Signs of Life

Saric Noms

SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2018
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Kooriva - the governor's palace

Moff Johnson holds his head in his hands and feels alone. The move to Kooriva was sold to him as the next step on his high-flying career. Now, however, he feels lost on a backwater planet looking after a planet of natives and his daughter is sick.

He had graduated top of his class not long previously and excelled as an aide de campe in the core. The problems started when his boss, Moff Guild, had started annoying the wrong people, asking questions about links between business interests and politicians. Johnson had not been told the details. Shortly after, he was visited in the night by imperial agents. He was told that they had proof of Guild being indiscreet with Imperial secrets, but putting the source public would be bad for the operational security of their current investigations.

He was therefore given a choice: either stand by and be considered complicit in his master's treason; or give evidence and be rewarded with a promotion to an exciting frontier world with the chance for more advancement. The choice to him was obvious. He looks back now and asks himself how he could have been so naive. He is now cut off from all civilisation dealing with boundary disputes of farmers and settling blood feuds.

To top it all off, in the past couple weeks, his daughter fell ill with a fever. Since then, the lizard people have been looking at her, poking her with instruments and implements. Nothing seems to have worked. If anything, she seems to have got worse. He has therefore sent for official help. He promised some of the top physicians in Coruscant his life savings to encourage them to come to help. None replied to his increasingly desperate messages - presumably due to the political heat.

Only one man responded. It had been a real cry for help going to Dr Krazik - a real quack by all accounts - but he hoped someone who would not be swayed by the machinations in the capital.


Saric sat in the back of the transport with the two other men. He considered his new colleagues. The frizzy-haired doctor was asleep and starting to snore at the level of a purring cat. When they had boarded, he had been staggering and stuttering his words. Saric did not know whether he was even a real doctor. What he also did not know, was how the Empire had come to know that he was on his way out to the backwaters of the galaxy to help the daughter of an out-of-favour official. Perhaps his other companion knew.

The man sat opposite him was typical of the imperial intelligence: a featureless, forgettable face and eyes that miss nothing. Saric understood that he was the reason that the doctor was receiving an escort on this trip as he had been tasked to answer to him in terms of investigating the goings on in Kooriva.

As the transport landed, Saric would lead the way down the companionway, checking for any threats - not that any were expected - and begin communications.

The group was met by a fawning Koorivar.

"Welcome to our humble world, your excellencies. The governor has been expecting you."

Saric was unsure whether the "you" was aimed at the doctor, or his entourage. He would normally have ignored the feeling, but the way that his eyes lingered first on him, then on Mr Maverick made him uneasy.

"Come this way." The reptile turned and walked towards a group of co-species standing in a huddle speaking in a language he could not understand. Their guide was better dressed than the others - though it was far from Saric's simple tastes. As he reached the group, he shot a couple of comments to them - Saric presumed in the same language - and they parted. The Imperials were led up a path towards a door in the cliff edge, beneath what Saric assumed was the governor's palace. Once they were through the throng of Koorivar, it reformed behind them and followed on.


Jason Maverick

SWRP Writer
Jan 3, 2019
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Even as Imperial Intelligence had so much information and sources at their disposal, the files Jason received for his next task was not fully detailed. Either there was a lack of information, or something was classified. This mission, Jason was not alone, he was to accompany a doctor and a Sith Acolyte to a backwater planet to help a forgotten moff's daughter. There were several problems, or mistakes so to speak. First he wasn't sure the doctor was qualified, and second he was going to a forgotten world ruled by a forgotten lord. Though he thought these things, he would never say them. No matter how forgotten the Moff was, a moff was a moff, and they still had the power to execute or lock Jason up.

Through the whole ride to the planet Jason kept his mouth shut. He wanted to analyze his two companions, and there really wasn't much to talk about. Being in Intelligence and all, he knew who both men were and what their obvious task was. Jason was moderately good at reading body language, and could tell his partner was also confused or at least curious to why they were both tasked with a medical problem. Jason was not good in the medical field, but after all, they might just be escorting the doctor.

