Special Delivery


Lost in place
SWRP Writer
Mar 31, 2016
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Planet: Nar Shaddaa

Ruby squeezed her eyes shut and rubbed her forehead. The little brat she had captured was awake again, and none too happy about being kidnapped. The job stated that the youngling must be handed unharmed, so the most the hunter could do is wait for her captive to fall asleep.

Taking a turn off of the main traffic route, she went down a path to an old trading station. Very few came here now, and only if they were on a job. Her employer wanted the utmost serecy, for reasons lost to Ruby. Speaking of her employer, she didn't even know his name. Not a good sign, but the money paid well, so she paid it little mind.

Her ship stopped just outside the hanger, and Ruby got up to chedk on the young jedi. "You still alive back there? Or has your voice given out?" She called as she strode into the main living area. The ship was wide-open, with trophies scattered around here and there. Though most of them were exotic beasts and the like, there were a few blasters or machinery. Taking her eyes off her illustrative walls, she looked down to the tied-up youngling, chained to a chouch by her arms and legs. She couldn't take any chances, you know. Even had to take the girl's sabers. They were both strapped to her waist, ready to be used against their owner at a moment's notice.

"Though I guess i should be asking whether or not you need to eat, eh?" A playful grin spread across Ruby's face, and she inched ever-so-closer. The trip had been long, about a week, and her captive had refused tp eat much of anything.

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Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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Tamara was starving, and very dehydrated. After waking up frightened and confused around a week ago, she had plenty of time to realise the position she was in and to scorn the woman for doing this to her. She refused to accept anything she offered, denied her the privilege of hearing her speak and did her best to ignore her. But this is the longest time in her life that she has gone without food, and she certainly wasn't going to ask for it, but maybe this time she'll try harder to find a way out of this mess. Her position was very uncomfortable and her body was uncomfortably stiff from the lack of room to move about.

But she couldn't think of a way out with the woman staring at her, so the padawan spat in her face.


Lost in place
SWRP Writer
Mar 31, 2016
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Wiping away the spit from her face, Ruby became very angry. No one disrespected her like that and got away with it.

"Little brat!" She snarled, striking her captive's face hard. The employer wouldn't mind a little blood, right? "You're lucky I can't kill you, because I would make it a long and very painful death." She sneered, leaning in close.

After staying there for a bit to get her point across, Ruby turned on her heel in an uncharacteristicly ladylike manner before storming off to go to her training room. She could let out her stres there, at least.


Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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The punch to the face was to be expected, but one tends to forget things like this when you've been tied to a couch for a week without food and little water. Her mouth and nose were both bleeding and she let out a cry when the punch was landed, but she didn't cry like some would. Instead she choked on her blood for a minute and then tried again to think of a way to get free.

She thought of using the Force to snatch her lightsabers from Ruby's belt, but that would fail in many ways. Nothing else she could either see or sense in the room could help her. She knew a variety of Force abilities, but very few of which would help, whilst others required concentration and time that she possibly didn't have.

What about a mindtrick? She thought. Tamara was very good with mind tricks. She could give it a try. Hopefully it wouldn't end in disaster if she failed.

"Um... C-can you come here please... I need to say something" Her voice was very soft and raspy from her dry throat.


Lost in place
SWRP Writer
Mar 31, 2016
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Frown deepening, Ruby let out a sigh as she heard the pathetic whimpers of her hostage. She walked back into the main room, and stared down with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Fine. What is it?" She huffed, clearly wanting to be somewhere else.


Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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Hopefully Ruby wouldn't mind waiting for a moment while Tamara closed her eyes and concentrated. If Ruby was still there when she opened her eyes, Tamara would attempt the mind trick.

"You will let me go"


Lost in place
SWRP Writer
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
"I will let you go." Responded Ruby. Bending over and undoing the knots, her hostage's legs and arms were soon freed. "Is there anything else you want?" She continued in a droning voice.
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Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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I can't believe I never thought of this! Tamara was relieved and quite overjoyed. She waited for Ruby to undo the knots and then got up rubbing her hands. She remembered there was something else she needed.

"You will hand over my lightsabers"


Lost in place
SWRP Writer
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
"I will hand over your lightsabers." She mumbled, handing both of them to her. Now Ruby herself was completely unarmed, and still under the jedi's spell.


Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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Tamara took the sabers and went to walk around the ship to find the rest of her belongings, but all she could find was her jacket and shoulder bag. She took some food and water, munched on it, washed her face in the bathroom and then made her way back to Ruby. She gave her one final menacing look and proceeded to punch her incredibly hard in the stomach, backed up by the Force. She spat back in her face and walked towards to exit and opened the door to leave.

