Ask Coruscant Take A Little Edge Off

Hauron Solus

Forge Master

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Jun 3, 2022
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Coruscant was no man's land. If it belonged to anyone it was the children of Darth Raze. But Hauron Solus, also known as Black Hand of the Bounty Hunter's Guild, had business on the former hub of trade and commerce. A rich collector on Coruscant had fled his home. This Ithoorian had many objects that were valuable, priceless even and among them was a prize that the Mandalorian sought. The Solus already possessed two of the blades but the museum held the of the werda'kar. The collector had long ago fled his home for fear of death but his collection remained. Hauron was determined to recover his cultural heritage and liberate any other objects of importance.

Along for the ride was a freelancer. It was the first time the echani-offshoot was working with the woman but she had reputation of reliability. "There might be automated defenses in place. We should still scout the place out first." He knew there were abominations, monsters among other things that were only taken down by extreme methods. That was why he carried an amaban pulse rifle among his weapons today instead of his normal sonic rifle. Furthermore he was equipped with two ATA pulsewave pistols.

"I still have a manifest of what the collector had the last time I visited." He handed over a datapad with the information about the numerous artifacts. There was jewelery, weaponry, outfits, and more. No doubt some of them were acquired by less than moral means but they were all about to be reacquired by thievery so it hardly mattered. "As long as it isn't Mandalorian, take your pick." There was plenty of loot to go around. But Hauron doubted it would be as easy and straight forward as he hoped.

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Renowned Criminal

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Aug 28, 2023
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Maeve usually stayed cleared of the Core as for her, the Core always caused issued. She had sworn she'd never set a foot on Corellia again and she had thought she wouldn't ever go back to Coruscant after it had been conquered by monsters, but a very promising mission brought her to it anyway.

After her chats with Kai, her focus in terms of jobs had somewhat shifted and so a particularly promising heist had piqued her interest. The contractor was no other than Blackhand who had built himself a reputation and their target was a particularly large collection of valuables. The only downside? The chances of encountering those terrible monsters weren't small, so she was at least grateful for the Disintegrator he had provided her with.

"Scouting sounds good. Perhaps we can mess with their defenses, too". She wasn't an expert hacker as her expertises laid elsewhere, but she knew some stuff. An excited "Ohh", escaped her as she scrolled through the list he offered, immediately spotting a few things that interested her.

"Perhaps we should consider striking at night in general?", she suggested, briefly looking up to meet his gaze before she gave her equipment one last check. "I'm much more efficient if I can sneak in unnoticed".


Hauron Solus

Forge Master

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Jun 3, 2022
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The Mandalorian nodded as he listened to the freelancer's suggestions. His helmet turned slightly to allow him to glance at her excitement. A small smile reached the corners of his hidden mouth knowing she was pleased with the potential takings. It was good to have motivated personnel.

The two individuals stood in the dimly lit hall that once was ornately decorrated. There were floodlights now and industrial crates from when a Mandalorian covert had last occupied it. The building used to be an establishment called Sentinel Hotel and was a safe haven for assassins. Now it served as a secret forward operating base for the duo's personal operation.

Technically Black Hand was Hauron's father's bounty hunting alias. But this was not the first time the Mikkian had adopted the identity for the sake of anonymity. To most, one Mandalorian was like any other and Hauron was fine using that to his advantage. But if it turned out Sapphire learned of his true identity he was not too worried about it.

"Yeah, for sure. But they might have infrared sensors, low light photorecptors, scanners, that sort of thing." His own armor gave him the ability to see in the dark. However Hauron had long ago removed the scatterweave coating from his beskar'gam. All he had now was a black paint job and his own skill at stealth to rely on.

He had old records of the museum on a holoprojector. The outside of the building's basic architecture and the interior layout from a few years ago. There were obvious exits and entrances but those were all certainly guarded or under surveillance. It was not going to be easy. He held on hand to his helmeted chin as he pondered what to do before lowering both hands to his sides with a sigh. There was no point in analyzing it when they had yet to scout the area. They needed more up to date data before they should make a move on the target.