The ship landed, and Jason braced against the hard impact. He straightened his uniform, and stood up, taking the rear behind the doctor, and the Sith. The Sith curiously looked around, feeling any threats before sending a message that they had arrived. Jason felt his muscles tense when some creatures approached them. He reached for his blaster, but released his grip, and realized they were a alien species called Koorivar. How ever much Jason hated non humans, he was impressed with the build of the alien. The alien spoke, in quite good basic, and explained the governor was expecting them. Jason released his hard grip on his blaster, but his muscles was tense. If the aliens even approached Jason he would likely have put a bolt through his head. The alien eyed all of them and was met by Jason's cold stare. The alien turned and gestured them to follow him.

The group followed the Koorivar to yet another set of aliens, by this point Jason wouldn't even be surprised if the governor himself was a non human, or that his entire staff consisted of non humans. In a language Jason didn't recognize, they were on their way the group surrounded by aliens now. They went through a door in the cliff edge, and continued in. Jason admired the architecture, although he didn't have any expertise in art. If someone flipped a garbage can on it's side, Jason would call it a piece of art.

The atmosphere was cold and tense. "So anyone actually know what we're doing here?" Jason said. The alien turned it's head and replied, "The governor's daughter is sick, we have been tending to her for a while, but we lack the proper skills and modern equipment to fully analyze the situation or the cause. That is why the doctor is here. As for you and your companion, the governor will explain, now I will show you each to your room. The governor wishes to meet with you all at lunch. I will collect you then." The way the alien said "collect you" did not work well with Jason. His stomach ached. The doctor's room was first, and then the Sith's. As always, Jason was last.


Saric Noms

SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2018
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Saric was surprised at first to hear his colleague ask such a basic question. He would expect the intelligence officer to have known precisely why they had been tasked with this mission. When he heard the answer, however, it dawned on him. The intelligence officer was living up to his rank. The answer gave away what the official knew about their guests - or at least what he was willing to let on.

As they were shown to their quarters, Saric stepped in briefly and checked over the spartan stone room. It did not particularly matter to him - especially given what he had been used to at the Sith Academy. He checked a number of cracks and crevices for listening devices. He did not want to be taken in by the archaic appearance but he did not know the extent of the Korivaars' technology. He did not fully trust the Moff he had not yet met either. As he did not find anything, he allowed himself to relax a little.

He was also confused about the delay. If the governor's daughter really was in danger, why did he stand on ceremony of a mealtime appointment with the doctor? As these questions whirled in his head, he slipped out into the corridor, checking for any of his hosts who might be lurking about and then into Jason's room.

"How do you find our hosts?" he announced his entrance to his colleague.


Several stories up, the governor sat in his chamber. He sat on a throne but he felt powerless - as he had always done since the illness of his daughter. He asked an attendant whether there was any news of the doctor's arrival.

"Your grace, no news yet. I must warn you, that we have heard speak of the powers that be sending an escort for the doctor. We understand that they are the same powers that be who gave you the... opportunity testify and to clear the Republic of a certain stain."

Moff Johnson was taken aback by the sheer amount that his orderly knew. He picked on one surprise: "How did you know about the guests before they arrived?"

"We civil servants have our connections. There is nothing that some of them like more than a good gossip. I would be a poor servant, if i did not keep my ear to your interests, your grace."

Johnson was not sure how convinced he was by that answer. He almost retorted with a comment about his orderly's penchant for gossip himself but restrained himself. Instead he merely confined himself to: "yes; quite. Give them the usual hospitality." By this he meant to keep an eye on them.

The reptilian official understood: "Forgive me, your grace, I have seen to it already."


Somewhere else in the high castle, a hand stirs a purple-black powder into a clear liquid and it dissolves entirely.

Jason Maverick

SWRP Writer
Jan 3, 2019
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Jason opened his door with curiosity. With his Intelligence training, he began to search for any recording devices that may be used against him. He looked under his bed, in the restroom, and in the lamp. Next, he walked over to the medium sized table in the middle of the room containing bottles of exquisite wine and snacks. Jason ignored the alcohol and took a piece of a carefully wrapped chocolate. Before he ate it, he smelled it and poked the insides with a fork for any poisons. Jason did not think drinking was a taboo, but did not like drinking for it caused terrible side affects. Out of curiosity, Jason was going to examine the bottle when the door opened, and his companion came in asking a seemingly fair and useless question to a normal person, but Jason was the complete opposite of normal, and understood it's true meaning. "Well, first i find it disturbing that the Moff himself did not come to greet us. Second our host seems nice for this whole set up, but i do not understand why we have to wait until lunch to meet him. The report seemed as if the situation of his daughter is serious and must not be delayed. I expected for him to rush out and help him. Thirdly, while i do not particularly know of the skills of doctors, the doctor seemed very quiet and nervous. How do you find our hosts?" Jason placed the bottle back on the tray, and took a seat at the table, gesturing for his partner to join him.


