The Black Sun Syndicate

Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
Reaction score

A Forgotten Organization
Investigations into the increased criminal activity on Corellia in relation to the Black Sun, Investigating Detective of the Corellia Defense Force, Jacques Demaise, 1014ABY

[FONT=”Palatino Linotype”]The Black Sun, once the most powerful criminal organization in existence, now a scary story to tell children who won’t eat their vegetables. They made a rise once nearly a decade ago, a rise that went almost totally unnoticed when it made no headway for them as a whole. Ever since the fall of the Galactic Alliance and the subsequent destruction of their main base during the Siege of Coruscant, the Black Sun has been virtually non-existent. The recent increase in criminal activity on Corellia is not to be attributed to the Black Sun, rather, it is from a recent outbreak of violence among a few gangs of thugs.

Because of the voilence, the CDF is requesting temporary Stormtrooper assistance to eliminate these gangs of thugs.


A Broken Organization
[FONT=”Palatino Linotype”]
Records from the last known meeting of the Black Sun Vigos, 1015ABY

An angry human male slammed his fist into the table with intense rage. His face was contorted in passionate rage as he screamed at the three other Vigos in the meeting hall.
“Can't you see what is right in front of your kriffing faces?! Vigos are dropping like flies and you shutta sit here and discuss the best way to merge our Empire with the Hutt Cartel? You must be pulling my leg!"

Across the table, a massive, hulking Trandoshan stood and stared, unblinking, down the table at the man who dared defied him. Tapping the table, he remarked.
"Vigo Fer'ate, you misssunderstand. I am not disscusssing thisss with you, I am ordering you asss your Lorda. Recall your vesssels, arm them, and prepare to merge your asssetsss with the Hutt Cartel. The Black Sssun goesss where the money isss, and right now the money isss with the Huttsss. Meeting isss dissmisssed."

As the two other Vigos, two human males by name of Edmund Veidt and Johnathan Ne'fra, exiting the room, Fer'ate strode over to their Trandoshan leader as the alien was still rising. Grasping his arm, Fer'ate threatened.
"This isn't over."
Grasping Fer'ate wrist and forcing him to release his grip, the Trandoshan hissed back.
"Actually, it isss. Join the Cartel with usss, or sssit here and dissappear. The Black Sssun are no more."

A Destroyed Organization
Eyewitness report from a clash in the skies over Hollastin, 1015ABY

"I was a mess I tell ya, ships everywhere and enough lasers to make it hard to tell what were beam weapons and what were turbolaser cannon bolts. Everyone seemed to be having the same insignia of the Black Sun, lawless scoundrels, but that didn't matter the least. Black Sun firing on Black Sun, and they were losing. I could almost make out who seemed to be firing at who, but it was really difficult regardless.

After about ten minutes of just things blowing up and lots of screams in Huttese over the comms, the smaller group, or what was left of them, turned and jumped out. I'd like to think that the losses were something like in the ups of a capital vessel, some frigates, some corvettes and hundreds of fighters. I saw the smaller group get away with something like four, mebbe five, frigates, a couple corvettes, and a handful of fighters. Though both numbers are probably much higher than that. Heh, maybe this means I can start trading without worrying about the Black Sun anymore. Small as they were, they were still around in the areas I liked to send my people."

An Organization Reborn
Broadcast released on the holonet. 1022ABY

A woman, eyes encircled with dark scars and wearing a mask to cover the lower half of her face, stared into the camera and at the audience watching. A man's head was held in her hand by the hair, recognized by those who knew him and those who knew of him as former Vigo Fer'ate, the last leader of the Black Sun for the last seven years. Fer'ate was a weak, stupid man whom had lost nearly every asset the Black Sun owned over the past seven years of his reign. His face was not a welcome sight, though his head would be.

"My boys, it's time to revive the Black Sun. Time to make this galaxy fear us once again. Time to make them cower on their knees and pray for a swift death at the very sight of our mark. We've cowered away from the galaxy for too long, now it's time we struck back at anyone and everyone whom we please. The Black Sun will be a name feared not just on Nar Shaddaa, but on every world in this galaxy.

This is the motto of the Black Sun. We do what we want, when we want, and there won't be anybody to say otherwise. Get ready my friends, the Black Sun are coming back."

