TCG-DotR Expansion Pack


SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score


Full Name
__Andrena Solus



__Smuggler's Association






__1.65 m


Hair Color
__Brown (usually)

Eye Color





Notable Possessions
__EB-4 Blaster Pistol
__M91 Light Combat Vest
__Various Starship Repair Equipment
__Two Headed Coin

__Chaotic Neutral
__The Trickster
__Wild Card
__The Engineer
__Machine Empathy
__Ace Pilot
__Deadpan Snarker
__Stiff Upper Lip
__Dirty Coward

Important People


Andrena Solus

An eccentric (to put it kindly) smuggler from a family of deep space explorers from Grizmallt, Andrena Solus has spent nearly her entire life in space. As one might imagine that results in some rather odd behavior patterns, although from Andrena's point of view anyone born on a nice green and blue planet is the weird one. She possesses an incredible amount of knowledge about ships, and is an outstanding mechanic, and a pretty decent pilot as well.

Andrena's talents as a smuggler rely primarily on her innate knowledge of ship systems rather than exceptional people skills, and generally doesn't care much for having to deal with anything that doesn't involve starships. She lives for being in space, and wouldn't want to do anything but fly a starship for the rest of her life. But she'd also like to be very rich while flying a starship for the rest of her life, and in her career as a deliverer of contraband she's gained a position within the Smuggler's Association, and is currently engaged in some activities to expand the Outer Rim Cargo Associations reach.


Andrena was born and raised on the Grizmallt Observer, a massive deep space exploration vessel from the planet, you guessed it, Grizmallt. Intended to plot new hyperspace routes, the Observer's mission would leave ship cutoff from contact with most of the well charted parts of the galaxy for years, nearly a decade in fact. And that was just going to the Outer Rim, getting back was a whole other challenge. With a crew in the hundreds, children weren't exactly encouraged, but not exactly forbidden either.

Growing up on such a starship meant growing up with this little thing called "social responsibility". There was no room for rugged individualists on a starship, that's what Andrena learned as a child. If there's a problem, you fix it. If there's a problem you can't fix, you report it. You can't just pretend something isn't your problem, because it very much is your problem and that of everyone else on board. There's no room for petty acts of teenage rebellion, and you learn responsibility at a really young age.

As a result, even today, Andrena has a strong work ethic and a tendency to get involved in other people's problems. In particular if she sees something wrong on someone's ship, she has a compulsive urge to fix it. It's something she'd been taught to do since she could walk and talk, and is so deeply ingrained in her being that it's almost impossible to get to stop short of physically restraining her.

When you see all the wonders that deep space has to offer for most of your life, you tend to be jaded to the "amazing". Andrena has seen astronomical oddities, light shows, horrors, and wonders a plenty. There's very little in the galaxy that could really surprise her at this point, and she's typically not fazed by outrageous acts of Force usage, opulence, and other comparatively "small" things. A result of seeing so much from a young age however was that Andrena really started to get annoying being on the same starship, doing the same things, with the same people, and the same restrictions.

So she decided to strike out on her own with the blessing of her folks. And where else does one go when they're out int the great big galaxy on their own first time, but Nar Shaddaa? The Smuggler's Moon did actually shock Andrena, quit a bit at first actually. She got into plenty of trouble, but managed to come out of it alive, with a rather snarky sense of humor. She also acquired a knack for tricking people for the laughs, which being on Nar Shaddaa usually meant she was the only one laughing, and it usually wasn't taken very well by whoever she was laughing at. When you grow up in an environment that requires something approaching total honest, you tend to find being able to trick people to any degree outrageously funny. She spent a few months on Nar Shaddaa working as a mechanic before deciding that that the bad pay, the bad smell, and the terrible living conditions weren't worth it, and moving on.

Her next world of choice was Ord Mantell. It seemed like a nice enough destination from everything she'd heard on Nar Shaddaa. Which, if she were ever to think back on it would realize it was a terrible reason to choose to go there. Now Nar Shaddaa, for all its faults, was a city world, which means it was pretty easy for someone to never see sky or ground. Ord Mantell on the other hand most certainly wasn't. Growing up in the confines of a starship, Andrena developed a form of agoraphobia. Wide open space, as long as it's actually space? Sure fine. She'd able to handle zero-g and spacewalks with no problem. Wide open spaces on the "ground" of a planet? That freaked her out big time.

That and they're kind of boring. They just go around in a circle...okay usually an ellipses WOW THAT'S SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING. Andrena, though not exactly eager to go back to the explorers life of constantly being cutoff from everything, didn't really enjoy the whole being in one place thing. So, declaring planets a dumb fad, she jumped on the first ship that needed a good engineer, and someone who could act as a halfway decent pilot if needed.

From there it wasn't hard to get into the smuggling business. When you've worked on Nar Shaddaa, have an intimate knowledge of just about everything to do with ships, and are the one actually fixing the ship, you know where all the good hiding spots are. You know how to find them, how to create them, how to keep them hidden. Stashing packets of spice in the nooks and crannies of the ship was easiest thing in the world that Andrena could think of to supplement her meager income from working on the freighter. Being more than a little opportunistic, and enjoying knowing that she was getting more money from fooling everyone else on board.

Eventually however she was caught, and then dumped without a penny to her name on Axxila. From there she found her way into the employ of the Outer Rim Cargo Association. ORCA was going through its first (and thus far only) big period of growth at the time, and were in the market for pretty much anyone who could fix a ship and wasn't exactly friends with the law. First working at the chop shops, helping to modify vessels to carry contraband, then as a mechanic and copilot on one of those ships, and then after getting enough money to purchase a stake in the organization, she now pilots one of the freighters flying under the ORCA banner. True to her obsession with starships, and space, she's spent most of her time not doing smuggling stuff looking for ships to buy, steal, or fix.



Andrena is your basic human. Fingers, hair, eyes, and so on. She's not outstandingly tall, and is a little on the short side in fact. She doesn't have any particular love or hatred for one style of dress over the other. As long as it's comfortable on a spaceship, it's a good style. Anything that isn't worthless. She has a few tattoos mostly on her forearms. On the left a small heart on the outside of the wrist, and on the inside of the forearm a red flower. On the right she has a winged red flower on the inside of the forearm, and a small ringed planet on the outside. She prefers to keep her dark brown hair grown out long, and will sometimes dye it for the hell of it. In general she's very fastidious. She doesn't like dirt or grime on...well anything. Herself, her stuff, her ship, it really doesn't matter. She'd probably shoot someone who tracked mud onto her ship, if it weren't for the fact that it would just make a bigger mess.

Fun Facts

Doesn't really understand trees. She has no idea what they're for.

Considers living on planets to be a fad.

Doesn't really think the Force is all that. All the stories, and things she's seen thus far have paled in comparison to the power of your average star.

Really likes playing card games, and gambling. One thing she'll never do however is wager her ship. She'd sooner offer up a vault of priceless Jedi artifacts before she gave the Islandfire up.

Other than playing cards, she spends most of her free time fiddling with her starship, and engaging in her fourth favorite thing in the galaxy.

For the most part she's not a big fan of planets, and planet related activities that involve open fields, but she like beaches a lot.

Would like to try out treasure hunting for a little bit.

Favorite color is orange.

From a social perspective, Andrena can come across a little uninterested in talking with people, and does not possess an especially fancy vocabulary. The entirety of her aloofness is another result from growing in a relatively isolated environment, where you want to get the most of as few words as possible in an emergency. She has a tendency to speak in short bursts, and incorporate hand gestures into her speaking as result. Technically speaking she speaks Basic, Huttese, Bocce, and can understand most forms of Binary, but given her tendencies, she tends to speak everything but Basic in a rather broken form.

