Ask Plot Tempus Fugit

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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In pulling the mask off the speaker after deflecting the saber slash, @Alyse TiVarnus left herself exposed. As the man's corrupted and unrecognizable face was unmasked, he instinctively took a step back. But the crimson blade was already coming around for the blonde's extended hand. If it weren't for Alyse's Force Push, she would have regretted her dramatic gesture. But as it was, her attack threw the man off balance briefly: he made another shaky step backwards, flourishing his blade in front of him to repel a follow-up strike or an attack like Force Lightning.

For now, the young Ti'Varnus had the initiative. Her presence in the Force was evident, and not only to the Force-sensitive "Honor Guard". The ordinary cultists were intimidated enough to stay away and focus on other troublemakers. But the speaker still posed a very obvious threat and had to be dealt with.


@Manuk Gagak had remained unnoticed until one of the cultists took a shot at her... and paid for it with his life. The woman made her presence known in a spectacular fashion. The cultists who watched the duel between Alyse and the speaker, too scared to interfere, now had a new target. One of them, a tall and burly masked alien, swung his heavy two-handed axe horizontally, aiming to bisect Manuk at her stomach. Meanwhile, another cultist standing about 5 meters away from Manuk fired twice from his blaster pistol, aimed roughly at Manuk's chest.

The number of cultists who could pose resistance diminished steadily. In fact, only one more cultist wielding a vibrosword wasn't in battle or retreating yet. Between the lightning-spewing Amaran and the newcomer being attacked from 2 sides, the man decided to aid his two comrades... He figured he'd have higher chances of survival that way too.


Meanwhile, @Korsak Wulpez demonstrated that size meant little when the Force was in play. One of the cultists got gunned down when a blaster bolt deflected by the Amaran's crimson blade hit him in the chest. The other cultist was a little luckier: the deflected bolt hit him in the leg, forcing him to fall on one knee and to lean on his vibrosword that he plunged in the ground for support. At least that allowed him to experience the power of the Dark Side: Korsak's burst made the wounded man let go of his stuck sword and fly away a few meters like a ragdoll. He wasn't getting up any time soon.

Still, the Amaran would have his plate full before he could hope to recruit someone into his service. A Force-sensitive lightsaber-wielding member of Khar's "Honor Guard", rushed towards the furred Sith, lightsaber at the ready to deflect Force lightning or a strike. If not attacked, he'd go for a vertical strike downwards onto Korsak's head while screaming: "Die, filth!" The surviving cultist with the rifle remained at a distance and would take a shot at Korsak's chest again; especially if the Amaran would be foolish enough to lock the blades with Khar's guardian for a moment too long.


Khar Ti'Varnus was nothing if not calculating. He wouldn't have made it as far as he did in politics otherwise. Once he had heard the news of his daughter's return, he had taken some precautions. One of those precautions came into play that night. A decoy; something long practiced by ranking politicians, like Senator Amidala from Naboo centuries ago.

He and the members of Honor Guard all wore masks that concealed their faces and voices. The Force bonds between them insured that the servants understood the master like no one else. So when Alyse and her companions arrived to the site, it was Khar's thoughts and ideas that they heard; but not in Khar's voice. The man himself had been standing by the right hand of the Speaker all along.

Although eager to speak to his daughter himself and convince her, Khar had to relegate the job to his decoy. There was only one thing that he couldn't entrust to his servants and the Force bond between them: the ultimate decision of Alyse's face. So the only word Khar said to his daughter himself was "Die."

Of course, he had counted on his men overwhelming and subduing her. But apparently, Alyse had made some friends. Regardless, at least a part of the plan was working: Khar and a couple of cultists were steadily leaving the clearing. After all, who cares about some babbling fanatics when you've got power, wealth, and the Force? If he was lucky, @Trinity had set her trap away from his intended retreat path, and everyone else was too preoccupied to stop him.

  • 5 Sith: 2 (killed by Alyse) + 1 (engaging Alyse) + 1 (engaging Korsak) + 1 (retreating)
  • 10 Cultists: 1 (killed by Korsak) + 1 (killed by Manuk) + 2 (killed Korsak) + 2 (retreating) + 3 (engaging Manuk) + 1 (engaging Korsak)


Manuk Gagak

Sith Order

Character Profile
May 19, 2020
Reaction score
Either Manuk was considered the main threat – or the easiest target. If she were a gambler – which she wasn’t – she would have said the latter. Taking on one was a challenge for her. Two? She wondered how she’d fare. But three? She knew she couldn’t take them on all at once and needed some tactics if she were to succeed.