Saric Noms

SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2018
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"They seem pleasant enough, for non-humans. But, yes, I had thought it odd this delay in meeting the governor himself. Maybe he wants us to sweat, but why?

Also, no one told me why the intelligence services are so interested in this particular Moff? I can't imagine he's worth worrying too much about, to get posted out to the back of beyond."
Saric hoped his colleague was in the loop. If he wasn't, this mission seemed like it was over before it began. Saric finished this thought out loud: "unless that quack needs protecting from himself?"

Saric crossed the room and poured himself a glass of water. He had been parched on the journey across and now drank it as greedily as he dared in front of someone he did not know - which was not very fast at all.


In the bedchamber of the governor's daughter, an attendant brought up a tray with a plate of light porridge and a glass of clear water.

"Drink up," the Koorivar hissed with the kind of gloating that would tell an onlooker that the water contained a final dose of whatever it was that was making her sick.

Fortunately for the would-be assassin, the girl was far too feverish to notice his words. Unfortunately for him, she was also too feverish to touch anything on the tray.

The Koorivar watched for a few minutes but then, considering that the girl was too far gone anyway, congratulated himself with a low hiss and swept out the room.

Jason Maverick

SWRP Writer
Jan 3, 2019
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Jason nodded, he understood what the sith was saying. "From what i understand is that there's something fishy going on with the Moff. Not enough evidence to outright accuse him of anything, but we were sent to investigate. Intelligence says the Moff has stopped sending monthly reports. They thought now was a good time to send us in with the doctor. Our cover is being escorts of the doctor, and temporary aids to the Moff. Our mission is to find out as much information as possible....if there even is any. Just remember that we could find nothing, or commit treason to the Moff and be executed." Someone knocked at the door. "Sir? It is time to come meet the his excellency. Do you know where the other is? The lizard hissed. "Yes, he is here, we were just about to leave. We'll be there in a moment." To Saric in a hushed tone, "Looks like we have to be escorted everywhere, can't have us wondering somewhere they don't want us to be." Jason rose out of his seat, and straightened his rank plague. He pushed in his seat, and walked to the door.

As soon as he told the two men to get ready, the alien took out a comlink, and said, "They are coming your excellency, I found them both in the officer's room. They may know something, i'll keep a close eye on them."


Saric Noms

SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2018
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Saric took in what the intelligence officer said in near silence. The mission made sense, but as Maverick pointed out, it was dangerous. A Moff so far from the capital could wield near absolute power - in real terms, even if not legal terms. It seemed that the services must be spread thin to send a young acolyte and a first-tier officer. Even if the mission is straightforward and comes to nothing, Saric would have expected someone more senior than him - if only for form's sake. This realisation gave him a pang of ambitious excitement. It also have him new-found respect for his colleague: he may be a faceless agent, but he must be someone to be trusted with such a sensitive matter.

Saric followed on behind the intelligence officer. Partly out of deference to his rank, but partly as he would be the better equipped to deal with any ambush that might come their way.

They walked up stone corridors and spiral staircases. They must have gone up the equivalent of four stories, before crossing an external bridge into the main castle and then up another two flights. At the top of these was a small antiroom where the two were offered water to wash their hands in a stone bowl. From there, the doors were opened to them into a large dining hall with long wooden tables. They were led past the tables up to the top of the room, where there was a smaller table on a low platform overlooking the room. This was the only table made up, for four.

The two imperials were invited to sit on the side with their backs to the main hall.


As the message came over the comlink to the governor, hands were fast at work. The owner of these hands, the Koorivar orderly and the Moff's chief advisor, pulled out the fruits of his labour on a playback device. He headed up to the governor's throne room to advise him that all was ready.

As Moff Johnson heard the news, he got up to come down to the dining room. The orderly pretended to remember something and said: "ah, your excellency, we have some recording of our guests already. I will get someone to listen to it while we are at lunch."

"No, let's hear it now. I want to know whether these are friends or enemies."

"As you wish, your grace." He just suppressed a gloating smile and pressed play.