Is very easily excited and/or amused by actually being able to trick someone. Even if it's just a small lie, like where she's from. She has a very bad habit of just making shit up for the hell of it. The only exception to this is starships. She'll never joke about fixing something on a ship, or whether or not something is working.

Will murder the fuck out of anyone that uses the word "shiny" as slang. It's a stupid word, and she hates it.

Doesn't really like most forms of music. She prefers the gentle hum of a ship's engines.

Andrena really isn't much of a fighter on the ground. Sure she knows which way to point a blaster, and that ducking when someone is shooting at you is a good idea. But in general her preferred tactic is to run. What kind of idiot smuggler prefers anything approaching a fair fight? In her experience, you either fight dirty or you don't fight at all. There's no point getting into a fight with someone who has a good chance of beating you.

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SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score

The Smuggler's Association

"A smuggler has no friends, only interests"

The Smuggler's Association, the SA or just the Association for short, is exactly what the name says. A simple consortium of smugglers who don't even try to pretend they're otherwise operating in a loose group for increased security and profits in these troubled times. The Association started in some rundown cantina on some world no one cares about on the Outer Rim when a few individuals in the less-than-legitimate delivery business realized that they could get more credits if they gave each other tips on jobs they might not be able to do themselves. Since then it's grown into a more formal (at least by the standards of a group that started out in a cantina) outfit, able to post a listing of smuggling jobs people need done to the smugglers within the group.

Of course legitimate freight jobs are also available, but those don't pay nearly as well. Occasionally larger tasks will be undertaken by the Smuggler's Association, such as trying to break a planetary blockade, or establish a new warehouse facility as a safe place for smugglers to keep their goods. Compared to a lot of organizations out there though, the SA isn't really the most structured. There's a few basic tenets, but no ridiculous codes or secret protocol. It's not out to conquer the galaxy, or spread a certain ideology. It is a simple association of smugglers looking to make credits who'd like a steady source of work that doesn't put them under the heel of the Hutts, and gives them a nice place to lay low when the law is on them.

What the Association Does

The Association does just about everything related to the movement of goods. They own warehouses and docking bays which allow those that fly under their banner to more easily move between worlds, and gives them a refuge if they need to lay low. The most common thing they do is to act as a middleman between someone who needs cargo moved, and an intrepid pilot who's willing to do the moving. These jobs are often listed, and handed out on a first come-first serve basis. For more difficult jobs, the Association allows smugglers to get in touch with one another. If someone with another ship is needed, the SA is there with plenty of people willing to lend a hand - for a reasonable percentage of course. Everything from organizing freighter convoys through more difficult areas of space, to breaking through blockades can be done through the Association. Another thing it does is to allow for the passage of information. Not just in the sense of messages to be carried covertly, but in the sense of being able to tell your fellow outlaws what's going on where. If there's increased security at a planet, if a blockade's gone up somewhere, if the lawman has figured out a common smuggling trick, and things of that nature.

The SA also maintains its own stock of ships that can be loaned out on as needed basis. Some of these ships are actively flown by a member of the Association for Smuggling business. Unlike regular members, who might fly their own ships, these Captains are responsible for the administration of the Association, and handle most of the minimal bureaucratic work needed to run the Association.

Policies and Goals

By and large, the Smuggler's Association doesn't have a lot of policies that might interfere with how smugglers in the Association go about their business. They don't charge any fees for members, save for a small percentage of the credits a smuggler might get doing a job gained through the SA. The only strict rules are as follows.

1. Do not steal from other members of the Association
In the context of the Association, theft means that if another smuggler has taken a job on, a member of the SA won't try do it to get the money before they can. Likewise they won't steal from their cargo, their ship, poach crew members, or anything of that nature. Little things like stealing a drink, are really below the notice of the Association, and there certainly isn't a rule against stealing from those outside the Association.​

2. Do not sellout the Association, or Association members
Should be a no brainer, but if there's one thing the galaxy has in abundance it's criminally stupid traitors. The Smuggler's Association would rather that its members not sellout other members of the Association to the authorities, or the organization as a whole. Duh.​

3. Respect the Blacklist
The Blacklist is a list of people, or in some rarer cases organizations, which members of the Association will agree to not do business with. The reasoning for a name being added is usually refusing to pay upon delivery of goods, but might go beyond that. Aside from refusing to pay, doing something incredibly stupid is the next most common way of getting on the Blacklist. The list is decided by a vote among the ship's captains in the Association, but anyone can recommend a name be added.​

Violating any of these rules is grounds for immediate removal from the Association, and if you happen to rack up some damage to the Association (like say killing people and destroying things) you can count on having a bounty put on your head. Other than that, there isn't much to it. The group is a loose organization, not especially concerned with what its members are up to thanks to the generally disorganized state of the Association. No one in the SA is in the SA to further the Association in and of itself. They're in it because the Association is a means to an end, and by providing that means the Association grows. There's no philosophy to be spread, right or wrong way of doing things, or any that other crap.

By and large the Smuggler's Association is an apolitical organization. Jedi, Sith, Senators. Doesn't really matter to them, save for the fact that they could all be paying customers. The Association doesn't actively pursue the destruction of any group in particular, although they're naturally very much against pirates, and very much against taxes and customs. Anyone with an active planetary blockade and pirates are the most likely groups for the Association to initiate combat against on a large scale of their own volition. Otherwise the Association just prefers to keep making money, and let its members do whatever they want. If some don't want to work with Jedi for example, that's fine. There's nothing binding them to take on a job involving Jedi. Law enforcement isn't really considered an enemy, so much as it is simply a risk that comes with the job. The Association has a number of credits set aside to get a member out of prison, by whatever means are most convenient. Which usually means paying someone, somewhere, off. Law enforcement in its pure state might be their enemy, but the good old corrupt variant is the Association's best friend.

On the other side of the coin, the Association doesn't really do "allies" either. They don't want any corporation trying to back them or be their sole provider, and they certainly have no interest in getting entangled in other people's problems. In fact attempting to cozy up to the Association is about the best way to make sure they never trust you. Smuggling is a profession that breeds paranoia after all, and anyone that wants to be BFF's with the SA is obviously only looking for leverage over the Association. Allies, and enemies, aren't things that smuggler's in general are interested in. Moving things from point A to be point B and getting credits for doing so are what smuggler's are interested in.


The Association isn't really all that well organized. It tends to be more decentralized, with no set seat of power, no single leader, and as described above not a lot in the way of rules. The only distinction between those in Association are between Captains, and Members.

Captains are the ones responsible for the Association. They fly a ship bought and paid for by SA, and are expected to handle the grunt work of keeping the Association working in return for that, and tend to hold more of a stake in the Association than the average member. Together, the Captains, form the leadership of the Smuggler's Association, voting on just about anything. Responsibilities are usually handed to whomever wants them, and regularly rotate. A meeting of the Captains usually takes place in the back room of some cantina somewhere, and is usually scheduled to happen at the last meeting. In general it's the job of Captains to actively lookout for the interest of the Association, and in emergency situations (such as a surprise attack) authority rests on the Captain who has been with the SA the longest, unless they cede it to someone else.

