Thalassa Katsure Dæcarion


A little short for a stormtrooper
SWRP Writer
Oct 29, 2017
Reaction score




NAME: Thalassa Katsure Dæcarion // AGE: 23 // GENDER: Female // HEIGHT: 172 cm // WEIGHT: 72 kg //
RACE: Human // FACTION: Exile // RANK: Apprentice //FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, trained

The template for this character sheet was shamelessly stolen from one of the threads of @Esther Nyx.


A few weeks ago in a cave,
somewhere in the outer rim....

I was very excited when I learned that I'm force-sensitive. Though the war has been raging on for many decades then, I still could not understand the weight of it all. I was only four when I was taken to a Jedi temple, and started studying there. So I don't have many memories of my parents. The Jedi told me they were happy that I joined. It was all very exciting. I still remember the vivid orange of Ossus, how rough everything was. I've never been to Tython, but I hear its beatufil, even the war could not take that away, I hope. It must have been so nice to grow up there, and study in the forest, occasionally play in the lakes. Ossus was not bad either, I met many great people there. We did not yet know were training to be canon fodder for the Jedi.

Our training was tough. We always heard the Jedi say we were preparing for war, and we have to be ready when we are deployed to the battlefield. In hindsight, if I knew what war actually was, I would have payed more attention to their teachings. They trained us to use the force, you know, levitating rocks and the sorts, also how to calm our mind. The Jedi say, there is no emotion, there is peace. Well it is easy to be at peace when you are on a world that is not ravaged by constant conflicts. We learned it later that calming our emotions are not as easy in the real world, as it was at the temple.

There was a focus on how to use our lightsabers. We will be fighting against an enemy who also uses lightsabers, they said, and if you are better at dueling than you opponent, you will live. This is at least something they were not wrong about. By the time we became Jedi Knights, we were proficient with lightsabers, and fighting was like breathing. Though we only fought each other and the masters. Nobody really knew how an Exile fights, so they could not prepare us completely. I don't think Jedi could prepare us to the real war. The enemy fought with rage, anger, brute force, feelings that were not allowed for us. So just imitating the enemy would mean we become one.

A few years before I was born, the Jedi abolished the Padawan rank. Which meant we soon became Jedi Knights. Warriors, in the eye of the Order. One day they told us that we would be deployed to an mid rim planet. I was around 16 at the time. Most of the Jedi Knights were my age, with some older masters among us. We were told to meditate, be at peace with the force, and to watch our feelings. However hard I tried, I couldn't do it. I was frightened. None of us felt ready, and none of us wanted to die yet. But we knew that not all of us would return. There were a few who broke under the pressure of anticipation. But we told since we can remember, that this is what we were born to do, and we have to bring peace to the galaxy. We were no more than zealots in a cult.

I had a beautiful blue colored lightsaber at the time. I built it using wood found on Ossus. I've lost it during the campaign on the outer rim. The republic has ceased its support of the Jedi in the war during the time I was training. So they needed the fresh and young Knights more than ever. We saw little of the actual war for the next five years. We were sent on supply missions, guarding facilities, supporting the front from the back. They even returned us to Ossus from time to time. I cannot say that I was unhappy about it, but the worst thing is waiting for the day you are going to deployed in real combat. Some of us were eager to fight, a few of my fellow knights were actually deployed, and even fewer lived through their first battle. We could sometimes get information on the fallen, names, personal belongings, and it was always scary to look through them. All those names...

And one day it happened. We were going to be deployed on a mission. It was going to be a sabotage operation on the planet Raxus. It would take about a week of being on the planet, they said. I spent two years on that hellhole. Many called it the Battle of Raxus. We called it the Massacre of Younglings. The planet was important enough for both sides that they did not want to give it up, yet not important enough to deploy their best troops. So both Jedi and Exile sent their the young ones, fresh Knights, and whatever the enemy called their equivalent. After completing our initial mission, we were told that we will be staying, and has to hold the planet. A few masters, older Jedi Knights, and mostly apprentices. We have fought the dark Jedi many times. Some of the enemy I killed might have been even younger than me. We have been thought to hate each other since a young age, so that's what we did. There were some who relished the dark side so much, they tried to destroy us with only the Force. We knew that we can repel their lightnings with our lightsabers. Yet they never told us how much it would hurt. The electricity running through the hilt, some branches somehow making through and hitting your body and your face. And do you know what I felt when I finally cut one down? The same frightened feeling we all had. We were all kids fighting someone else's war, told that what we are doing is good.

