Swords of the Past


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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OCC: True, Albedo said she was weaker than Archwill (which you urself stated was the case), but I did not say she was weak


This Guy
SWRP Writer
Jun 22, 2010
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Striking quickly, the Twi'Lek struck towards Donato. Calmly he sidestepped, out of his chair. he knew a fight was imminent, and his attack was much anticipated. In one fluid movement, Donato sliced the Twi'Lek in half. His reflexes and speed matching even a Jedi's the Twi'Lek "dummy fell away, and the true one stood in the center of the diner. Now he was slightly annoyed, and replaced his demeanor, for the final time, with anger. but of subtle anger it was.

"I am no child...I've seen my fair share of battles harpy, and I'll be damned if you threaten me in any way and think you intimidate me."

Donato scoffed, katana still in hand.

"I'll give you credit mam, your force abilities are "neat." But are little less than parlor tricks. If you want me to stop "annoying you" you need to realise I'm just as dangerous, if not more so than you and Arch Dragonwill here. So, a fight is what you want."

Donato stomped on the ground, kicking a chair up. In a flash, the metal chair was liced to nearly one hundred bits and were propelled forward by use of Donato's blade.
"...then a fight is what you have."

Jerek Odres

Jun 25, 2010
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Arch Dragonwill had killed his share of dark Jedi, trained soldiers, and martial-artists alike. Some of the people he fought in his time with the militia were old, and some were young. This lady, whoever she was to Arch, was of absolutely no exception. Arch himself, also had some talent using the Force; albeit passive and unknown to him. Arch felt the natural flow of the Force around him, and several objects were flying right in his general direction; the seven glasses. They all completely missed and slammed in the door as the dark skinned Korun warrior was expecting some kind of reply to his previous statement. Arch Dragonwill had moved his whole body to the right of the most right aligned glass that was flying towards his original position. It was incredibly annoying that the woman was attempting to stop him from leaving. Whoever she was, didn't really matter to Arch Dragonwill. Once he had avoided all of the glass coming at him, he simply continued towards his exit from the diner. Since he had also only eaten a bit of protato, the chemicals probably wouldn't do much anyway if they were actually real. Arch was just going to continue on his way until he could stop off at a medical center or something.


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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Albedo's first response to the illusion was to look at the floor. What most illusionists failed to do, regardless of how realistic the illusion was, was that they forget to produce a shadow for it. The 'Noko' going for his eyes had no shadow. However, he was no fool. If one tried reverse psychology, they would pretend to be an illusion by hiding their shadow. Paranoid, Albedo used the Force to push at the 'Noko'. He felt no resistence, thus concluding she was an illusion. He watched as 'Noko's' assault carried on. He gripped his lightsaber just in case.
She isn't the only one who knows her limitations, calculated Albedo. If we went head-to-head, I'd be outmatched.


SWRP Writer
Oct 16, 2010
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Seeing Dragonwill has decided what his involvement would be, Noko threw her body with the aid of the Force and wrapped herself in a protective shell. It threw like a large cannonball at Dragonwill. It would tear half of the diner's entrance.

As for the two distractions, she left them for themselves to decide. Chances are, one of them will help Dragonwill, or none at all, either way he will have to teach him a lesson on listening and conversation.


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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Albedo was interested in how a duel between the woman and Arch would go but was disappointed she tried such a tactic. Albedo used the Force to throw a table in-between the woman and Arch. However, he angled the table that if she were to stop, it would continue flying at the Echani.
The Echani is a nuisance, thought Albedo. If the woman decides to stop, the table will hit him and I'll have a nice alibi prepared.


This Guy
SWRP Writer
Jun 22, 2010
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The table instantly flew in Donato's direction, and as such Donato raised and eyebrow and very easily side stepped. Had the second force user gone mad? Or otherwise, what game was he playing. Donato lept towards the other Jedi, avoiding the Twi'lek's attack in favor of swinging a devilishly fast slice towards the other Jedi. Obviously, Arch had grown tired of their games, and Donato did not feel comfortable fighting alone against two force users, thus, after his swing was complete, he jumped out of a nearby diner window to the outside pavillion. he pod was parked in a hangar close by. if he needed a quick exit, the oppourtunity had arisen. He stood, katana ready, to assit Arch in his exit as well, if he needed the assistance that is.


Beast man
SWRP Writer
Jun 25, 2010
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OOC: (hey jumpin in, if I'm too bad just message me and I'll leave.)

Ressan was on his way to his favorite bar when a man jumped out a window of a nearby Diner. Ressan cursed as he nearly tackled Ressan to the floor. Ressan was a Scottish looking man with a accent similar to his looks he had reddish-black hair, and blue eyes. In body form he was lean but wore massive body armor not to mention he looked like a one man army. His vibro blade on one side of his back and his rifle on his other. He carried a hand cannon for a side arm and a small shotgun on his lower back. On his belt were two thermal detinators and a empty hilt. His face was well protected by his face mask he wore. Ressan looked at the man before him. He walked over to him and said.
"Bloody hell laddy nearly fell to the ground. Are you alright?"

Ressan didn't know what was going on but it wasn't good. But it was best for him to remain calm.


SWRP Writer
Oct 16, 2010
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Underneath the rubble where Noko had struck, nothing was left, even her corpse was not there. The only thing that can be found were destroyed concrete and some plants that took the blow of the force bubble. No one was harmed, not even Dragonwill.

Dragonwill, you are valuable.

Jerek Odres

Jun 25, 2010
Reaction score
It was just a few feet away from the entrance of the diner, Arch Dragonwill was just continuing to walk away from it, and praying to god that what he felt flow through the Force was just a rock being thrown at the window. Suddenly a large crashing noise and a destroyed diner front was at Arch's back. The dark skinned man just stopped in his tracks with an annoyed look on his face. Could she not just have used the door, thought Arch.

Arch Dragonwill turned around to face the woman as she was obviously trying to get his attention. "What the hell do you want," questioned the irritated Arch.