Members are pretty much everyone else in the Association. The regular smugglers who own their own ship, or have one on a temporary loan from the Association, the engineers, the pilots, the medics, and everyone else. Everyone has the same level of access to docking bays, bar tabs, and job listings, and there's no preference for Captains over Members in any of these things. The only thing Members don't do really is set Association policy, or have to worry about the day to day running of things. There's no set guidelines for a member becoming a Captain. The only requirement to do so is that they must have enough credits to purchase a ship of equal value to a Trillium and give this money to the Association as a "pay in". If a Member wants to be one they will ask for a current Captain to vouch for them, and the entire Captain's Council will vote on the matter. As long as over half vote yes, then you're a Captain. It's as simple as that.


Joining the Smuggler's Association is relatively straightforward. You have to know someone in the Association who can vouch for you, and then all you have to do is not be a moron. Being a smuggler is a plus, but not necessary. There's always a need for muscle, medics, and technicians after all. There are certainly members who don't really do smuggling jobs, but offer their services as security or slicers for a cut of the credits for that do them. Generally it's hard to find anyone in the Association that's particularly young, unless they're a family member of someone in the SA. After being accepted a new member of the Association will be given papers identifying them as a member of Outer Rim Freight, the legitimate face that the Association operates behind. It might only be a piece of paper, but it at least provides them legit reasons for visiting systems and getting by customs.

16 year old Force-users who think both Light and Dark are wrong, with godlike piloting skills, excellent combat techniques, and an overly tragic history, need not apply.

OOC Note: Outside of a core group of members who will be on the roster from the beginning, there will be NO recruitment of characters on an Out-Of-Character basis. Where it says a member must vouch for you, and you must meet a Captain is exactly what must be done, and it must be done In-Character. There will be a signup to keep track, but NO one who signs up without doing these things IC will be accepted. I don't care about numbers, I care about the story.

OOC Intent

The Smuggler's Association exists to provide an outlet for the alternative criminal types, a main faction for which doesn't exist. People who aren't really the bounty hunter, go out and fight, types but more in line with the classic scoundrel more worried about their own pocket book than anything else, but at the same time more down and dirty than the more corporate types. Essentially this is a faction for the blue-collar criminals, and in function it's a union of sorts that lets them get a leg up over the competition. What the faction does is to facilitate smuggling activities, providing these sorts of PC's with activities, and helping to organize things bigger than individual initiatives between a few members could do. The ultimate goal of the faction is to make money and expand, any other raison d'être would be against the main intent. Whatever aspirations the faction may have are dependent on IC activities, conflict that may generate as result of the Association's activities, and where the writing takes things.


Andrena Solus


Dyson Chanzot
Turncoat Jon
Bahati Rhen
Nova Rigil Starcry
Keid Pyethell



The Smuggler's Association isn't an exceptionally old organization with a lot of interesting historical facts behind it. It was founded in a rundown bar on Iego around a decade ago, and stayed there for most of the early years. For the most part it was simply back room meetings between smugglers who exchanged tips, job information, and occasionally some of its number ran together in convoys through dangerous parts of space. With war brewing on the borders of the Republic there was certainly profit, and safety, in numbers. Attempts to sellout the organization were made on a regular basis, but it wasn't really well organized enough for these efforts to amount to much, as any smuggler in it simply fled, met up with old contacts on some other world, and eventually they were back in business in another bar on another planet.

The Association only grew into what it today after breaking through a corporate blockade of Jabiim. Serving as a structure through which to organize the effort, the successful breakthrough made rich men and women out of those who lived, and with a portion of each share going to the SA itself, the Association expanded greatly. There weren't any moral quibbles over price gouging which meant that the smugglers who took part were able to charge exorbitant fees for what amounted to some food and water. Some of the participants retired, others went on to give the Smuggler's Association the shape it has today, and most lost every credit they made gambling somewhere.

Situated near the Border Alliance, and the coming conflict, smugglers with the Association are poised to make even greater profits as things escalate out of control.

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SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score


As a smuggling group, the Association isn't really concerned with owning vast amounts of territory. Instead their interests are primarily in the acquisition of ships, and smaller facilities to aid in their smuggling ventures. Warehouse facilities and hangars are at the top of that list, but places like fueling stations, and cantinas are also things they'd be certainly be interested in. It doesn't really care who owns a whole planet, so long as the Association can operate from as starport without interference. In the view of the Association, borders are pointless things that don't do much more than mark a change in the color of uniform the lawman has on.

Most of its members are capable of paying their own docking fees, so it really isn't necessary for the SA to worry all that much about owning places, they're far more interested in owning ships, and only maintain facilities at high traffic areas. None of the places that the Association owns are actually held in the name of the Association, instead they all operate under the name of Outer Rim Freight, which acts as the legitimate front for the Associate should anyone nose around. Given that the SA tends to operate in lawless areas for the most part, it hardly matters however, and it's rare that they come under much scrutiny.

The area the Smuggler's Association operates in is mainly situated near the Border Alliance, where profit and danger are at their highest. Their primary centers of operation are on either side of the Border Alliance, and making runs across that territory, and into it, as well as the surrounding powers. It's a dangerous area to be in, which is another reason why they don't invest much in defending them. If a problem comes their way? Grab everything not bolted down, scatter, and regroup. It's what smugglers have been doing since the invention of the hyperdrive, and the SA isn't stupid enough to try to engage someone in a stand up fight.



Iego was the planet that the Association was founded on, and the city of Cliffhold remains a major hub for activity. The spice produced on the planet is the big draw, as smuggling spice has always been a good money maker, and the "thousand moons" are also a good reason for setting up shop. The sheer amount of bodies and debris in orbit of the planet making blockades difficult as there's any number of ways of slipping in and out by hiding in all the clutter.


The Spire

The docks that the Smuggler's Association maintains on Iego are wholly owned by the Association, and located some distance from Cliffhold itself. Built into one of the basaltic spires, the facility can service up to 10 Freighters, and has an expansive storage facility built into the base of the spire. The defenses for the docks are minimal, with no exterior weapons, and no shields. The docks instead rely on deception for defense, with the blast doors that allow entrance being camouflaged as part of the spire. While obviously, the camouflage doesn't do a lot when the Spire is in active use, given that the area of space that Iego is in, it hardly matters. Instead the camouflage is intended to buy time should someone decide to show up with a fleet, in which case the Spire can go into a lock down running on low power while ships get away via the tunnels.

The entire complex is riddled with tunnels big enough for ships to fly through, allowing for a quick escape through another hidden entrance/exit when necessary. Inside defenses are likewise light, the facility isn't intended to withstand a siege, it's intended to be abandoned as quickly as possible in the face of overwhelming force. It's simply some security guards, locked doors, and the like, nothing all that elaborate. The docks aren't intended to be used all that heavily, simply when someone needs to lay low or drop off hot cargo. Otherwise landing in Cliffhold and paying for your own docking is perfectly fine, it's not like there's a government on Iego that cares much what the smuggling outfit does.

The Broken Hammer

The Broken Hammer is the cantina the Association owns on Iego. Locared in Cliffhold itself, the cantina isn't directly connected to the Smuggler's Association docks on the planet, but is near the local spaceport. The Broken Hammer is a rough place with a tough crowd, usually spice miners and smugglers. The booze is watery, the glasses are almost never washed, and there are more than few bloodstains from more than a few nasty bar brawls. Loud and exceptionally rowdy, the Broken Hammer is a great place for those that don't want to be overheard, and the incredible ease with which one can start a brawl makes getting out a little easier.

It was in the Broken Hammer that the Association was founded, and it was the first piece of real estate acquired by the Association. During the ten years of the SA's history it's been lost and regained a number of times, but these days is well established as the Association's stomping ground. It generally has a couple of bouncers, but isn't heavily defended. That would signify to pretty much everyone that the place is more than just a bar, and that's not really what the Association wants.



