The Battle of Naboo: The Emperor's Retreat (DEATH ENABLED)


aka Bg04h8934wh`~cvbnodti
SWRP Writer
Mar 8, 2014
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Prospero was on the move once again after retrieving his equipment and making a careful retreat across the rooftops back towards the retreat. Just barely outside its boundaries, he posted up on a higher point than usual. This gave him a wide view of the main drag in which the AT-ATs and the troopers were using to advance, plus a good bit of the alleyways. He took a short minute to re-pack his magazines in a more efficient way and dropped the empty mags away from his dump pouch. No need for them. Placing the bipod on the lip, Prospero would set up at this chest high wall...before suddenly being forced to look at the sky.

Prospero was on his back, his helmet smoldering on its right side. He'd taken a round. Something definitely fast and hard from a blaster. Probably a counter-sniper. The Imps were getting smarter. Had the shot location been more direct, or to his chest, he might not have survived. Staying low and behind cover, playing dead for a moment, he scratched away the matte paint of one of the pitched magazines, revealing a chrome and metallic base underneath. That'd have to do for a mirror. Holding it up slightly, and with an angle following the path of the blaster's bolt as indicated by the helmet, he eventually was able to locate the shooter. He was now lining up for shots on fellow rebel troops, now that the rebel sniper was "taken care of". Tossing his helmet away, its effectiveness probably much less now that it was so damaged, he quickly sighted in at the approximate range, halving the usual procedure. There wasn't enough time to turn the dial perfectly. Aiming slightly up with the mil-dot scope, he calculated the trajectory as best he could for the distance drop and squeezed the trigger. As the sniper began to notice his target getting back up from his apparent head-wound, the round punched through the left side of his chest, spraying blood against the building sprawling up behind him. He fell over the lip of the building, down into the street.

Re-chambering a round, Tyler Prospero quickly turned his attention to his comms, trying to keep up with everything. There were lots of people that needed help. He tapped his comms. "Save any life you can, that's our objective." How robotic. Somebody needed to raise morale. Turning the comm to a public and unblocked channel, he did his best to broadcast for anybody to here, Imperials included. "Just wanted to go on record with this, since, you know. See, you're all doing well, and you should feel good about yourselves. See, look at all these little imperial tin soldiers walking about..." He said, doing his best to locate the one who called for help...the one who came from the drop-pod. Keep talking, keep them distracted a bit. Raise the morale, he thought as he acquired his ally in his sights, zooming away slightly to observe the area, then deciding upon his target. "Look around, hm? We oughta be flattered. See, them being here, means they're not somewhere else. All these resources wasted on a museum, a few pathetic rebels? We're doing good. Keep at it folks." Surprising eloquence, coming from a man utterly scared of social interactions outside of combat. Dialing in the range, the Imperial-aligned enemy that would call herself Jade seemed to be walking rather slow toward his comrade. Slow walks without any change of direction. This was his best bet to save a life before the rest of the forces converged on the demoman's already compromised position. Placing the crosshair at her center of mass, with the correctly dialed range, Prospero fired off a single 7.62mm slug out of the suppressed rifle, aimed to incapacitate or kill...but more so, to save a comrade's life...even just buy him some time.


SWRP Writer
Aug 5, 2013
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The satisfaction of his kicks landing was severely dampened by the fact that Adra had recovered far faster than a normal person would. And the fact that she had him by the throat. He clawed furiously at her arm, to little avail. Instead, as he was lifted up and they turned to slam Shar into the fountain, he saw some other person with a lightsaber. Probably wasn't sith, judging by the color. "Jedi," he wheezed out, a mere moment before his spine and neck snapped from the impact.


SWRP Writer
Mar 17, 2015
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She slowly rose back to her feet as she heard the sickening crunch of the man's neck being shattered against the fountain. She would shudder at just how gross that had sounded, her eyes looking towards the monster Sith who had done it with her bare hands. She briefly considered walking out to challenge her... But that would pretty much be suicide. Not only was she half the giants size, she was also currently wearing a dress. Unless she could convince the woman that she was here to ask her on a date, it would end extremely poorly for her. Leaving was a better option; there were still many Rebels she could aid. And then she saw Saviin, running in to challenge the Sith head on. She blew out a low sigh before stepping out from around the corner, on the far side of the Sith from Saviin.