The New Black Sun
"Last investigative Report on the recent Black Sun activity, ISB field agent /REDACTED/. 1022ABY"

"The Black Sun have been weakened considerably over the past few years, a combination of bad leadership, our efforts to reduce criminal activity in the Imperium, and the Hutt Cartel dominating the Black Market. Recently, a leadership change occurred within the Black Sun. An unknown woman broke into the compound where former Vigo Fer'ate had holed up in, killed the mercenaries who interfered, and murdered Fer'ate.

Declaring herself the new leader of the Black Sun, the 'Kurios' as she calls herself, this woman has begun a systematic reclaiming of former, lost Black Sun assets. Based on Nar Shaddaa, the woman primarily deals in terrorism, kidnappings, assassination and racketeering. Her methods of terrorism are entirely random, she seems to strike without rhyme nor reason to her destruction.

On Nar Shaddaa, there are two Black Sun bases of operation. The smaller of the two, the woman attacked alone to eliminate Fer'ate and set herself up as leader. The smaller of the two contains Spacefaring vessels which the woman and those who follow her, a number of forty-six men, have acquired. The larger of the two, located deep within the refugee district, is held by a man by the name of John 'the Mando' Smi. John, a former Mandalorian, as no intention of giving up his hold.

The larger of the two bases contains the bulk of the Black Sun's weapons, armor, and credit stash. I have paid a visit to this base and documented their assets. Their complete armor suits, not counting those owned and worn by their men already, who number sixty-three in total, is twenty-five Vornskr Field Armor suits. They are also in control of 25,000 credits and a large amount of unused Credit Counterfeiting machines. It would seem the following ordinance orders nearly bankrupted them, the ordinance was ordered by the late Far'ate. Far'ate likely commissioned the counterfeiters as well, but without deals with the local banks and casinos to mix his counterfeit money with real currency he's unable to utilize the machines.

Their weapons count is thirteen MDAI REC-74 Spears, six Anakkona Ballistic Assault Rifles, eleven LSG 11 Vulcan Scatter Guns, and a packed crate of what is, supposedly, 15 M88A1 14.7x24 Autos.

I have infiltrated the Black Sun organization and believe they are preparing to move their base of operations, will report again when I have the new location. This is a considerably large amount of ordinance, enough to arm a small, private army. My official stance is that they should be eliminated as soon as possible and as quietly as can be done."

/end report.

"As of one month ago, /REDACTED/ has been considered MIA. We are unsure of whether or not we are getting this message as a sick joke from someone who disliked /REDACTED/ or if this is a taunt from the Black Sun." -ISB Communications Officer /REDACTED/

Causarius -- Leader -- Terrorist

Jinzo Vyse -- Head Bounty Hunter -- Assassin
Rowan Corliss -- Head of Counterfeit Operations -- Thief
Baron Haik von Holt -- Head Spice Lord -- Assassin

Alexander Troyu -- Assassin
Haszhan Fressk -- Assassin
Atlas -- Terrorist
Zeldor -- Terrorist


Rank names are in 'Old Tionese'(Greek, essentially).

Rank Structure:
-Kurios is the sole head of the Black Sun.

-Vigos are the Leaders in charge of sections of the Black Sun, can create contracts for Polmistis and Stratios. They have free access to the Assassination Contract board for the accepting and handing out of assassination contracts. Some Vigos are put directly in control of important areas of the faction.

-Stratios are mercenaries contracted by the Black Sun, can accept contracts and bounty hunter assignments at their leisure and take assassination contracts if they are given to them by a Vigo.

-Polmistis are 'on call' mercenaries available for contracts from the Black Sun, can take contracts at their leisure.

Specializations are divided into three categories.
They are, 'Assassin,' 'Terrorist,' and 'Thief.' Assassins are those who are specialized in Diplomacy, both those political and those performed with the other man staring down the barrel of a blaster rifle. Terrorists are those who excess at the Black Sun's more core values, being mass destruction and extreme loss of life. Thieves are those well versed in racketeering and outright robbery.

Specializations do not limit characters, thieves and terrorists can take assassination contracts just as assassins can. Specializations are there so that the casual passerby can see what each character excels at more than all other aspects.
One refitted for Gozanti Cruiser, 41.8 meters long.
Three refitted Ixiyen-class attack craft
Three refitted Kihraxz light fighters
Five refitted Rihkxyrk Assault Fighters

On the Gozanti Cruiser, there has been outfitted a bar for relaxation and intoxication as well as a catch where half of their weapons are armor are stored.