Located on the other side of the Border Alliance from Iego, Axxila is home to another one of the Association's major presences, although it's more under the table. The heavily populated city world isn't without government, unlike other places that the Smuggler's Association operates, thus it must stay underground. With the size of the population however, this isn't difficult. A few bribes here, a few payoffs there, and the Association can go about its business without all that many problems. Because of its size, Axxila tends to be a bigger hub for Association activity than other worlds. It's easier to disseminate information, and gather, without drawing attention.


Chop Shops

Like on Iego, the Association mostly lets its members pay for their own docking, and unlike Iego doesn't maintain a hidden dock on Axxila. Instead in a rundown skyscraper it maintains a "maintenance and repair facility" under the Outer Rim Freight name. In reality the location is a chop shop where members of the Association can have their ships modified to help them evade the law. It is from here that most upgrades are done, and the most common tasks undertaken are replacing transponders and hollowing out sections of a ship for smuggling compartments.

The idea that the place is legitimate is mostly maintained through hefty payoffs, and like other Association facilities its defenses lie in its covert status. There are 6 active shops in total, each of which can service anything smaller than a capital ship. In the event that the shops are compromised the entire place would be abandoned, and the smuggler's would simply move elsewhere. The highly populated nature of Axxila makes getting away and blending in with local traffic easy, ensuring that losses would be minimal.

Sir Mixabot's Cantina and Grill

Located not far from the chop shops operated by the Association is Sir Mixabot's Cantina and Grill. Originally run by a rather disreputable fellow who had loansharking and gluttony as his favorite hobbies, the Smuggler's Association acquired the place after he met a most unfortunate end. No one else really wanted the job of trying to run a cantina however, so the job was left in the hands of the man's bar tending droid; Sir Mixabot. The little droid is capable of crafting over six million different types of cocktail, and has thus far run the place without a hitch.

The diminutive bot lacks a lot in personality, but he more than makes up for it capability as the droid can also cook up a mean Nerf steak as well. With no regard as to payment, Sir Mixabot's Cantina is able to put funds directly into purchasing stock. Which is good, because there wasn't a lot in the way of variety at first. Thanks to the smuggling population however, the cantina is now host to a wide array of beverages, and foods, and Six Mixabot himself is confident that if the cantina were on a Core world it would be on a "must visit" list in a tour guide.

The bar is usually very tidy, as a result of the other droids helping to maintain it. Though not an upper crust kind of place, it's certainly a step above whatever dive you'll find on Nar Shaddaa. It's usually a good place for Association business to be conducted or for a pilot to just come and relax, and doesn't have any bar brawls...well at least not very often. Security is generally minimal, unless a meeting is being held. In which case a few armed bouncers will stand guard over the back room, and the entire place will be checked for listening devices.



Located in the remote reaches of Hutt Space, Dandoran isn't a particularly exciting planet. Lots of trees, lots of water, nothing in particular that lets it stand out all that much, and it isn't very close to anywhere. Which makes it just about perfect for the Smuggler's Association. Dondoran acts as something of a distant refuge for the Association. Unlike its other locations, no subterfuge must be maintained on any level as the planet has few inhabitants and visitors.


Serdna Alsa

Dandoran is the location of the Association's main hidden refuge and storage facility, Serdna Alsa. The facility is different from that on Iego in that it has much more room available for expansion in vast caverns located towards the southern end of the Smuggler's Basin. These caverns are normally used for longer term storage, holding ships that aren't being used, and supplies that might be needed. Serdna Alsa can service 20 light freighters a a time. The place is also the best option for anyone who has cargo a little more animate that they can't just drop off anywhere, and need a place with some strong durasteel bars to hold them in place.

In general Serdna Alsa is much better equipped with accommodations for long stays, and like other Association holdings, Serdna Alsa relies primarily on being able to stay hidden as a form of defense. In its case however it's less about being seen, and more about being remote. It does have a number of laser cannons to ward off starfighters and the like, but nothing major. Internally security is a bit more tight with magseals, and ray shield traps to keep interlopers away from the storage areas deep within the facility. The entrances to Serdna Alsa are massive, and there are no blast doors or camouflage hiding them, but there are numerous hidden tunnels that go some distance from the facility allowing for escape.



The Association doesn't really concern itself with defending territory to the death. There's no point, and that's not what smuggler's are about. If an overwhelming force were to try to take something, they'd pack, leave, and set up shop elsewhere. Being smuggler's, it's endlessly easy to find a lawless rock on the Outer Rim from which to reform and operate. Most of its members have their own ships, and can pay their own docking fees, so it isn't as if they really need to have a place of their own, it's just a massive advantage. There aren't really any restrictions on entering Association's public holdings, such as the various cantinas and bars. In order to get into the back rooms for important meetings there are no silly code phrases or anything like that. It's all based on if someone knows you, and the ship you're flying, or not. If someone recognizes you, you're in. If not, you're out, simple as that.

In order for a ship to land at a hidden Association facility a special transponder installed in it must be activated. The transponder is installed at the SA's holdings on Axxila, which is a bit more lax as ship's without them obviously need to land their in order for them to be installed. The usual pretense is that ship's which are signing on with the shell corporation Outer Rim Freight must have equipment installed that will allow them to track the ship and keep freight schedules tight. Of course this a complete sham, and instead the transponder is installed in the ships of new members of the Association. The transponder cannot be activated by anyone outside of the ship, and if removed the code will be scrambled, necessitating the installation of a new one. Once a ship docks, the only thing that's checked for is tracking devices. As one might imagine smuggler's aren't really big fans of being tracked, so those tend to be a no go.

OOC Note: If you want to actually dock at an Association facility, and are a member, the SA transponder should be mentioned somewhere in your profile where your ship is mentioned, or in the tech writeup.

In terms of physical defenses the breakdown is as follows


The Broken Hammer
Public facility.
Handful of bouncers (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.

The Spire
Hidden facility
Camouflaged blast door entrances
Basic Internal Security (security cameras, reinforced doors)
Guards (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.
Escape Tunnels


Sir Mixabot's Cantina and Grill
Public facility.
Handful of bouncers (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.

Chop Shops
Public facility
Basic Internal Security (security cameras, reinforced doors)
Guards (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.


Serdna Alsa
Hidden facility
12 Quad Laser Cannon Turrets (camouflaged)
Advanced Internal Security (security cameras, reinforced doors, magseal locks, rayshield traps)
Guards (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.
Escape Tunnels


NPC/Other Assets Breakdown

The following is a breakdown of NPC's.

