The Accord Wars Holiday Special


All Indie, All the Time
SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2014
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A Long Time Ago. In A Galaxy Far, Far Away...



Twas the night before Life Day, and all through the Void, every creature was stirring, including the droids!

Bria wasn't sure if it was actually night. The Void did technically have a night cycle, but the plaza was so lit up with festive decorations that it was hard to tell. Somehow, a bunch of the Crucible soldiers had managed to get a "Pine Tree" from somewhere, which they had insisted on planting. Obviously, they couldn't plane it, per say, but they had found a planter and some dirt, and here they where. She didn't really know the traditional Life Day customs, but she was pretty sure this wasn't one of them. Still, it was merry, and festive, and they had eggnog (with alcohol), so she was happy. One thing did nag at her. One of their ships hadn't reported in yet. She'd hate for them to miss such an important(?) holiday...



SWRP Writer
Sep 15, 2013
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"I always like Life Day."

Rens Ahim said aloud mostly to himself, admiring the decorated pine tree in the plaza. For a fun-loving spacer like Rens, Life Day was the best kind of holiday. Gifts, drinks and parties, what's not to love about it. He vaguely recalled that Life Day was some kind of a tradition for Wookiees, or so he heard. Honestly Rens didn't know or care about the original intent of the event, as long as he had a good time that is enough for him.

Smiling, the self-proclaimed adventurer looked around him, people were already filling up the place. Good, that meant a bigger audience for the music he was about to perform. Holding in his hands was a redwood craved violin, a gift, that his former mentor gave him while back. Rens grinned in fond memory and laughed a little before he prepared himself for his first number, standing on the left side of the pine tree. Then he began to play an old spacer tune to fit with the festive mood.

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Cainhurst Crow

SWRP Writer
Aug 7, 2013
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Hezron Vyrantus had woken up a little while ago and had a nice cup of Rodian coffee. He wasn't sure why the void had some, but apparently it did, and he had made sure to drink some every time he woke up every since discovering a sizeable stash hidden within a cupboard of one of the break rooms. Nobody every said anything about the supply being taken, so he didn't feel it was a big deal to look into. Still, cup of coffee in his pink colored mug and dressed in his simple attire of traveling robes, the former sith turned force monk walked along with a hum, staff in his other hand as he used it as a walking stick, making his way towards the plaza to see what news he could gleam from the newsletter that morning.

What greeted him was instead the sight of a tree which someone had planted instead. He tilted his head as he looked up towards the pinetree, recognizing the species but not why it was decorated the way it was, nor why someone had put it in the middle of the room. He admitted, the added bit of nature made the place feel more homely, but he was confused why they decided such obnoxious looking decor was needed.

He looked towards bria with an arched brow as he took a sip of coffee and looked towards the tree, then back at her, "What's up with the tree?" he asked curiously, not sure if she would know anymore then he did.

Niv Razen

SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2016
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Veran Zin walked out of his apartment on the and stared down at that ridiculous tree. Why it was even planted was beyond him. Of course, Niv Razen never asked questions, he found the answers and reported them. But he was not going to find answers. The Accord was a confusing lot, and Veran was still getting used to being this persona as his real name could very well get him into trouble with anyone.

Veran Zin had been a Jedi and a deserter as far as the public opinion of him was concerned. Niv Razen was a good man who was briefly a freelance bodyguard and now he was a member of the Accord. He found that he had a real knack for spying on others and he kept a close eye on everyone he met. For instance, he knew from careful observation that Bria Tsuani was very good a putting up a front, but what was behind that front he could not tell.

Niv decided to go down and enjoy the festivities of Life Day. Though it had been a long time since he had celebrated this bizarre holiday, he was quite sure that the tree was unnecessary. And why was there live music? Now I remember why I stopped celebrating this...the former Jedi thought as he approached the party area. "By the Force, I'm beginning to hate everything."


