Sionann Ione

Emerald Iris

Unleashed Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jun 19, 2013
Reaction score

"There is light, there is darkness, and there is the Force"

Iris's Note: Profile is undergoing a massive overhaul please bare with me, image is there though. Please rely on the Old Profile for now.
Iris's Note 2: Due to new timeline approaching, profile changes haven't been made for whatever reasons, though powers have advanced for story reasons.


"Do not be blinded by the light, for that is when your shadow is at its largest." (pre-skip)


"Dark is the light for those who stare too much at it." (post-skip)

File # 127272137 Jedi Archives as narrated by Jedi Archivist, and social analyst, Trevelyan Vasile

NAME: Sionann Ione
FACTION: Jedi Exiles (New Jedi Order)
RANK: Jedi Knight
SPECIES: Near-Human (suspected to be a Sephi or related to them)
AGE: 26 (post-ten year skip)
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 6’1”
WEIGHT: 147lbs
EYES: Azure Blue
HAIR: Light-Silver
SKIN: Fair Cream
CREDITS: 1000 Credits

DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Pointed Ears, easily noticed beauty, light saber scars across the back shoulder, thighs, and neck, claw scars along her back. Scar from a deep gash in her back.

2nd Master: Loogo Vsil

Padawan: Rengar


STRENGTH: Sionann has lately put on some stronger muscle in the ten years she has been with the exiled Jedi, but not much compared to those around her. 3/10

Sionann is a naturally quick and agile athlete with near perfect coordination between her hands, feet, and eyes. Her acrobatic feats have become an aspect of practiced mastery over the past ten years. 10/10

CONSTITUTION: Being a trained Jedi, Sionann is in much better health than most others, but she is still comparably average. Her pain tolerance is also rather average as of late, having improved a little. 4/10

INTELLIGENCE: Sionann is considered not exceptionally bright when it comes to mechanical and physical concepts, though she is capable of understanding them. She is an above-average pilot, but other than that do not trust her with machines, yet there have been some efforts to help her in this department . 3.5/10

WISDOM: Sionann’s intuition and strength of will are exceptionally impressive. Her deep rooted connection to the Force and self-control allow her deep reserves of patience and concentration. She is also able to grasp and argue philosophical concepts with some of the best minds known. This has not changed that much. 9/10

CHARISMA: A valuable voice when she has to be, but Sionann’s quiet demeanor keep her from swaying people without using her looks to do so. Stunning beauty only goes so far when one cannot socialize well. Constant immersion and interaction with others mostly in the teacher role of training has helped her come a bit more out of her social shell recently. 5/10


Telekinesis 3/4: The extremely deep connection that Sionann has to the Force has allowed her to utilize Telekinesis to move objects of almost any size. The words “Size matters not” seemingly run through her mind when she lifts her hands to move practically any object within eyesight, including herself and people. She knows the basics of telekinetic flight and levitation but rarely relies on them, especially flight, because of the massive toll it can take on her reserves. Sionann still has yet to discover the feats that will ascend her to mastery of this ability.

Sub-abilities of Telekinesis
Force Push Pull
Force Repulse
Force Throw
Force Grab
Force Flight

Telekinetic Integration
: A subset of Telekinesis in that Sionann is able to integrate her usage of the Force with her lightsaber as one attack. This is not like Niman in using Force powers and lightsaber techniques in succession but rather combining her lightsaber and telekinetic abilities into one. An example of thi is Sionann surrounding her blade in a telekinetic bubble that on impact causes a powerful push back to the opponent.

Force Speed 2/4: Sionann is capable of taking her speed to new levels, moving twice as fast as normal with the aid of the Force. She is currently trying to figure out how to focus this power with Force Reflex without overstraining herself. She has since propelled this to being three times as fast with a much better handle on her agility.

