble, and few even know of their existence.



Tech Admin/Tech Archiver
Jul 4, 2012
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