"We'll wait 'till nightfall." His T visor met her gaze and nodded in agreement. The badger turned away and double checked his equipment. It would be a few hours until it was completely dark. "Do you know how to fly or drive, Sapphire?" The distance they would need to travel and the amount of loot they would carry was sizeable so maybe he would find something in the garage that could be of use. Otherwise they would need to use Hauron's ship or steal another.



Renowned Criminal

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Aug 28, 2023
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Maeve took in the new intel and nodded understandingly. "So we've got to be careful for sure". She didn't like the prospects, but having a Mandalorian at her side had worked well so far. Maeve herself had done some research, but it had turned out that there wasn't much around.

He agreed with her and this meant they had time to scout the area properly, but this also meant she had yet another sleepness night in front of her. Not that it mattered a lot - her sleeping schedule was completely screwed, but she was grateful for the few hours she had caught thus morning.

"I drive better than I fly, but I'm decent in both", it was an honest answer, because she was certain he wasn't just asking out of fun. "Are you looking for something specific or are we going through it all?". She asked in terms of their hesit, knowing they'd need to settle on a plan asap.


Hauron Solus

Forge Master

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Jun 3, 2022
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Hauron could tell that Sapphire was concerned about the dangers and unknown factors ahead. It was a feeling he shared but the badger knew having a larger group of people would just attract attention. If the Group Leader wanted to make an assault on Coruscant he would have brought a corvette or a squad of shock troopers. Two people for this heist was pushing it and the Mandalorian did not want to get any of his subordinates caught up in the personal thievery. On the other hand, if Hauron thought he could do it on his own then the armored Mikkian would not have asked for help.

The man assumed she knew how to fly and drive given Sapphires profession. It was important to get away when acquiring goods illegally. “Good.” He replied as a matter of fact to her answer. All of his weapons were done being checked again. But his visor lingered on the exit, his mind still thinking about what kind of expensive vehicles they might get to joy ride in.

His cohort’s question pulled his attention and his visor once again centered on her. “You mean as far as artifacts go? For one there is an incomplete set of knives I’m after, the werda’kar.” Sapphire would be able to read more details on the objects he was after. “There are a few wookiee artifacts in there I wouldn’t mind returning to some harry friends.” He had spotted some wookiee weapons that were as sacred to the Kashyyyk natives like beskar was to Mandalorians. It just seemed like the right thing to do which warranted a shrug from Hauron’s shoulders. “I want to know what’s in this guys safe. Supposedly he has some stuff off the record in there. The kind of stuff that would get you sent to jail or a bounty on your head maybe. I don't know. The rest will just make for good credits.”

He stood up from his seat and stretched his legs. Looking around the dark hall as he paced calmly. "How about you?" He cycled through his armor functions briefly. The image of the woman changed from a normal view to a bright and clear image thanks to the low-light night vision before changing to a colorful thermal heat reading until finally returning to normal.



Renowned Criminal

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Aug 28, 2023
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Maeve took in the new intel provided by black hand. She knew better than asking too many questions, but it gave her a vague idea of what she'd have to help him acquire before they could make a run for it. "Wookie artifacts?", she still repeated with a slightly raised brow as this part threw her off a little, but perhaps he simply owed them something.

"The safe, got it. I'm not an expert hacker, but I've got some experience", she disclosed, hoping it would come to that though as if their defenses were professional, they'd quickly have to improve. Had this done that though. Maeve was no stranger to possible consequences, so with a smirk on her lips, she shrugged.

"I don't have anything specific in mind, but I'll know what I need when I see it". Sith artifacts paid a whole lot on the black market, for example, so she wouldn't say no to that. Otherwise she had an eye for valuable antiques, so she didn't doubt she'd find something of her liking. As they still had some time, her gaze followed his pacing before she asked, "do you go heisting often? Most Mandos I've met were rather into bounty hunting" - also something she loved to do, but she wouldn't go after the maniacs who still dwelled on Coruscant.


