Sai, the Awenyddion, Reborn! (Closed)

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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OOC: This thread takes place in both the past and the present. It is important to remember this crucial fact as it will provide further insight into the people of the society of Duile and their heritage.

Llywellen wore a brown, rough, hooded cape as she stood on the edge of their village, hidden deep within the forests of Naboo for one young man brave enough to take the test of the Chosen.

Hands grasping her staff and head bowed, she listened to the sounds of the forest and the sounds of the duile: earth, water, fire, earth and wind. Each had a voice of their own. Combined their voices formed the essence of all life, the Bua, the guide of her people.

Hearing the crack of a twig, she turned her head slightly toward the sound, still keeping her face hidden. He had come. She only hoped he had arrived unarmed as the Elder had requested...for his sake.

The Balance

La Masa Hace La Fuerta
SWRP Writer
Oct 25, 2007
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As he walked in the forest to the location his master had specified, he was happy to be home and not on a mission again. Its not that he hated those places its more that he pefered this one to the rest. It was so peaceful like nothing could go wrong here, and everything was balanced.

As he neared the site he thought he saw a lumberjack and grabbed for where his bow and arrows would be, but nothing was there. He had came un-armed just as the elder had requested. Moving over to where he thought the lumberjack would be, he was relieved to find nothing and continued to go to the training place.

As the location came into view he stepped on a twig. He felt horrible, because he had just broke a piece of nature. Bending down he buried the twig, and as he covered it over with dirt, a rose fell out of his robes. He quickly placed it back in gently, for that rose was considered to be his mother. Then standing up and making eye contact with Llywellen he bowed.

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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When he had finished burying the twig, she turned her face away from him and gazed across the wooded vale.

"You show a weakness within. The circle of life is such that there is no need to mourn the life of something dead, for death does not exist in the way the outsiders see it. Your twig, had you left it in the open could have been used in a nest, housing a future clutch of peko-pekos or eaten by one of the many animals that surround our beautiful world. By taking the twig and burying it, you instead seal it's fate to decompose and enrich the soil, taking the choice away from the life around you in this forest."

The Balance

La Masa Hace La Fuerta
SWRP Writer
Oct 25, 2007
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Sai hesitated at replying at first he wasn't even there a minute yet and he had already done something wrong. He thought about just giving a nod, but decided to explain why he buried it. Replying to his master, "I am sorry, I only thought it deserved a burial just like any living thing."

He stared out into the same valley that Llywellen did. It was his family, if he wasn't in training right now he would be out there with Huorn, his brother, sitting under the shade of a tree, listening to the sounds of nature. But he also desired to do this, he wanted to help, and according to everything surrounding his birth it was also his duty.

So he just stood there silently and waited for the Dwyn to reply. Listening to nature to help him find his inner peace so as to help him in his training.

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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"Buried or exposed to the Duile, what comes from the earth will return no matter what step you take," she added before turning her head away from him and walking away.

She assumed he would follow, not daring to look back to see if he was indeed doing so or not. Her eyes instead were fixed upon the cave and the ceremony she would lead on her own. Just as the Elder had led her to the cave, she too would lead her own Awenyddion to the cavern. This was a personal process between master and pupil, a process that would bind them together for all eternity.

Quietly, she lead the way through the forest, her footsteps not even making a sound as her robes rustled like trickling water of a creek. Life seemed to ignore the couple as they went about their business, yet the Elder was watching all the while.

When she finally approached the cavern, she made her way to an altar just outside it's entrance, the symbol of the Children of Duile carved upon it's smooth surface. Kneeling at the altar, she closed her eyes, paying her respects to the Duile and communing with the Creator. Then, rising to her feet, she finally looked upon the Awenyddion and smiled, a smile he'd never witnessed upon her face before. Backing toward the entrance, she ushered him inside.

The Balance

La Masa Hace La Fuerta
SWRP Writer
Oct 25, 2007
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Sai, nodded to show he understanded what his master had just told him. But before he could do anything else she was in the move, carefully walking to a destination Sai did not know of. Carefuly following her Sai tried not to step on anything else. They were walking deeper into the forest now, one of the few places in the forest he had not explored.

Finally Llywellen walked into a cave, it consisted of a long tunnel like room, followed by a circular room, but that was all Sai could tell. Stoppong outside the circular room as his master went in to pray. The room had an alter in it which she went to pray at. Sai could make out the carving of the symbol of the Children of Duile on it.

After she had finished praying Sai so an unfamilar smile on her face, and he returned the expression. Seeing that she motioned for him to come in, he did so but with great respect. Then once he was fully in he looked at his master, in wonderance to see if it was also okay if he went to pray at the altar.

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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She did not seem to give him the chance as she motioned for him to follow her inside again. "Come," she said, "the Duile await you."

Turning her back upon him, she moved to the darkest part of the cavern and disappeared from his sight. In the center of the cave, a light shined down from a crack illuminating a strange design carved upon the floor. It bore the marks of all of the elements and a figure known to them as the Creator.

Across the cavern, Llywellen lit candles, surrounding the walls of the cave. Their sweet smell seemed to be mixed with something else as he began to see piles of some herbs smoking on all four corners of the room. As the warm candlelight filled the cavern, driving away the darkness and the chill, he could begin to feel the effects of the herb upon his mind.

When she had finished, she joined him at the ancient design and sat across from him, closing her eyes and singing a mournful tune.