Her eyes shifted to the all-but-doomed pilot as he rest against the fountain he had been shattered against, and then they moved back to the Sith. Her own lightsaber was still in her right hand, and with a nod towards Saviin she would ignite it. The Pearlescent white blade extended with the customary snap-hiss as she came to a stop and did her best to look imposing. Not exactly easy to do given her dress and small form. Still, she was trying, as doomed as such a try would be. "Surrender, Sith. You're outnumbered." Well, she figured they might as well try the diplomatic route, even if she didn't think that the Sith would surrender. Sure, she was outnumbered in this particular fight, but her allies far outnumbered those of the Jedi. Still, if all she cared about was herself, perhaps she's surrender. Then again, she was a giant. The chances of her being intimidated were rather low.

Aluae shifted her blade in to her customary mid guard as she kept her eyes firmly on the Sith, watching her for any kind of movements that might mean she wasn't keen on surrendering. For now she would at least not make any offensive strikes, giving the Sith the option just in case.
Oct 30, 2013
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: He was surprised to hear the voice beside " Yes, you can get some fracking help here. Name's Matt Astroseph, Jedi Padawan. " and he turned to face the man, as he did he suddenly noticed the debris out of the corner of his eye and suddenly a voice rang out " Get down burc'ya NOW! THE SITH ARE HERE! " and instinct took over. He immedetly dove forewards but grimiced as a large rock glanced his thigh and he hit the ground with his shoulder , going witht he momentum he rolled with the dive and came up in leap his left foot spinning to face the new figuire on the field.

As the young man named Matt ignited a lightsaber he snarled at the new figuire and he sat the large shotgun laying aside in the dirt and suddenly he noticed the man unloading a large amount of rounds and he grinned, 3 on one, he liked these odd's and he reached over his back and pulled forth the two halves of the staves. Grinning as he rose he whispered " time to settle an old score " and he suddenly charge at the woman, already his bloodlust was forming and he felt himself growling with sheer joy.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
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Jade had a connection to the Force that few Sith could boast of. Not with regards to strength, there were many who could far outstrip her in terms of raw power and control. Where she excelled and many others failed was in being attuned to the subtler whispers of the Force. An advantage of this connection was the whispers she heard from the Force warning her of impending danger. Even before the first blaster bolt had left the injured rebel's blasters, her lightsaber were in her hands and ignited.

With graceful sweeps of both lightsaber and shoto, she deflected one shot after another. Some she let fly away aimlessly, some she reflected towards the rebel she had originally attacked and the last four shots she took particular pleasure in reflecting straight back at the injured rebel. Normally she would have been content with injuring, but she wasn't the normal Jade, far from it. The bloodlust was upon her, she was in it for the kill now.

She sent the shots back methodically, one for the chest, the next for the gut, and the last two were to be sent flying back straight for his head. But she had only gotten the first one off when she felt another shiver run up her spine and reacted purely on instinct. Stepping forward, she hastily deflected the last shot on her lightsaber and brought the blade up to protect herself against Force knows what. She felt her blade get pushed back as the slug glanced past the blade, which took just enough off of it so that the passing slug left a flesh wound on her shoulder. Had she not taken that step forward it would have been her heart that the slug would have passed through.

Pain, anger, and a desire for revenge would have almost overcome her then if not for her training as a Mystril. Controlling herself, she pushed her attention towards the situation at hand. She knew where the sniper was now, so avoiding any shots he fired at her would be easy. The other two though, they were much closer, so it was towards them that she turned her gaze. The Jedi hadn't moved but the other was running towards her, a blind charge whose outcome was already clear to her.