__140 NPC's on Iego (10 Bouncers, 20 Guards, 30 Cantina Workers, 60 Spire Workers, 20 Paid Off Officials)

__140 NPC's on Axxila (10 Bouncers, 20 Guards, 30 Cantina Workers, 50 Shop Workers, 30 Paid Off Officials)

__100 NPC's on Dandoran (40 Guards, 50 Serdna Alsa Workers)

__120 NPC's misc (smugglers, participating members of the SA, NPC's for people to use on ship crews, etc.)

The following is a breakdown of ships operated by the Smuggler's Association

__10 Alabaster-class Escort Freighters (modified with SA transponders) [LINK]
___ORF Islandfire, Captained by Andrena Solus
___Remaining 9 available for loan or captaincy

__10 YG-300-class Escort Freighters (modified with SA transponders) [LINK]
___All available for loan or captaincy

__10 Nimbus-class Couriers (modified with SA transponders) [LINK]
___All available for loan or captaincy

__36 NX-3-class Starfighters (modified with SA transponders) [LINK]
___All available for loan

The following is a breakdown of other equipment operated by the Smuggler's Association
__Claytonton Generitech Armor [LINK TO BE ADDED ASAP]
__Claytonton Generitech Pistol [LINK TO BE ADDED ASAP]
__Sabotage Speeder Bike [LINK]
__N10-series Astromech Droid [LINK]
Last edited:


SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score


The Association doesn't really concern itself with defending territory to the death. There's no point, and that's not what smuggler's are about. If an overwhelming force were to try to take something, they'd pack, leave, and set up shop elsewhere. Being smuggler's, it's endlessly easy to find a lawless rock on the Outer Rim from which to reform and operate. Most of its members have their own ships, and can pay their own docking fees, so it isn't as if they really need to have a place of their own, it's just a massive advantage. There aren't really any restrictions on entering Association's public holdings, such as the various cantinas and bars. In order to get into the back rooms for important meetings there are no silly code phrases or anything like that. It's all based on if someone knows you, and the ship you're flying, or not. If someone recognizes you, you're in. If not, you're out, simple as that.

In order for a ship to land at a hidden Association facility a special transponder installed in it must be activated. The transponder is installed at the SA's holdings on Axxila, which is a bit more lax as ship's without them obviously need to land their in order for them to be installed. The usual pretense is that ship's which are signing on with the shell corporation Outer Rim Freight must have equipment installed that will allow them to track the ship and keep freight schedules tight. Of course this a complete sham, and instead the transponder is installed in the ships of new members of the Association. The transponder cannot be activated by anyone outside of the ship, and if removed the code will be scrambled, necessitating the installation of a new one. Once a ship docks, the only thing that's checked for is tracking devices. As one might imagine smuggler's aren't really big fans of being tracked, so those tend to be a no go.

OOC Note: If you want to actually dock at an Association facility, and are a member, the SA transponder should be mentioned somewhere in your profile where your ship is mentioned, or in the tech writeup.

In terms of physical defenses the breakdown is as follows


The Broken Hammer
Public facility.
Handful of bouncers (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.

The Spire
Hidden facility
Camouflaged blast door entrances
Basic Internal Security (security cameras, reinforced doors)
Guards (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.
Escape Tunnels


Sir Mixabot's Cantina and Grill
Public facility.
Handful of bouncers (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.

Chop Shops
Public facility
Basic Internal Security (security cameras, reinforced doors)
Guards (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.


Serdna Alsa
Hidden facility
12 Quad Laser Cannon Turrets (camouflaged)
Advanced Internal Security (security cameras, reinforced doors, magseal locks, rayshield traps)
Guards (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.
Escape Tunnels


NPC/Other Assets Breakdown

The following is a breakdown of NPC's.

__140 NPC's on Iego (10 Bouncers, 20 Guards, 30 Cantina Workers, 60 Spire Workers, 20 Paid Off Officials)

__140 NPC's on Axxila (10 Bouncers, 20 Guards, 30 Cantina Workers, 50 Shop Workers, 30 Paid Off Officials)

__100 NPC's on Dandoran (40 Guards, 50 Serdna Alsa Workers)

__120 NPC's misc (smugglers, participating members of the SA, NPC's for people to use on ship crews, etc.)

The following is a breakdown of ships operated by the Smuggler's Association

__10 Alabaster-class Escort Freighters (modified with SA transponders) [LINK]
___ORF Islandfire, Captained by Andrena Solus
___Remaining 9 available for loan or captaincy

__10 YG-300-class Escort Freighters (modified with SA transponders) [LINK]
___All available for loan or captaincy

__10 Nimbus-class Couriers (modified with SA transponders) [LINK]
___All available for loan or captaincy

__36 NX-3-class Starfighters (modified with SA transponders) [LINK]
___All available for loan

The following is a breakdown of other equipment operated by the Smuggler's Association
__Claytonton Generitech Armor [LINK TO BE ADDED ASAP]
__Claytonton Generitech Pistol [LINK TO BE ADDED ASAP]
__Sabotage Speeder Bike [LINK]
__N10-series Astromech Droid [LINK]
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SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score

The Trillium is based on the FCV-210, a Corellian freighter design. The baseline 210 hasn't been produced for decades, but their about the only thing that the Smuggler's Association could find out in the salvage yards that was affordable, and easy enough to modify for their purposes. The spaceframes purchased were repaired, brought up to modern standards, and heavily modified by Associate engineers into a unique design. The Trillium serves as a multi-role cargo runner, with a number of features that make her useful in combat roles. The ship is the workhorse of the smuggling outfit's small fleet, undertaking virtually every task that requires something bigger than a starfighter, and smaller than a capital ship. Partly because Smuggler's Association doesn't really have any capital ships at the moment, and partly because of sheer usefulness the Trillium possesses.

The interior layout is fairly straightforward. The cockpit is a fairly standard Corellian design with room for 4; the Pilot, the Copilot, a Comm/Sensor Officer, and a passenger. In the area behind the cockpit is access tot he two docking ports before reaching the main body of the ship. The dual laser turrets are located towards the rear of the ship, mounted on the port and starboard sides. Between the docking port and the turrets is the crew area with a small galley, seating for passengers, and access to the cargo bay in the floor. Quarters are also located in this area, and tend to be rather cramped. There are two separate compartments, with 3 bunks to a compartment, and a washroom joining them together. Access to the engines are at the complete rear of the ship, and as the Trillium is designed for smuggling, there are numerous sensor-proof smuggling compartments, usually in between mechanical equipment under the deck plating.

The 2 docking ports are capable of holding a starfighter apiece, allowing the Trillium to act as an ad hoc carrier, particularly while on convoy escort duties. Obviously simply being able to drag 2 starfighters around with the ship isn't nearly enough to make it a true carrier, but it's enough to ease some of the problems the Association has ensuring the hyperdrive-less vessels in its possession are being put to the best use. The docking ports can obviously be used to connect to other vessels, but the hyperdrive isn't powerful enough to carry anything bigger than starfighters through hyperspace. The two dual laser cannon turrets the ship possess are the Trillium's sole armament, and are intended for anti-starfighter duties. Quick firing, the lasers are intended to help deter attacks on a convoy the ship might be in, or help it break through the starfighter swarms of a blockade. The guns can be used on bigger vessels, but any large military capital ship will likely just laugh the effect off unless it's acting in concert with other vessels. The ship has good shields, very good shields in fact. The ship makes up for the lack of firepower, and even speed in some respects, with being able to shrug off a lot more firepower than the standard smuggling vessel.

The sensors of the ship are long range to better detect ambushes by threats such as pirates, and the navicomputer is reasonably quick to calculate the jump to lightspeed, if a bit finicky. One area of note where the ship has a very good resistance is against ion weaponry. They're the weapon of choice for pirates, one of the main enemies of the Association in the lawless space they usually operate in, and so vessels have been equipped to deal with them. The inner workings of computers and electrical systems are filled with a charged particle dispersion gel, intended to dissipate the energy of an ion shot before it can interact with ship systems and damage them. The gel isn't perfect however, and repeated shots will eventually saturate it. Likewise shots from larger ion cannons mounted on anything bigger than a corvette are enough to instantly saturate it in the area hit.

All in all the Trillium is well suited to either escorting supply convoys, running a blockade, establishing a starfighter picket, or just smuggling cargo.

Smuggler's Association

This vessel is not available to individuals. The Association may be willing to give them to other factions under the right circumstances. Factions in which the Trillium is used are listed below.

