Tales From the Red Maiden


Sith Order
Sith Exile

Character Profile
Jun 2, 2023
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M A S C O T _ M A Y H E M
Tales From the Red Maiden

Z O R Y A, _ O ' B O G _ & _ K Y R O S

The hum of The Red Maiden's engines served as the backdrop to another routine day. Zorya, a formidable Sith Champion, sat in the command chair, her focused gaze scanning the star-studded void through the viewing port. Perched on her shoulder was O'bog, the Ximpi proxy, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Behind them, the Kage Warrior squad leader, Kyros, was checking the armory's inventory.

"Yer sure 'bout this, Zorya, lass?" O'bog squawked, raising a tiny brow at the expansive starfield. His Irish brogue echoed in the ship's bridge, painting the otherwise sterile environment with strokes of whimsy. "Jus' seems like a dreadfully borin' venture."

Zorya, forever silent, merely offered a non-committal shrug.

A chuckle erupted from the back of the ship. Kyros, looming in the doorway, broad-shouldered and fearsome, glanced at the pair. "O'bog," he began, his deep voice rumbling like distant thunder, "when have we ever had a boring venture?"

"Fair point," admitted O'bog. "But have ye seen this place? It's emptier than a goblin's pockets!"

Zorya simply glared out into space, the glistening stars reflecting in her dark eyes. O'bog, interpreting her silence, added, "Alright, Zorya wants to know if ye've finished countin' them shiny peashooters yet, Kyros."

Kyros snorted. "Yes, O'bog. Tell her we're missing three blasters."

O'bog relayed the message, and a small smile crept onto Zorya's face. She pointed a finger towards the corner of the bridge where, lo and behold, the missing blasters lay hidden under a large, mottled blanket, courtesy of O'bog's previous mischievous endeavors.

As the trio continued their routine check, O'bog saw an opportunity for mischief. "Ye know, Kyros," the Ximpi started, fluttering over to a console, "I've been thinking. We could use a mascot, don't ye think?"

"Mascot?" Kyros questioned, eyebrow raised.

"Aye, a lovely, fluffy little beastie to lighten the mood. I'm thinking a Loth-cat, or maybe one of them Ewoks!"

Kyros looked horrified. "Ewoks are sentient beings, O'bog. They aren't pets!"

O'bog ignored the protest. "Zorya, would ye like an Ewok?"

Before Zorya could respond, an alarm blared through the ship. The Red Maiden had just entered an asteroid field. Zorya's hands flew across the control panel, expertly navigating the debris. Meanwhile, O'bog, thrown off balance by the sudden maneuver, flew headfirst into Kyros's chest, causing both to tumble in a heap.

As the asteroid field thinned out, Zorya steadied the ship. Kyros rose, grimacing, with O'bog hanging off his ear. "Zorya, tell your Ximpi that if he ever tries to adopt an Ewok or causes such chaos again, I will personally use him as target practice."

O'bog huffed. "Ye heartless gob!" he squawked at Kyros, smiling menacingly, showing off his pointy teeth. "Ever imagined yerself in there, havin' a beastie tear at yer flabby bits?"

Kyros grimaced, rolling his eyes at the Ximpi. "You have the manners of a starved Hutt, O'bog," he retorted, flexing his well-toned arms, "And my 'bits' are far from flabby." Zorya chuckled silently, her stern demeanor softening.

"Alright, ye overgrown bat," O'bog conceded, fluttering back to Zorya's shoulder. "No Ewok. But mark my words, I'm gettin' that Loth-cat!"

As the Red Maiden continued its voyage, the echoes of laughter and squabbling filled the ship. And so, despite the looming threats of space and Sith duties, life aboard The Red Maiden was never dull, especially with a mischievous Ximpi stowing away blasters, proposing absurd ideas, and always reminding the crew that even in the darkest corners of the galaxy, laughter was never too far away.