Her injury, minor as it might seem to her at the moment, had fuelled her anger to whole new heights. That anger fuelled the Dark Side within her, only strengthening her connection to the Force. Pulling deeply on the Force, she grasped the man and picked him up, raising him high into the ground and slamming him down with enough force to shatter bones and rupture blood vessels. The Jedi, the Jedi had caught her attention now. The other two didn't really concern her anymore, so a quick death was all she was willing to give them. The Jedi she watched, and waited.

Your move.
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Richie B.

SWRP Writer
Apr 19, 2015
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Norin never would have thought that the force was so powerful the Sith took out her lightsabers. An easily deflected all his attempts to end her live. He realized he was too injured to fight not even the anger within him would allow himself to fight such a mighty warrior even if it was a dishonorable Sith. Though he was injured he dropped to the ground as soon as he notice the blots coming back to him. Though it hurt and he knew he wasn't in any shape to be out here he had lifted his head to look at the Sith, who had just knocked out the other rebel with little care about him.

Norin hated the thought that the Sith wasn't giving the warrior a proper fight, that he wasn't worth the time. The imperials were closing in on them, an he didn't think the imperials were honorable soldiers, he ran to the downed warrior hoping to pull him out before the imperials got a lucky shot at a down warrior.

"Hope your still awake burc'ya we need to get to cover can you move or do you need me to drag you? An Norin meant it he was going to help his warrior no matter what it took an after getting this man to safety he would decide what to do after that.
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Count Sam

Ex High Immortal
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2009
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The fight was getting rough as the Imperial forces were charging one wave after the other. His Rebel friends along with the gungans were probably giving it there best shot to defend this place. They were struggling, but they were fighting till the last drop of blood. They giant Chiss made sure to support his allies as he gave them all the covered they needed, as he made his stand at the Emperor's retreat. Thomas rained the enemy with excessive blaster bolts as he covered the retreating troops, as well as the rebel forces who were pulling back the injured forces.

Thomas then jumped into the nearest underground tunnel to him, he was led by one of his gungans associates as he was escorted to the fountain through the tunnel. It was said that there was sith presence over there, and clearly Thomas knew what he had to do. As soon as he came out from the tunnel Thomas motioned for the gungan to get back as it was not safe for him. He then approached the battlefield over there and noticed the Jedi he saw back there at the retreat, it seemed that she was occupied with the Sith and the other Imperial pilot.

"I guess you could use some help Jedi" Thomas said, as he held his weapons up high towards the Sith, and locked his aim upon her. He was ready for the fight, and gladly he had good knowledge on how to deal with the Sith. Thomas knew how powerful and dangerous those Sith were. They were cold blooded killers, who used the force as a tool to achieve this.

The Kyzer

Lord of Chaos and Fun
SWRP Writer
Mar 12, 2013
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The pilot's death reverberated through the Force, much to her satisfaction. However, it immediately ruined by the sudden appearance of not one, but two benevolent presences. Adrasteia turned to face the intruders, drawing on the Force as she did. Her lightsaber and shield leaped into her hands immediately but she sincerely regretted having taken her armor and the rest of her weapons off. And now a Chiss soldier had joined them. It seemed that luck wasn't exactly on her side. Oh well.

"You have wildly misinterpreted the situation, Jedi," the Sith monster answered, her tone filled with an icy matter-of-fact-ness, "but I'll humor you."

The tall woman quickly caught her armor's chest-harness with her foot and kicked it up into the air. She slid her right arm through the loop before performing a powerful flip back away from her new foes. She backed into a narrow alley to cut off the Chiss' line-of-sight, which took her farther from the Emperor's Retreat. At that exact moment, a massive footpad crashed down upon the Imperial pilot's body and crushed it and the fountain. An AT-AT was an imposing sight on the battlefield, but it could be positively terror-inducing up-close.

"Come and get me, Jedi!" the woman called as she broke into a full-sprint while her armor banged around over her shoulder. She ran for three blocks, cut down one side-alley then two more to double-back a bit before entering an abandoned house. The Jedi were coming. Her little impromptu ruse would only last a couple minutes. Long enough to get her armor back on? Maybe. She would have to dress into the attire quickly. Luckily it was essentially one large unit.