Hauron Solus

Forge Master

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Jun 3, 2022
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"Mhm." He nodded when she asked. "There's a bowcaster, some weapons and a few ceremonial items I think that don't belong in a Coruscant museum. Maybe a Wookiee museum on Kashyyyk." He added a shrug with his armored shoulders. The Wookiees cultural significance was the artifacts' primary value. Rancor Squadron had a secret base on one of Kashyyyk's moons and the system was a second home for his people. Hauron himself considered many wookiees to be his friends and neighbors. When the badger learned of the acquisitions the Ithorian museum currator acquired, he knew something had to be done eventually. Now was the prefect chance to liberate such items. It seemed like the right thing to do.

Sapphire was diverse in her skillset which Hauron approved. The Mikkian Mandalorian did not know a lot about the woman but did not want to press her for questions. This was their first job together and if things went well he was content to work with her again. It helped she was easy on the eyes.

The badger crossed his arms and tilted his head towards the ceiling as he thought about his answer. "Hmm." He did not think of himself as a thief. But Hauron had stolen plenty before and was not afraid to do it again given the circumstances. "I wouldn't say often. But I've stolen a rancor egg, broke my dad out of prison. Does that count?" Both of those had happened before his twentieth birthday.

His tone became a bit lighter now as he relaxed. "Stealing shit is a time honored traditions of Mandalorians, next only to Jawas maybe." The badger was half joking all things considered.

"Speaking of..." He waved a gloved hand for her to stand up and follow him. "Want to check out what speeders might be left in the parking garage?" The hooked a thumb in the direction of where there could be parked and abandoned tranport. There was plenty of time to look into the mode of transportation later. But Hauron did not feel like just sitting around. His thoughts were continued to stray towards plans and concerns about the rest of Rancor Squadron. But there was not much the Group Leader could do while on his own personal mission. He trusted they would be able to get one well enough with out him for a few days.



Renowned Criminal

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Aug 28, 2023
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Maeve couldn't help but wonder whether her associate had ties with the hairy giants. He seemed very keen on winning their weapons and cultural items back, apperently even deliver the to the Wookies, and while he specified what he was looking for, he still didn't mention why he was after them. It was interesting, this she had to admit and she took a few mental notes.

"So you're basically a criminal", she amsuedly remarked, playfully teasing a little. He had enlisted crimes, or at least it sounded relatively illegal, but obviously he was nothing like her. This, she also knew. But it was good to know he had some experience in the field for sure. "I like it. Sounds like we'll work well together", she thus added with a smirk, before he motioned for her to follow.

"Oh absolutely". She was thrilled to check out their means of transport, and after their little chat, she was ready to continue planning. "So, something fast and maneuverable would be great. But I guess something unassuming could also do the charm". From the outside, her ship looked like junk. It was up to date with tech though and the interior was rather fancy as she had continously upgraded it, but inconspicuous exterior was always an advantage, so she was curious to check out the vehicles here.


Hauron Solus

Forge Master

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Jun 3, 2022
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A bark of a laugh came from the Mandalorian and he held a hand to his chest as it turned into a chuckle. Sapphires blatant remark caught him off guard. "Technically." He confirmed with a hidden grin and nodded. He would undoubtedly break an untold number of laws before his last day. A part of him enjoyed breaking the rules and being a bit wild.

Hauron understood why many of his people kept to the outer rim and away from the stifling clutches of so-called civilization. Coruscant had been the center of it and look how it was doing. His freedom was too precious to him to live in a place like this long term.

The Solus found himself smiling at seeing the smirk from the freelancer. She was confident which was a good trait to have. It meant she was good at what she did. Her logic was sound and deserved another nod from the Rally Master. "And we want something that can carry plenty of cargo." He reminded her they were stealing a lot of stuff and would need the room for it.