The Balance

La Masa Hace La Fuerta
SWRP Writer
Oct 25, 2007
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Following her deeper into the cavern Sai, saw as Llywellen started to light candles all around the room. He could smell the herbs all around him, engulfing him in their aroma. Taking a seat in ancient design of a circle, he closed his eyes. He could feel the herbs starting to flow through him. It soothed him, and allowed him to become closer to Bua by enhancing his meditation.

He was exicted yet nervous about his training, the thought of adavancing a step was a happy one, yet also one that had the potential to cause him great stress. Of course advancing his knowledge as an Awenyddion, and maybe into a Dryw would be a great thing. Something that could move him closer to the prophecy of his birth, but then again with power comes responsiblity, and Sai was not sure if he could handle that responsiblity. But of course that was why he was here, Llywellen and Bua would guide him
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Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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OOC: Please, don't take this somewhere it isn't supposed to go. This training has a purpose and a direction that will all fall into place and help you with your character. Just go with the flow on this one.

The Balance

La Masa Hace La Fuerta
SWRP Writer
Oct 25, 2007
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OOC: I would go with the flow if I knew what the flow was to be honest I am more than a little confused

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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OOC: Describe your character's feelings only right now and let me tell you what you see and feel touching your body. Just follow my lead and don't add things that haven't been said in the previous post. The herbs should just draw you into a state more easily able to meditate, more relaxed, mind very active and ready to receive what the Bua may teach.

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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As the tune carried on, Sai was drawn deeper into himself. Strange pictures began to form in his mind as her tune continued, directed by her words, seeming to take a life of their own. A voice then seemed to direct him, the voice of a female, seemingly familiar to him:

Breathe deeply, from your out.....feel your body relax....make yourself comfortable, be at one with me...

The voice seemed to pause as Llywellen's voice faded to a hushed humming, her head thrown back, arms wide and a smile of ecstacy on her face.

Let each breath carry away the tension....tension in your feet....your legs....your arms....your neck....your head....with each breath in, feel a warmth fill your body...mind alert and ready to see the power of the Bua...

The Balance

La Masa Hace La Fuerta
SWRP Writer
Oct 25, 2007
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As Llywellen continued to chant Sai, was moved deeper into his mind and soul, getting ever closer to Bua. But then he heard a women's voice, the voice of his mother. Oh how he missed her so, at first he listened to what she told him but then he stopped in a state of anger. Why should he listen to her the one who had abandoned him and the Duile. He struggled, beads of sweat forming on his brow from the heat of the room, and the battle within.

Then suddenly her voice stopped as Llywellen's chanting turned into a pleasent humming, and was replaced by Llywellen's own voice. He listened to her voice trying to carry out the tension within with each breath, at first he felt no relief but as he relied on himself less and on Bua more he felt his body become relieved of tension, stress, and worry. As these bad auras filtered out of him, the space they had left was replaced by a warm feeling, a feeling of Bua, love, and responsiblity filled in these places, making Sai, more relaxed and closer to Bua.

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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As his relaxation deepened and his body began to feel light and alive, his mind began to seek more answers, even probing the fogginess the incense seemed to create for more instructions, thirsting to become one with the Bua.

Llywellen's voice dropped deeper, a huskiness with each tone as more instructions came to mind.

Become one with the Duile, become one with Earth. Imagine roots sprouting from your feet, growing down, pushing deep through stone and soil, deepening....spreading...reaching to the waters that are housed below the Earth...the Earth current...the dark, cool and magnetic power that sustains and nourishes all life. As your roots touch the current, the power is drawn up to your body. Feel the power enter your legs, strengthening your body. As waters rise from the earth, feel them rise up your trunk. With each breath, pull the water further up, into your heart, filling it with healing and restorative energy. Again with a deeper breath, pull the water into your head, filling your mind with wisdom of the Earth and showing you things only she has seen. Flowing down from your head to your hands, pouring from your body and returning once again to the Earth. Yet, the power of Earth remains, you are one...

The Balance

La Masa Hace La Fuerta
SWRP Writer
Oct 25, 2007
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As he began to feel more relaxed, his eyes still closed he mentally searched through the fog of his thoughts for answers about Bua to find, some of them already there just not unlocked yet, and Bua itself was the key. With this new knowledge we began more anxious to become part of Bua.

Hearing Llywellen's words in his mind once more, he was more than happy to comply he always wondered what it would be like to be one of his true family members.

He imagined himself becoming a tree, the rose in his pocket a flower planted next to him. He visualized his legs becoming roots and stretching into the ground, feeling the cool soil against them. Eventually his roots hit a tiny underground stream, it gave life to him just like it gave life to all of his family members, and animals in the forest. The roots drank from the stream bringing the life giving water to him. But this water did not only bring life to him, it brought power, power like a tree, it taught him not to abuse it and be sturdy. With each breath he drew in more water, it rose up his trunk moving along his innards up to his heart, filling it, and the water filled his heart with healing and restoration, he needed it it helped him deal with the pain of hearing his mother again. Breathing deeply again he pulled the water up to his mind, filling it with the things only the earth could see, it showed him wonderful things, the creation of lands, the sprouting of forests, but it also showed him sad things like the deaths of creatures, but their death only brought them back to the earth. Then breathing out he felt it all leave him, and at first he was afraid he would no longer know such things, but quickly he discovered he was one with the earth and still remembered and learned from such things.