On Teth is the Black Sun's main base of operations, currently. The bunker there is modest and guarded at all times. The Bunker is housed underneath a warehouse where Can-cell are slaughtered for what little meat they have on them and sold cheaply just outside. The bunker is located roughly 25 meters below and is made up of many durasteel catacombs. While newcomers are easily lost, it is by no means some impenetrable maze. The bunker contains a bar, a storage area, a meeting room, a dining room, living quarters for two hundred men, though not even half are occupied, and many, many hallways. The other half of their weapons and armor is stored there.

Their fighters are housed independently by individuals in spaceports on Nar Shaddaa, Teth, Nal Hutta, and Hollastin. Each Black Sun member is given a comm unit, not immune to jamming or signal interception. However, the comm system is used as a casual channel of chat between the Black Sun, where it is taboo to mention the Black Sun and their activity. Giving the impression that the comm sharing is simply a group of smugglers sharing stories.

Specific stories, are used as 'calls to arms' and 'meetings summons.' For calls to arms, the story used is the story of how one man, a trashman, went from rags to riches by following three uncannily intelligent steps to greatness. For meetings summons, the story used is about a supposed Vigo in the former Black Sun who didn't support the Hutts and lost his head for it.

Expansion occurs solely through contracts. If a Vigo or the Kurios(myself) wishes to expand the faction in any way, big or small, they must write up a contract or a series of multiple contracts in order to accomplish their goal. Taking over a district on Nar Shaddaa doesn't happen in a day, you'd need a contract to get the weapons, a contract to get the men, a contract to get some heavy equipment(I.E. heavy fighters/bombers) and, finally, the contract for the takeover. Each one would require a Hutt NPCer as well as Nar Shaddaa is Hutt territory.

All weapons, armor, and ships are either tech profiles written up in this site and freely available to mercenaries, civilians, and everyone else, or is a piece of technology from Wookiepedia
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Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
Reaction score
To give people a better understanding of Contracts. Contracts are, for the most part, not 'missions.' They are encouragers for you to get into specific types of threads. Like the Jed kidnapping, say you're Black Sun and you want an arc with a Jedi, you could base it around the kidnapping contract and get rewarded for simply RPing out your story! With the assassinations, there will never be any NPCs. You will be assassinating PCs and PCs only, and let me tell you, fighting a PC is a hellofa lot more fun than fighting NPCs.

Contract assigners so far, color coded for extra clarity(lol)
Causarius, Kurios, Red.
Jinzo, Vigo, Cyan.

The Contracts Board​
Average contracts anyone can pick up​

Little Patch of Hollastin.

"So there's this spot on Hollastin, old warehouse in the middle of the city. Thing's built more like a giant bombardment shelter than a warehouse and nobody's using it currently. The owner, a Toydarian by the name of 'Netty,' plans to use it as a storage facility for loads of junk he's hauling off Jawas from Raxus Prime. Your job is to go there and 'convince' Netty that it's in his best interests that he give us the title yo his warehouse and he go sell his junk on Tattooing instead. Be as forceful as you have to but don't kill him, if he's dead we'll have to forge the title deed and a forgery, while good for locals, won't hold up to a Hutt or Imperial inspection.

25k for this job's completion. Split it as you see fit or 'clean up' your goons and keep it all to yourself. Just don't kill other Black Sun."

OOC notes: Netty has a Hutt Enforcer as his bodyguard, defeat or kill the Enforcer to intimidate Netty. Enforcer must be a Hutt PC(But not necessarily a Hutt PC in the enforcer rank)

We're gonna need a bigger ship.

"We don't got much in the way of vessels right now, but that's not what worries me. What worries me is that we don't have enough freighters. So, I kinda like the little YZ-775s buzzing around on Nar Shaddaa, and I've taken the liberty of having one followed that leads right back here to Teth on regular shipment runs.

So it's about time we did a little of the job we're so infamous for, piracy. The YZ is guarded by five Z-95 Headhunters. Naturally the little buggers are upgraded, but I've always had a soft spot for the headhunters myself. So if you can pick up the salvage, throw the bits into the cargo of the YZ if you can, after blowing them to bits, I'll be appreciative. 10k for each Z-95 confirmed kill, 5k for salvaging the ship after you're done, and 20k for bringing me the transport. If you blow up that transport, then you best start running cause I'm coming after you."

ooc notes: must have a Hutt PC piloting one of the enemies, battle will be 1v1 in regards to PCs so if you have three Black Sun Pcs you must have three Hutt PCs.