The man's visor scanned over the garage as they walked into the dimmly lit area. He flicked on his low light vision mode. A few open topped luxury airspeeders were nearby collecting dust. A hoverbus sat in the corner but it was another bulky vehicle that drew Haurons' attention. He walked towards the RRS-1 armored speeder adorned with the word "Sentinel" written in aurebesh on its side. "Let's hope it works." He looked towards his cohort to see if she approved. They could try to find another airspeeder on a different level but the Mandalorian considered the present option a gold mine. "Do you think it still has grenades?" The Mikkian's voice clearly hoped that to be the case even if they went the night without shooting it. Weapons had a special place in Hauron's heart as did fast vehicles. Pulling out his slicing toolkit, he went about getting access to the vehicle via an exterior access panel.



Renowned Criminal

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Aug 28, 2023
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She was perhaps a little surprised that his tone shifted into something much more casual and lighthearted as he even laughed at her assessment. "Good, I like it". Maeve hated high moral standards and moral dilemmas and this seemed just as uncomplicated as she liked it.

"Oh absolutely. We'll grab as much as we can". Just as for every good heist, there was no limit - if they could pull it off without raising attention, they'd have a ship full of valueable cargo. She was ready for sure and so she happily trailed along his tall, armored figure while her gaze attentively scanned through the hall they soon entered.

Her gaze immediately fell on a luxurious, fast speeder, but seeing the trunk, she knew it didn't make any sense. The armored speeder he spotted just a moment later though seemed promising and so with a slightly mischievous smirk, she approached. "Hmm...I like it. If things get dicey, this one will provide some cover and it can store some precious cargo", she agreed with him and began to circle it as he attended to the panel.

"Oh sure...maybe not a full magazine, but surely a few". The vehicle wasn't new and the scratched and dents were a testament to prior uses, yet it still looked rather fine. "Do you need help?", she enquired before she squeezed herself under it for a moment, checking the vehicles bottom, but everything looked fine underneath as well.


Hauron Solus

Forge Master

Character Profile
Jun 3, 2022
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The mandalorian appreciated his companion's optimism. His fusion cutter opened the panel and he connected his port scanner to the socket. "Um..." He waited a moment to assess the security. A moment later and the port scanner sparked and made him lean back ever so slightly.

The door to the airspeeder unlocked but did not open. The readout on Hauron's port scanner smoked, clearly damaged and needing repair before use again. "Yeah...maybe next time?" The Mikkian's tone was a bit embarrassed, followed with an innocent chuckle. His partner would have to do the slicing from here on out unless the port scanner was fixed. Sapphire was probably a better slicer anyways.

Pocketing the damaged device, the badger placed both his hands on the sliding door of the armored airspeeder. Pulling on he opened the vehicle up. Just as the door came to a stop, fully open, a Tooka ran from the shadows and past the two's feet. "Whatthe-!" He lifted up a foot on instinct to pull it the limb away from the darting creature. He relaxed after seeing it was a harmless tooka though his heart would take a few seconds to calm back down. Hauron looked at Sapphire to see her reaction.


slicing into speeder: 32/100 barely successful


Renowned Criminal

Character Profile
Aug 28, 2023
Reaction score
By the time Maeve was done examining the bottom and had walked back to her companion, she found the armored warrior with a fuming port scanner that drew the slightest smirk from her. " fried", she couldn't help but notice, but it was amused instead of accusing.

Maeve's gaze flicked to the door, but they'd have to do it manually and she was only hoping it wouldn't cause any further issues. Black Hand had it open just a bit later, so they were fine for now, but she was a little amused about his comment. "Sure. Next time". She playfully winked at him, however let it rest then as there was no point in teasing her new ally. Still, she took a mental note at how the Mando wasn't an expert hacker.

Maeve followed him towards the door and hence literally jumped as the Tooka jumpscared them. Her hand immediately slid to her blaster, but she didn't draw it just yet. Good thing she noticed it was nothing but a sweet little feline guest. Her heart was still racing and she let out a little chuckle before she entered the speeder. "Hmm...looks quite fitting", she finally said with a shrug though as she entered and looked around, looking back to the Mando to check whether he was also satisfied.