Force Lightning 2/4 : Before the death of her master, Sionann was shown by Master Lacan how to control the raw power of one of the most dangerous Force abilities known. He believed that she could control this power and not fall to the Dark Side just like he did not fall, and Sionann has since proved this, with one exception. She is able to bend and arc lightning from her hands towards an opponent within eyesight and attempt to give them a strong shock, as well understand how to properly defend against it. In true Jedi fashion, Sionann aims to disable her adversary, rather than torture or kill, which means her lightning has a strong impact . Her lightning is never lethal unless in the throes of a rage, even so her only base study of this powerful art limits her on how much damage she actually can deliver. This is still under careful watch by her superiors, especially after recent events. After ten years of practice with the exiles, Sionann has learned to push this power further while keeping a very controlled mind.

Sub Abilities of Force Lightning
Lightning Burst

Force Reflex 3/4: Constant training with a double-bladed lightsaber has kept Sionann focused on the awareness of her surroundings and how to react accordingly, especially when she is swinging around two very lethal blades. This is Sionann’s second strongest Force Power, next to her Telekinesis, as she is able to react and keep up with some of the better duelists in the Jedi order who have many more years of experience over her. Force Reflex has also greatly helped Sionann in being able to deflect blaster bolts when still maintaining an aggressive advance.

Animal Friendship 2/4: Through her wisdom and knowledge of the Force, and training with her master and the masters in exile, Sionann has begun to learn how to influence the minds of those around her, predominantly animals, or those who lack sentience. She has shown plenty of skill with this in the taming of wild cats, especially her new companion the large female white tiger, Neve that she picked up in her travels to aid in keeping her Jedi identity secret.

Force Sense 3/4:: Sionann is deeply rooted to her connection with the Force and her ability to pick up disturbances is rather incredible. She is very perceptive when actually focused, but more so this power works at long distance. Her great sensitivity allows her to pick up far off disturbances in the Force, significant events, especially if they involved anyone who was sensitive with the Force.

Sub Abilities of Force Sense
Battle Precognition


Free Running Master: Passed down from her grandmother to her mother to her (from her own words), Sionann is well versed in how to run along very dangerous routes and make it out alive. She always seems to know the best route to take and is capable of surviving rather high falls and very long runs without the aid of the Force.

Acrobatics Grand Mastery: Even without the aid of the Force, Sionann’s body is capable of moving in ways even most normal athletes cannot. She is able to tumble, flip, and perform extremely difficult feats of agility without hesitation, and it has proven to be her greatest martial skill that she has.

Passive Perceptiveness: According to notes from Master Lacan, Sionann has been trained to understand how to watch her back without actually doing so. She states that she relies on her sense of hearing and feeling to keep an eye on her surroundings without having to do so. This has since sharpened and Sionann is much better at detecting the physical presence of another person, or creature, nearby.

Shatterpoint Perception: A rare ability to naturally have, but having a deep rooted connection to the Force allows Sionann to see the very difficult to understand ‘Shatterpoints’ that surrounded people and objects. With but a few seconds of focus, the physical weaknesses of many things, but the ones that appear with people and the weak points in those connections with the living seem to occur at random..

Quarterstaff Expertise: Training since she was a child, Sionann can use virtually any staff weapon with relative ease, and further reflects this with her advance knowledge of Juyo and her double bladed lightsaber.

Advanced Hand-to-Hand Combat: Experience has allowed Sionann to know that she does not need to rely on her lightsaber to fight, but she is not an expert in the field yet, relying on her acrobatic maneuvers to either off-balance her opponent or get away for a better vantage point to rely on the Force.

Piloting Skills: Despite not having any mechanical aptitude Sionann has shown some above-average knowledge of how to pilot medium ships and small craft. If she overcame her lack of mechanical prowess, it is very certain she would become a very formidable pilot indeed.

Advanced Survival skills: Having traveled and passed all the initiate trials needed to become a Padawan, Sionann possesses all of the necessary skills to survive and fend for herself should she need to. After ten years of hard practice, Sionann has since improved upon this.

Feline Knowledge: Since she has been seen in the company of a large, seemingly tame, snow white tiger, it is evident that Sionann has obtained knowledge of cats and larger cats, and possibly sentient feline creatures.