To Contract a Bank

Teth just don't have the type of banks we need to exchange our counterfeit credits for real ones. As such, we're going to need to move the machines to a place near a bank where we can transport out counterfeits to be transferred out. Naturally the bank will have to be in on it, but the hardest part is going to be convincing them that working with us, rather than the Hutts, is more profitable.

We don't want double dealing going on here, as that can be used by the Hutts, if they ever find out, to trace back to our base. Therefore I want you to go there when the Hutts's 'inspector' is dropping by, kill the inspector, then convince the bank. With the inspector gone, it'll be months before the Hutts notice one little asset on Hollastin isn't showing up with any new information. Within that time, we'll have exchanged and printed off millions of credits and already have moved on.

The hard part is getting it done in the first place. 25k each sentient for whatever group can pull this off. Dump the body, or bod'ies' if he's got bodyguards, on Raxus Prime."

OOC notes: You must have a Hutt PC to play the inspector. If they survive then you lose :P.

(Main Thread) (Diplomacy)
Scavenge the Consortium

Word of the Black Sun's resurgence is spreading like wildfire, and intelligence suggests that with this information, other criminal organizations are sprouting out of the sand. We simply can't have this... The Hutts are our prey and our prey alone. For those of you who know your history, the Zann Consortium was an organization not unlike our own, who made their living in crime, and made their entertainment in the Hutts. While their intentions are noble, there's only room for one bull in this rodeo. Word states that a human male named Grix Razzis is emptying his pockets and attempting to stir up a new Consortium. Travel to Hypori and do away with them. Grix has been dumping funds into the local populations, so don't expect to be well received by the locals once the gunfire begins.

OOC: a squad of no more than 2 members must travel to Hypori to dispose of the Consortium nuisance. I (Batty) will roleplay the locals and insurgence once contract is taken.

(Main Thread) (Thief)
Recycled Resources

Droids. Everyone wants one, but only the important have them. Unlike lives, droids can re repaired, recycled, or replaced. Lives are a waste unless used properly. While we do not have the resources as of now to successfully siege Geonosis or Hypori droid foundries... Mustafar on the other hand is a rather quiet, out of the way world to set up shop. We need blueprints for battle droids returned to us on Nar Shaddaa, as well as a mechanical lock-out encryption installed in the droid mainframe on Mustafar. Returning the blueprints will give us a chematic to analyze, critique, and perfect for our tailor-made plans. Additionally, encrypting the droid foundry will lock out anyone else interested in cashing in our own newly captured assets. Bring a friend if you'd like, but aside from the droids themselves, don't expect much resistance.

OOC: 2 members must travel to Mustafar and retrieve schematic lay outs for at least one model of battle droid. Furthermore, you will implant a lock-out device which will be given to you into the mainframe, giving us control of the droid foundry. You WILL be met by resistance from the droids and the local security. I (Batty) will RP the opposition.

(Pick-up) (Diplomacy)
The Southern Sun

The peaceful world of Dressel has opened airs of communication with the Black Sun, fearing the infringement of the heavy hand of the Hutts or worse- The Imperium. We are requesting a delegate travel to Dressel and plant the seed of allegiance. This system would be vital to use as a hub for travel into the west, and give us a neutral meeting ground for Black Sun to planet hop.

OOC: a delegate will travel to Dressel and begin negotiations. Find an individual to RP the delegates, or i (Batty) will do so.

The Assassination Board​
A restricted missions board for men contracted by Vigos. High ranking, dangerous targets only.​
To Kill a Sith

"This here is an assassination target that don't go away. Your targets are Sith acolytes and Sith Crusaders if you've got the ordinance. Go in groups if you can, do not capture alive. Slaughter those Sith Shutta as you see them and bring back the corpses to brand. When we get the corpses, brand their faces with the Black Sun and pay some lowlife Koochoo to dump their bodies in a public place. Above all else, don't get caught, don't let the Sith trace it back to us. Assume you're being watched at all times as well. We want the Sith to fear us as ghost - like terrorists, and that won't work if they can find us after every murder.

Credits will be dished out at a rate of 50k per Acolyte body and 150k for every Crusader. Try and cheat me and I'll drive a stake through your midsection and hang you in my garden."