They still had a bit time to kill but it seemed like their escape plan was coming together. "So what made you think coming to Coruscant was a good idea in the first place?", she curiously asked, actually interested in his take.


Hauron Solus

Forge Master

Character Profile
Jun 3, 2022
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Hauron settled his racing heart beat after a few moments. He was as embarrassed about jumping at the tooka as he was at the faulty port scanner. He turned his head to look at the interior of the vehicle though his mind lingered on the memory of the woman's words and following wink. It was probably just an innocent flirtation.

The freelancer went inside the airspeeder first, leaving the Solus outside for a moment. In that time he found his eyes drifting from the back of her head, down to her shoulder, then to her waist. But before his eyes focused on her buttocks he averted his gaze and turned to look away. Suddenly the exterior of the airspeeder was fascinating. "Hm...yup. Looks good." He knocked his knuckles against the armored plates as if to confirm it, hoping he was convincing.

He turned to look back at Sapphire, this time making sure his visor was centered on her face and nothing else. But Hauron's eyes looked away, off to the side as he thought of an answer to her question. The badger shrugged almost immediately and looked at her turquoise eyes from the other side of his helmet. "I never said it was a good idea." A slight chuckle meant he was partially joking. "Most people that could evacuate did. They consider Coruscant lost which means the rich folk that could afford insurance are also probably still fat off their asses. It's just sitting there, ripe for the taking." It seemed so obvious to Hauron. "Why'd you come along?" He jutted his chin in her direction as he spoke.



Renowned Criminal

Character Profile
Aug 28, 2023
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As she glanced back over her shoulder at his comment, she found him looking somewhere else, somehow sounding distracting and embarrassed both. Was it still about the slicing attempt or something else? She wasn't fully sure, but she shot him a smirk before she focused her attention onto the interior.

"You aren't wrong", she bluntly replied right away, a smirk on her lips as she turned to fully face him again. It was the reason why she had come in the first place. There wouldn't be many who'd still set foot on the planet after everything that happened, but yes, that was exactly why it wasn't as frequented as it used to.

He then voiced an obvious follow up question that actually drew a short chuckle from her. "Well...not gonna lie, credits and loot can always be worth a visit". There was obviously more to it. For the first time in ages, she was almost proud of herself for having overcome the literal fear of returning to the Core, too, and also, she was obviously building something with the Mandalorian right now.

"Also, my unbound adventurous spirit". That wasn't a lie either, but perhaps a surprising answer for him. "Alright then...should we start scouting?", she wondered, knowing they did have quite some work ahead of them and scouting could also happen before the sun would set from a safe distance.


Hauron Solus

Forge Master

Character Profile
Jun 3, 2022
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Hauron eventually approached the vehicle's door again before entering and looking around. The freelancer moved about the interior and the vehicle where there was enough space for ten passengers easily. The airspeeder was fit for a law enforcement agency or mercenary group but now just had the two criminals to operate it.

Hauron moved to the flight controls and began running diagnostics. The mandalorian wanted to make sure they had enough fuel and if there was anything that needed fixing first. But everything came up looking good. In fact it was better than good, it was perfect. The airspeeder barely had a thousand kilometers on its odometer and its grenade magazine was fully stocked. Everything was operating at one hundred percent. "Oya" He muttered to himself and the galaxy for gifting him this blessing.

This was the first time working with Sapphire but she seemed to be a little on edge. Even before the tooka had jump scared them he sensed a tension in her body language. At first it seemed like she was just worried about dealing with the abominations or the job, but it was probably something else. Regardless he did not know how to broach the subject.