"From what i understand is that there's something fishy going on with the Moff. Not enough evidence to outright accuse him of anything, but we were sent to investigate. They thought now was a good time to send us in with the doctor. Our cover is being escorts of the doctor, and temporary aids to the Moff. Our mission is to find out as much information as possible....if there even is any. Just remember that we could find nothing, or commit treason to the Moff and be executed."

The recording passed seamlessly over the missing sentence without skipping a beat.

"It's treason, then," he remarked to himself. He was not sure, however, whether this was a repeat of what had happened to his mentor, or whether this was a legitimate, but misguided investigation. He was intent on finding out.

He marched into the main hall, opening up the doors himself. He announced his arrival with the following words:

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. How can the Emperor's representative on Kooriva help you while my daughter is dying?"


Jason Maverick

SWRP Writer
Jan 3, 2019
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Jason followed the lizard up the stairs with the Sith bringing up the rear. While Jason was physically fit, he felt the seemingly never ending staircases unnecessary when you could have a turbolift. They finally arrived at their destination, and he washed his hands in the offered bowl containing water. Jason analyzed the schematics of the room, and frowned when shown their seats. Both their seats were facing towards the wall with their back exposed towards the hall. The governor was playing some sort of game, and Jason didn't like any part of it. He was already tense and stressed from the workout on the stairs. Was the Moff trying to show something? First the lengthy walk up the stairs, and their backs facing the hall where anyone could sneak up on. Was this some sort of test? If so, Jason was not intimidated, he had faced strong political and military figures who were way more serious and imposing. Jason took it as a challenge, and he accepted. He took his seat, and looked over to his companion for any ideas. He didn't find any. Suddenly, the Moff strode into the room, opening the doors himself. This definitely was a test Jason thought. Jason decided to answer the Moff's question first. "Your majesty, my companion and I first would like to thank you for you humble service, and allowing us to stay in such a majestic and exquisite palace, although i do find your stairs a bit overwhelming." Jason said jokingly. "As to your question about our role here, we were both sent here to accompany the doctor, oversee the medical process, and assist you in any way you need." The Moff smiled, the two men obviously thought he either was stupid, or didn't know about the recording, but he decided to play along in the act. Later he would confront them personally. "Well this is fantastic, let us thank our gracious and humble emperor for sending this gift for my daughter. We will discuss our plan of execution for the following days ahead of us later. While the doctor is busy mending my daughter, i have some simple tasks i would like you two to do, if you don't mind that is. For now, we will eat. I have had the finest chefs prepare many dishes. Stefon, if you will?" The Moff took his seat at the head of the table, and the chef came out pushing a cart with many fancy meals. Jason frowned, the chef was a non human. This whole journey, and no humans except the Moff himself! Did the Moff have a wife? Jason looked at the plate in front of him, and began to "dig in". Remembering his manners taught from his rich private schools, he elegantly ate. Once finished, Jason wiped his mouth, and as politely as possible asked, " Sir, it has come to my attention that i have not seen a human except yourself yet. Is your staff completely comprised of the local natives. I have no quarrel with aliens, i am just curious." The last part was a complete lie, and felt as if his heart was stabbed, he hoped the Moff didn't see the action. The Moff saw the action, and the touch of satisfaction touched him. He knew the small ranking imperial's weakness. "Ah, yes, most of my staff are natives with a select few locals who occasionally help me. The natives are completely loyal to me and think of me as their savior, for when i arrived on this planet, there was a war between two rival clans. I solved the problem, and they are in complete debt to me. So Mr. Maverick, i have heard a lot from you, but you Mr. Noms, what say you about all this. Any questions or comments?" While Moff Johnson may be forgotten, he had a source within the Imperials, and was able to receive some information, such as the travelers names, in exchange for some credits. He used the names to show he had powerful friends within the empire, and he was not as forgotten as everyone thought he was.


(Sorry for the long post, just wanted to move along to the juicy part. =) )

Saric Noms

SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2018
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Saric was pleased that his companion was leading the conversation. It suited his temperament perfectly to wait and listen, to glean what he could from the speaking parties. For a start, it seemed that he was awfully sure of the loyalty of his native retainers. Yes, his feat in uniting waring clans was impressive, but if his Sith history classes had taught him anything, it was that memories were short when it came to loyalty: waring clans may be grateful for the peace; but peace breeds complacency; and complacency breeds contempt. As if to confirm his suspicions, the orderly sat with them, despite his obsequious exterior, gave a pang of self-satisfaction that Saric could just feel in the force. When the Koorivar felt Saric's eyes on him, he scowled at him momentarily, before returning to smile sycophantically at the Moff.