But they would have to wait, as they would only work of she was alive to plan and then enact them. Right now, she needed to avoid being cut in two and simultaneously be shot.

Her mind did the calculations in a nano-second as she immediately understood that both attacks on her relied on her standing precisely where she was now. Not that it was quite that simple, timing was key.

Her Force-enhanced senses did the maths and the axe would strike a fraction of a second before the blaster bolts. So, employing not to much her Sith training as her years of intense dedication into becoming a ballerina, she did a quick back-flip, meaning the axe swung at thin air and her body was arched low enough that the bolts flew harmlessly over her torso as she was half-way through her manoeuvre.

Once completed, she stood and activated her saber, the crimson blade sparking as it came to life. “Right,” she said confidently yet calmly. “Just of the three of you is it?”

@Topher @Korsak Wulpez @Trinity @The Captain @Bran

Alyse Ti'Varnus

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 5, 2020
Reaction score
The grasp that the blonde Sith held over the demasked form of her father's imposter, wavered slightly as he stumbled back on his self - though the binding constraints of the the darkening energies soon latched back on, the tendril like snares coiling tightly around the man's exposed head and neck. And, with a sudden jerking motion the cultist's head suddenly and violently swung to the side, a visceral popping sound ringing out over the clearing as the speaker's neck was abruptly snapped by the merciless twist - blood spattering out of the tear in the man's neck as the shattered vertebrae punctured through the withered and frail flesh.

The torrent of tumultuous emotions coursed through Alyse's veins intensified as she simply scowled at the limp and lifeless form of the speaker, her lips parting as the blondes teeth grinded as the seething anger within her intensified. Now that she had the opportunity to take a moment to study the man's features, withered and corrupted as they were - little discernible resemblance could be made towards her father. Granted the stature and frame was similar, but the sunken near permanent scowl like form of the man's eyes and brow were notably different from the lifeless body that lay at her feet. Her white eyes narrowing as she scowled at the lifeless form of the imposter, before her gaze turned around the clearing.

The cowards would be dealt with later, first would be dealing with those that remained.

Her eyes falling upon the fading sight of cloaked figures moving away deeper into the surrounding tree line, her free hand balling into a tight fist as her gaze shifted towards the others within the clearing before her hand suddenly snapped open summoning the fallen speakers crimson lightsaber hilt into her hand, Its blood red light erupting from the emitter as it activated once again, her attention falling upon the cultist who was levelling their blaster rifle upon the Amaran Sith, seeking to capitalise on Korsak's distracted state. Before the cultist could pull the trigger the crimson blade of the Speaker's lightsaber cleaved through his upper torso, splitting him in two, the projected blade spiralling back around and returning back to Alyse's waiting hand.

@The Captain @Bran @Corbeau @Catbert

Korsak Wulpez

Sith Order

Character Profile
The Captain
Jan 9, 2020
Reaction score
Now, if Korsak had, say, recently taken a blow to the head, the guard's tactic of trying to bludgeon him to death with a lightsaber would have worked. But, Korsak had all of his faculties and enough sense to realize that his combination of small size and lack of expertise in Force Enhancement meant he would be taking a different approach. He pivoted sharply to the right, lifting his blade and deflecting the strike down away from his body and leaving the overextended, emotionally charged thug open for a counter.

At least, he would have been, if the cultist with the rifle hadn't sent off another salvo. Korsak stepped back and deflected the bolts toward the small crowd Manuk was attracting around herself. He didn't have time to be precise, he needed to get his guard back up against the lightsaber wielding guard, but he had enough time and control to send the bolts toward the guard cultist with the pistol.

That was when he felt a sudden shift in the mood of the clearing, a sense of deep, intense hatred welling up from Alyse as she first butchered the man presumed to be her father, before flinging his lightsaber at the cultist with the rifle. Something was wrong, this wasn't just erasing her father's legacy, this was rage. Something had gone wrong...

