Plot Onderon The Blood Forest

Izel Thral

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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It seemed the party was splitting into two teams of four, one focused on intercepting the cultist scouts while the other would head directly towards the greatest source of the dark side energy. Izel wasn't entirely sure she agreed. She would have preferred to capture the scouts and gain some knowledge of their enemy through them before moving in for the attack, but she deferred to her superiors. She nodded to Isen as he requested to join their team. Better to keep her apprentice close in a place like this, even if he had proven himself once already.

"Just be aware we won't be holding back for your sake." She warned him. "Keep up, and stay alert. We can't afford to be taken off guard here." She doubted he'd have trouble keeping up with the more experienced knights. Their training in the jungles back on Ajan Kloss would have prepared him well for this scenario. Still, Izel felt the need to remind him of the seriousness of their mission. Nara she knew as a reliable ally, and Weiss? Well that had yet to be seen. His assuming command of the advance team without debate was somewhat frustrating, but she tried to reserve judgement.

"Izel Thral." She introduced herself as he asked for her name. Before she could say any more her antennae twitched reflexively and she looked in the same direction Nara had, sensing something as well. It didn't feel familiar to her as it did to the human, but it was certainly another Force sensitive. Another cultist? Or something worse?

Before she could say anything Weiss seemed to be insisting the squad move on, and she had to agree. Time was wasting, and their quarry was escaping. Izel set off with the others at once, and just as she had warned Isen she wasn't holding back. Augmenting her already powerful legs with the Force she was able to jump up into the trees, and continued moving forwards from one branch to the next as she would have on her homeworld. Using her Force sense she was able to zero in on the fleeing scouts quite easily, and pressed slightly ahead of the others. Unfortunately they were still too late to catch the scouts, as she sensed a much larger force moving forwards.

The Vratix stopped abruptly upon landing on the next tree and silently climbed up to hide among the leaves. Using the trunk to conceal most of her body she peaked around the edge to see the approaching cultists. With the scouts joining them they were now thirteen in total. Most armed with melee weapons as Weiss had mentioned, although some were armed with ranged weapons as well. It would be unwise to attack them head on. Izel remained quiet and held position, watching them closely as they got closer, still unaware of her presence. Looking back she could see the other three Jedi accompanying her catching up.

@Six @Nefieslab @Charndley @Isen @Mr. Teatime @Frannykins87 @Corbeau @Topher Ridge

Hannibal Grayza

Jedi Order
Force Ghost

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Mr. Teatime
Jan 16, 2020
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Hannibal's expression didn't shift when Weiss responded with an apology. A measured response, almost habitual, coloured with a hint of shame. It would do. The young Knight seemed to have a decent amount of self discipline at the very least and hadn't fallen for the bait. Hannibal turned back to look at Max as she made to move off and asked if he was coming along.

"Natch, my dude. Let's get the party started, eh?" he responded with a level of cheeriness that was rather out of place considering the situation. Hannibal walked forward, put out his cigarra in a portable ashtray on his belt, and secured his helmet over his head. The Force flowed into and through him, swirling invisibly and idly around him as he cemented his focus. Then, just as quickly, his presence sank away into the background noise of the Force, just as if he had vanished. He was of course still standing next Max, and those cloes to him could feel he was there, but the several incoming would not be able to.

"We have work to do. Focus on the moment, kids, and don't die," he advised through his helmet's distorted voice before addressing max. "It appears we have company. Should we greet them or go around?" Hannibal's lightsaber, a black affair with some small gold accents, slipped its way into his left hand while his right rested atop his holstered blaster. He had settled into a state of readiness for the inevitable fights to come, but figured he would take Max's lead. He had suggested going straight forward, after all.

@Six @Nefieslab @Charndley @Isen @Reyn @Frannykins87 @Corbeau @Topher Ridge

Maxims Tionson

Jedi Order
Jedi Council

Character Profile
Jan 5, 2020
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Hmm they had company.

He still wanted to get a move on but he didn't really want to rob the knights and padawans of the chance to test themselves against warriors actually trying to kill them. Training was all well and good but there was experience that came from doing everything that you could to avoid dying. His own presence in the Force had reseeded in the same way that Hannibal's had and he eyed both their allies and the enemies for a moment before making his decision.