"It seems to me, sir, that you are doing a vital work here: maintaining the empire's presence on a frontier world, forming the first line of defence from the great unknown."

This last sentence was not entirely true. Kooriva was a planet on the frontier, yes, but there was nothing beyond it, no boogeyman under the bed. Nevertheless, the phrase was designed to flatter.

In fact, Saric proved to be surprised by the success that the flattery had, as the governor responded: "Well, young Master Saric, it's good to see that at least someone in the core respects the work that we do out here." The governor's assumptions were moving from deliberate interference to some sort of mistake. Saric observed that this exchange showed the Moff to be a weak man, easily swayed by the thoughts of others - even those of a lowly acolyte. He looked over to the official, who was scowling again. But this time, it was when he caught Saric's eye, that he returned to his obsequious smile through thin lips.

Saric started putting together the dots:
  • First, a Moff who thinks they have unlimited power, but is barely able to control their own emotions; he is suspicious of central authority, but seemingly not openly rebellious.
  • Second, a planet of Koorivar who have got their overlord thinking that they are one hundred percent compliant (no one is that loyal, not to Saric's Sith mind); one reptile is particularly powerful and seems to put great store on how the governor is thinking.
  • Third, there are missing reports; given how eager this Moff is to please - and his complete lack of subtlety, Saric would expect some excuse to come in early if he wasn't making them himself; so maybe they are being intercepted or rerouted? But by whom?
  • Finally, amidst all this, there is a sick girl. Where does she fit in?
While he was thinking all this, there would be a silence for others to fill.


Jason Maverick

SWRP Writer
Jan 3, 2019
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Jason was satisfied with the amount of information they were getting from the Moff. As to whether the information was correct was another thing. Jason was suspicious, it seemed the Moff gave a lot of trust in the native alien species. There must be some information the Moff was withholding such as say a rebellion of the natives. One thing Jason learned at the academy was that aliens were not to be trusted and they always brought chaos. While segregation between humans and nonhumans was not officially accepted, it was commonly shown, and encouraged within the Imperial bureaucracy. The Moff was obviously forgetting his training from whatever school he came from. The aliens were treated as if they were equal or slightly lower than the Moff. Jason decided to not chastise or comment on this in front of the aliens that were present. Jason was curious to why the Sith was keeping quiet. It was possible the Sith were taught to keep silent and gather information. That was what the Sith seemed like. Silent, quick, assassins, with their sabers of light. Jason was about to shoot another question, when the Moff changed his attention to Jason's partner. Jason saw Saric frown with obvious contempt at the Moff's sudden interest in him. Jason's companion replied in a straightforward tone and complemented the Moff. The last part of Saric's answer was completely false, at least as far as Intelligence knew. From the last reports the Moff stated, there was no sort of rebellion or enemy to need a defence. From Intelligence and Jason's point of view the Moff's station on Kooriva was more or less a punishment. The Moff ate up Saric's comment. As soon as Saric was finished, Jason said, "Your excellency, as we are finished here, could we talk about the situation at hand. Could you give us a brief report on how exactly everything is doing?" "Most certainly."


Saric Noms

SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2018
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The Moff went on: "Most certainly. As I said in my most recent report, I have complete control of the planet. We are making good progress on our shipments of..."

At this the orderly interrupted. "Your excellency, I see an attendant trying to get our attention. I think he has come from your daughter. He looks most agitated."

"Gentlemen, I must ask that we continue this later." Moff Johnson stood up. Saric also stood up, in deference to his status. As he did so, he looked over his shoulder. He saw a group of assembled Koorivar, but none of them, to his mind, looked particularly animated. Perhaps there were social cues that he wouldn't understand as a non-Koorivar. It seemed unlikely to him.

The orderly turned to the Saric and Jason and said: "an attendant will show you back to your rooms presently. Ooskar will see to your every need, you only have to ask."

One of the reptiles stepped forward, presumably Ooskar, and bowed first to the orderly and then to the guests. He took them out a different door to the one they came in.