@Bran @Corbeau @Catbert @Topher

Manuk Gagak

Sith Order

Character Profile
May 19, 2020
Reaction score
Before the three cultists had a chance to react, Manuk received some unexpected help. Either by good fortune or design, stray blaster bolts were sent in the direction of those that opposed her. Sadly none hit home, but they did cause the three to stop in their tracks, giving Manuk more time to consider her next move.

Logistics, as ever, played a significant part. One was close by and the remaining two were at a distance. So, the man with the axe was the immediate focus of her attention. With lightning speed, and given he was currently flat-footed, she was able to close the gap between them and use the cultist as a meat shield – in case the others decided to shoot again.

Their view of the scenario was a burst of red plasma energy emerging from their fellow’s back as Manuk ran him through with her saber. Holding him there, she considered her next move, the smile on her face ever widening and the lilac of her irises momentarily flickering a sulphur yellow as she drank in the pain and fear she sensed around her.

@Topher @The Captain @Bran @Catbert

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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The "Cult of Khar" had undergone a culling. Dead cultists, Force-sensitive and otherwise, littered the clearing. With the namesake of the cult gone, his dark influence over his minions diminished. The two remaining cultists—originally intent on attacking Manuk—now hesitated, seeing a crimson blade going through their friend. They were not bargained for this. Looking around desperately, they only found one member of Khar's honor guard still in the clearing.

That masked Sith too didn't continue his assault on Korsak. Realizing that they were severely outmatched, he assumed the ox guard and retreated towards the two surviving cultists, blade still pointing towards Korsak. The Sith had clearly lost the will to go on the offensive, but wouldn't be slaughtered either. His mind reached towards the last remaining allies. Heeding the Sith's will imposed on them through the Force retreated to cover the Sith's back. All the while, they stared at Manuk and Alyse warily, like beasts at bay.

"Who... the hell are you?!" a distorted voice came through the mask; not nearly as determined as moments ago, when the same voice threatened to murder Korsak. Fear emanated from behind the mask; perhaps the person wearing it engaged in conversation to prolong their life: "Why are you here?" The Sith's red blade remained in the ox guard, going between, Korsak and Alyse. The cultist behind the Sith's back did the same with his vibroblade, however it was Manuk that he was focused on. The last remaining cultists stared at Korsak, but also looked towards the thicket where his comrades had retreated.

Of course, all of that happened assuming they hadn't been slain while regrouping. That was always a possibility.

  • 5 Sith: 2 (killed by Alyse) + 1 (killed by Alyse) + 1 (retreated; Khar) + 1 (surrounded)
  • 10 Cultists: 1 (killed by Korsak) + 1 (killed by Manuk) + 2 (killed by Korsak) + 2 (retreated with Khar) + 1 (killed by Alyse) + 1 (killed by Manuk) + 2 (surrounded)


Alyse Ti'Varnus

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 5, 2020
Reaction score
Turning her gaze towards the cultists that remained, her white featureless orbs for eyes narrowed as she stared venomously towards the remaining masked figure as he spoke out towards the three Sith who during the evening's events had decimated the numbers of what had remained of the Darkisde cult on Bakura. The distorted voice questioning who they where and why they where here, the blonde Sith's features furrowing at the question, had this cultist not been aware of the history that lingered around the cult and simply unaware of the events that lead to it's original leader's demise at the hands of the blonde? Or had her father manipulated and corrupted the truth, omitting all ties and knowledge of Locura from the minds of those now in his thrall?

Well as the saying went - Ignorance is bliss.

Disengaging her lightsaber, Alyse turned her full attention towards the masked cultist and the the two remaining acolytes, her hand reaching out, fingers curling around as she clasped the Force around their bodies, binding them with darkened tendrils of the Force and holding them firmly in their place. Her eyes slowly phasing back to their normal state as she approached, revealing her chestnut hued irises if only slightly through the narrowed scowl she was holding.

"Where is he?" Alyse spoke, her works short and sharp conveying the tone that she was not going to tolerate any attempt of deception on the mask cultist's part to protect his absent leader. To further enhance and deliver that point to the cultist, the binds of the Force around the cultists tightened, constricting their chests and pulling their arms back on themselves and twisting them in the sockets of their respective shoulders. "I will only ask you once, tell me where Khar Hides"

Korsak Wulpez

Sith Order

Character Profile
The Captain
Jan 9, 2020
Reaction score
Damn, he'd missed, he'd have to practice his deflections more to develop his accuracy. While it was still some (mild) relief that he'd disturbed Manuk's attackers, he would have been more satisfied with his own skills if he'd at least injured them. He scowled, gripping the hilt of his lightsaber tighter as he redirected his focus and frustration toward the remaining Sith, who had opted to take a strangely high guard before sliding out of range.