"Black Hand" chuckled at hearing the woman finish her answer. She definitely had an adventurous spirit. "Oya!" He answered her question with the traditional mandalorian exclamation. He predicted if he ended up getting too adventurous himself around her they could prove to be an effective if not volatile combination. "The controls are yours if you want them." He tapped a few more settings and looked over his shoulder at her to see her preference.


forgot to add this roll. Guess they have extra weapons
airspeeder grenades? or something else maybe 81/100
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Renowned Criminal

Character Profile
Aug 28, 2023
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After Maeve had checked the ship out thoroughly to familiarize herself with it in case they needed anything from it, she followed him into the cocktail. While he ran diagnostics, she fumbled around with one of the smaller monitors connected to the ship's main board, before she turned to him with a smirk. "23 grenades left. They might come in handy". Maeve hadn't maneuvered such a vehicle before, but she was confident the Mandalorian could handle the speeder's defenses if needed.

She wondered what happened to the last 7 grenades, as the vehicle didn't look like it had seen an actual battle, but what actually mattered was that it was functional. "Sure, let's do it", she replied with a hint of general enthusiasm, the prospect of a great heist fueling her. The speeder had a communication terminal that still conference signals to the garages gate and so Maeve had that open with a click, too.

She buckled up, knowing her driving was sometimes a little bumpy, but the vehicle simply looked like something that needed to be driven a little wilder in general. As she didn't knew her companion that well yet though, she decided to try her best though and she didn't hit full throttle as she got them going. "So...are you afraid we might run into monsters?", she wanted to know as she glanced over to him, a smirk tugging at her lips.


Hauron Solus

Forge Master

Character Profile
Jun 3, 2022
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Music began to gently play automatically throughout the interior of the airspeeder. Its design prevented the noise from escaping unless the doors were open. But the mandalorian closed the door as they began to move. There was an inventory of spare grenades onboard the armored airspeeder but in the cargo hold. If for some reason they fired all twenty three grenades there would be another full replenishment.

" that-" Something poking out of a non-descript duffle bag on the deck caught his eyes. He got up from his seat and moved to the back of the vehicle and pulled the bright bottleneck from the bag. Sure enough it was a bottle of liquor as exquisite as it was expensive. "...well we have a work of art here we can drink once this is over." The mikkian let out a whistle before putting it back in the bag. "Do you drink, Sapphire?"

Before long they were out of the garage and gliding effortlessly through the Coruscanti sky. Hauron returned to the co-pilots seat after they continued to fly. The occasional awkward tilt and juddering from his companion's flying made him want to buckle up. "

There were still lights in parts of the Coruscant cityscape, some scattered traffic but it was a far cry from what it used to be. His partner's question made him think about it for a moment. "Yeah, actually." He thought back to Onderon, Thyffera, and Ithor. The mandalorian had witnessed, no more than that, he had felt what dark siders were capable of. The recent news reports about these abominations were just the latest in a long list of horrors he had gone up against. But Hauron wanted to engage them on his terms. "Hopefully they're busy terrorizing Darth Raze's slipper drawer." The job ahead of them was going to be hard enough without having to add miniature dark side monsters with the ferocity of rancors. As long as his companion flew discretely they were sure to be fine.

The relatively vacant skyways of Coruscant seemed peaceful. The sun had set but the edge of the horizon was still varying shades of dusk. Blues, purples, pinks and oranges were pulled across the sky like so many water colors perfectly changing to one another and in doing so bringing night closer in a beautiful transition. "What are you gonna do with your takings?" The art and items were not all necessarily going to be spent. But since they had a few minutes to kill before they arrived at their destination Hauron was willing to pass the time to get to know Sapphire a bit more.

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Renowned Criminal

Character Profile
Aug 28, 2023
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While Maeve began focusing on the road, her ocean eyes kept flicking over go him. What was he doing? She couldn't help but quirk a brow as he suddenly spotted something in the back of the speeder. Maeve decided to focus on the road, but she was curious until he revealed what he had found.

"Ohh well", now those were good news. Great news even. "I do every now and then", it wasn't a lie, but perhaps a slight understatement. "What have you found?". As she heard the amazement in his voice, she assumed it was something really good and as he called it a work of art, her lips curled into a smirk. "Now that sounds like a plan..". She was looking forward to it for sure, but for now they had a job to do.

