

Admin Emeritus
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Nov 10, 2010
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It is said there are seven deadly sins. Pride, on one's own self-worth. Greed, of one's wants. Lust, for one's own sexual passions. Envy, for one's spite. Wrath, for one's anger. Gluttony, for one's own hunger.

Then there is sloth. The seventh sin. The double-edged sin. Whether extreme laziness or extreme workaholicism, both fit the criteria for the vice. If any sin, with the possible exception of pride, held grip on Geist Weiss. It was sloth. He was both a workaholic and a sloth. A living contradiction.

This living contradiction was currently living in the Centrality. He had been awaiting a rendezvous with Darth Exilis, a man's whose name reaped the opposite of pride yet hissed of sloth. However, the Sith Lord had yet to arrive and would never arrive. Darth Exilis was dead.

Intelligence reports were the harbingers of this revelation, but reports were sketchy, so Geist had been assigned to wait a few more days just in case. It didn't hinder the alchemist's work, as he had operations in the Centrality as well, under the pseudo-name Christian Shepherd.

But alas, he was not using this name right now. The Centrality did not care if a Sith was in their territory as long as the Sith didn't try anything. The Centrality kept logs of their visitors quiet, so the Jedi had yet to learn of his location, unless by chance, but the odds were low. The best likelihood would be a single Jedi. And knowing the Jedi, they wanted to prove themselves, so Geist could see the Jedi coming alone to face him. Even Jedi held onto prestige.

Geist felt safe enough that he was relaxing inside a reserved pool area. It was a VIP area, so the glass was tinted so outsiders couldn't see, jammers were in place to prevent eavesdroppers, and security measures were in place. Yes, a place to relax and laze around.

However, just because he felt safe did not mean Geist was not cautious and aware of his surroundings.

Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
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The Centrality, a strange place Lain Derimsa had never visited before. It carried no feeling of familiarity, yet she knew this was where she should be. Lain had been meditating on her precognition, recently she discovered that she could see only 'possible' futures in the galaxy. That didn't stop her though, still she meditated. However, the night before last, she had a precognition with no alternates. It was of her father, he set down here in a ship, headed towards a richer sector, then the vision would suddenly explode like glass. It reoccurred over and over again, giving Lain the impression that her father was supposed to be here.
But wouldn't be.

There could be only one reason her father would strike out to such a strange place, he was meeting a Sith. Lain had spent hours thinking about what she should do, and years thinking about whether or not she truly belonged in the Jedi. Thus, she came up with a resolution, if the person she saw when she came here was weak, she'd kill him. If he was strong, she'd talk to him. Perhaps not the smartest resolution, but it was her's

Entering the beautiful building, she was stopped by a guard.
"You can't be here, little gir-"
That was as far as Lain let him get. She used Force Horror on the man, creating Dark and destructive visions to flash before his eyes. She hadn't used this power since joining the Jedi, but it came back to her effortlessly, almost relief filling. However, she didn't seem to think that this might have repercussions, and backup could even be on their way and Lain, well, she didn't care.

Entering where a poll area was, she saw a man relaxing in it. She could almost see the darkness around him, clearly betraying he was a Sith, and a very, very powerful one at that. Giving him a slight bow, she introduced herself.
"Hello. I am Lain Derimsa, did you come to see my father-?"


Admin Emeritus
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Nov 10, 2010
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A strong presence in the Force neared Geist. The alchemist reached out with his senses. The newcomer was teetering between Ashla and Bogan, though it quickly swayed to Bogan as she attacked one of the guards, Barrel.

Geist sighed. "Dammit, there goes another one."

Geist sat up for the arrival of the girl whose presence seemed familiar. He used illusion to hide the lightsabers in his hands. His metallic illusion that masked his face shined more than ever. He glanced at the pool for a moment, which held a alchemized beast that looked like a midget leviathan that mated with a gizka. It would not attack, unless Geist was assaulted. Just in case, he put on a rebreather, which didn't affect his speech.

"Welcome to my reserved pool party. No swimsuit? Shame, I guess my pet will remain lonely," greeted Geist. "You're no normal guest, so I'll cut the charade. My name is Geist Weiss. Care to introduce yourself or do you plan to attack?"

Geist snapped his fingers and Force illusions activated. The pool area morphed into a void of space. Geist appeared to be floating from his seat, levitating above the pool, though it was only a doppelganger. Geist had indeed stood up and moved, but only to two seats down.

The intruder introduced herself as Lain Derisma. She was asking about her father, whom Geist deduced was Sogar Derisma. So this girl was his daughter.