Story Admin
SWRP Supporter
Mar 12, 2015
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With the possible escape route located, it was time to prepare for the wave of soldiers that would soon break over the museum. Most of the doors and windows had been barricaded and the windows that were left open were manned by those few troopers still able to fight in the building. Corto began moving from window to window checking the status of the troopers manning them. Unfortunately, many of the troopers were running low on ammunition and the rest had suffered injury, both minor and major, but were unwilling to cede their positions.

As he came to the front window he found a rebel trooper who couldn’t have been more than 22 years old. “How’s your ammo trooper?” he asked. The man ducked behind cover and answered, “Only a couple mags left. I’ll be out in the next few minutes.” A disturbing report but it seemed to be more and more common amongst the combatants here. Corto began moving away from the position, but as he stood, he suddenly saw the trooper go down in a heap as a round struck him in the chest just to the left of his heart. His groans filled Corto’s hearing in a way that resonated much louder than the gunfire outside.

Corto dragged him away from the window and back into cover for one of the medics to take care of him, and immediately took up his position at the window. Kriff, that kid was – well just a kid. As he looked out the window that had just moments ago been covered by the kid he could see how bad things had gotten even in the last few minutes.

Imperials flooded the buildings around the museum and all the blaster fire seemed to be directed toward the museum while the fire being returned seemed to be steadily dwindling. “Troopers in the retreat we are all running low on ammo. Conserve what you have. Only shoot at what you can hit.” He raised his own rifle and fired a round at one of the Stormtroopers as he ran from cover to cover striking him in the leg. One more soldier out of the fight. That was the last round in his magazine, so he dropped it and slapped in a fresh one. He didn’t bother firing another round to finish the trooper off. At this point it was a waste of ammo and hopefully another trooper would be taken up trying to tend to his teammate’s wounds.

That left him with only two rifle mags left. Bad news. Soon it would be time to find another rifle.


SWRP Writer
Feb 27, 2013
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Upon reaching the fountain, Saviin noticed a familiar face beyond the Sith and his opponent. "Aluae" he said aloud, but not loud enough that even the Sith heard him say it. The jedi was happy to see a familiar face. Quickly, it turned to sorrow as he remembered were they were. With a nod to his ally, he turned his attention to the Sith women before them.

He was pleased to see she was at least somewhat injured from her previous fight even if it were not serious. It gave he and Aluae that much more of an advantage against the woman. That was when things changed. An AT-AT loomed from behind a building, crushing the fountain. In this time the Sith began putting her armor on also using this time as a hasty escape.

He saw several rebels moving in to assist. They were outmatched in a duel such as this. Saviin didn't want to see them die. Swiftly he waved them and the Chiss man off, hoping that it would deter them from following. Junar yelled back, "Fall back to the retreat. Let us handle this!"

Saviin grimaced and spun his lightsaber above his head to block some fire from the AT-AT. Once the initial fire had passed, the jedi hurried into the alley after the women. She thought she was clever, but today would prvoe fatal for her. Seeing her rush further and further away, he quickened his pace. "Why run Sith?" he jeered hoping to anger her into fighting.

Welling up with the Force inside, he attempted to pull her back with an outstretched arm. If he succeeded in pulling her back, he would begin their duel. He was happy that he was out in front of Aluae. The man knew she could handle herself, but at the same time, he felt at ease knowing she was futher away from the Sith.
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dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
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Matt, was a bit startled by the sudden.... defensive move that the man had initiated, but felt bad the guy had gotten hurt protecting him.

"Just in time," he muttered back before the Sith finished throwing crap around. Matt contemplated charging her, but realized the man probably was stronger than him, and Matt was sure the other guy was more qualified than him to fight what looked like a disgusting blob of anger rather than a person, much like every other scum that identified itself as a Sith. Or, at least that's what he felt and what everyone else claimed she was. His short encounters with the Sith have led Matt to believe they worked solely on negative energy, yet were ruthless cowards in battle, something hard to be accomplished, since they still managed to do collateral damage even when hiding behind their strength, much as the woman was doing now.