Smuggler's Association

This ship is intended to be the mainstay of the Association's lighter vessels. It's supposed to be a versatile, multi-role ship so we're not spamming the tech boards to fill every little niche. It fits into our fleet by being a capable cargo runner, escort, and small time starfighter carrier. It's essentially our go anywhere, do anything ship, and is intended to be the most common ship in Smuggler Association's possession larger than a starfighter. At a later point, if ship production capabilities are acquired, it will also be used as the basis for a follow up design.

Corellian Engineering Corporation (base FCV-210)
Outer Rim Freight/Smuggler's Association (modifications to Trillium standard)

Trillium-class Blockade Runner


  • Length: 45.2 meters
  • Width: 12.8 meters
  • Height: 9 meters

Blockade Runner, Fast Freighter, Escort, Picket Ship

5 (optimal)
  • 1x Pilot
  • 1x Copilot
  • 1x Sensors/Comm Officer
  • 2x Gunners
1 (minimum)
  • 1x Pilot
Passenger Capacity

Cargo Capacity
150 metric tons

2 Starfighters via External Docking Ports

2 Dual Light Laser Cannon Turrets


Good Acceleration, and Good Handling.

Hyperdrive Rating
1.0 (class 8.0 backup)

Black Market Grade Sensor System (long range)
Black Market Grade Targeting System
Standard Navigation System
Standard Communications System
SA Transponder
Black Market Grade Deflector Shield Generators (heavy)
Titanium Armor Plating (mid-grade)
Standard Life Support System (redundant)
CorelFrei9 Hypermatter Reactor
Repulsorlift Array
Basic Internal Security (anti-tamper locks, camera system)

return to top

The Martagon is one of the more common hyperdrive equipped vessels in Association's fleet. The little transport, made by Kuat, is a step up from a starfighter, but doesn't have the hauling capabilities of a freighter. Most often used as a fast transport, or a courier, the little Martagon also makes for a good reconnaissance ship is a pinch. Fast, with fairly advanced systems, the Martagon can be something of a hangar queen. The transport is very temperamental in terms of engineering, and requires a great deal of care. There's a lot of little different things that can go wrong on the ship, so having an astromech droid, or an engineer is a must. Still the class makes up for these problems, with a wide range of features, and capabilities. The ship is easily one of the most versatile for its size, and has space for plenty of modifications.

The Martagon is fast, capable of hitting 90 MGLT, and very maneuverable. The massive engine on the reason of the ship is hard to miss, and a testament to the pure speed the courier is capable of. The Martagon is just as maneuverable in atmosphere, thanks to an advanced repulsorlift array, but takes a rather skilled pilot to take full advantage of the ship's capabilities. Armor plating is thin, and shields are light, but that's a small trade off for the speed advantages. The courier is also lightly armed, with two light laser cannons mounted in the prow stock. The sensors possessed by the Martagon are very advanced, and long range, but also temperamental and one of the reasons the ship has such high maintenance requirements. The area around the sensor array are also where most of the smuggling compartments on the little ship are located, as the massive array has plenty of space in it for hiding, at least for those that don't worry about silly little safety regulations.

One of the key features of the Martagon is how modular the design is. There's plenty of room in the tear drop shaped ship for modifications, and the Association has equipment on hand to create two distinct variants on the baseline. The first is a salvager variant, adding a pair of manipulator arms, and a few grappling launchers that would allow the Martagon to puts engine power to use to tow bits of wreckage. The second is a minesweeper, replacing the forward laser cannons with a turreted mass driver that fires a spread, not unlike a shotgun writ large, of explosive ordinance in order to detonate mines. The versatility of the ship doesn't end there however, and there many different ways to modify the Martagon. The limitations are of course, the size of the ship, and trading off the only advantages it possesses for dubious gains in other areas. Attempting to up armor, and add weapons, will result in a ship that is much more mediocre compared to something purpose built for those purposes.

Smuggler's Association

This vessel is available on the open market per the description. Still, I'd prefer it you if contacted me before using it, if only so I can add you to the list of owners! Factions and individuals who make use of it are listed below.

Smuggler's Association

This ship is intended to be the lighter ship, sort of halfway between a fast courier and a light freighter, in the Association's arsenal. Like other vessels, it's intended to be multi-role in order to cut down on the number of different designs in Association's possession. It is s available for other factions to use if they want to do so.

Kuat Drive Yards

Martagon-class Courier


  • Length: 21 meters
  • Width: 16 meters (with wings: 36 meters)
  • Height: 7 meters (with wings: 15 meters)

Fast Transport, Courier, Reconnaissance, Minesweeper (modified), salvager (modified)

3 (optimal)
  • 1x Pilot
  • 1x Copilot
  • 1x Astromech Droid/Engineer
1 (minimum)
  • 1x Pilot
Passenger Capacity
2 (6 with no cargo)

Cargo Capacity
25 metric tons (50 with no passengers)


2 Light Laser Cannons

2 Tow Cable Launchers
4 Manipulator Arms

1 Mass Driver Turret (fires spread of explosive ordinance intended to detonate mines)


Average Acceleration, and Excellent Handling.

Hyperdrive Rating
1.0 (class 5.0 backup)

Advanced Sensor System (long range, high power)
Advanced Targeting System
Advanced Navigation System
Advanced Communications System
Advanced Deflector Shield Generators (light)
Standard Life Support System
Durasteel Armor Plating (light)
KT/C73 Power Generator
Advanced Repulsorlift Array
SA Transponder (Smuggler's Association models only)

return to top

The Dorsata is a jack of all trades. Heavier than an interceptor, lighter than a bomber, the Corellian designed starfighter is marketed towards local system defense forces to act as a generalist platform. Rather than buying a half dozen different kinds of starfighters, all with different needs and different maintenance standards, one can be bought that will serve most purposes adequately. Obviously the Dorsata cannot compete with bombers, or interceptors in being able to to fulfill a single role, but its versatility means never having to worry about the crippling overspecialization in your fighter force. The Dorsata can handle escort, assault, close in air support, assault, patrol, and just about anything you can think of. Overall the fighter is intended to have a good balance between defenses, weapons, and speed.

The fighter needs one pilot, and an astromech droid, to be flown properly. The droid is placed in its covered canopy behind the pilot, although training models will dispense with it for an instructor's seat. It can be tricky for novice pilots to learn to fly, as the thruster placements are optimized for quick turning, which can result in overturning among those unfamiliar with the craft. The astromech droid helps to control the craft, ensuring that the Dorsata doesn't over respond to the pilot, and also helps to process sensor information in order to make it easier for the pilot to navigate hazards and obstacles. All told, the ship only provides middling speed and maneuverability however. It's capable of some fancy maneuvers, but nothing too fancy, and certainly isn't going to be winning any races against the fastest the starfighter market has to offer. Part of the reason for the odd flight characteristics has to do with the placement of the Dorsata's guns.

The two laser cannons are set up to be easily aimed by the pilot, lining up well with the cockpit. This was considered paramount, as it maximized the effectiveness of targeting systems, as well as giving the Dorsata a more natural feel to the pilot. It minimizes how large a role the ship's computers play in firing, and gives the illusion of the craft being piloted more by instinct than technology. Armor and shields are overall in the middle of the road. They won't allow the Dorsata to shrug off massive amounts of firepower the way a bomber can, but they will allow the generalist starfighter to outlast the likes of interceptors. The ship comes with little in the ways exotic features, or fancy tech. It's simple as it can get, and like most Corellian designs fairly easy to modify. Though those that tamper with the vessel in hopes of squeezing out more performance should be wary of upsetting the ship's delicate flight characteristics, which might make it hard to fly, even with an astromech droid.