The Captain

Villainous Scum, Scummy Villain
SWRP Writer
Sep 1, 2015
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Yet again Kyna found herself relegated to an errand girl, collecting Force-sensitive slaves for the Sith Empire. That was insulting enough, but having to travel to the cesspool that is Nar Shadda to retrieve her was particularly irritating. Still, at least the residents of this hole knew to get out of her way, as no one had even attempted to bother her on her way to the pick-up point. Of course a Kaleesh warrior with lightsabers at her sides wasn't really the kind of person you wanted a confrontation with.

As she approached the ship, she noticed the docking bay opening, and expected the captain of this flying death-trap to step out and greet her. Instead, the padawan she'd been sent to collect moved out, cleaned, fed, dressed, and most importantly armed. This is what the Brotherhood got for hiring simpletons to retrieve Force-sensitives, of course the child had managed to escape. From across the dock, Kyna drew her back-up saber and began moving toward the child, activating the blade. Seeing the red blade, bystanders began fleeing in every direction, soon leaving the docking bay almost completely vacant.


Lost in place
SWRP Writer
Mar 31, 2016
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It took Ruby a second to come to, but when she did, up came some blood.

"Gah. Little brat." She snarled, taking her vibroblade and bow from their storage places and charging out the ship.

"Fight me like a warrior, you little-!" She shouted, before seeing the ignited sabers.

"Crap.. Got myself involved with sith, great idea Ruby." She muttered to herself.


Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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Just when she thought things were taking a turn for the better, Tamara saw the Sith standing just outside the ship. She was a bit scared to say the least, as every encounter with the Sith caused her to fear for her life. To make matters even worse, Ruby broke out of her state and was standing behind her and looking very pissed. The padawan acted quickly and turned around to blast the mercenary with the Force and send her back, then she turned towards the newer threat pulled out one of the lightsabers she had only recovered a few minutes ago.

She activated the purple bladed saber and did a Force-powered somersault over the dark warrior in an attempt to get away.

The Captain

Villainous Scum, Scummy Villain
SWRP Writer
Sep 1, 2015
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The dazed, dark haired woman who emerged from the ship was most likely the captain, having recovered from whatever Force-based attack she'd been struck with. Kyna paid her no mind as she was launched back into her ship, as the padawan seemed interested in a fight. Watching her try to leap over her, Kyna responded by simply pushing upward into her with the Force as she was overhead. Without a counter, she'd most likely get launched into the ceiling, and even with a way to avoid it she would most likely be left open for an attack.


Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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Just as Tamara passed over the Sith, she was pushed into the ceiling and fell to the ground. The fall broke her left arm, it hurt, and she tried not to scream from the pain and instead grunted and held her shoulder as she tried to get up. Good thing she was right handed, but it would nonetheless be difficult to fight now. She activated the lightsaber she had been holding and prepared to defend herself.


Lost in place
SWRP Writer
Mar 31, 2016
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"Oof." Ruby said as she flew backwards back into the ship. At this point, she was considering cutting her losses and getting out of this joint, because she certainly couldn't handle two force-users at this point.

The Captain

Villainous Scum, Scummy Villain
SWRP Writer
Sep 1, 2015
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Kyna's subtle smirk was hidden by her mask as she heard the padawan's left arm snap after hitting the ground. She hadn't expected such dramatic results, although the way the Jedi coddle their whelps it was more surprising that her simple attack hadn't torn the girl in half. Drawing closer, she let her blade trace lightly across the ground next to her, singeing the surface of the dock and emitting a sharp, crackling sound. This, combined with her impressive stature and Kaleesh war-mask would most likely put some fear into the padawan's mind, further weakening her. Once she was in range, Kyna lashed out with a swift, one-handed strike aimed at the child's right side.


Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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Tamara was afraid of the Sith, but not as much as the warrior would've hoped. The padawan lifted her blade up in time to parry the strike and counterattack by swinging back, followed by a push with the Force. If she had a window of opportunity, she would attempt to run off again.


Lost in place
SWRP Writer
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
Seeing the two were really into their duel, Ruby took the chance to raise the ramp to her ship and warm up the engines. She may be a hunter, but she knew when there was nothing more she could do, pride be damned.

The Captain

Villainous Scum, Scummy Villain
SWRP Writer
Sep 1, 2015
Reaction score
It looked like the scavenger was scurrying off, good, she could spread word of the Sith's power and the Jedi's weakness. Returning her attention to the padawan, Kyna was easily able to block her counter strike, as she was still injured and fatigued. She raised her blade for a counter of her own, but was suddenly knocked back with a burst of Force energy. While she managed to stay upright, it still allowed the child to try and run off again, leaving Kyna sprinting after her down the docks.