Form VII: Juyo 3.5/5:

"It is painful, not knowing that kind of love and affection like everyone else, painful that they can hold attachment and we cannot, That kind of pain gives rise to all sorts of dark emotions, but they are just that, emotions. We let those dark emotions leave our body and rest in our weapon, we come to know peace when our weapon is sheathed, peace when it is ignited. We strike our opponent, they stagger, for they feel the weight the dark emotions we have fed into our blades. They are confused, they see us at peace, but so much pain, suffering, and rage coming from our blade, they falter, and they fall. To strike with darkness, but feel peace within, that is Juyo."~ Jedi Master Lacan Marr

Sionann has a natural affinity for this form, and grasped it faster than she has learned anything else. Her natural acrobatic ability combined with a double bladed lightsaber seems to add an Ataru flare to her fighting style and it is often confused as such, but her aggressive approach to offense reminds anyone who understands that it is indeed Juyo. She uses her natural speed to make up for her lack of strength when attempting to push an opponent off balance, and can play a deceptively defensive game when attempting to turn the battle to her favor. Sionann was given permission to learn this form with her proof of control, and it was also the form of her late master.

Sionann incorporates a lot of spins in both her lightsaber and her body in order to compensate for the two blades of her weapon, and is above all not afraid to use any other part of herself in order to gain the advantage. She has been known to also turn off one of her blades when parrying in order to force her opponent to off balance, and then re-ignite it to continue her attack, also known as Trakata. She has since advanced her knowledge of Juyo a bit further, though she does not claim a mastery of it.

Sionann has an attack that can be considered her “signature” move. This technique she refers to as the “Farrow Bird Reversal” in which she comes down with an overhead slash while extinguishing the rear blade of her lightsaber. Sionann intentionally misses with the slash in order to come back up with an upward strike with as much speed as she can muster, reactivates the rear blade and attacks with a horizontal slash. ((This attack is very similar to the real life technique “Tsubame Gaeshi” employed by the historical Sasaki Kojiro.))

Form IV: Artaru 2/5:
Sionann has lately beginning to pick up the basics of the a form she should obviously know, and over the past ten years she has been picking up more and more of this highly acrobatic style. Combined with her own acrobatic mastery, she leaps in performing wide, strong sweeping attacks and fights with plenty of flips, spins and springs. The difference between her use of Juyo and Artaru is her deliberate willingness to avoid clashing blades and to keep spinning around her opponent and take advantage of her environment.


- Exceptionally dangerous against a two opponents or less
- Accomplished acrobat and free runner
- Very deep connection to the force
- Very patient with others and those around her
- Very beautiful appearance
- Known to be an emotional crutch for friends and acquaintances.
- Capable pilot in nearly all types of small to medium sized vessels


- Shy around strangers
- Easily distinguished in a crowd due to her appearance
- Has almost fallen to the Dark Side before
- Horrible with machines
- Socially awkward around more than one person (Shy, stutter, reserved)
- Difficulty against multiple opponents of 3 or more, especially ranged attackers.


Opila Lighstaber: Crafted from some old parts that were found and neatly put together around two Opila crystals is Sionann’s new lightsaber. It is not as fancy as her Saberstaff, which she intends to recreate, but it settles into her current state of mind. Similar to her original master’s long handled saber, Sionann’s Opila lightsaber carries a vicious strike because of the nature of the focusing crystals. The handle is longer than an average lightsaber, but not enough to have it considered a long-handled saber. The single cyan blade is intense as it is focused and narrow just like with her saberstaff. Also, the lightsaber has a special mechanism that speeds up its ability to be turned off and on for Trakata.

-Double Bladed Lightsaber (Saberstaff) with an ice blue color from a Permafrost Crystal and has a focusing lens to narrow and strengthen the blades. Sionann’s lightsaber is specifically designed to be able to turn off and on as quickly as possible. The blades, despite being made out of concentrated plasma, give off a cool cloud like mist that disappears when it leaves a few centimeters from the blade. This weapon was destroyed during Sionann's duel with Rookwr, the crystals scattered.