Smuggler's Association

This vessel is available on the open market per the description. Still, I'd prefer it you if contacted me before using it, if only so I can add you to the list of owners! Factions and individuals who make use of it are listed below.

Smuggler's Association

This ship is intended to be the standard, mid-range fighter in the Association's arsenal, similar to the role of the X-Wing or the Clone Z-95, although on the lighter and faster side. It is s available for other factions to use if they want to do so.

Corellian Engineering Corporation

Dorsata-class Starfighter


  • Length: 9.4 meters
  • Width: 4.7 meters
  • Height: 2.1 meters

Multi-Role Starfighter

2 (optimal)
  • 1x Pilot
  • 1x Astromech Droid/Engineer
1 (minimum)
  • 1x Pilot
Passenger Capacity

Cargo Capacity
40 kg


2 Medium Laser Cannons
1 Proton Torpedo Launcher (2 Torpedoes)

110 MGLT

Average Acceleration, and Average Handling.

Hyperdrive Rating

Advanced Sensor System
Advanced Targeting System
Advanced Navigation System
Standard Communications System
Standard Life Support System
Military Grade Deflector Shield Generators (mid-grade)
Durasteel Armor Plating (mid)
Astromech Droid Socket
Pilot Ejection Seat
CEC2SF-A9 Power Generator
Repulsorlift Array
Hyperspace Transport Ring (optional, class 1.0 hyperdrive)
SA Transponder (Smuggler's Association models only)

return to top

The Sabotage is a brute of a speeder, much larger than it's contemporaries. With a good amount of speeder, and a great amount of reliability, the Sabotage is intended for work on rougher and more remote worlds. The big speeder bike can carry cargo either in repulsor pallets behind it, or on the outriggers in front of the pilot. The latter method is preferred, especially at high speeders when it's difficult to keep an eye on the cargo behind you, but both methods can be used simultaneously if you're willing to lose some performance. Like most other speeder bikes, the Sabotage doesn't have much in the way of the armor, and no shields at all. Instead it relies on being a speeder bike, and thus being faster and more maneuverable than anything else short of another speeder bike. Two blaster cannons are mounted in the forward section at the end of the outriggers, and give the pilot of the Sabotage a level of firepower that's fairly typical of most speeder bikes. The outriggers ca be folded back when the Sabotage isn't in use, mitigating some of the size issues it has when being transported.

The Smuggler's Association operates the Sabotage as a practical, and cheap, form of transportation that won't eat up too much cargo space in its fleet of contraband deliverers. The bikes are available for use by any member of the Association.

Smuggler's Association

This vehicle is available on the open market per the description. Still, I'd prefer it you if contacted me before using it, if only so I can add you to the list of owners! Factions and individuals who make use of it are listed below.

Smuggler's Association

This speeder is intended to be the primary form of ground transportation for the Smuggler's Association. I consider it to be generic, based on the stats of other Speeder Bikes in canon. If it is determined by an administrator or member consensus that it is not generic however I will be more than happy to put it up for approval in the tech section.

Aratech Repulsor Company

219-SvR "Sabotage"

  • Length: 5.1 meters
  • Width: 1 meter
  • Height: 0.5 meter
440 kg

Armor Rating

Shield Rating

Repulsorlift capable of reaching 300 kph

2 Light Blaster Cannons

return to top

A fairly simple astromech droid, the N10-series droids in the hands of the Smuggler's Association are an invaluable tool for aiding in starship maintenance, and various smuggling adventures. Coming with all the usual traits and capabilities of an astromech droid, the N10-series was considered a failure by Industrial Automaton for failing to stand out from the pack. The N10 was also considered to be "stupid" by many buyers. While extremely good at their jobs, they didn't offer much in the way of personality requiring regular memory wipes to keep them running in good condition. As a result of the line's failure, the Association was able to purchase a large number of these droids to aid with starship maintenance. In addition the interior of the N10 has a great deal of space, intended for optional addons that were never put on the market due to the commercial failure of the droid. These extra spaces make for great places to add small sensor proof smuggling compartments however, allowing the droid to act as a secret conveyor of contraband. The usual spot to put the compartment is near the power recharge coupler, where any odd sensor readings that might occur can be explained as a fault in the coupler, and where an underpaid inspector isn't going to want to reach into for fear of electrical shock.

Smuggler's Association

This vehicle is available on the open market per the description. Still, I'd prefer it you if contacted me before using it, if only so I can add you to the list of owners! Factions and individuals who make use of it are listed below.

Smuggler's Association

It's just an Astromech droid for use by members of the Smuggler's Association. It's fairly generic, with the exception being the smuggling compartments. I'll Clayton to look it over and tell me

Industrial Automaton



Motorized, all-terrain treads

Power Supply

1.1 meters

Generic Materials

Electroshock prod

Welding Torch
Arc Welder
Computer Probe
Grasping Arms (2)
Fire Extinguisher
Power recharge coupler
Smuggling Compartments (Smuggler's Association only)

return to top
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SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score

Jobs and Events

Any member of the Smuggler's Association or multiple members, maybe claim it. First come, first serve for claiming jobs. For jobs, threads can be open or closed depending on what the thread started wants. Events will almost always be open. In general jobs are freeform. You're given a few details, but otherwise free to write it out yourself. If it's just two or three posts however, payment might be withheld, which granted doesn't mean much as money is pretty much pointless in freeform. But it basically means that you failed, and we can't use the results of the job for anything.

Payment: 10,000 credits and friendship each
What Needs to be Smuggled: Enough spice for a weekend party with twenty people, or a small town dealer.
Pickup: Kessel
Destination: Vandyne
Risks: The buyer wants you to deliver the stuff to his house, like we're some kind of mail order service. His name is Harold Johnson, he's a human fellow, and a government official. Did we mention that there are various government functionaries at his house? Good luck getting it in without getting caught.
Notes: You might get invited to a party! Wouldn't recommend going though because you might get arrested at said party. Just get the payment and run.
Participants: None
Payment: 10,000 credits each
What Needs to be Smuggled: A fairly simple protocol droid
Pickup: Axxila
Destination: Terminus
Risks: Not a lot of information on this one, just someone wants a protocol droid dropped off on a street corner on Terminus. Which means that this is either some weird wish fulfillment thing, or a dead drop, or a trap. Any which way, it's likely to end in violence if you're not careful.
Notes: The droid just keeps saying "They're everywhere and they're out to get me" so bet on the trap option.
Participants: None
Payment: 10,000 credits each
What Needs to be Smuggled: An Ithorian man, a human women, and two Duros men.
Pickup: Axxila
Destination: Saijo
Risks: The hard part for this one isn't the delivery, but the pickup. The group wanting transport in question may have done a little slicing of a government system, and they want to be taken to a planet on the other end of the galaxy where they can lay low for a while before they sell the information. They need to be picked up from the slums, but the authorities are casting a wide net over the area, so try to get them out without getting into too much trouble yourself or making a lot of noise.
Notes: The Ithorian goes by the name Alfonso, and is a barber by day if you want a haircut.
Participants: None


Job Submission

Have something you need smuggled? Fill out the following information, and post it in here!

Character Name & Link: Should be obvious, give us the name and a link. Feel free to use an alias if the job is further under the table.
Payment: How much you're paying for something to be moved.
What Needs to be Smuggled: The goods to be moved.
Pickup: Where the goods need to be picked up.
Destination: And where they need to be dropped off.
Risks: Will the person who does this job be in danger? Law enforcement going to be an issue? Pirates? If the character would know be sure to put it down.
Notes: Anything else we should know?