OOC notes: Target must be a willing Acolyte or Crusader PC who has knowledge of the fact that it is a death thread and we are hunting him. Note you could get killed doing this.

(Pick-up) (Assassination)
Don't Forget the Change

Naboo has been a spear-head of radical reform in the galaxy for centuries, and as it would have it, a politician by the name of Nanee Milt has a proposition lined up that will cripple our spice trade. Our own Baron Haik von Holt cannot allow this bill to come to pass, as Naboo will quickly press the bill to the surrounding sector and further hinder profits. This bill will not only further increase the penalty to spice possession and use- but entice reformed addicts and dealers to turn in their dealers and producers for reward. We can't have this. Let's teach miss Milt a lesson in the Spice Trade, and show the rest of the galaxy what happens when you interfere with business?

OOC: for one combatant. Travel to Naboo and deal with Nanee Milt in any way you see fit. She is not to be returned alive, but left dead for the world to see. Though it is not required, it is encouraged to make her death look planned and enforced. Although her "suicide" would hinder the passing of the bill, her death would leave a stronger impression. upon acceptance, you may find an individual to roleplay as your opposition or else i (Batty) will do it if necessary.

The Kidnapping Board​
Sensitive missions requiring a delicate hand.​
The Enemy of my Enemy is my Hostage.

"The Jedi have got a rep much like what I want us to have, and they never did anything! It just ain't fair, is it? So I'm presenting a delicate proposition for us. We kidnap a Jedi, if they be young then we'll convince them of the wonderful life of crime and vigilante justice! That justice being whatever the hell I deem it as I see fit on a 'case by case' basis. If they be older then you bring them to me. Mayhaps we can convince those older Jedi to teach us a thing or two about the Force! Then maybe they help us on a few operations before we let them go again.

Bottom line, capture, kidnap, or otherwise convince anyone you even suspect of being Force Sensitive or a Jedi to come on down and join us. 50k for older Jedi, 100k for kids. If I hear you killed one, then you better pray their friends find you before I do."

OOC notes: Target must be a willing Jedi PC participant. This is mainly a story advancement quest. Deception will not be tolerated.

(Main Thread) (Kidnapping)
Thicken the Ranks

Welcome to Nar Shaddaa ladies and gentlemen. The planet we call home is a melting pot of luxury, black markets, gambling, prosperity, and disparity. If there's one thing this planet has: it's money. If there's one thing it does: it's locals. The Hutts have a near endless wave of grunts at it's disposal to throw at us that we simply can't outmatch with the dozen or so of us that exist as is. We need meat shields. We need bodies. We need slaves. I need 2 well equipped, strong willed, and morally ambiguous individuals to travel to:
Kashyyyk- Wookiees make excellent cover. They're big, they're strong, and their loyal to a fault. I don't care if you enslave them or if you con them, get me as many wookiees as you can.
Geonosis- Geonosians make excellent paratroopers, and with their native sonic weaponry, light armored infantry won't know what to do. They won't go down easy, but the more you bring, the more we can use.
Ryloth- Twi'leks. They're brave, they're intuitive, and they're numerous. Great options for basic infantry, and with the plans we have in store, we will be in no short supply.

OOC: 1 or 2 individuals may redeem this contract. Travel to one of the selected planets at a time (separate thread will be made for each. More planets are subject to be added) and capture slaves. You will be given a transport ship to be used as a slaver ship. You may find an individual to RP the natives, or i (Batty) will do so if absolutely necessary.

The Bounty Board​
(feel free to PM BN to set up a bounty or get yourself set up here if you want to be hunted!)​

The Terrorism Board​
A restricted missions board for men contracted directly by the Kurios, high ranking, dangerous terrorism targets.​
Hell Broke Loose

"This be a very simple quest my boys. Cyrillia, a thousand years ago, was an Imperial fortress world. Now it's just a big planet with scattered big cities that manufactures pit droids. Stoopa poodoo droi. We'll be paying a visit to one of the pit droids factories. When we leave, there might occur an unfortunate accident that leaves the entire facility in flames. Catch my drift? We'll grab ourselves a few pit droids while we're there as well. We'll find a creative way to leave our mark while inside.

Prove yourselves worthy of this job and you'll not only get paid 50k each, but I'll let you work directly with me."

