

SWRP Writer
Feb 24, 2012
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The damp, chilled air of the underbelly of Coruscant caressed Dyson's cheek as both aliens exited the Proletariat. "Right... my bay's got some pretty sweet encryption going on, so it'll be a while before some R2 unit pries that thing open." Despite the arrogance in his tone, the Zeltron picked up his pace as he made his way down one of the walkways leading away from the entrance. While hadn't parked too far away from the establishment, he wanted to get there before any astromechs tampered with his shuttle. They could also accomplish a serious amount of damage if one was ordered too. "So, how many people did you say were trying to get in?" Dyson's right hand drifted toward the holster of his blaster. He was hardly capable of lasting in a shoot-out, with his sobriety questionable, but the sight of a smuggler about to draw a weapon was a put-off to some would-be thieves.

Buzzing neon signs that were drilled into club's facade cast colorful lights along the young red man. While he didn't seem like one for conversation, the presence of the giant shark man to his immediate rear left Dyson's back straight and chin cocked forward. A sneer was already spreading along the Zeltron's face. One night, alone with Diva. Is that too much to ask for? A jet of hot breath shot cloudy coils of steam into the night air as Dyson turned the corner. "Uh..." There his shuttle sat, on one of the landing pads toward the rear of the establishment, completely unattended.

"Maybe they heard us coming...?" Dyson's body had tensed before he had even finished the sentence. Despite his clouded mind, and clouded judgment, the nagging sense that something was off began tugging at his dulled brain. "It's sort of dark back here, but not enough to duck behind anything... I don't see a lot of crates around." The Zeltron's footsteps echoed along the back wall of the Proletariat as he made his way toward the unoccupied shuttle. The bay door was still secure, and the data jack granting access to it seemed relatively un-pilfered. If someone wanted to get in there, that would have been the first thing to be screwed with.

"This is the ship you were talking about right? You didn't get the wrong guy?" A small sigh escaped the man's lips as he glanced over his shoulder. The shark had been silent for a while now, and with each passing moment Dyson grew more uncomfortable. "Diva will be wondering where I'm at." A frown crossed the young man's face as he looked toward his shuttle again. How did he know who owned this ship? The frown on Dyson's lip grew in intensity as he realized the answer to his question was very simple.

He didn't.

The world seemed to slow down, the back-alley lighting blurring with the humid fog as the Zeltron dug a heel into the metal walkway below him. His lack of spacial awareness left him bewildered. The fact hat he had let the giant shark follow behind him so closely left him dumbfounded. "Shad!" Without another word the Zeltron sprung forward. If he could break into a sprint before the Karkaradon could do anything, which was unlikely, he might have had a chance to actually get away.