They were afraid, all of them, even without the Force Korsak could see the terror etched into every sweat-drenched, smoke darkened crack on their faces. This brought a smile back to the Amaran and a small flick to his tail, as he found perverse delight in watching taller, stronger opponents cower before him. Granted some of that probably came from Alyse and Manuk aiding in the slaughter, but Korsak liked to imagine a large part of the saber wielding cultist's fear came from him.

"If I had to guess," Korsak stood patiently, observing the conversation before cutting in. "I would suggest the men fleeing into the forest might be who you are looking for."

He gestured casually with his saber in the direction the cultists had fled, secretly hoping at least one of his fellow Sith would go tearing off after them, leaving him to disarm the one competent cultist left, and perhaps bring the man into his sway. If nothing else, he might be able to wring the secrets of the order out of the thug, if nothing else these madmen might have discovered something useful while living in the woods like animals.

@Bran @Corbeau @Catbert @Topher

Manuk Gagak

Sith Order

Character Profile
May 19, 2020
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As a baptism, it had been an interesting one. OK, so there hadn’t been any literal fire – at least not yet – but she’d faced adversaries and lived to tell the tale. Plus, she’d not hidden behind her mentor’s coat-tails but had faced her enemies and not been found wanting.

Given they were now at something of a lull in the proceedings, Manuk was unsure what she was feeling about the whole thing. Part of her was logical – and considered unnecessary bloodshed and energy wasted an entirely pointless exercise. Yet the emotional side of her relished the fight and wanted more. She suspected this was the effect of the Dark-side and was something her mentor had warned her of. As much as she relished the feeling of being immersed in the Dark-side, she knew that she had to remain in control, and so listened to her brain over her heart on this occasion.

She deactivated her saber and stood as calmly as she could, allowing the excess adrenaline to dissipate as she waited. She would not instigate any action now – and would allow Alyse to dictate the next steps. Kills the remainder as a message? Let them live to spread word of how the cult was slaughtered? She suspected a third option was most likely – to seek Khar.

@Bran @Catbert @Topher @The Captain

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
The remaining trio of cultists was overpowered by Alyse's telekinetic grasp. The two men blind to the Force were terrified and unable to do anything to defend themselves. Only the masked Sith could struggle against Alyse's, but for the moment it was a losing battle. She didn't try to kill them, and that had to suffice for now. The Sith could bide the time; even with the arms twisted into an unnatural position by the invisible force, and the blade extinguished as a result. There was the time to fight, the time to yield, and the time to give it all you've got or perish. The latter hasn't come yet.

"What he said..." the rasp voice from under the mask replied to Alyse's question and Korsak's statement. The struggles of the person couldn't be seen behind the mask, but were obvious to those who could feel the Force. Duty and loyalty battled against the feeling of being betrayed and fear for the dear life. Eventually, the cultist spoke; first in mere words and brief phrases, and then more confidently: "He... abandoned us... Probably... ran off to the city. Either to his house, or to the office. You'll find him there, no doubt. Unless he flees to Coruscant."

There was no more deceit in the cultist's voice; the person wearing the mask had absolute belief that it was exactly how the situation would unfold. Anger was building up inside the cultist, though Alyse, Korsak, and Manuk wouldn't be able to pinpoint just whom that anger was directed at. If none of the group reacted soon enough, then the Sith would utter through the mask: "What are you waiting for? Just do what you came here to do!" Both non-Force-sensitive cultists would turned their heads stare at the figure in fear.

Who in their right mind would urge for a potential execution to be carried out sooner?!

@Topher, @The Captain, @Corbeau, @Bran

Alyse Ti'Varnus

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 5, 2020
Reaction score
With a slight wave of her hand, the blonde Sith Guardian released her hold of the Force around the remaining cultists, as they revealed the likely hiding spots for where Khar would slither back to. Not in all the years since the fall of Locura had Khar returned to the Ti'Varnus house hold, so by process of elimination the fleeing cult leader would be retreating back to his office and accommodation within the planet's halls of governance.