Naturally, he knew he had to attack, but thought how to. At last he decided to use the Force to pick up debris, the way she had, however, he used it to make a sort of wall separating them, so that the sniper could finish his job without worrying about hitting him.
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aka Bg04h8934wh`~cvbnodti
SWRP Writer
Mar 8, 2014
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Prospero observed his work through his sight as he pulled the bolt back to re-chamber another shot. A spray of blood coming from the Jade's shoulder, but not from the back. It appears the bullet lost enough momentum that it didn't make a clean entry and exit...perhaps for the better. A bullet lodged inside her body would hinder her more than a clean pass. But inhuman. She could feel the shot before it came. The fact that her body moved even just to make the shot non-fatal was impressive. As the first Sith he truly fired upon, this was a learning experience. Prospero observed his ammunition reserves. Plenty for the blaster rifle, but his current one was beginning to run low. Only two more mags left. Packing up for his final time, he moved as close as possible on the rooftops to the Retreat. His position moved as quickly and quietly as possible. He hoped the Jade wouldn't have noticed him move. He set up the rifle and sighted in one final time, his angle much straighter this time, being in line with the road. Within the time he moved, she'd most likely have had time to do whatever her next planned move was. Trying to wait for the perfect angle, be it an arm swinging away, or the saber being at an odd angle, Prospero aimed at her center of mass, pulling the trigger. Of course, compensating for any of her linear motion. Another slug was sent her way. He hoped that if she had the ability to try and make it non-lethal, that it would at least slow her so his allies could get away. Prospero's goal was to save lives, not take them on this day.

Finally, he would find a quick way to move from the rooftops in an agile manner, getting over the wall over the Emperor's Retreat and heading inside the museum as quick as possible, staying low and fast. He tapped his comms. "Pull it back. What's a few Sith on the ground, hm?", he hastily spoke and managed to catch up with the forces at the museum, gearing up to retreat out the tunnels. Prospero keyed the comm once more. "This is Overwatch, making a tactical retreat. Any last requests? Got some shots left."
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SWRP Writer
Mar 17, 2015
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She frowned as she watched the Sith pull her weapon and shield to herself, and then even kicked her armor up and caught it with an arm. Well, it seemed she wouldn't be surrendering then. She was backing away and Aluae assumed she was just angling for better positioning - but then an At/at foot crashed down in to the fountain, and also confirmed that the imperial pilot was extremely dead. She almost threw up as she considered what had just happened to his body, but managed to hold it in - just barely. And then.. the Sith turned and ran. She stared after her for a few moments, and Saviin was already running after her. Aluae hesitated as her eyes shifted towards the At/at. It wasn't looking towards them to blast them to pieces just yet.. but it would be soon enough. She looked towards her lightsaber and then back to the behemoth. Yeah.. there was no way she could do anything that would actually affect it.

She looked towards the Chiss and the few rebels that had run up, calling out to them quickly. "Get back to the Retreat, quickly! There is an evacuation point there." Hoping they would take her advice, and knowing there was nothing she could do against an At/At - and also unwilling to leave her fellow Jedi to fight that monster alone, she then quickly darted down the alley after them. She was a bit behind them due to her hesitation, but not so far back that she would get lost as the Sith wasn't exactly running in a straight line. If Saviin managed to halt the Sith's run, she'd be about four seconds away from catching up to the location they stopped at.

She had her lightsaber held in her right hand, but she had deactivated it as she ran. Her mother had always told her that running with scissors was bad, and a lightsaber could cut a whole lot worse than scissors. So it was a good idea to keep it deactivated but ready to go in case she needed it, so her thumb was on the activation button but she would only do so if she sensed an attack coming. That said, she had fallen in to the Art of Movement, letting the Force sense out the best path for her to take through the alley - so she wouldn't really have to worry about tripping anyways, unless something changed drastically. She really wished she was in combat attire, though - fighting and running around full speed in a dress meant for casual wear was simply not ideal.
Oct 30, 2013
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As he watched the woman deflecting the slug's he gesture as minute but aimed at him and he kicked himself to the side feeling the slug's pass him and he almost laughed, the force was strong but he was not ignorant to their capability's and he found himself revelling in the idea of a good battle.

