
Hol Horse

Filthy Weeaboo Scum
SWRP Writer
Apr 14, 2017
Reaction score
NAME: Saladin D'vant
AGE: 28
SPECIES: Devaronian
Voice: Tommy Wiseau

FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sorcerer (Marauder)

HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 190lbs
FORCE: Trained


  • Saladin D'vant, first of his name, son of Oghrim D'vant, was born into a happy and wealthy family in the Devaronian capital Montellian Serat. Oghrim was a renown fighter and mercenary in his youth, fighting for anyone who'd pay as he wandered the galaxy, only to retire prematurely once he had the money to do so lavishly with his wife Mara and have children. Saladin, more informally known as Sal, was the first of three siblings, the only boy of the household. In his youth, Sal was a mischevious rascale with an insatiable lust for adventure and exploration, something paralelled only by his curiosity that often dragged him into trouble. Montellian Serat was a busy and bustling city, travelers of the Outer Rim came and went with plenty of stories about the wider galaxy, fascinating the young Devaronian.

    As the boy grew older, it became apparent he possessed a brilliant intelligence, consistently outperforming his peers in his schooling, as well as all the other schools in the capital by a wide margin. It became clear that the youngling's lust for adventure could only be matched by his insatiable curiosity and desire to learn, something that led him to scouring libraries and sources of knowledge wherever he could find it. Even from a young age, he was enamored with learning in all its forms. In History and Science in particular he excelled, running circles around his teachers with his extra-curricular reading, though this led to various circumstances where the youngling was reprimanded for challenging his teachers on such topics as 'the ethics of sentient experimentation' or 'The place of morality in history and historical narrative'. Indeed, even at a young age, the boy's curiosity had begun to become more grim, desiring to push past the 'simple' concepts and topics his teachers lectured him on. He wanted more, he wanted so much more that denying him his 'true' knowledge made his blood boil.

    When he was 11 years old though, the boy found a book that would change his life, 'The Science and Theorems of Sith Sorcery'. The black tome had been given to him by a strange man who was passing through the Outer Rim and had stopped to refuel at Montellian Serat. Seeing the lust for knowledge and an insatiable curiosity in the youngling, as well as sensing the force within him, the unknown Sith gave the horned boy the book, a piece from his own collection, on the condition that one day he would return it to him when he was ready to learn more. Eagerly and without hesitation, the young boy accepted the gift and went on his way, the words of the disguised Sith still in the back of his mind. Now, Sal was loved by his family, as well as his friends and mentors, yet the obsession he displayed with the black grimoire caused all three groups to begin to worry as over time the boy began to... change.

    His blue eyes began changing color, his skin grew progressively more pale, his cheery and joyous smiles now started to seem more unsettling than friendly. Through it all, in the dark of the night, Sal studied the grimoire, reading it with more depth and analysis than he ever thought he could. The work captivated him, the science and history of the topic combined with the potential that it could reach, it captivated him more than any topic had. For hours he would read the tome in secret, learning the philosophies of the Dark Side of the Force and how it could be used. Finally, after many months of religious study and reading, the boy attempted his first experiment, moving a small rock with his mind. The attempt was a resounding success, the made lust for power through knowledge clouding the boy's mind from that moment onward. His eyes had been opened to a new world, a new frontier of knowledge, science, and the Force that could accomplish feats without limitation.

    For nearly 2 more years Sal studied the grimoire, learning and experimenting in small ways with the Dark Side of the Force which he was convinced could accomplish anything. His skills were coarse and self-trained of course, there was still so much he didn't know and couldn't teach himself. He no longer cared for his foolish classes that he saw as child's play, his friends became afterthroughts, his family loosely important to him- all that mattered was more. More knowledge, more power, more experiments, just more of everything. He wanted to experience the full power and might of the dark side, he wanted to make his experiments bigger and more dangerous.

    Finally, the corrupt tween decided to host a... domestic experiment.