OOC notes: Cyrillia is close to Imperial space. But it's not yet inside it. We'll need a couple of fresh freighters for this, so the mission 'We're gonna need a bigger ship' will need to have been completed first.

Little Sith, Little Sith, Let me in.

"The Sith think they're invincible, lets show them they aren't. You lot may not command the Force, but that doesn't mean you're not strong. I've seen mercenaries still wet behind the ears give Sith Crusaders a hard time, even killing some in a few cases. All you need is the right tactics and the right ordinance.

So, we'll be travelling to Dantooine. It used to be the site of a Jedi Temple in the Old Republic, so Sith are always hanging around there on vacation to admire the Jedi's Temple and see if they can uncover anything Jedi and Sith over thousands of years might have missed. Yes, we will be destroying a historical landmark, it'll be awesome."

OOC notes: I'll be doing this with you guys, it'll be awesome. We will have Sith PCs.

The Smell of Fear in the Morning.

"Look at all the lovely worlds in this galaxy, with all it's lovely little places and lovely little people. Wouldn't it be absolutely terrible if something were to happen to it?

100k payout, contact me for details."

OOC Notes: A general open mission, you contact me and I set you up with a job. Creativity is encouraged! Add your idea for what you think we should blow up in the thread when you PM me.

To Sabotage a Cartel

"Let me be very frank with you. I hate the Cartel, I hate everything about them, everything they stand for, and most importantly, I hate them for what they've done to us. Therefore, I want to see them suffer as we have. This Contract is for the destruction of Cartel property and lives, anything goes really. I will not be accompanying you, however, do not take my uninvolved attitude for apathy. I want to give you a chance to prove yourself to me, take it."

OOC Notes: You must come up with a target to hit, PM me if you want ideas, get a Hutt PC enemy and blow the target to the heavens! Death is always possible, and the rewards will be great(Prestige, money, gear, rank up possibly).

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Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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Coruscant was Andraste'd in 1013.


Join Smash Brothers already!
SWRP Writer
Jul 22, 2007
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Aside from the years being in 2000's when we are in 1000's, it doesn't make sense that a refit of a Gozanti Cruiser increases its length from 41.8 meters, as mentioned in the linked Wookiee article, to the named length of 135 meters. That's a complete redesign, not a refit.

Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
Reaction score
Aside from the years being in 2000's when we are in 1000's, it doesn't make sense that a refit of a Gozanti Cruiser increases its length from 41.8 meters, as mentioned in the linked Wookiee article, to the named length of 135 meters. That's a complete redesign, not a refit.

Fixed. And wow, I really misread that article. Had believed it said the ship's size varying was between 100 and 140. Hence me even stating a length at all. Sorry about that, fixed.


Join Smash Brothers already!
SWRP Writer
Jul 22, 2007
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Sorry a second check came very late: IRL should stop being a female dog.



SWRP Writer
Jan 1, 2014
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YAY!!!!!! :D Thanks, Lavish! RL is lame - I prefer this universe. :P


Royal Henchman | Forum Drifter
SWRP Writer
Sep 30, 2011
Reaction score
I second this.

Congrats, Black Noise. Go make life a living hell for the Cartel!

Ha, I rhymed. :CScool

Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
Reaction score
Yes! Thankee Lavish!

I second this.

Congrats, Black Noise. Go make life a living hell for the Cartel!

Ha, I rhymed. :CScool

Oh we will :CSly

So! That marks that, hopefully tonight, the Black Sun's first thread shall be up and all members are invited! It will be completion of the takeover, there will be blood. It will be the first, and only, thread where our enemies are all NPCs. Don't get used to it off this one! After this, we'll be going big risks with PCs if we want any reward :CHappy

Muahahahaha! This shall be fun.


Special Agent
SWRP Writer
Mar 25, 2011
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woo hoo! so psyched to finally get Jinzo some action :)


ma malédiction est mon ange
SWRP Writer
Oct 9, 2013
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Ohhhhh, Yeahhhhhh! :bitchez :bitchez :bitchez :bitchez :bitchez


SWRP Writer
Jan 1, 2014
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Hahaha Raif! That would be awesome! :P

Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
Reaction score
Can Mando's b sub- contracted for assassination's?.

You will need to contact the giver of the assassination job(so far only me, but later on it'll be Vigos and It can be done ICly or OOCly) beforehand, but yes. You have the option of being listed as a member of the black sun's contact list as well if you'd like, though you're not a member of the black sun.