"Let's not deprive them of the chance to learn."
he suggested with a shake of his head, "We can find a better path through."


He reached into the Force before leaping upward into the trees. Landing upon one of the thicker branches some twenty to thirty feet in the air, he waited for Hannibal to join him before launching himself from one tree to the neck. Leaping from tree to tree seemed like it should be familiar to him but he couldn't, for the life of him, remember where he might have seen such a thing before.

It was probably a wookiee thing.

"Two credits say we find a Sith obelisk is the source of this."

@Mr. Teatime @Six @Charndley @Isen @Reyn @Frannykins87 @Corbeau @Topher Ridge

Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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And then there were three groups! The scouting party had no sooner left, than the two Masters decided to form their own group, leaving the remainder to face whatever cultists managed to bypass the advanced group.

Fiach sighed audibly. Conflict was not her preferred option, but reasoning with a group intent on killing you was rarely a viable solution. So, she nodded to the remaining forces and removed her cloak, folding it into a neat square and placing it out of harm’s way before turning to face the direction she now sensed the Darksiders were coming from. Her saber remained on her belt, she would not remove the hilt or activate it until it was necessary. She was once taught that to draw a saber was a sign you were ready to take a life. Fiach would not undertake such a commitment lightly and so remained calm and still as she waited for the inevitable battle to come.

@Mr. Teatime @Nefieslab @Six @Charndley @Isen @Reyn @Frannykins87 @Topher Ridge

Weiss Zano

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Aug 25, 2020
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After the Masters decided to take their own route of travel through the trees it was obvious the first wave of opposition fell on the younger knights to deal with. Izel the one that was up ahead of the group took cover among some leaves up on a tree while Weiss stayed in the center and silently gestured to the remaining Jedi to either try to hide and ambush or spread out and go around to flank the incoming cultists. He grabbed the hilt of his lightsaber but did not ignite it before the need arose so as to not become a shining target for the enemy.

Soon the attackers were visible, 10 men rushing towards the team's position, 4 in the front and the rest following with one guy being deliberately the slowest as he pulled the bowcaster from his back to his hands. Weiss ignited his blade and went to meet the incoming attackers, rushing towards the first 4 men. This made it so that the guy in the back did not have a clear shot at the Jedi as he engaged his comrade cultists. Armed with vibroknives, vibroblades and other bladed weapon the cultists looked like some tribal warriors, most of them lacking any armor and being bare chested. Coming to meet the first of them, a man wielding a vibrosword Weiss parried his blade with a decisive strike as the man rushed and threw him slightly off balance and sideways. Weiss's lightsaber blade was already significantly longer than most other common sabers and combined with his long limbs it allowed him for greater reach and ease when it came to execution of attacks from a relatively 'safe distance'.

Swatting the first man to the side the Jedi kept rushing forward, grabbing the hilt of his weapon with both hands as it deflected off of the first man's vibrosword and ducked down performing a sweeping maneuver while turning a full 360 degrees, stretching one of his legs out. The second attacker's axe like weapon went high thinking he was at a striking range but missed due to the Jedi's speed and the unexpected ducking maneuver and his legs were cut off clean by Weiss's blade and he fell forward thumbling, his initial battle cry turning into a scream of pain.

The first man had tried to catch up and strike at Weiss again, going for an overhead strike similar to that of the Falling Avalanche but the Jedi rolled to the side from his crouching position avoiding not only the initial strike but also distancing himself from the other two cultists he had not yet engaged and putting the vibrosword wielder in between them. Getting up straight from his roll Weiss once again attempted to use the reach of his weapon and stab at the man's shoulder before a sudden sense of danger and a flashing light diverted his attention. The man from the back finally had a somewhat clear shot and fired at the Jedi causing Weiss to have to block the incoming bolt in the nick of time, not even having enough time to deflect it at some of the other cultists.

Though the rush itself against such a large group of enemies might have seemed a bit risky in reality most of it was to draw attention to himself while his teammates could get in from other angles and engage and finish off the enemy.