He snarled as he Felt his body picked up as if by an invisible hand and he found himself acting on instinct as his body was thrown upwards and dropping one half of his stave his hand snapped out, the small tube was only a few inches long and closing his eyes it suddenly detonated with a sheer flash of bright light and a deafening bang that even rattled his own teeth. A trick he'd learnt in the Imperial army when going after Jedi and more then once had saved his ass, he only hoped it would work before she finished whatever she had in store for him and he found his entire form tensing in preparation.

Suddenly he was slammed downwards and he immediately relaxed his body as he felt the ground slam into his body and his entire world was suddenly pain, gasping in a breath he felt his leg scream in pain and more then a few rib's also seeming to scream when suddenly he felt hands and heard a voice " Hope your still awake burc'ya we need to get to cover can you move or do you need me to drag you? ". As he coughed and felt blood splatter the inside of the mask he growled in pain and allowed the man to pull him up and he favoured his leg as he growled again, looking at the Sith warrior he found himself cursing the force and the woman not fighting like a true warrior and he suddenly heard the order to retreat.

Grasping a blaster from his thigh he lifted it to fire at the sith woman and he felt the edge of his vision blackening as pain and injuries began to take it's toll, he knew he would come after this woman the instant he could recover and suddenly he heard his comm's scream " as the rebel's tried to order each other about. As he leaned on the man who'd grabbed him he gasped " thank-you " and truly meant it as most only thought of themselves, as he felt the blaster click empty he felt his arm suddenly go limp as his energy left him and he was barley held up by the man helping him.

Richie B.

SWRP Writer
Apr 19, 2015
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Norin felt the man grow heavy as he required more help to walk. The man had lifted a pistol that was holster on his thigh which he aimed at the Sith he doubted the man could manage to hit the Sith. But Norin was glad the man still had some energy left they were going to have to work together on staying alive since they were both injured. Though the man was heavy Norin simply grunted and took the extra weight, he looked back watching the sith and Jedi just stand there for a little while but be had to move or risk dying. He began to slowly head towards the buildings nearby for both cover and a place to examine the man to make sure he wasn't going to die on him.

"We're heading to that building its close enough to give our Jedi friend support if he needs it." Norin began to slowly limp and carry the man towards the building.

He eventually got into the building it was largely abandon with some tables both standing up and that had fallen looked like it was safe for now. He dragged the man to a table , looks like he was going to have to put the man on the table. He was going to have to remove the armor if he wanted to check out his injured and treat the man if it could or needed to be tended to. He helped the man onto the table after signaling it.

"You are going to need to lay down on your back on the table. Listen burc'ya I'm going need to check for injures in case one of your ribs are broken. Just trust me but I need your permission to take off your armor, if you think your alright than I won't check an can't help you if anything is wrong. If you think there is something wrong tell me and I will take off your armor and check it out but its your choice." Though he doesn't like being a medic, yet he doesn't want a good warrior to die on him, but he would understand if the man doesn't want to remove his armor, so Norin could check for wounds.
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The Kyzer

Lord of Chaos and Fun
SWRP Writer
Mar 12, 2013
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The sudden pull on her body caused Adrasteia's bones to creak. Her legs stood firm, but her upper torso torqued back and to the right a bit. As such, the telekinetic pull yanked the armor off of her shoulder. She spun about with a grunt with hate in her eyes.

"You are rather rude."