-Lacan Marr’s Long handled Lightsaber: Since the death of her master, Sionann has held onto his weapon. It is very intricately designed with what appears to be dark metal and blackish crystal wrapping around the entirety of the hilt. Master Lacan’s lightsaber carries an exceptionally powerful green crystal within it, giving the blade more length and a much more intense glow. It is a rather heavy weapon due to its savage power as Master Marr wanted to always be able to "feel" the weight of the life he was about to take. Sionann will only use this weapon as a secondary if she has to, but she will carry it on her back, under her cloak, if venturing forth on a longer sojourn. (Was on loan to Ronrir Marr pre-skip)

-Standard utility belt, comlink, id cards, darkened jedi robes and heavy cloak, dark gray acrobatic leotard, acrobatic boots and gloves, training Saberstaff (blue crystal), Extendable Quarterstaff, Exotic Outfit (see second pic) for purposes of hiding and explaining the tiger. Durasteel wire grappling hook.

Ghost Avril, an ages old Coreilian assault ship that is laid up in the ship docks near the temple on Courscant. It has a long dart like body and is pale silver in color. The ship is under long term upgrades and improvements and has been so for the past ten years. The title and ownership of the vessel is in Sionann’s name. The ship is outfitted with a forward fire linked twin ion cannon and top twin medium laser cannon. It all also sports an outdated ordinance system with two launchers fitted with concussion missiles. The Ghost Avril is approximately thirty-five meters long, fitted with a comfortable living quarters and with “Gunny” only one crew member is required. There is room for seven passengers comfortably, and eight if one sits in the gun-port for the topside laser cannon. Currently the Ghost Avril is flight ready, hyperdrive ready, but the weapons are not functioning properly. The ship originally belonged to Sionann’s mother Niamh.

Post the ten year skip It has since been restored to its full working condition, an improved hull, and all weapons are now functioning properly.


“Ginny” A jocular maintenance droid that is constantly working on repairing the Ghost Avril and has been the sole engineer working on the ship since it was laid up ten years ago. “Gunny” an Exploration droid known for his very smart mouth and militaristic demeanor, and he is the co-pilot of the Ghost Avril as well as the secondary gunner. These droids never leave the ship but have a comlink to Sionann.

Neve, a three year old snow white tiger that is of a rather large size [see pic above]. Despite her size, Neve is very calm, and mimics a lot of Sionann's more serene qualities, which is because the big cat has been under the influence of Sionnan since she was a cub. The Jedi has kept Neve so much under the influence of Animal Friendship, that she is no longer a feral animal, rather a tamer companion that listens only to Sionnan through the Force. Neve seems to be almost always in meditative state for a cat. Those that can sense the Force can sense it from her, but it is clear that Neve is not a natural Force Sensitive. She will only become dangerous and threatening if Sionnan becomes threatened, though she will back down if her master tells her to.


Sionann has been looked upon by many as the quiet one in the corner. She has difficulty speaking to groups of people, a stutter filling her voice, making her rather shy, though this should not be constituted as a sign of weakness. Her inner strength, conviction, and sheer force of will are worthy of commemoration and respect, even if she does not always stand up for herself.

She demonstrates philosophical insight and understanding comparable to someone of many more years of experience than her, able to pick up on and speak in metaphor in order to educate someone on the topic at hand. Her philosophy on “how one should not be blinded by the Light” often places suspicious glances her way. Sionann can become excessively chatty when having a one on one conversation with a person, but quickly quiets down as more people enter the area of conversation. She can emotionally attach herself to some people, especially those who are friendly towards her. She strives to make a two-way connection in that Sionann becomes a very strong emotional support for those who become friends with her.