    No one in the capital knew exactly what happened to the D'vant family. One night, they seemingly all just disappeared into thin air, gone without a trace. There were no signs of a struggle or fighting, nor of any suspicious clues, only the ghostly white skinned Sal staring gleefully at his book as usual, "All work and no play makes for a bad day" he repeated to himself,"All work and no play makes for a bad day" he continued, not responding to any attempts at communication by investigators. The disappearance of the D'vant family still is a popular rumor and urban legend throughout Montellian Serat, though all agreed the eldest son had some part in it. The tween did not care however, for his experiment (what it was, he will never say) was a resounding success. He wanted to learn more, he needed to learn more, this was just a taste of what was to come. The words of the disguised Sith came back to him. His crazed and corrupted smile deepened, he knew where it was he needed to go. He fled Devorian and rocketed what he saw as his true destiny.

    The Sith Academy was a wonderland for Sal, who was quickly accepted into their ranks after being vouched for by the Sith who he had promised to return to one day. The young acolyte fell in love with the vast libraries and laboratories of Korriban, spending most of his days gleefully reading piles of books when he wasn't busy being forced to train. Sal had never liked using Lightsabers that much, he was a scientist in his eyes, a Sith who attempted to push the boundaries of the Dark Side. His ghostly white skin and golden eyes haunted the halls of the Sith Academy, looking for creatures and unwitting acolytes to volunteer for some extracurricular experiments.

    As the years passed, spanning a little more than a decade of time, Sal continued to research the Dark Side of the Force. Metaphysical questions such as reality and its connection to the Force interested him more than any other, its variables through Space, Life, and Time becoming his key points of interest and study. How could he use the Dark Side to understand and harness these fundamental powers? Regardless, the relation of the Force itself to reality became an obsession for Sal, who sought to understand and, ultimately, alter it to his will and 'fix' an imperfect world by changing it to his perfect vision. With these goals and secret research feverishly filling his mind, the Acolyte eventually graduated from the academy, killing his master and becoming, at last, a Sith, a Sorcerer in the making.

    A breakthrough finally came in the form of a realization while meditating with the sith priestess on Coruscant: in the course of studying science and researching magic, he had forgotten his roots, the thing that gave him his connection to the dark side. He had the methods and means to reverse engineer a vortex, a black hole that is, but did not have the actual energy to do so. In the ensuing months, Sal began to go back to basics, reflecting on the pointlessness of all existence and feeding off the blindness of his enemies. Whether experimenting on innocents, toying with his fellow sith, imparting some of his knowledge, or even defeating jedi, he tried to reconnect with himself. It was only when on Yavin IV, that the sorcerer saw a dangerous method to achieve a deeper connection to the dark side through absorbing the lost souls who clung to the sith temple there. With the aide of his fellow sith, Sal defeated the lost spirits there, calling upon the full might of the dark side to do so. The result of this trial was the creation of the Force Vortex, a Eureka moment in the albino's life. He had taken the first step to true enlightenment, yet only now stood at the tip of the iceberg.

    As of now, after undergoing the trial of Yavin IV and greater combat experience Sal's traditionally strong Force Powers are undoubtedly Telekinesis and Energy Manipulation, though he also has grown greatly in Mental Manipulation which he still works to improve upon. Although once considered significantly weaker than most due to his force studies, Sal now has trained his body to reflect his matured mind, strengthening to have moderate to average physical strength and presence. Additionally, through combat and training, Sal's skill with a lightsaber has grown as well, though he uses primarily Form III for its overall defensive and deflecting ability, he has started practicing Dejm So.
  • With an eerily maddening grin plastered almost permanently on is face, and keen yellow eyes that seem to see all, Sal cuts an intimidating figure.