The Accord's Pet
SWRP Writer
Apr 16, 2016
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Cruising on a stolen... Scratch that, borrowed ship from the Accord, IG-0R went through his shopping list as he did every year. Eggs, check. Milk, check. Plutonium, check. Traditional roasted Ewok, check. Content, he ordered Rhaidbot to set course for the Void. He didn't know that much about Life Day, but dr. Rhaid always celebrated it with a nice roasted Ewok and a glass of wine... Or, it looked like wine. Disturbed way less by this thought than he should be, he sat and waited as he travelled.

After a few hours, he arrived to the Void. Looking at it through his ship's window, IG-0R recalled memories of his past few years. This asteroid and its residence gave him a lot, but they also took a lot from him. And while he was at odds with almost everyone all the time, he felt strangely compelled to make peace with them, at least for today. Perhaps there was something to the Life Day, after all. After quick landing procedures, storing materials he acquired and grabbing one speical thing, he decided to go and find Bria. What he found instead was a crudely decorated plaza and everyone looking happy. A big, yellow question mark appeared on bus display as he simply stood there, motionless and without making any sound.


All Indie, All the Time
SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2014
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She turned to the collection of Accordions in seeming bafflement at the spectacle of unparalleled festivity before them. Hezron looked like he'd just woken up; he had his coffee and everything. Bria wasn't sure, but she thought she spotted a Fat Rodian somewhere behind him giving the wizened man a dirty look as he continued to sip his coffee. Niv looked plain unhappy at the decorations, but Bria was gonna do her darnedest to turn that frown upside down. IG-0R had a question mark on his face, indicating just pure confusion. Although, as she watched, a man on the upper balcony slipped on a small patch of eggnog, his festive red hat flowing down into the tree below. Some kind of... insectoid scurried out, catching it and beginning to build a nest out of it. It fell out of its pincers, being caught in a gust by a passing speeder, and falling gracefully onto IG-0R's head.


Regardless, Bria addressed the group. "It's our celebration of Life Day! Or... the spirit of Life Day!"

Ashlynn Rys

Jedi Defector
SWRP Writer
Sep 4, 2016
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So it was Life Day again. Ashlynn had forgotten about this day for a very long time and treated it just as any other. Now that she had someone to celebrate with though, it changed some things. It still brought back unwanted memories, but she didn't let that get in the way of such a wonderful party. Luckily she had been in a neighboring system, so it didn't take much for her to arrive. Ash hadn't met everyone, but she was sure to recognize a few familiar faces within the group.

Once Ashlynn arrived, it seemed that she was early. A few other people had arrived, but she didn't know any of them. She had gotten a special gift for her niece if she showed up. Ashlynn didn't know if she would, but she had it in her bag just in case. Ashlynn wore a simple outfit for the occasion. It wasn't too fancy or too far off of what she usually wore, but it was casual and comfortable. She had to say, it was very nice not having to run off on a mission and just relax with a few friends if they came.

Looking at everyone and then the tree, Ashlynn raised an eyebrow, but just smirked. The events going on already were enough to get her excited for what came. Ashlynn went over to get a small cup of the eggnog and on her way, she heard Bria speaking up and figured she'd probably join the party.

Cainhurst Crow

SWRP Writer
Aug 7, 2013
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"What's a life day?" Hezron asked bria as he looked around at the decorations, taking a drink of his coffee as he looked around with a raised expression. One might think it was a joke, judging by how much common knowledge life day was, even to those who didn't believe in it. His face was blank and showed mild confusion and curiosity, nothing showed he was joking or trying to pull some kind of prank.

Hezron had never had a celebration of life day. When he was genetically engineered he had been sent to work in a mine, along with the other offshoot slaves. When he had been liberated by the sith, all of his life was nothing but training, hatred, and resentment. Even when he was more free, he had never been around others during the holiday season, ever. For the time he left the sith, he had spent it wandering the desolate reaches of the outer rim, where nobody had been around to talk to him or introduce him to these things.

He was a man who had no concept of this holiday, and he was looking around trying to figure out how this worked.