Sionann has an extremely high amount of patience, but on the one known time it has wavered, her heart can become filled with the darkest, most sinister rage possible. After dispatching the target who unleashed such wrath, she has stated to be able to come back to her senses relatively quickly, proving that she can restore control and balance to herself, though the only account of this is herself.

BIOGRAPHY: In her own words

“I will gladly tell you a little bit about my life, after all, you are kind enough to ask me and look past those silly rumors in order to get the truth. Walk with me, step along my path and afterwards judge if I am still dangerous to the Order. Your opinion matters after all.”

“Sixteen years ago, I was born, just like any other human or near-human, born to a loving mother on a distant planet named Iego. She…oh what’s that? Her name? Oh. Her name is Niamh, Niamh Ione, but do not worry, she has not been part of the Jedi Order for a couple of hundred years by now. I see the confusion and amazement in your eyes, she is a near human, I mean after all, these ears and eyes are not just for show. They are as natural as the blood in your veins. She told me that my grandmother is even older than that, and used to walk alongside a legendary figure of the Old Order who was just like us, but that is all I really know. I never really had the time to contemplate that far back, nor did my mother have the opportunity to share all of her stories with me about her mother, as our lives kept us on our toes so to speak.”

“My father? I have no idea who he is or what he was. I could only assume he was just like me, or close enough, but that is all I really knew of him and my mother never wished to talk about the subject, so I left it alone.”

“For the first six years of my life, my mother and I were constantly moving from one world to the next, always running from an enemy that I never saw. From the second I could walk, she taught me how to run, how to jump, how to hide. Then I learned how tumble, how to flip, and how to sprint. I never found out why I had to learn all of agility exercises so quickly and at such a young age, she made it seem like fun and games, though I knew even then it was for a reason. Lightsaber? Oh, yes she did carry one, a double-blade just like mine, a somewhat different hilt design, very unforgettable, and very vibrant violet blades. I saw her use it a couple of times for training, miscellaneous purposes, and even once in actual combat. She never gave me a lightsaber, but I did have a quarter staff with me when I was brought to the temple.”

“My entry into the Order? Yes, I do remember that night, it was all very secretive now that I look back upon it. There was no one around; even the lights of the great city seemed dim. I remember my mother’s eyes, those brilliant gray loving eyes full of fear, not for me, nor for our separation, but for herself. I believe her enemy had finally caught her, and she needed to take me to a place where I would not be in as much danger. I have not seen her to this day, and that was over ten years ago. I now believe it was for the best, without me around, she would be able to survive anything. Though, it still makes me wonder why she left her ship with me, I will have to ask her that when I see her.”

“My years as a youngling, initiate, kid, whatever you wish to call it were rather uneventful, and other than that I greatly excelled at my training with the lightsaber. So much so that I actually disarmed my instructor numerous times. Though they always noticed my hands gripping my training saber like a quarterstaff, or at least trying to! I admit I was training during my free time with the weapon my mother gave me. That is how I became authorized to wield a double-bladed lightsaber, or saberstaff. Dangerous you say!? Of course, I didn’t stop hitting myself with the blasted thing until recently. If I did not have it on the lower power setting, this scar on my neck would have been considerably worse.”

“By the age of ten I had passed my initiate trials, and moved on to being a fully fledged Padawan. This was the time that I noticed the strange looks people gave me when I spoke, and that I should make sure not to let my eyes by blinded by the light. It made me rather angry…Oh what do I mean by blinded? I mean that one should not always blindly follow the path of light, but again, we can discuss philosophies later, because that will take hours and I am sure you would like a rest before I begin with that.”

“My anger at how people were beginning to feel about me was beginning to disrupt my connection with the force, and it didn’t help that things were just generally getting worse. That was until I was found by my future master, the Miraluka Jedi Master and Sage, Lacan Marr. Master Lacan, as he preferred to be called, saw in me what others did not, and it was his aim to mold me into the Knight I am destined to become. Firstly, he had to cool off my anger.”