    The tall Devaronian's skin is ghostly white, a result of his physical decay over time through experimentation and sheer devotion to study of the Dark Side of the force. After years of studying at the Sith Academy and pursuing his research privately, his entire body has lost any semblence of color, reduced to a perfectly snow white sheen. The raven black hair that flows freely behind him, usually gelled somewhat, is a stark contrast to this feature. The sorcerer keeps his hair at a long length, running down past his shoulders a tad, though kept out of his face so as to avoid tangling with his horns. The sith usually wears heavy makeup including eyeliner and lipstick to add some mild color to his overall ghostly physique. Perhaps the most striking feature about the Devaronian's face though are his bright yellow eyes.

    The sith's overall body composition, though, is lackluster. A result devoting his life as a Sith to the control and research of the Dark side has left his physical abilities less than adequate for a traditional warrior. Although still retaining reliable stamina and flexibility, the Devaronian's sheer strength is rather poor. His legs comprise the height of his body, accompanied by long lanky arms. If he were to appear unclothed, he would seem almost grossly skinny and gaunt, with a visible rib cage and hipbones against his white skin.

    In terms of clothing, Sal is fairly standard in what he wears. His trademark piece of clothing, without a doubt, is his white hooded labcoat. Unlike his fellow marauders, who prefer the color black as reflecting their devotion to the dark side, Sal prefers to look deer at the dark side in relation to all things, seeing both light and dark as being synonymous with it. As such, and also because he loathes to wear black with his milky white complection, this white flowing labcoat is his favorite staple. Under this, the outfit may vary great depending on what it is he might be doing that day. Everything from pajamas, to combat attire, to simply nothing at all, is fair game in his eyes. On his feet, the Sith usually wears sandals of varying colors. Finally, around his belt, the sorcer will usually wear some color of sash to keep up his pants, liking the light and flexible material overall.
  • There was a time that many would have considered Saladin a normal Devaronian, a man concerned primarily with knowledge and helping others, a good soul at his core. This time has passed. Instead, after training at the Sith Academy for much of his life, Sal has grown to be more disillusioned with the world, and the substances within it, something that slowly drove him to the more maddened and maniacal state that he is today. He no longer seeks only knowledge and answers, but the untold power that can come from it. He cares not for his status or what people think of him, for he already knows who he is and his limitations. Finally, he no longer values simple terms like Light and Dark, instead finding both sides farcical, two sides of an eternal coin that embodies Chaos itself.

    To the average man on the street, Sal comes off as a tall, intimidating, creepy, and overly flamboyant alien. He often acts on a whim or impulsively, his mind not having much inhibition anymore, but is still capable of carrying a conversation quite well with good enunciation. However, these surface-level emotions which can be seen are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the many other workings and machinations that the Sith Sorcerer holds close to the chest. Indeed, 'close to the chest' is a phrase that would probably be best at describing Sal's other personality traits and goals, a Machiavellian to his core, the man always has some sort of Iron in the Fire. As meticulous as he is cunning, the man is the sort of person who will often show up at the most unusual times when a persona of his nature is needed, a favor owed is a powerful thing after all.

    To best understand Sal though, and his personality as a whole, it is important to understand the thing which he almost never will publicly discuss: his Goal. Secret experiments, sightings at ancient ruins, robberies of museum transports- anomalies such as these and more are linked to his name despite no concrete evidence existing thanks in part to his employment of naive underlings. Sal will do anything and everything to further his research towards his master aim, his sole purpose. By being disillusioned with reality, and the futility of all existence and actions, August believes that it is his purpose in life to 'fix' it by using the ultimate power of the force, the unlimited power of the Dark Side. Time, Space, Life, these three forces are interconnected through the force, and all three are necessary to rip the fabric of reality asunder through their shared medium. In a sense, August seeks to reach 'enlightenment', to ascend to a higher plane of reality and existence then this current one, above his foolish Sith brethren. To achieve this goal, in his view, one requires powerful and unparalelled control over the force, as well as knowledge of Space, Life, and Time. Only by combining the powers of the three could one possibly ascend to a higher existence and, ultimately, becoming a Higher Being capable of destroying reality and remaking a perfect world from the ground up... Or so he believes through his research.