The prospect was still tempting, and so her slightly tense mood soon faded into something lighter. Maeve stayed clear of main roads and flew carefully, neither wanting to run into anyone or anything nor wanting to draw any attention in general. For now the coast was clear, and his quip made her chuckle as it kept lightening the mood.

The sky ahead was mesmerizing, but Maeve's ocean eyes were too busy scanning for potential dangers that she couldn't even fully take it in. He then asked what she planned to do with her loot, and she pondered on his question for a moment, before she broke the silence again. "Selling mostly, to be honest. I'm not sure whether I'll find useful equipment for myself, so credits might be the best answer".

She then glanced over to him, meeting his gaze behind the visor. He had answered the question before, yet the Wookie part still raised a few questions. "Do you owe the Wookies anything or are you just giving stuff back to their rightful owner?". She wondered whether he was a do-gooder or perhaps also a little crooked, but she knew Mandalorians usually stuck to actual moral codes of some sort.


Hauron Solus

Forge Master

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Jun 3, 2022
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The route to the museum was calm and the landscape made of stone, metal and glass passed by all around them. They went through tunnels and passed large projected advertisements on loops. The mandalorian found himself looking at the beautiful sight, enjoying the view while it lasted.

Sapphire's answer was sensible enough. Quality gear and reliable sources were hard to come by these days. He wondered what she considered useful equipment. Mandalorians spent credits on weapons, ships and supplies normally so he wondered what kind of expenses the freelancer needed to pay for. Hauron figured Sapphire would probably invest it and it was not his business what she spent her money on and did not follow it up with another question.

The man turned his head at seeing her look his way and then looked ahead again. His chest plate rose and then fell as he let out a nasally sigh. He had to think about it for a moment before finally answering. "They're not mutually exclusive. I can do both. But I guess you could say I relate to them mostly." His tone was self reflective, considering his partner's question carefully. "They've been wronged before, targeted unjustly, enslaved and stolen from." There were obvious parallels with mandalorians and himself personally. The mikkian found his right hand balling into a fist reflexively before relaxing a moment later. Another sigh escaped the badger's nose.

He found his mood very serious and potentially unnerving. Clearing his throat, the Solus adjusted his posture in his seat and looked towards the pilot beside him with an apologetic look. "Sorry. That's a bit more broody than I intended. He wanted to change the subject and not make things any more awkward than he felt they were. " What kind of music do you like?" A dataphone quickly found its way into the mandalorians hand who began flipping through his apps hoping he had saved some decent tracks. The holonet connection was inconsistent so he had to rely on saved songs.



Renowned Criminal

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Aug 28, 2023
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With the background music and the prospect of booze, Maeve's high spirits just lingered. There was not a single monster to be spotted around, but nothing else either- the city was definitely changed, but not wanting to spiral, she simply kept her mind focused on the task ahead and thus on the route they took to the museum.

While she hadn't even assumed it was a sensible spot, she soon learned that the Wookie topic was much deeper than it had first seemed. She briefly looked over to him - yet an honorable Mandalorian wanting to do what he deemed right while relating to a different fate.

It told her a lot about him, even if she didn't know all dimensions, but this all meant that he was most certainly much more trustworthy than her regular company. Also, he did elaborate a little, offering sensitive insights and the modulated sights that followed. She nodded, and focused on the route again.

"Oh it's fine!", she immediately replied as he excused himself for the broodiness, shooting him a smirk. Maeve loved gathering intel on her companions as they made them much more predictable and people who strived for control like she did needed that. It was still obvious that he wanted to change topics and so she didn't object.

As he asked for the music, she actually had to ponder on his question. In clubs, she often heard the regular EDM, techno beats...she wasn't particularly fond of them but it was a mood for sure. The rest of her preferred genres was a wild mixture of everything and so she replied, "you know for such missions, nothing can ever go wrong with something more laid back".

Judging from the phone on his hand, she assumed he was about to choose something for them, so she was curious to see what he'd make of it. "So when we encounter guards, how do you usually deal with them?", she wanted to know a moment later, not quite sure about his moral compass yet.