“In a humorous twist, he insisted that we take my training to Hoth, where I could construct my first lightsaber there. Master Lacan was one who loved to make puns about anything he could find. He figured that if I had attuned myself to what is called a Permafrost Crystal, that I would control my anger, relying on the frozen energies of the crystal to quell the flames of rage within. Believing his strange words, it actually worked when I centered myself on that cold day to craft my new Saberstaff. Actually, it was his teaching during that time which quelled my anger and helped bring out the calm personality you see today. We traveled together for five long years performing all of the usual tasks you would expect an explorer like my Master would do. I learned from him a great deal and figured at that time he would be destined to guide me through the Force till I became a master. Unfortunately, that wasn’t to be so. “

“Naboo, of all places is where the Force would show us a different destiny. This was about a year ago. Master Lacan had taken me into the forests outside Theed for us to work on a weeklong survival in the wilderness with no provisions other than our utility belts and lightsabers. Everything seemed to be going well; we were fending for ourselves properly, communing through the Force, and even gaining a greater respect for the more feral areas of the world we were on. This was when my Master felt a disturbance in the Force, that something dark was approaching us.”

“I saw a sudden Shatterpoint appear, one linked to my Master when the two dark ones arrived, a weakness in myself connected to him. I did not understand it at first, but it didn’t matter at the time as they quickly advanced on us, after some sort of knowledge that Master Lacan had. I recognized the red of a Sith lightsaber beam from all of the texts and holograms I had seen during my training, but this was the first time I had ever encountered one, and it was life or death.”

“I had a quick advantage as the one I faced seemed to have no knowledge of how to defend properly against my two blades, but that faded when he showed experience that I did not possess, and the other one intervened after pushing my Master away. I was overwhelmed and thrown across the woods after deflecting a flurry of blows. Master Lacan had taken up the fight once more, but I saw him make a crucial error with his footing, perhaps by a branch or something like that and one of their lightsabers found its mark against my Master’s waistline. I felt that Shatterpoint break right then and there, and something in my mind snap along with it.”

“Up until that point I had been able to conjure lightning, with the sole intention of incapacitating my adversary, and to make up for the fact that I needed another ability to strike out at opponents from afar. I have never used a blaster and probably could not hit the broad side of a bantha with one so that is out of the question if you were wondering if I used anything other than the Force. However, the lightning I conjured that day, after my master was split in half by those two was anything but what I was taught by him. It was meant to kill, destroy, and leave nothing behind. I think the worst part of it was that there was something within me that was actually enjoying it too. The first one, the weaker one, I could assume died from my attack, not expecting a Jedi, the great followers of the Light, to unleash such an attack. The second one, a battle hardened and accomplished Sith, was ready and managed to deflect my lightning. I could assume the first was ‘his’ apprentice, and from what I remember, he too had just lost someone dear to his heart, and it sickens me to also remember that I thought we were even.”

“Our battle lasted hours, hours of clouded fury and rage, attacking with abilities we never knew we had, nor ones I can remember to this day. The only reason this battle was so long drawn out was because neither of us had the clarity to understand our opponent enough to actually think of how to fight it. That and we just did not care. We were animals, fighting in the name of wrath and rage. It sickens me to think about what it was like. I was trapped inside my body, witness to this animal that was controlling me, an animal that eventually overcame her foe. Whoever my enemy was, his body now decorates the surface of Naboo, and I came back to my senses standing on top of whatever the animal within decided to leave within the vicinity.”

“Master Lacan was the closest I ever had to a father, and probably the only person in this entire Order who could understand me, understand what I meant, understand how I worked. Jedi are to separate themselves from personal attachment, but to completely do so is impossible. His death wounded me, and it has been over a year, and I still have not recovered, and I don’t believe I ever will. It is part of the balance of the Force, we need to know love and loss in order to better understand the great picture out there, but let me stay off the topic of philosophy once more and stay focused on what you asked.”

