Mandalorian Tech Restricted Function Sensar Droid Port


Lookin for a fight
SWRP Writer
Dec 17, 2017
Reaction score


Function: Sensar Droid Port​
  • A small air-sealed tight compartment is crafted into a desired Mandalorian's gauntlet, the space lined with scatterweave in order to be obscured from scanning. The compartment is waterproof and openable by a button press. Inside rests a port specifically made for a Sensar droid that can also house one secretly. The port provides the wearer the ability to receive the live information feed from the droid, as well as the ability to recall and recharge it. The recharging process takes three rounds.

    (This function is just the port itself but comes included with one Sensar droid. If the droid is destroyed it must be replaced after the thread.)

Restrictions?: Restricted to members of the Mandalorian faction. These can be earned through mission rewards only. This armor function also must be used in order to use the Sensar droid.

Force User Compatible?: No