And after that the job will either be approved, or denied. If it's approved any member of the Smuggler's Association or multiple members, maybe claim it. First come, first serve for claiming jobs.

Current Jobs

The Blacklist

All characters, and organizations that have been blacklisted by the Association. Those that are blacklisted will be denied service, and will probably be seen more as enemies, although the Association won't go out of its way to do them harm, unless they did some substantial damage.

Current List
Gaius Satius Exodus played by @TAC

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SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score




__1.67 m


__Brown (natural)


__Lots of tattoos



__Hosnian Prime

__Border Alliance

__Don't care

__Starfighter Pilot

__SHIP NAME (Belongs to the Border Alliance)

__Border Alliance Thing 1
__Border Alliance Thing 2
__Border Alliance Thing 3

__1,000 Cr

__lol like I actually will


__Not wanted (yet)


__Jillian Chalu'kanji



__Chaotic Good
__The Gadfly
__Jerk with a Heart of Gold
__The Slacker
__Vitriolic Best Bud
__Small Name, Big Ego
__The Hedonist
__Ace Pilot
__Bunny-Ears Lawyer


__Filler Von Fillmark | Friend
__Placeholder the II | Indifferent
__Examplar | Enemy
__Mark Twain | Lover

__Thread 1 | Finished
__Thread 2 | In Progress
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Jillian Chalu'kanji



A hard drinking, hard partying, woman from Hosnian Prime, Jillian is very much the stereotypical starfighter pilot. A hot headed glory hound who's fighting for the Border Alliance for equal parts believing in the cause, and wanting something more interesting to do than flying circles in a local system patrol.

She also might have gotten kicked out of it, so there's that as well.


The Chalu'kanji family, as the name might imply, has its roots on the Hutt world of Nar Kanji. On the planet far far away from Hosnian, and a long time ago, Jillian's ancestors were enslaved by the Hutt's and in eternal servitude to them, and all that nasty stuff. Not a lot of hope of freedom, not a lot of hope of anything really as it wasn't like there were a lot of places within reach that were much better. When the Republic outlawed slavery that all changed. Suddenly there was not only hope, but a feasible (if difficult) path to freedom. Jillian doesn't know all the details, and neither does any other living member of the family, with various versions and stories of how it actually happened, and how much of it is actually true. After a bit of moving from Republic world to Republic world, the family eventually settled on Hosnian Prime, as the world's a bit closer to the where they'd entered the Republic were a lot less enthused about the stream of escapees and migrants (and in some cases the loss of "property") the new law had created.

By the time Jillian was born the family was well established on the Core World. The second of three children born to Sereia and Landis Chalu'kanji, Jillian was very much the troublemaker of the bunch. Her other two sisters were a bit more straight laced, whilst she picked fights, cheated, and did all the standard delinquent things. This didn't really get much better with age, and in her studies she tended to be a slacker to a very great degree. If there was a subject that was really difficult for her, then she usually decided that it wasn't worth pursuing in the first place, and cut class. She did however have a good love for flight as a young child however, even though she was a bit of an idiot. As proven when she broke both of her legs after attempting to make an airspeeder out of a repuslorcart and tried to launch it off of a rather high story on the building they lived in.

Her ending up as a starfighter pilot in the local system defense fleet thus relied a lot on luck, family connections, and the fact that she was actually pretty decent at flying as opposed to academic rigor and being an upstanding member of society. The general hope of those family connections was that the at least mildly military organization would straighten out her behavior somewhat. They would be incredibly disappointed when it didn't work out quite the way they hoped. Jillian managed to skate by in the group for a few years, never really getting all that far, but never getting in quite enough trouble to actually get kicked out. About the most she accomplished was to corrupt several other pilots, and discover some new (purely medicinal of course) uses for spice. Other than that, it was largely a dull affair in Jillian's opinion. There wasn't much that happened, and it was nothing like the holo's that made being a starfighter pilot look really cool.

All boring things must come to an end however, and for Jillian it came when she was supposed to be flying with an exhibition squadron for some government related holiday or another. And because she's an arrogant showoff, she of course decided to break formation and buzz the crowd. It didn't go over well, and it wasn't long after that, that she finally got the boot. With a set of skills and a record that didn't exactly make getting hired easy, Jillian didn't have a lot of options. One was the criminal world of course, but Jillian didn't think of herself as a criminal. She might not have been the best person in the world, but she saw herself as being somewhat more heroic, and so went off to join the Border Alliance. Fight for freedom and little pay? Become an ace or die trying? Well it certainly sounded more fun than sitting around doing nothing.


Generally affable and outgoing, Jillian loves a good fight, a good drink, and a good starship. Generally laid back, she doesn't really get worried about little problems, and really enjoys messing with the nonsense types. She's not an exceptional team player, but she understands the importance of having people on your side, and isn't going to let a wingman down on purpose. She is however very convinced of her own awesomeness, and is a major glory hound. She wants to be an ace, she wants to the be kind of pilot that gets their picture taken next to their fighter with a few dozen kills etched on the side under the cockpit. Her attitude is generally dissmissive of authority, and she can be a bit of a loose cannon. She'll do what she thinks is the right thing to do rather than what someone (who is probably a moron in her opinion) wrote in a book somewhere is the right thing to do.

As mentioned she likes a good fight, and can be very aggressive. She won't hesitate to get into a scrap where the odds are heavily stacked against her, and doesn't really have much of a code of honor when it comes to fighting. She'll use whatever dirty trick she can think of, and then brag to anyone who'll listen about how she did it. Which usually leads to more fights since very few people actually enjoy listening to someone spend a few hours bragging about their accomplishments about being a terrible person. Still, she isn't completely unbearable. Jillian's the kind of person who you can always count on to bring the questionably legal substances to the party, and have genuine fun at a social gathering. To her friends she can be a great listener, and is generally pretty good at encouragement. She might be convinced of her own greatness, but she usually doesn't achieve by degrading others. Unless she thinks their stupid, in which case it circles back into the fighting. The list of people Jillian thinks are stupid is exceptionally long, and includes just about the entire Republic Senate at the moment.

She's generally a big supporter of freedom, fighting the good fight, and all that stuff. With her family's history she's certainly not about to start fighting on behalf of slavers and other nasty people. Personally she doesn't care much for big corporations, and isn't even really all that fond of. But she's not a recruiting poster or an ideologue. Those kind of people really get on her nerves, and vice versa. She tends not to take a lot very seriously, even with the whole war thing. Generally she's out to enjoy life, not be some grim jerk who's obsesses with war and fighting. In particular art is always a big draw for her, and obviously she really likes flying. Combining the two, she might very well refuse to fly a ship that she considers to be aesthetically unpleasing unless she really has to.

All in all, Jillian is very brash, independent, and self confident. She has few problems expressing herself, although she might express herself in rather crude language and physical action when she really shouldn't. She's definitely not the military or law and order type, and is kind of an asshole, but her heart's in the right place.

Kind of.


Jillian is pretty easy to spot in a crowd. Between the plethora of tattoos, the gauges, the piercings in her cheeks, it's very hard to not know that it's her as opposed to someone else. The majority of the tattoos she has are across her back, chest, and on her left arm. Her hair is naturally a dark brown, but she has a tendency to dye it on a whim. Blonde, purple, whatever she feels like at the moment. Usually though it's just her natural hair color with some blond thrown in. She can usually be seen with sunglasses on, when she isn't flying, because A) sunglasses are cool and B) lights are just so bright after a long night of miscellaneous fun.

RP Development

RP development will go here. Duhhh.

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