Unraveler of Mysteries
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 28, 2016
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"Life day? What kind of nonsense is this?" Azarael floated towards the various decorations and festivities. Though he could not physically express his emotions, he was certainly as confused as Hezron was, if not a little annoyed. Approaching the tree decorated with lights and ornaments, he examined it extremely closely, as if trying to decipher a code or solve a tactical problem. After alternating his gaze between the tree and the tinsel, the drinks, and other festive adornments, subjecting all to his intense scrutiny, he scoffed, "I do not understand how these decorations possibly represent the concept of life in its entirety. Explain this anomaly to me."


SWRP Writer
Sep 15, 2013
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Rens took a break for a second, sitting down at the nearby cafe table with a cup of ale and drinking down half of it very quickly. Sighing with a pleasure, Rens Ahim, couldn't stop from burting out loud. He laughed at himself, another sign of good times rolling on. The spacer noted some of the folks seem confused about this party. They're drunk or know noting of Life Day, was his thought. Well Rens Ahim wasn't the wisest guy who could give a big worded explanation about it but he did had a more musical soluation to the question.

Grabbing the violin again and standing back up, Rens proceeded with his next melody, a theme about growing up and enjoying life.

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Swamp Witch

SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2016
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Running a hand through my long black and blue hair, I stared at the festive lights dotting the tree like tiny fireflies snugging in for a collective story. I wasn't sure what this Life Day was, most of the galactic customs were lost on me. Outside of my own kin's customs, which were not many, I had no time to learn what made the galaxy happy. I was a contract killer, an assassin, who believed in the only custom of credits for kill. My time with the Accord gave me focus and a purpose, but old habits were hard to break.

I moved off the wall of a building, stalking toward the tree. I looked at it with utter confusion. What was so keen about a tree? There were numerous trees across the galaxy, none I admit were decked out such as this. I spared a few glances at those gathered around it, sensing some sort of mystic embrace that put smiles on faces of those I never thought capable of doing. Extending a hand, and drawing out a single claw on the index finger, I snipped a small branch holding it close to my eyes for a closer inspection.

"It's just a common tree."

ran my tongue along the bark, spat, then dropped the tiny branch. Once again I looked at the others, seeing confusion in the eyes of those examining me. Shrugging my shoulders I asked, "What is Life Day and what is the significance of a decorative plant?"


All Indie, All the Time
SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2014
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"Uh" Bria somewhat stammered at the growing crowd. Azarael had joined in the collective confusion, as well as a woman she thought was named Akira. She looked on is partial shock as the woman snipped off a small branch and began... licking it?

Well, OK then.

"Well, Life Day is a time where we all gather 'round and celebrate with our friends and families. Its a time to be merry and grateful for all we have. That is Life Day."

Overcome by sentimentality, Bria have the large floating robot man a big hug.


The Accord's Pet
SWRP Writer
Apr 16, 2016
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IG-0R questioned so many things, yet did not voice a single question. It looked like the whole Accord was here, in this lobby. It made IG-0R regret that he did not put that plutonium to good use. No, he would not do that just out of spite. Probably. Oblivious to the hat that fell on his display, IG-0R made his way to Bria. For as long as he could remember, he took care of decorations and food for his master. And extra during the Life Day. This all confused him. Dr. Rhaid did not ever celebrate the Life Day with anyone else. Nonetheless, IG-0R was instructed to give a present to his master on the Life Day. However, Rhaid was dead and his "master" became Bria, despite his dislike for her.
"Greeting: Hello, ms. Tsuani," he said, but then paused himself until she stopped hugging Azarael. "Offering: Here is my yearly... 'gift'... due to Life Day." He said uncomfortably, handing Bria a metal plaque. The plaque contained various glowing gases, which created the Accord's logo in whole. It was crudely made, but it could be seen that some amount of work was put into it.


Beer-swilling Writer
SWRP Writer
Oct 19, 2011
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Niwal Chalan was incredibly confused. She had never heard of Life Day, and yet now she found herself in the plaza of the Void, staring at a giant pine tree with a bunch of other people. Worse yet, she had taken to drinking to celebrate another successful mission, and now could charitably be described as a little bit drunk. She looked around, blinking slowly, looking for anyone who could explain what in the Force was going on. Finally, her eyes set upon Azarael, who was in the process of being hugged.

