Sevrina Varm

Sevrina Varm

SWRP Writer
Dec 20, 2015
Reaction score

(this image is only temporary and will be replaced with a more accurate picture)

NAME: Sevrina Varm
FACTION: Hutt Cartel
RANK: Prospect
SPECIES: Zygerrian
AGE: 23
GENDER: Female
WEIGHT: 120 lbs.
EYES: Hazel-Green
HAIR: Black w/ white tips
CREDITS: 1,000
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Black facial tattoos, five silver earrings in both ears

STRENGTH: As a Zygerrian, physical strength is natural to her. Among those of her culture, she falls as average strength.
DEXTERITY: Tall and muscular, Sevrina moves gracefully and nimbly.
CONSTITUTION: As physical strength comes to her naturally, her health is equal with her strength.
INTELLIGENCE: Sevrina was raised as a noble in the Zygerrian culture. With that, she was well educated with private tutors throughout her childhood and young adult life.
WISDOM: Perhaps "wise" is not the word to describe Sevrina. She is hotheaded and quick to act, sometimes not thinking of the consequences for herself or others. Least likely others.
CHARISMA: When she wishes, Sevrina can turn on charm and seduction with her alluring accent. However, without this conscious effort to charm someone, Sevrina is not direct

Born and raised a noble in the Zygerrian culture, she was naturally hot headed, violent, and harsh towards others. She grew up believing to not look out for others than herself and that mercy was a sign of weakness. Through her culture, she was hardened into not trusting others and to not showing any signs of weakness, physical or mental. This turned her into a charismatic, yet serious individual. Along with her pride, Sevrina grew to be ambitious and determined. Though she was raised a noble, the Zygerrian culture demanded much of her and she grew up working to meet those standards.
Though hot headed, arrogant, prideful, and selfish, Sevrian valued honor above all other things. She held tight to her traditions and her people, and while loyalty was not a priority in her culture, honor was instilled in her. Sevrina was not close to her family, nor to many in her culture, but she found herself feeling loyal to her people and any foul words against them would result in her unpredictable anger.
Sevrina was born to Count Zerrid and Countess Vania Varm, nobles in the Zygerrian court. Her father worked in the hierarchy of the Slavers Guild and her mother preoccupied herself with the court. Growing up, Sevrina was raised by a governess and many tutors. As a young girl, she was groomed for a life in the Zygerrian military, an honor most of the nobles held. This meant her lessons included battle strategies, hand to hand combat, as well as learning the ins and outs of the Zygerrian military and court. These were not her only lessons, however, but merely the ones that she was required to spend the most time with. Since she spent most of her days learning and studying, she never grew close to either of her parents. When she was little, she would try and win the affection of her mother, but as she grew older, she began to realize she would never get that and instead turned to seeking the approval of her father. This meant excelling in her lessons and teachings.
When Sevrina was fourteen, she had managed to pass all of the tests required of her to join the Zygerrian military academy. The next three years of her life were dedicated to more challenging lessons of hand to hand comabt, ranged combat, fighter comabt, battle strategies, command strategies, and many others. Through this time, her mother continued to be a minor part in Sevrina's life. Her father, however, took notice of his daughter's ambition and dedication. Instead of worshiping her advances, however, Zerrid believed only disappointment and punishment would encourage his daughter to strive for greatness. At the hands of her father or other superiors, she suffered much physical abuse as well as psychological. All of these actions lead her to become a hardened woman without mercy, forgiveness, or any signs of weakness.
At the age of twenty, Sevrina was awarded the honor of Lieutenant Commander in the Zygerrian military. However, she spent less time in the military and more time at the palace training the guard. Her abilities with hand to hand combat exceeded the expectations of her superiors, so after graduating from the academy, she was sent to the palace to be the captain of the guard.
At the age of twenty one, a tragedy befell her and her family. Sevrina was like most other Zygerrians; hardened, selfish, and proud. Unlike most of her people, though, she was described by many as "not having any emotions." The truth was quite the contrary. In her first year of training the guard at the palace, Sevrina found herself attracted to a lower ranking Zygerrian male named Akim. Akim had been raised in one of the lower living areas of Zygerria. His parents had both worked in the slavers guild and had both been killed in their work. As a young boy, he was sent to work in the palace. Through ambition and hard work, her found himself training under Sevrina in the palace guard. Their relations, if discovered, however, would be viewed as disgraceful in their culture if her parents or superiors were to discover them. For months, they kept their affection hidden, until a peer of Akim's training under Sevrina's command saw the two together and reported them. Akim was sent to the Outer Rim to be a lackey in the slavers guild. Sevrina was physically punished by her superiors and was shunned by her family. Stripped of her rank, title, and support, Sevrina fled Zygerria and sought a new life on Nar Shaddaa, knowing her skills found be found useful there. After arriving on Nar Shaddaa, she moved to change her appearance, in order to properly blend in with the life around her, as well as put behind her shame of behind shunned by her culture and people. Similarly to those Zabrak cultures recieved, Sevrina tattooed various patterns across her face. Most of these patterns signified her military rank and prowess, as well as five rings in both of her ears; a style most high noble women of Zygerria wore. Through this, she placed her life behind her, yet held onto a small fraction of hr culture. It wasn't long before she found herself aligned with the Hutt Cartel. Her physical strength and combat prowess were quickly put to use by those who hired her.​
Sevrina was praised by her superiors in the Zygerrian military for her hand to hand combat, ranged combat, and battle strategies.​
Sevrina is full of ambition and determination. It is hard to break her will, if not impossible. She is also resourceful and quick to think on her feet. In most difficult situations, she can think of a way out of it. In regards to her in depth knowledge of battle strategies, Sevrina is also a highly capable commander and assumes leadership whenever she feels the situation demands it.
Like most of her people, though, Sevrina is selfish and hot tempered. Though she learned to keep her temper controlled through her years in the Zygerrian academy as well as training the royal guard, she would still have bursts of anger that would lead to lashing at others around her. She is also arrogant and proud, thinking herself to know the best course of action and no one else. Sevrina despises any sign of weakness in people. As raised in her culture, she sees weakness as the telltale signs of one's death.

Light leather armor, allowing herself the ability to move nimbly and without difficulty. Her only weapon is many throwing knives/normal knives she became accustomed to using and perfected her art with.​
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