    The drive to this ultimate combination of Force Sorcery and science, an ever burning flame of devotion and fanaticism, fuels Sal's life. His every action and decision is devoted to finding the eternal answers of this reality. This dream of a perfect world and a higher plane of existence drove Sal to join the Sith Academy and become a Sorcerer, a scientist at his core, as well as driving him now to commit any act necessary to further his research and quest for knowledge. There is no person he won't manipulate or outright kill, no artifact he won't confiscate, and no opportunity he won't waste if it means bringing him just one step closer to the finish line of his eternal race. The man doesn't bother attempting to explain his actions to those who know his true nature and designs, for he has since given up in attempting to do so, resigning to the fact that the rest of the galaxy simply cannot grasp the true nature of its futility nor what Sal perceives as the final phase of sentient evolution. Instead, Sal keeps quiet about his goals, covering them and his manipulations up in every way possible, and keeping this very goal itself, as expected, close to the chest.

    In terms of relations with other people, Sal varies quite often in his opinions. He cannot claim to have any true friends, for so far as he is concerned nobody knows him as well as he does. Associates, however, those who he knows and gets along agreeably with, he is usually calm and collected towards, perhaps even friendly and somewhat jovial if his opinion of them is high. Sal does not bother with romantic relations, as he sees no point in them or their outcome, despite enjoying the distraction of physical pleasure. Towards his enemies, the man is as ruthless as he is merciless, resorting to a by-any-means style of fighting, annihilating his enemies with his Force Sorcery and lightsaber skills. Typically, Sal doesn't get involved with the troubles of his 'associates' if they are being attacked or hurt badly, but if his opinion of them is high enough or their usefulness to him still present, then he will come down upon their common foe with thunderous power. Overall, in a social manner, one could call Sal a 'flamboyantly reserved' man, one who won't go out of his way for the sake of social situations, but won't depart hurriedly if he is.

    There is still another dual passion which Sal lives for besides his Goal: History. Since a young age, Sal was enamored with the history of the galaxy and with the Sith, daydreaming about being fighting and in the wars of old- obviously such things never happened, but still the love of the Past was a topic the man could never let go of. Even today, Sal's passion for Sith History in all its forms manifests itself in teaching the topic at the Sith Academy as a substitute teacher. Knowledge is Sal's temple, and it is one which he eagerly loves to invite others to worship in. Being able to discuss the only topic besides his research that genuinely excites him is a feeling which Sal practically lives for, and something that has caused him to enjoy his part-time job, much to the annoyance of his pupils.

    There are a few more oddities here and there worth addressing about the man that have not been said already. For one, he is an avid drinker, preferring hard liquor of all sorts during the winter months to help stave off the cold, and would have been a Bartender in a past life. Finally, as a still somewhat 'cultured' man, August enjoys some of the finer things in life like the arts, acting, films, operas, and overly expensive wine... Well, not too overly expensive that is..
  • Assault on Alater-Ka [Mission]— ugh [Link] ● Complete
    To Make A Sith — leather fetishes and experimenting on nuns [Link] ● COMPLETE
    Blazing Saddles [Mission]— Short description [Link] ● COMPLETE
    The Cloister of Leggodt [Mission] — Justice Leauge [Link] ● Abandoned
    Vanilla Ice [Mission] - assaulting Belsavis with Nayel [Link] ● VICTORY
    Sith Yacht Partyyy — party tiem [Link] ● Abandoned
    Event Horizon - The Ascension of the Unholy Trinity and a glorious day for science ● COMPLETE [Link]
    The Battle of Ithor: A Blow for Justice - the garrisons are deployed [Link]
    A Bizzare Reunion - read title [Link]
  • Armor
    CZ-34"Dewback" armor

    Sith Dual Phase Lightsaber
    TS-15 Trishot Blaster x3 ammo packs, attached to left hip
    SA-21 "Sunspear" Heavy Blaster Pistol x3 ammo packs, attached to right hip
    PB-1s 'Nova' x3 ammo packs, placed on back on top of Discblade.
    Mk 3 Pyrotechnic Munitions Device "Firespray" x2
    Thermal Detonator x2
    Sonic Detonator x2
    Zeison Sha Discblade attached to back on top of labcoat, can slide underneath Nova Rifle for easy access and storage.

