Shar Navak


I'm a one man Swagpocolypse.
SWRP Writer
Dec 27, 2016
Reaction score
Shar Navak
Theme & Voice

Desilijic Crime Family

RANK: Enforcer

SPECIES: Human (Mandalorian)

AGE: 30




Height 6ft, Weight 225lbs, eyes grey, hair blonde, skin light.


Stamina and agility would be focus of Shar’s abilities. Though no slouch in strength he only maintains sufficient strength to lift his own body in full gear for climbing purposes. While only having average intelligence, Shar makes up for this by being extremely well traveled and highly observant


Shar is a pragmatic man above all else generally favoring what ever decision will most likely help him survive best. This can lead him to come off as cold to others in fact almost robotic at times. This can best be seen as sometimes Shar will leave others to die if he feels they will hurt his chances of survival. This does not mean he cannot form friendships, but any who wish to grow close to Shar must prove they will not be a liability to him in the future. This leads to any bonds he forms to take a very long time to develop.

When in a group or after forming a tenuous relationship most will find Shar to be quite, usually only giving input when needed choosing his words deliberately. He also tends to enjoy mocking those he feels are beneath him(which is most people) with a dry wit. This same view can cause Shar to be overconfident, though not overly so as his survival instincts keep him from going too far overboard. Shar also tends to be slow to anger, and even if pushed over the edge will give off a quiet and calm rage. As far as remorse is concerned it is usually not shown by Shar. Typically rationalizing that bad things only happen to those that couldn’t rise to the challenge presented to them. Even if they are his own allies or friends. This tends to kill any sense of compassion he would feel towards others as well.

Shar’s views on the force are simple, it is a crutch. He feels that those that don’t learn to fight and depend on their own instincts instead of a mystical energy force, don’t deserve the fighting prowess the force gives them.


Shar belongs to the Navak clan of Mandalorians. It is a relatively lesser known clan as they have been separated from the greater clans since the of the last Sith war. The split occured to do differences in the clan’s philosophy from the other mandalorians. They believed that true Mandalorians should never settle in one place and should always remain on the move as nomads. They beleived this would better suit the Mandalorian need for battle and sport. So they splintered from the rest of thier kind and have wandered the galaxy since, becoming known as great mercenaries and hunters of man and beast alike.

Shar himself began life fighting to survive. While preganant his mother contracted a terminal illness. Shar, still a month and half from birth, would have to be removed before her death. The clans doctors had no idea if Shar would survive the birth process in such an underdeveloped state. Shar’s father, Keer, knew different. He believed his son was destined for great things and would not suffer such a fate as to die before he could even lift a weapon. His father’s faith was well placed and Shar survived to his father’s delight.

From there Keer would attempt to raise Shar to be a strong and cunning warrior and hunter. His training began the moment he could hold a weapon and was brutal despite Shar being quite frail. This training was conducted only by his father, who believed this one on one training would lead his son to greater to success and help Shar push past his early life limitations. Keer was not wrong as Shar took well to his training and after years started to develop the mind and body of a fighter. .

At the age 18 Shar and his father ventured out into the untamed wild of an uninhabited world the clan was using as a temporary camp. There Keer gave Shar a knife and told his son to survive for a standard year, alone. Keer left with the rest of the clan and was true to his word, and did not return for a year. When his father did return, he found Shar at the spot he left him, covered in animal furs, sweat and blood; and very much alive. Keer only smiled at his son and embraced him. “You are now a man my son...come we have much to do”

The next years would prove just as dangerous for Shar. He and his father began to travel the galaxy then, performing some of the most dangerous hunts known to the galaxy. Taking game, and bounty offers wherever they saw fit. Shar’s skills only grew during this time and Keer could show nothing but pride for his son. Though he could also see something that troubled him. It seemed that many times Shar did not hold honor in the highest regard and would often question Keer as to why honor was so important to the nomadic tribe. Shar reasoned that survival was all that mattered, survival at all costs and damn honor and the consequences. Keer would often try to reason that it was simply the Mandalorian way and that without honor they had nothing. Shar wasn’t so sure. In the meantime these hunts also garnered great renown for the Navak clan in general and soon more contracts and jobs flooded in to meet the clan.

During this time of success the current leader of the Navak clan decided he wished to retire as he was getting too old. Rumblings began to circle in the Clan that Shar should take the position as clan leader. Keer accepted their nomination, though others in the clan backed another man known as Torzvad. The clan decided this would be decided by the old ways, an unarmed duel to the death. The duel seemed evenly matched and lasted for 2 solid hours. Torzvad eventually managed to get the upper hand however locking Shar in headlock. Many beleived the duel to be over as Torzvad moved to snap Shar’s neck. Though suddenly Shar’s opponent stopped and slumped off of him. A blade could be clearly seen lodged in Torzvad’s gut. Shar stood beleiving he had won, but only outrage met him. He had won dishonorably. Shar spat on Torzvad yelling, “He’d still be alive if he’d thought to bring his own blade! He was a fool and now he’s a dead fool! Honor means nothing...I am alive. What else matters.”

The next few hours still remain a blur to Shar. Stripped of honor, weapons, and his armor; Shar was left to die on an uninhabited world. Shar’s father was the last to leave, only leaving his son a blaster with enough charge for one shot and the words, “It’s more than you deserve.” Keer would leave his former son then, shamed beyond reason. Shar would not die here though, survival was all he had now and he realized all he would ever have. He would save that blaster and survive the planet until a stroke of luck brought a freighter pilot down for repairs within Shar’s view. Shar would bide his time and finally killed the pilot once his repairs were finished.

Once off world Shar sold the ship and it's cargo to resupply himself and purchase a ship more suitable to his needs. Naming the ship Longshot. The only other thing shar needed...his armor and for that he’d have to track down his clan. It took him years which he filled with bounty hunting and mercenary work, but he eventually tracked down the Navak clan again. He would approach the camp one dark night once the clan had made camp. He knew of only once place his armor would be...with his father...the father that left him to die. He made his way through the camp until finding his father's tent. He would confront him him holding him at gunpoint with the vary same blaster he was left with all those years ago. He put a smoking hole in his father’s chest and donned his beskergam which still fit like a glove. Shar felt complete again. He would leave the camp avoiding tthe men and women he once called family and would leave them behind. Shar didn’t even glance back. He would survive without them...he would always survive.


-Hand to hand combat

-Bladed weapon combat

-Survival skills



-Above average piloting ability

-First Aid

-Animal training



Mandalorian armor (specs of Tactical Mando armor), DMR(mid to long range) style blaster rifle, blaster pistol, electro saber, 2 hunting knives, electro bolas, adhesive grenades (3 on person at all times), Concussion mines, dart launcher (on underside of left wrist includes lethal poison, electro darts, explosive darts, and sleep darts. Has 5 of each.), DGL.


Longshot (DRV-12 light patrol craft)

Dark grey Corellian Banshee Bird named Ca’tra
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