

Active Member
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Jan 23, 2011
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The wind howled a mournful symphony, screaming its song for all in the valley to hear. The fitfully gusting storm raged on outside the hollowed out cave, nestled in the side of one of Korriban's mountainous ranges. Barely visible in the corner was a massive figure, its black cloak serving to almost fully envelop it into the rough hewn wall.

Deep in concentration, the Force swirled inside the being like the raging maelstrom that beat down against the planet's surface. The fearsome visage of Iniquitous, Sith, former Jedi, was hunched over in the cavern, left alone to his own thoughts and meditation. This was one of his chosen spots on the Sith homeworld where he could come to ponder his own musings alone and undisturbed.

Nonetheless, this day was different. Inside a select few chambers of the Temple of the Sith a vague letter along with a datachip containing directions to the location had been left. Whether those invited decided to show up was their own choice. It made no difference to the Crusader. As Iniquitous gathered his thoughts, the echoing words of long dead Sith ancestors paraded their way through his cluttered mind. Matching the words of the letter, it intoned...



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Nov 10, 2010
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Everything came from nothing. Everything that was, is, or to be, was built from nothing and became nothing. And, eventually, if not kept in shape, fall back to nothing. It was a pattern the Sith knew well.

And the empire was balancing on. Or so Darth Nichts believed. A former Imperial Knight, he had seen his beloved empire razed by the Sith and mutated into this monstrosity. He eventually fell to despair and Nothing, and accepted its new form. However, the Sith were breaking apart. More Sith had died from in-fighting than from combat against the Jedi. That could be attributed to normal Sith practices, but Nichts believed it was due to the new tide of change. The Sith was suppose to be conducted by the Rule of Two. Master and Apprentice. But after Darth Exodeus failed to kill his master, Darth Judicar, Darth Exodeus had risen with two apprentices: Thaed and Andraste. The former was the Shadow Hand, and the other had recently become Exodeus' bride and fellow leader of the Sith.

They dare blaspheme the empire?! There was to be a master and an apprentice. Not two masters. Only one could hold power. Exodeus was a fool, and Nichts would not allow the empire to die a fool's death. However, that had only been the tipping stone. The last domino. Other factors had attributed to the conglomerate that made up his decision to answer the call of the mysterious siren. Revenge was high on his list. As was Nothing. The way of the Sith was to fall to Nothing, but if Exodeus and Andraste hereticly banned together to stay in power, the stability of that something would remain naught from Nothing. Nothing was all Nichts had, and he would not allow it to be taken away.

However, Nichts knew better than to attend personally. He was now a Sith Lord, still The Emperor's Sword, but his status as a former Imperial Knight haunted his resume. No doubt the Emperor had some Ubiqtorate watching his ever movement, even in his private sanctuary on Korriban. However, Korribanw as a nexus of dark swirling gales of the Force. Nichts would use a doppelganger to attend the meeting, appearance altered to hide his identity, for now. The darkness that corroded Korriban would be his savior, masking his Force usage.

The doppelganger materialized outside of the cave. The illusion took on the shape of a brown cloaked individual who could challenge Inquitious in a competition of height. The doppelganger entered the cave, keeping to the side of the cave.

"I have heard your musings, and am curious why you have called me, crusader," said the doppelganger. Nichts placed his voice at a low tone, to mask his own voice a bit.


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Jan 23, 2011
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The sudden appearance of a Force presence caught Iniquitous by surprise, but he easily recovered, displaying no emotion and remaining in his meditative stance. A doppelganger? Iniquitous scowled on the inside at the Lord's cowardice but raised his head slowly to address the presence all the same.

"Stagnant. Impotent. Weak." He spat the words, rejecting their meanings as poison. "I summoned you because I need aid to restore the Sith to what our Order was founded on; the principle... of power."

Iniquitous stood, rising to his full height and finding himself matched by the doppelganger. While physical appearances meant little to the Sith, he had heard tales of the fellow warrior's power and respected him to a certain degree. "We stand as members of a democratic Sith Imperium. As a member of the Dark Council yourself you have witnessed the proceedings first hand, and though I am an outsider to the courts of Ziost the intelligence I have received from those of your status disgust me. Each Lord of the Sith stands equal and the dark side is further sucked dry."

"You would not have traveled here even in a safer form if you did not sense the same stirrings I have felt. What would our ancestors say if they witnessed what our so-called Empire has become? History has shown that the most powerful of Sith are bred when strength is confined only to those worthy to wield it. Militaries, minions, and sycophants are assembled, yes, but the doctrine of Sithhood are strictly adhered to, and when one Dark Lord falls, another rises to take his place."

"Equality is a lie. The Sith have amassed power, yes, but what have alliances and military supremacy gained us as our leaders sit stagnant on their throne of lies? We should have crushed the Alliance when we had the chance, but even now we lie in wait."

"I ask not for your allegiance, but I ask that you ponder the things that I have said. A resurgence is coming. Ask yourself if you will join me in breaking the chains of the Sith Empire, or continue the livelihood of one bound by a meager, worthless existence."


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Nov 10, 2010
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Nichts contemplated what Inquitous said. This man wanted to divide the people that had stolen the empire away from him. Revenge could be settled for the death of Emperor Luthor Elyurius. However, other factors needed to be pondered. He was a Sith Lord and this was an opportunity.

"I will have my chambers unlocked," said Nichts. "I will be waiting."