I lost my first lightsaber sometimes in the first months. We were evacuating, and I must have dropped it somewhere. Later when we got some supplies, they sent a new kyber crystal and a hilt I could use it with. When I attuned the crystal I expected it to be blue again. Yet it was purple. I was told by some of the older ones, it means my personality, or view of the Force changed. It is possible that was the reason, I saw a side of the conflict I have never before done. This was like this for a year or so. Constant moving, sometimes we attacked them, sometimes they did us. And I started to realize something. Seeing all the death, suffering, and aggression, the two sides were not really different. We all got used to killing each other, and the more we hated them, the closer we got to becoming what we were fighting against.

In the first half of the second year came the day that strengthened my view against the Jedi Order. After an fierce battle I was lost in the woods of Raxus. I must have wandered there for hours, until I heard noise coming from close by. And soon I heard the sound of a lightsaber igniting, and crimson light coming from the woods. I ignited my own purple lightsaber, and the battle continued. We were both tired at that point, but it can so naturally to destroy each other that no other option came to mind. How long could we have been fighting. Ten, twenty minutes. At one point we were both exhausted to fight more, so we both collapsed a few meters from each other, laying to the side of trees, readying ourselves to get back to combat. But none of us wanted to continue. Not just that particular battle but the whole war. We of course couldn't know it would end in about a year. We talked, a lot. He was nice, probably around the same age as me. His name was Kahno. When asked, I couldn't tell him why I was fighting him really. He told me many stories. How many years ago a group of Jedi wanted to use the dark side, how they wanted to take control of the galaxy, to prevent events such as this was itself. He told me that he believes that by fighting us, he can bring peace to the galaxy. I also told him the same thing. So it seemed we were fighting for the same thing. Our ancestors might have started the war over something important, but that reason was lost on our current generation. We were fighting because we were told to do it.

I felt something strange that night, laying there on the ground, talking to my enemy. For once I was not scared anymore. I was not afraid of what would come, or when this whole thing would end. I was angry. Furious. But not at the exiled ones. I was angry at the Jedi. For training me to be their soldier. For training my friends, and children at that very moment as well to later die in a war they did not know why they were fighting. I tried calming myself, get help from the Force. But it was not there. I couldn't access it, however hard I tried. I started crying. It was the first time I was left without the Force. It was a cold, empty feeling, and yet it was something amazing. In that state I realized there was something else around me, something that I did not feel before. Something dark, something powerful, something calling me, and promising me great things. I knew I had to resist, my feelings would take me to the dark side. And yet I did not do that. I wanted that power. I wanted to destroy the Jedi, end the war, and bring piece to the galaxy. If using the dark side is what I needed to achieve this, then so be it.

We both fell asleep after hours of talking. It was around mid-day when I woke up. He was dead, he did not wake up from his sleep. That day I was not burying my enemy, but a friend, someone who suffered just like I did. A fellow Jedi. I took his lightsaber with me, and left mine there. The crimson felt better, than a tainted blue one. I went to seek out the dark Jedi, so I could talk to them, see what they are made of. I was met with an opposition first. I had to kill one of the stronger apprentices to prove that they should take me seriously. I learned that they have not had much contact with their superiors for a while, so they were acting on their own. I decided to join them. They were of the Exile Templars sect.

So what are my plans? For now to learn, and strengthen myself with the force again. See what I can make of myself within the ranks of these dark Jedi. All I knew all my life is war, so I'll do what I'm good at. After that... Maybe look for my family, my heritage, I hear they are a house on Onderon. I might give them a visit one day.


Thalassa is an average tall female human, with brown hair and eyes. She has collected many scars over the years, most on her body, and an easily seen one on her face. There are also spots of skins on her upper body and arms that were burnt by Force lightning permanently.
She is well built, coming from a life of combat. She never had to worry about eating too much, she never had the chance to do it. She also had to keep fit throughout the campaign on Raxus.

Since joining the exiles she usually dresses in their cloths, dark and red, most often sporting a robe with it, which she looses before a fight.


She was never the best Force-user in her generation. She needed to use her lightsaber more, so she honed her skills to enhance her reflexes, strength and stamina. She used to meditate a lot to calm herself down, but since she lost her connection with the light side, this is something she cannot really do.

As a fresh dark side practitioner, she does not yet know any dark side force abilities, though something she would really like to learn is Force lightning, as that was the power she faced most often. Her abilities come from her resolve and concentration, channeling and focusing her anger to be better on the battlefield.


Thalassa focused most of her practice on lightsaber combat. Her preferred style was one that focused on a duel between force-users, as that was the most common way she fought. She likes to use the force to enhance her fighting abilities. She can hold her own against blasters, but when facing more enemies, especially ones who are not wielding lightsabers, her effectiveness somewhat falters.


1 x Red Lightsaber
1 x re-painted, black Jedi Dueling Armor
Some robes and cloths

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Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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Damn, you can tell you're invested in a story when you're bummed Kahno died.