Her voice was calm and even which belied the swelling of power inside of her. She quickly kicked the building next to her; the raw strength of her attack causing the bricks to cave in around her foot. Suddenly a blast of telekinetic power arced through the cracks in the wall and causing them to expand greatly toward the oncoming Jedi. The narrow alley was silent for a moment before the building's siding began to crumble. Adrasteia herself yanked on one of her weapons, a pistol, that was still attached to her armor with the Force and clipped it to her under-armor. A split-second after, the rapidly-failing wall came crashing down. The alley, being only a few meters wide at best, was filled with falling bricks and mortar dust. Adra simply lifted her shield over her head and braced.

The collapse only lasted a couple seconds, and afterward the Sith stood up.

"Still alive, rude one?"


SWRP Writer
Feb 27, 2013
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The jedi's pull semmed less effective than he would've liked. She is a strong one. he thought to himself. His thoughts proved true in the seconds to come. Saviin watched helplessly, still running, as the Sith kicked in a portion of one of the alley walls. It was too late that he realized what she was truly doing. The building ached and groaned as the bricks expanded.

Overhead, a shadow grew of falling rubble. Junar quickened his speed, ducking low in a futile attempt to run ahead of the looming destruction. When the man realized he was destined to meet the falling wall, he threw random force blasts up above him. While he protected his head from any major injuries, when the bricks began hitting, Saviin took the hardest hits to his right shoulder and leg.

His chase was haulted to say the least. The groaned in pain as the fallen wall had settled in the alleyway below. The pain he normally would feel was dulled, from his focus on hunting down his opponent, but pain certainly was still present. "You think some stones will deter me Sith? You will have to do better than that!" Junar shouted.

Through a combined effort of pulling himself up and the Force to clear away the rubble, Saviin managed to escape. Stumbling out of the wreckage, his first steps were painful. It hurt to walk and his shoulder was not okay either. There was heavy bruising to both areas as deep as the bone. He hoped nothing was broken, but it was hard to tell.

Clearing away these worries of pain and injury, the man regained his true focus. Slow steps began in the direction of the Sith. The the blond man staggered for a moment still dazed from the blast. Junar looked around thinking that Aluae was certainly caught up now. She had to be. He wanted to make sure she had not been caught in the damage. "Aluae!? Are you alright?!" he shouted looking about, but making sure to keep an eye on their target.
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SWRP Writer
Mar 17, 2015
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It was a good thing that Aluae had already been using the Art of Movement - had she not, she might have run right in to be squashed by falling rocks. As it was, the Force told her to stop, and so she did just barely shy of the collapsing rocks. She blinked in surprise at just how many were raining down - and the fact that the Sith was just standing there holding her shield above her head and basically shrugging them off. Just how strong was this woman anyways?! She waited for the rocks to settle before she started forward again, the sure steps of her Art moving her at a barely hampered pace through the rocks now littering the ground. She still had a bit of ground to make up, and she was unsure if Saviin had managed to avoid the falling rocks. He had been right in the middle of it when it had started. Her eyes shifted first to the Sith as the woman stood up straight, then towards Saviin as she watched him stumble out of the rubble.

He didn't look so good; in fact, she thought he might be dazed considering he had just turned around and yelled her name and to ask if she was alright... even though she was just standing on a pair of rocks in her dainty dress and looking perfectly fine. She had been too far back to really be effected by the falling bricks, other than that it slowed her advance towards them. "I'm alright. Don't worry about me right now. Bigger fish." Her eyes had returned to the Sith, whom Saviin had moved a bit past now. Maybe she should have said 'giant fish'. Still, she couldn't be intimidated. This was a Sith, she was a Jedi, they were clearly fated to fight. Nothing to be afraid of, because the Force was with her.. right?

She had noticed that Saviin had staggered; she wondered if he would be well enough to fight or if he would just be cut down. She didn't want to see a new friend die. Or really... anyone die, for that matter, but it meant more when it was a friend. "I can handle this; you should head back to the Retreat, help the rebels. They're going to need it more than I will." She didn't think he'd take it, but she had to at least offer him a way out that wouldn't hurt his pride. Staying here to fight this titan while injured could end in disaster pretty easily. Without waiting to hear what he had to say about her offer, she darted forward towards the Sith, eyeing the shield. She had no idea how to fight someone with a shield; that was one thing her training had completely left out. She made a mental note to correct that if she got through this war. The first thing to do would be to get through it, though.