    Auditory Frequency Modulator
    RZX-96 "Vindicator" Battle Drone

    RG-5 Assault Starfighter
    Syliure-11 Hyperdrive Booster Ring
    M-Series Utility/Astromech Droid
  • .

Template by @ZayPat
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Hol Horse

Filthy Weeaboo Scum
SWRP Writer
Apr 14, 2017
Reaction score

The Trials and Tribulations of Sith Sorcery

As the title of this section may imply, Saladin observes and practices the art of Sith Sorcery through the lens of a scientist, seeking to understand the force's relation to the world and, inevitably, the fabric of reality itself. Within this context, the majority of his research is focused on three main 'pillars' of metaphysics which keep the 'whole thing from falling apart' in his eyes: Space, Life, and Time. By studying the force through both scientific and spiritual means, Sal hopes to learn to harness these primal forces of the universe and control their almighty power and beyond. With such an intense focus on studying and mastering the Dark Side in its entirety, Sal's control and usage of it is more easily accessed and available to him than others, dedicating his entire life to utterly perfecting use of the Force, much to his lackluster abilities with a lightsaber or physical presence. With this 'mage' focus lifestyle, Sal requires less concentration than others naturally might in controlling the basic tenets and abilities of the Force, with such simple tricks and powers seeming more elementary to him than to other more lightsaber focused warriors.

Sal's primary research at the beginning of his quest for true enlightement has been the study of space, both as a concept and as a physical anomaly. To better understand this pillar, the sorcerer secluded himself to the dangerous Deep Core, studying in a research station as close as possible to the supermassive black hole keeping the galaxy together. From here, the Devaronian labored through herculean trials and tribulations to unlock the connection between the Force and Space itself. For years, the Devaronian struggled to understand the mechanations of the universe and how they could be altered by the force. Despite the endless secrets in his lab, both on jedi, mando, and even committing unspeakable horrors on his fellow sith. Still, the black hole he studied only served to taunt him with its eternal void. It was only while fighting on Belsavis that the sith realized that perhaps it was his own lack of connection to the fundamentals of the Dark Side that stood in his way from controlling what he studied. Turning his gaze to studying the ancient sith of past, the feats of their sorcerers, Sal eventually concluded that he would need to make a gamble for power. He had the knowledge to apply his skill with utmost perfection, years of studying and research had seen to that, but he still required greater base power, a deeper connection to the dark side, to generate the utterly chaotic and uncaring energies that fueled the Dark Side. To this end, he recruited two companions, a Zabrak and a Cyborg to join him in a combined trance on Yavin IV to commune with the lingering energies of the long dead slaves there. The scientist made a bet with the collective consciousness of the damned souls of the weak, stating that if they could survive in trance through the night, their energies were forfeit to them as the inheritors of the strong, of the sith- if they failed, they would be mentally tormented for all eternity. With this ultimate vie for power, Sal lept into the abyss to try and reach that absolute connection to the Dark Side he craved and needed to fuel the thing he had spent several years researching: his bridge to enlightenment. The result of this gamble was the first step to this dream...