She wasn't exactly dressed for the occasion, wearing her usual get-up of a long-sleeve shirt and black pants, but missing her usual black jacket. She had gotten lazy this morning and, forgoing her usual buns, had done her hair up in bunches. A bit juvenile to be sure but she didn't really expect to be seen today. She'd only really emerged from her apartment to figure out what was going on.

Taking some egg nog, she moved across the floor to join Bria and the small robot. This wasn't a good situation. She could feel the heat in her face, which meant she was fairly drunk. She hoped she wouldn't make a fool of herself.

"Azarael," she said. "What is even happening?"


SWRP Writer
Sep 15, 2013
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More and more people joining in. All the better, Rens noted who had just finished his second round of ale, feeling funny already. Some folks began to dance together, some for fun and others for romance. The sight gave Rens new inspiration for his next tune. "This is a good one from Alderaan." He said to one in particular before standing up on his table with both feet and played again, dancing to the rhythm for all those nearby to see and hear.

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Unraveler of Mysteries
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 28, 2016
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Azarael continued to over-scrutinize the entire situation, making notes about every detail. Was this event like some sort of war-dance, like from the more primitive cultures he had seen in his travels? His suspicions were beginning to be confirmed when he saw one girl snap off a branch and lick it.

Glancing over to Bria as she gave the explanation for the festive event, Azarael replied in mild disappointment, That'" About to ask even more questions, he was cut off in surprise when the Crucible leader suddenly embraced him, leaving the cyborg in shock. At Niwal's question, he muttered in confusion, slightly hovering away from Bria. "I...honestly don't even know...Bria, what -- this is incredibly unprofessional..."


Incinerator AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 2, 2015
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Ace stumbled out of his quarters, dazed and confused with a ringing sensation in his head, his diziness causing him to stumble in the hallway, in his last night's clothes and his hair a mess. He promptly threw up all in the hallway before making his way to the loud commotion before seeing the large tree, still confused on what was going on. Spotting Bria, he stumbled his way over to her, tapping her lightly on the shoulder. "What the hell is going on?" asked Ace curiously before spotting something more curious in the corner.

"Why the hell is that Hutt Stir Whipping the Eggnog?"

@Outlander @Nor'baal


All Indie, All the Time
SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2014
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Bria released the uncomfortable looking robot man and turned towards IG-0R. She was touched by his gift; it was clear he'd worked hard on the little plaque, and little tears welled up at the edges of her eyes as she took the plaque. She'd never gotten a Life Day present before. Admittedly, she'd never celebrated Life Day before, but still! She leaned forward and gave the droid a big hug. "Thank you so much, IG-0R."

As the fish with the violin continued playing merrily, Bria released the droid and grinned widely. "Get into the holiday spirit, guys! It's Life Day! Celebrate; be merry!"


Beer-swilling Writer
SWRP Writer
Oct 19, 2011
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Niwal stared for a moment, dumb-founded, before deciding to down her egg-nog entirely in one long gulp. If people were going to be hugging each other, she needed to be drunk. It was good that she was prepared. However, her attentions turned to Azarael, someone who she could rely upon to be normal and sane compared to some of the other members of the Void.

"Does she," Ni says, before taking a moment to pause and think about her sentence. "Does Bria normally just give out hugs?"

It didn't really mesh well with her mental image of Bria at all. Then again, it could be entirely possible that Bria was just as drunk as she was. The egg-nog she had just drank clearly was spiked pretty hard.


Niv Razen

SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2016
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Niv looked around himself. People were giving gifts. This was the one custom he always thought was pointless. Why should they give gifts? He was far from close to anyone here, so he did not have anything to give to anyone let alone anyone he could give anything to.

Veran walked over to Bria and handed her a holo-recorder. "Use this to keep track of the moments you most wish to remember," he said as he walked by her before she showed him any kind of affection. He slipped back by a table and found some food to consume. At least this party had food.

Niv Razen looked at everyone in front of him. I'm glad they can be so cheery, he thought to himself. I wish I still had that level of excitement about things like this. He sat down and began to eat and drink. He grabbed a wine of some sort, maybe if he got himself drunk he could at least enjoy himself.