“As of right now I do not possess a master, though I am hoping for one soon, so I can finish my training. Why haven’t I been knighted yet you ask, despite killing two supposed ‘Sith’? The answer to that is simple. I struck them down in the throes of rage, a rage that I am usually very good at controlling. I believed my own mastery over anger was absolute, when in reality my anger mastered me on that day. My own arrogance prevented my ascension and I knew it. I did not ask to advance, and I was told I could not advance, and so here I am still training. While the Jedi Council applauded me for my valiance in combat, they also reprimanded me for how I dealt with my enemies. I need to train more before they will consider me attempting the trials.”

“I guess that is all we need to share right now, I can continue if you would like, and I will always be available for a later interview.”

* * *

"Ten years, Master Vasile, it has been a long time, I pray you are well. Oh, what has happened, well, I do have good story for you, and do not mind my furry friend, she is harmless if I am not being threatened."

[Time-skip material inserted here]

-Still being compiled, after all meeting up with her after ten years time, there is a lot to go over.


Jedi have no need for bounty hunting (unless they a very strap for cash)



(In chronological order)

[Open] The Final Vigil
[MAIN] The Battle of Coruscant: The Jedi Temple: Temple Hangers
[ASK] The Calm After....

Time Skip, Ten years of fun!

[ASK] The Basics of Swordplay
[ASK] The Art of the Hawk Bat
[ASK] Look Out!
[ASK] Stranded with the Devil
[ASK] Posers
[ASK] Derra IV Bac City Team Beta

[ASK] Echoes of Anoth
[ASK] Evacuation of Abra Glittering Data and Faded Stones

Walking by the Light

Jedi Tournament Adonia Xylona vs Sionann Ione

[ASK]Ghost of Endor

The Promise of Peacekeepers Wrea Convocation

[ASK]Bowels of the Mountain

Spark in the Dark

[ASK] Lion Heart

Defense of Lamaredd Farsands Little Mon Cal

Hell Hath No Fury [Plague of Dis]
I am Become Death [Plague of Dis Finale]
A Jedi Icon in Peril

Naboo-Art of Aggression

The Dawn Will Come
A bit green around the Force
A Light to Lead the Way

[Climatic Duel]-Rebel-Strike-Yinchorr-The-Imperial-Armed-Forces-Academy


Starry Night Lights So Bright
The Art of Ferocity Pt. 1

Duel- Black Fall : Lost
Images are credited to their original artists.
Last edited:


SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
Deadman wonderland. I love it! :CHappy

Emerald Iris

Unleashed Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jun 19, 2013
Reaction score
Profile has been updated with some new additions. And Knighthood was granted by ten year skip and admin permission. The history will be updated once GABA gives me the go ahead with the new Jedi history.

Emerald Iris

Unleashed Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jun 19, 2013
Reaction score
Couldn't have done it without Loogo. Just need to figure out where he comes into play there.


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
One thing you need to fix is if she is going to know Juyo, then she will definitely have some control, as in, not feeling close to falling to the dark side or having a rage issue.

Emerald Iris

Unleashed Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jun 19, 2013
Reaction score
She does not have a rage issue, and pushing Sionann over the edge is like watching molasses roll down from the summit of K2 down to the bottom. The profile's story angle is based on observations, majority 100% accurate but observations none the less. Though, I will probably take it out after I see what the ten year skip has in store for the Jedi.


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
If pushing her over the edge is like watching molasses, then its really not something of concern and it probably isn't worth listing under weaknesses. Otherwise, it gives the impression she is easily pushed over the ledge.

I still have an issue with her 'still believed to be close to falling', this tells me she doesn't have enough self control over herself and therefore not a very good candidate and practitioner for the form of Juyo as a Jedi. I am totally cool with Jedi practicing Juyo, but the must exhibit control over their emotions or else 1) they'll get themselves killed, and/or 2) they will fall to the dark side.

However, just because they have control over their emotions does not in any way mean they have no emotions, which can be just as bad.

Emerald Iris

Unleashed Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jun 19, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah, now that I look at it. I will make that edit, I think I was going for an angle of some sort back then, but it just couldn't come to light because I came in right before the skip.