Apparently this was the scenic route. As Saric followed on, they came past an archway opening out onto a rooftop garden. Wanting to speak to Jason without listening ears, Saric asked the attendant, "Ooskar, do you mind if we admire the garden while his grace is indisposed?"

The native nodded and so Saric strode out towards the edge of the garden - where the roof ended and they could look out the the vista of the swamps and forests of Kooriva; where they could look out and their words would be lost in the wind before anyone else could hear far below.

Without turning to his companion, Saric would say, "Not all is as it seems here, is it? If I were a betting man, I would say that our friend the governor actually thinks he is sending his reports. The question that comes next is whether they are making it off planet or not; and, if so, where?"

"One other thing also troubles me, do you know Kooriva having any major exports - because I hadn't heard of any?"
If there was anything fishy going on, Saric would be willing to bet it had to do with whatever these "shipments" were, and they must be valuable to take these sorts of risks.

Jason Maverick

SWRP Writer
Jan 3, 2019
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Jason listened. Something seemed odd here. According to Intelligence no reports have been sent in the last few months, yet the Moff claims he sent them. Was someone possibly intercepting the reports and not wanting the Moff to communicate with Coruscant? Or was the Moff just a bad liar? The second seemed almost out of the question. Even though from what Jason suspected, the Moff was not that bright a person, he was sure to know Intelligence kept a record of reports, however boring they may be. Jason immediately suspected it was the natives. While he could not prove it with evidence, Jason's instincts, and Imperial training told him it was them. Could it be the aliens were manipulating the Moff, or politically influencing him? The other subject was shipments. From the briefing Jason was given, Koorvia was a backwater planet with barely any connections, which was why this particular Moff was chosen to govern it. Either Intelligence had made a mistake somewhere, or the Moff was illegally shipping items. There were no major export or import companies on the planet, that Intelligence knew. It could be possible the Moff mentioned a new export company forming on the planet. As the Moff was about to finish his thought an orderly interrupted him. If Jason were the Moff, he would have scolded and punished the orderly, but apparently rules in the palace were relaxed, or the Moff was forgetting his training. Jason would be putting in a recommendation that the Moff was "not fit for duty" and must be replaced in his debriefing. They were going back to their room, once again escorted, when the Sith suggested to go to the garden.

As the Sith and Jason were left alone, the Sith spoke without turning to look at Jason. This was proper Intelligence training. "Too bad i don't bet, but I agree with you. Where are the reports the Moff is supposedly sending? I have two suggestions. Either the Moff was bluffing, or someone is intercepting these reports before they leave the palace, or reach Intel. As for the second subject, no i was told that there were no major export or import companies doing big projects. This could either be under the table shipments, or this was covered in the Moff's supposed reports we didn't receive."


Saric Noms

SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2018
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"I agree. Either way we have to find the transmissions room. That will hold the answer. Do you have any suggestions?"

Just as he asked the question, there was the sound of commotion in the castle and both men would receive a double beep on their communication device: a distress signal.

"The doctor! I'll deal with him, if you can find the Comms Room?"


Jason Maverick

SWRP Writer
Jan 3, 2019
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Jason nodded. It seemed both men were thinking the same thing. Jason was about to reply when both their communication devices beeped. Jason sighed, a distress signal. He took his out, and read the information on it. Jason nodded, he said, "Good, you go get the doctor, i'll see what's p in the Comms Room." Jason turned around and walked in a rushed manner. He passed by one of the alien servants who said, "Stoooop!!!! Where are you going!? You are not supposed to be here!" Jason ignored the alien and walked around foolishly not knowing the layout of the palace and where the Comms Room was. He decided to head back to the alien to ask directions when he approached the corner of the wall, he heard the alien speaking into a device. Jason decided to hear what was happening, so he hid behind the wall, listening. "The officer is getting nosy, he is wondering around, it is time to move the girl. I will deal with the man, it will be a "accident"" Jason gasped, there was something going on between the aliens. The alien took out a long knife from somewhere, and slowly approached the hidden Jason. With split second thinking, Jason took a painting off the wall, and wacked the alien with it. The alien was still alert, though dazed, and pressed an emergency button alerting all the natives. Jason took his blaster out, set for stun, and stunned the dazed alien. He decided to go to the Comms Room, and he spoke into his Comm, "Hey Saric, we got a problem, a alien approached me threatingly, they're watching us. I don't know why we haven't figured this out yet, but i think the aliens are poisening the daughter of the Moff. Their moving the dauther."