She would have to rely on her speed to be able to strike effectively, concentrating on her Art to keep her moving correctly and being as minimalistic as she could while still retaining her speed. One hit from this woman would likely mean death, even if it didn't come from her lightsaber. She was quick to close the distance, and then she thrust out hard and straight towards the woman's midsection. She was pretty sure the shield would be able to block it, and she planned on that as her momentum shifted to the side, attempting to spin around the woman - on the opposite side than the woman was holding the lightsaber of course - as she tried to get in behind the blocking shield.


Story Admin
SWRP Supporter
Mar 12, 2015
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Well he had managed to scrounge up a rifle to replace his nearly empty one. The gunfire in the courtyard had begun to slowly die down. Most of the imperials in the landing party seemed to have been killed, but at a high cost to the defenders. He could narrowly find someone within that hadn’t been wounded. The barricades still stood but whenever the main assault force got there they would burst through those in a moment. Time to add a little surprise then. Despite the fact that they didn’t really have a lot rockets left but plain old ordnance they still had a decent amount of.

With that, Corto made up his mind taking advantage of the semi-lull in the fire he began to wire up the doors with detonators. Some that were remote controlled by his wrist datapad but most that were tied into trip wires. Either way the Imperials walking through the doors would get a nasty surprise. As he finished tying up the last few dets he turned his attention to the space outside the Retreat. “Any Rebels returning to the museum, use the windows to enter. The doors have been rigged with explosives,” he said over the comms.

While he had previously been busy with the Stormtroopers out front he now turned his attention to the Jedi and Sith in the courtyard. The Sith looked to be older and likely more proficient than the younger looking – probably padawan – Jedi that he was fighting. Corto wasn’t sure if he would be able to do much but perhaps he could force the Sith to retreat.

Switching back to his Verpine rifle, due to its inability to be deflected by blasters, he decided to use some of his final rounds to help drive back the female Sith out front. He sighted down his rifle and sighted on the Sith’s chest firing off a single round. Gotta make every one count.
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The Kyzer

Lord of Chaos and Fun
SWRP Writer
Mar 12, 2013
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Adrasteia was going to make a snappy remark about the foolish man's injuries, but suddenly the woman was breezing past the wounded Jedi. As such, Adrasteia ignited the Eldsvard and prepared for close combat. The female in the dress was fast. However, Adrasteia didn't block the strike with the shield. The shield and sword, to Adra, were an interchangeable pair of weapons. One could defend while the other could attack. As such, the Sith parried the lunge down and away to her right, thus drawing the woman's arm farther out from her body, which was traveling around Adrasteia's left-side.


The big metal shield changed from defending guard to a pulverizing meat tenderizer as Adrasteia bashed the Jedi woman into the wall. Then the Sith merely hopped back a few meters. She wasn't about to allow the Jedi to engage her at the same time. That was foolish.

After hours of fighting, the battle seemed to be winding down. The vast majority of Char had been "pacified" by Imperial forces and the ruins were ablaze. Smoke filled the air along with the screams of the dying. The AT-AT advance slowed to a crawl while the thousands of Stormtroopers from the main advance and the packs of AT-STs finally converged on the Retreat. One particular three-member pack of AT-STs was advancing on the Retreat when they happened upon a pair of insurgents attempting to retreat inside of a building. Or maybe they were trying to attack one of the Sith warriors who'd gone in ahead of the main assault from a different angle. Either way, the apparently-unconscious man and his would-have-been savior were classified as combatants and treated as such. Massive chunks of permacrete and other building materials flew into the air as the three AT-STs opened fire with their full armament of incendiary grenades, heavy cannons, and repeating blasters. The building was quickly leveled and the remains ablaze. Then all of the scout walkers began launching massive smoke grenades into the area to hinder any potential Rebel assault troops.

Meanwhile, thousands of Stormtroopers pushed through the city streets; each one feeling the same way. The end was near.
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