Story Arcs


Weaver of Stories
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 27, 2016
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Hey guys. How are y'all doin? Good? Good. I got some stuff to share with ya, some stories to tell. Why don't you guys join me? ;)

So if you've read any of the Site Storytelling Opportunities posted by @Brandon Rhea not too long ago, he and others brought up some excellent points - mainly that SWRP for the first 8 months has been mostly geared towards combat and pewpewpew, not exactly story. Now, this is not to say that no story at all hasn't happened, but at the moment the most it seems people can make an impact is by being in a Main Battle thread, aka doing PvP threads, which isn't what everyone wants to do. What I think people want to see are some awesome story threads that include their characters and allow them to make a big impact rather than in this battle and that battle. How does that sound?

What I'd like to do is create a living and breathing story for the Jedi. Missions are fine and all, but if you're anything like me then they usually get somewhat...dull and seem to drag on after the first page or so. All missions accomplish (mostly, there are exceptions of course) are taking squares on the glorified chessboard we call the Story Map. Here's an idea: maybe we don't need to be capturing any more territory on the map. Characters are more than just what they do in missions, they have their own struggles, growth, and triumphs that need to be explored in other threads and RPs. So here's something a little bit different, something that I would just love to see people to get genuinely excited about.

Thanks to @Raydo, he approached me with a new style of "mission" (I use the term very loosely) in which people will be able to explore RPs better than in basic mission packs you see from time to time. I'm going to call them Story Arcs, and this first one is going to be called Renewal. Some backstory first; despite it happening at least a month or two ago, not a whole lot was really done about the destruction of the Temple on Tython besides a sprinkle of social threads (Requiem comes to mind). This was the main temple of the Jedi at the time - this is huge! Literally hundreds or thousands are dead, wildlife and forests burned and dead all around the temple, archives and holocrons were destroyed, and even worst of all - the place would reek of the Dark Side's influence. So much death would literally taint the ground. How are we going to change this? Enter the Renewal Story Arc.

How this is going to work for both this Story Arc and future ones is I'm going to start out with a general theme or event. I will be giving people about 4-6 weeks to get together and write threads that deal with that event. They can be social threads, conflict threads, heck you can make them PvP threads if it makes sense! For the example in the cleansing and rebuilding of the Temple, you could set up some threads where people are mourning the loss of people they knew, or trying to recover any Holocrons that can be salvaged. People more nature-oriented could go and try healing and replanting some of the forests nearby, and others could be meditating on the Force to clear away the heavy shroud of the Dark Side in the area. These are just some ideas I'm throwing out that don't have a set ending or conclusion: just a little nudge out of the door. The leadership will keep track of the threads following the story arc, and at the end of the time frame we will write a conclusion based on what's happened and been accomplished.

Now what's great about these kinds of events and Story Arcs is that they can work with just about anything, even with other factions. Now, this doesn't mean we won't stop putting out mission packs as well, as some people do like doing them and they are useful to a certain degree. Another thing I want to stress is if you have an idea for the faction or a story idea, don't be afraid to shoot me or the leadership a PM about it. This is about growing not only with our characters, but also as a faction as a whole.

Let's get creative, shall we?


Hey kids wanna buy some ragu?!
SWRP Writer
Mar 23, 2016
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I may be able to make my El-Gosk idea relevant here, perhaps have him give Emil/whoever accompanies her some artifact/technique that 'heals' the force wound thing we have going on.


Down and Dirty Country Girl
SWRP Writer
Nov 22, 2015
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This is a great idea, @Vosrik. I've been thinking of something similar to do with the Sith, but I couldn't quite figure out the right way to execute it. This is the perfect way to deal with faction oriented story lines that don't always have to be the types of missions we typically see.

Well done sir. :D


The Lightbringer
SWRP Writer
May 13, 2015
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If anyone has ever rpd with me on here they'll know I only focus on stories. I dislike pvp and stray away from those threads. I'll definitely be hitting up some of these with my indie who can help with some of the relief. I've a really done one or two myself, but they kinda fizzled away. That being said, I'm game if anyone needs an extra person for one of their ideas too.