Saric Noms

SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2018
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Saric rushed up the stairs, taking them two at a time. He instinctively unclipped his full-length lightsaber and held it in his left hand - not yet ignited. He pushed past Koorivar going here and there and burst into the daughter's chamber.

The sight that greeted him would be comical if it wasn't so alarming. The doctor, somehow looking even more disheveled than usual was standing over the bed, facing a rabid-looking lizard with a large knife in his hand. He was holding a chair like a weapon, all four legs pointed like toy lances at the attacker.

At that moment, the message from Jason came through on the intercom. "Yes, I think I can see that," he said drily, not letting his eyes off the attacking Koorivar.

At that moment, there was a sudden jerk forward towards the doctor. In the same instant, Saric ignites his saber in an upward swinging motion, cutting through both arms at the elbow.

"Who sent you?" Saric shouts. "Tell me!"

The lizardman simply hisses, spittle flying everywhere, crouches and then leaps towards the Sith - open-mouthed as if to bite. He finds a lightsaber in his upper jaw, through his brain.

Saric turns to the doctor: "how is she?" He shakes his head. Leaning into his mouthpiece: "it's too late for the girl. I hope there's something we can work with in that comms room, because we need to get out of here. Meet you at the ship. Assume everyone is an enemy, from the governor down."

As he looked down, he saw something glisten around the neck of the fallen lizard. He grabbed it and tore the string, pocketing the precious stone.

Jason Maverick

SWRP Writer
Jan 3, 2019
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Jason rushed into the Comms Room, his blaster in hand, and listened to his Comm. Jason nodded, all the pieces were fitting together. What a field day Intel was going to have over this case. Jason shouted at the surprised aliens, "Everyone hands up and get into the corner. If you even twitch, i will shoot you. Now someone tell me where the Moff is." The aliens hissed, but followed Jason's orders. They knew the game was up, but they could still play. "Heesss in his roooom." The alien subtly pressed a button on a bracelet to warn the chief of the aliens that the jig was up. "Thank you all, now you will pay for your treason." Jason shot alien after alien, and only until there were none left did he leave, slapping another blaster pack into his weapon. Jason then turned back, and headed back into the Comm Room to see one alien still alive. "Where is all the information? Where are the plans!?" The alien weakly pointed to a briefcase lying on the floor. Jason walked to get it, and slightly saw the alien mutter something before pressing a button on his bracelet. Jason ran to the door as the room exploded. Jason cursed, checking to see if he was in one piece, and carried the case, rushing to the Moff's room. With blaster in one hand and the case in the other, he pressed the button on the door, and blasted the alien guarding the door. He surveyed the room and saw the Moff tied to a chair with the leader of the natives holding a long knife. Jason shot the Moff in the arm, causing him and the chair to fall back, and Jason then shot the alien. He walked over, and helped the Moff out of the chair. "Sir are you alright, please tell me you knew nothing of this." "Thank you, i'm fine, and nice technique, obvious Intelligence training, but no i didn't know of the situation. The native told me everything. Said something about rebellion. We got to get out of here." Jason pulled the Moff up, and ran with the Moff, "Saric I have the Moff, and information about the whole situation. I'm coming to the ship now." Jason arrived at the hanger, and peeked around the corner to see a squad of aliens with blasters guarding the ship. "Great, Sir you better stay here, i'll try to take out these bastards." Jason looked through his sight, and shot one of the aliens in the head. Four left to go.


Saric Noms

SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2018
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Saric headed back to the ship. He saw the lizardmen surrounding the ship and a blast of red taking one out from the other direction.

Saric swept through the hanger, keeping low, while they were distracted by the shots coming the other way. As he came within a few meters, he ignited his lightsaber and would put an end to any survivors. This would give his colleague a free run to the ship. The doctor slunk up behind.


Jason Maverick

SWRP Writer
Jan 3, 2019
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Jason watched as the aliens turned to face the invader, and headed toward Jason, but were cut short when Saric came slicing them all down. "Lets go before more come!!!" Jason and the Moff ran up the ship with the doctor and Saric following. Jason placed the Moff down before lifting off and heading for coruscant. Once back in HQ, Jason filed in his report, and turned in the breifcase containing everything related to the conspiracy for analysts to further evaluate it.

/End Thread