"Sogar Derisma," confirmed Geist. He wondered how the girl got here, and the presence of light suggested Jedi influence. She could be a spy, but the best way to identify a spy is to place out bait. "However, most knew him as Darth Exilis."
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Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
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Lain watched in near awe at the illusions, this was clearly no Sith Crusader or normal Sith master, this was someone who was just as strong as her father. She had learned how to create Illusions under the short tutalege of Circe Savan, but nothing near this. This was true mastery. But then again, these are those whom father had once held court with, nothing less could be expected. Nodding her head, she answered him.
"Sogar Derimsa, or Darth Exilis, was my father. I am under the impression that he set up this meeting with you, and I know he will never attend. I believe you also know the reasons why. Because he could not come, I did."

She sighed, thinking over what she was about to say, its repercussions, the problems it would cause, the darkness. The darkness that she knew was clearly before her. Looking into it, she jumped.
"I want to become like my father. He made it clear to me that he did not want me following his path, but I don't care. I want to chose my own path. I want to chose his path. I do not wish to leave the Jedi yet, for there is still more I can learn there using them as a stepping stone. But I believe also I can still be of aid to the Sith. I know what I say currently has no merit or worth, I'm not so naive as to think that it would, so please. Test me. Give me anything to prove myself worthy of spying for the Sith and learning under both sides."


Admin Emeritus
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Nov 10, 2010
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Either Lain had deduced correctly, or intelligence from the Jedi had been provided to her. Nevertheless, there was little point denying it.

"Indeed. Darth Exilis' presence is no more. I was ordered to remain, in case he was not dead, but I've waited too long." Geist listened to her story. "You seek what was been forbad against you? Interesting. You certainly have passion."

If turned, Lain Derisma could be a valuable asset. He grinned, though his metallic illusion hid it. "Very well, Lain Derisma. We shall see." Geist snapped his fingers and a hooded figure materialized before the girl.

"Face that which tried to hinder your path. Your father. Darth Exilis."

Geist gave no indication on what she should do. Whether she tried to speak to the doppelganger born from illusions or fight was up to you.

OOC: If you choose to fight, I'll let you RP Exilis.

Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
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Lain slowly approached the doppelgänger resembling her Father. Even through the hood his likeness was unmistakable. She slowly walked toward him, Guard Shotos in her hands. A soft look on her face, she reached the old iktotchi and muttered.

In that instant, she ignited and drove both Shotos into the illusion's neck. Her face suddenly almost emotionless, perhaps a tint of anger showed. Her father was dead, this was an illusion. Although she had heard people unable to strike down even illusions of their loved ones, Lain felt no difficulty in striking down this one. But in that tinge of a moment, Lain wondered, if that had actually been her father- would she have hesitated to strike him down?

Pulling out her Guard Shotos from the illusion's neck, she faced where she thought Geist Weiss was and, without letting her guard down, asked.
"This is it-?"


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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Geist laughed. "You speak as if the test will ever end. This is the Sith, a way of Bogan. The test is called life. Your triumphs are your successes, your failures your downfall. Serve the Sith well, and you shall be rewarded. Fail, and there will be consequences."

Geist had done extensive research into a certain Force technique that Darth Exodeus had learned to perform. Though it was generally weaker, the alchemist had learned to do it all the same.

Geist assaulted Lain with a metaphysical Force attack. However, it caused no pain, no damage. No, the All Seeing Eye technique would allow Geist to see what Lain saw, allowing him to keep tabs on her. It would be easy to keep tabs on her, especially if she tried to betray him. Though it could not harm her, he would be aware of any betrayals.

"I could have done more, but the signs of your trials would have left traces of the Dark Side in you, exposing you to any Jedi you met," said Geist. "Thus, you have a most intriguing test. That test is to survive your time with the Jedi, to spy on them without getting caught or killed, in order to return to the place where your father ruled so that you can take the true test and fulfill your father's place, becoming stronger than he ever was. You hold his blood and his potential, but he did not exert his full potential. I would suggest learning from the mistake of your parents."

Though the All Seeing Eye would allow Geist to see what Lain saw in her espionage, a way to communicate would be useful. The alchemist used telekinesis to pick up a commlink from his bag that still rested on his chair and placed it in Lain's hands.

"This commlink was in fact meant for Darth Exilis, so that he could communicate with me on future missions so we wouldn't have to wait to here back from him, as his death had not been confirmed at first," Geist said. "The frequency is coded, and will alter your voice so that even if people listen in, you won't be identified." There was another feature, that if the device was pried open, it would self-destruct, but Geist decided not to mention that. "Use that to keep me posted. For now, keep an eye on Jedi and report to me what you discover. I shall have specific tasks for you later."

Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
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Lain nodded, understanding all she heard. Bowing to the Sith, she replied.
"Yes, Master. I look forward to learning the ways of Bogan."
With that, Lain took the comlink, and left. She had no more reason to stay. More guards would be possibly arriving soon, and she needed to get back to Tython before people started asking questions.

Shoving her feelings, dark and light ones, away, she began her first step into the training of the emotionless. She would need to be stoic, cold, and never, ever, reveal herself.