Turning her attention towards her fellow Sith, the blonde sighed in frustration, before her attention snapped towards the masked cultist, as he uttered his baiting words, imploring the Sith to do what they came here to do so. Her lip curling up in disgust at the thought, she wasn't here to kill un armed and surrendered foes.

Her chestnut hued eyes shifted towards the Amaran Sith, her hand raising slightly as she gestured towards the remaining cultists. "Do with the stragglers as you wish Korsak" Alyse spoke out, as she deactivated her lightsaber and clasped it to her belt, preparing for her departure. "I have no further use for them now" she added before fidgeting with her hooded cloak, tidying herself back up and pulling the hood back over her heard - obscuring her features in the shadow of the folds.

"I am headed to the Halls of Governance" the hooded Sith advised before turning around, facing herself towards the clearing that she had emerged from. "Once my father has been dealt with, I will re-join you at my residence, Manuk if you would be so kind to ensure Korsak is accommodated appropriately" Alyse added as she looked over her shoulder towards her allies, before making her way towards the clearing and disappearing into the dark undergrowth

// Exit Thread

Manuk Gagak

Sith Order

Character Profile
May 19, 2020
Reaction score
Manuk was genuinely unsure how the rest of the scenario would play out. Would the cultists be decimated? Or allowed to live to carry the tale of what happened here?

The Sith teachings were largely consistent, but it had taken some time to work through complexities and subtleties. The weak deserve to die. Yet, few beings in the galaxy ever get what they truly deserve. Sith draw power from other’s suffering, but this must be balanced against greater gains. Killing for sadistic pleasure – killing without reason, need, or purpose – is the act of a fool.

And given a rumour is only as reliable as its source, who better to carry the tale than the survivors?

But she was a mere apprentice and would follow the lead of the two Sith. And as these thoughts were digested, her mentor announced her departure – and her words made it clear she should not follow, but remain here.

She nodded at Alyse – she suspected she would reach her mentor’s residence long before Alyse. And then she turned to face Korsak. What precisely did accommodated appropriately mean? Unsure, she waited for the Sith to speak first.

@Topher @The Captain

Korsak Wulpez

Sith Order

Character Profile
The Captain
Jan 9, 2020
Reaction score
There was some fire in this cultist, Korsak had to admit, not many people would egg on an execution, let alone with more hate in their hearts than fear. The masked cultist could be useful, but the others were merely dead weight in the Amaran's eyes, and he had no intention of carrying them. Thankfully Alyse had their next target in mind and was willing to give him control of the remaining cultists, although he had no idea what Manuk had to do with his compensation.

"You are too kind." He bowed courteously as she left before turning to Manuk with a shrug. "Honestly, aside from trimming some dead weight I have no clue what she meant with that last comment. I can finish up here, if you wish to return to your master's side."

With that, he turned to the last three cultists, having no doubt heard what he and Alyse said, and prepared to deliver his verdict on the matter.

"You, in the mask, stand up." He barked his order. "You should be well aware now that any one of us could crush you like a worm if we wanted to, but luckily for you I've thought of another use for you. Bring some useful information or a relic of worth, and the heads of your comrades, to my ship on the edge of the wilds, and I might instruct you on some of the true mysteries of the Force . Or, you and your associates can wander off into the wilderness and die however you see fit. The choice is yours."

And with that, Korsak fully turned his back on the man, holstered his saber, brushed his robes clean, and began to walk calmly and dignifiedly out of the forest the way he came in. If the cultist had any mettle or curiosity in him, Korsak expected to see the man very soon.

//Exit Thread


Manuk Gagak

Sith Order

Character Profile
May 19, 2020
Reaction score
Manuk was pleased that Korsak took the lead – and dismissed her. In truth, she had no intention of following her mentor (Alyse would shudder at the thought she was given the title ‘Master’) as she felt she’d been definitely dismissed. Whatever Alyse had in mind, she most definitely wanted to do it alone.

So, Manuk made her excuses and left and decided to go on a wander. Who knew what she might find? Cults may be pathetic in so many ways, but they did have a habit of hoarding things. Typically useless knick-knacks – but every now and then something useful.

Walking away, she reflected on her first interaction against Force-sensitives and wondered what sort of opposition the Jedi might be?

//Exit thread