  • Force Vortex (1+ Posts) An ability of both science and sith magic, Force Vortex is a spell of unique and innovative power. By focusing on the power of the dark side, after charging for at least one post, Sal may unleash a pulse of Dark Side energy that pulls nearby objects towards him in a AoE Cone. The effectiveness of this ability differs depending on both the charge time and the target's original position. The outer fringe of thise cone extends up to 30 yards in its base form and is comparable to a strong shove in its pulling ability. As the intensity of this ability grows, the narrower the AoE becomes as befitting the geometry of a cone. At its midpoint, roughly 15 yards away from the epicenter of the Vortex, the pulling power is comparable to an above-average Force user's Force Pull. At close and point-blank ranges, the pulling power of this vortex intensifies even more so, ripping apart small to moderate sized objects as well as severely damaging most human-sized organisms similar to sith lightning, though not outright killing them save for coming into contact with the Event Horizon of the Vortex which naturally is the most concentrated point of the Vortex's energy, ripping apart anything that hits its dead center. Although this ability can be maintained for a short time, channeling it for long durations quickly drains even the most adept force user's stamina. Unlike a real life black hole, blasterfire and lightsabers may pass freely through the Vortex as gravity itself is not being manipulated, therefore the qualities of light are unchanged. Though, as mentioned before, coming into contact with the Event Horizon is the exception to this rule as the absolute zero of the void can nullifies all things, including popular weaponry. One final word of warning, although the minimum required time for charging this spell is one post, Sal may theoretically charge this post for additional turns, increasing its power when finally released depending on the length of the build up, with longer charge times generating even more awe inspiring destructive power.



Skills and Disciplines

Mad Scientist-Sith Sorcerer

First and foremost, Sal is a creature of science. By studying the world around him and its relation to the force, the Devaronian has come to obtain prodigal levels of intellect from multiple vast fields of scientific study: everything from physics and chemistry, to anatomy and astronomy. The natural world fascinated the sith since a young age and it, in tandem with a love of reading and learning, has created one of the most genius intellectual minds in the galaxy- albeit one verging on the edge of what can be perceived as clinical insanity. The nature of his scientific studies often push the envelope on what is considered taboo, tying into his '3 Pillars' theory of metaphysics in relation to the Dark Side of the force. Researching the Event Horizons of Black Holes, theories of space-time, and ressurecting the dead are only a few of the many endeavours that he pursues in the seclusion of his lab in the Deep Core world of Byss. Science is his religion, one that he considers himself to be both preacher and evangelist for, as well as its chief radicalist.

Tying into the above, and the goal of understanding the Dark Side in relation to the natural order of the universe, Sal has dedicated his life to mastering and improving his control of the Force. The result of this lifetime of training and devotion is a virtual mastery of the Dark Side, allowing for advanced experimentation with it, the fundamentals of any Sorcerer. While this process and study has slowly eaten away at his body, the upside to this is being one of the most ingenious and powerful Dark Side force users in the Empire- a power level that is still growing as his research continues and his body continues to decay. Core Sith powers are as easy for him to control as breathing, as well as his stamina when using them, a testament to his utter devotion to his quest for true enlightenment. The natural downside to this devotion and specific casting archetype though is a natural poor physical strength, a result of years upon years of practice.

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dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
Reaction score
Likes learning? Interested in the grimoire and darker aspects of magic? Pale? Reminds me of a certain someone.

Hol Horse

Filthy Weeaboo Scum
SWRP Writer
Apr 14, 2017
Reaction score
Huh, I read Homestuck a bit in High School and now that you mention it there is a similarity.

So much for trying to be the first flamboyantly annoying sith lord #DarthOrBust


dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
Reaction score
Huh, I read Homestuck a bit in High School and now that you mention it there is a similarity.

So much for trying to be the first flamboyantly annoying sith lord #DarthOrBust

Oh my god good luck. I tried to do a charmingly dark Sith and we all know where that ended.


The Dreaded
SWRP Writer
Jun 6, 2017
Reaction score
That reference picture is going to give me nightmares is beautiful and you should never change it.

Hol Horse

Filthy Weeaboo Scum
SWRP Writer
Apr 14, 2017
Reaction score
Updated his profile a tad to account for Yavin IV training, increased physical abilities, creation of Force Vortex, and add more gear.

Note that this is his gear only going forwards from now and that for any prior pvp the previous app still stands as the basis for pvp.