Let's try this for the Blood Forest

Fair enough

OOC: since i'm incapable of quoting the actual dice result in my quote I'll post the link to my Dice Roll Thread here

@Mr. Teatime @Nefieslab @Charndley @Reyn @Isen @Corbeau @Frannykins87 @Topher Ridge

Isen Ramm

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Apr 24, 2020
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Isen swung wide to Weiss's left, taking his cue to flank. The young padawan's route took him beyond the cover of the high grass, so Isen decided to take to the trees. Using the large tree trunks as cover, Isen began to leap from limb to limb and tree to tree, eventually getting above their line of sight. Those treetop games with his master Izel Thrall were going to pay immediate dividends, perhaps. With the added altitude, Isen was able to see the entirety of the cultists. The young Kiffar saw a route to the most dangerous enemy- a trailer with a bowcaster. A few leaps from limb to limb and he should be able to drop behind the enemy lines, take out the biggest threat, and work his way back toward the middle.

Isen began his limb to limb trail, watching Weiss start to hack through the cultists as he bounded his way through the trees of the forest. Unfortunately, one of the branches that Isen landed on was dead and wouldn't hold his weight. It crackled and popped, and fell to the earth some twenty feet below. The young Jedi felt it buckling, however, and deftly bounced to a nearby limb. The crashing of the large, dead limb gave Isen's location away, however, and the bowcaster-holder blasted the limb that Isen had targeted for his next landing spot. The limb exploded just as Isen's outstretched hands were approaching to grab it, splintering his sleeveless arms with kindling and wooden shrapnel. Worse, Isen fell some fifteen feet, flat on his back. The impact knocked the air out of his lungs, and Isen was struggling to breathe. His condition did not go unnoticed as a pair of the bare-skinned blood-cultists peeled off quickly for what should be easy pickins'.


Izel Thral

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
Reaction score
Izel remained still in the tree canopy, letting the cultists pass by beneath her. Slowly she crept down the trunk of the three, unignited lightsaber in hand, ready to fall on the unsuspecting bowcaster at the rear. She glanced up as she heard Weiss engaging the forward group, and then spotted her apprentice moving around to flank the enemy. Unfortunately the cultists spotted him too, and the bowcaster fired his weapon, destroying the branch he was aiming for and leaving the young Kiffar to fall to the ground. The Vratix could only make a sharp intake of breath as she watched two of the other cultists break off to rush towards her Padawan.

Abandoning her planned ambush she leapt immediately from the tree she was on and made her way towards Isen's position. This alerted the bowcaster to her position, and he started firing on her next. While he was unable to hit her this forced Izel to stop before she could reach Isen, crawling around to the other side of a tree as the blaster bolts barely missed her. Seeing the cultists getting further away she launched a desperate Force push, trying to knock them over. They were outside her range though, and she only succeeded in causing the cultist bringing up the rear to stumble and lose his balance. It would only be a momentary distraction, but hopefully Isen would be able to take them on one at a time and succeed.

In the meantime Izel turned her attention back to the bowcaster, who was squarely focused on her. She leapt down to the ground and took up a defensive stance, igniting her lightsaber and preparing to deflect the shots back at her attacker. The bowcaster seemed to realize this though, because instead of firing directly at her he fired on the tree beside her, sending a hail of splinters down on the Vratix. Izel raised her arms reflexively to shield her face and then was forced to duck back behind cover as the bowcaster fired at her body. Dammit... He's no fool... The Vratix thought to herself. She was pinned down for the moment. If she was going to get at her assailant she would need to think more creatively. Although at the moment she was far more concerned with the wellbeing of her Padawan.

@Six @Nefieslab @Charndley @Isen @Mr. Teatime @Frannykins87 @Corbeau @Topher Ridge


Independent Force User

Character Profile
Jan 7, 2020
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Nara followed the group down, taking a brief pause to watch Izel climb up into the trees. Not a chance I'm trying that, she thought to herself as she followed their self-appointed 'leader.' Seemed to think a lot of himself, but maybe there was something to that? Maybe he'd prove to be a great leader in battle.

The chance to see came pretty quickly. Nara took the position right of Weiss, hiding in the trees as the other Jedi ran forwards to confront the group. Well... nobody can deny he's brave I guess. Her saber went straight to her hand, holding it ready as she waited for the moment. She advanced as they engaged with Weiss, dashing towards a cultist. Her saber slashed, hitting his vibroblade before Nara swept it round, beneath his stroke, slicing deep through the cultist.

She heard the crash as Isen fell, shot to the ground. Izel was already trying to deal with that, but the bowcaster cultist was making that very difficult. Still a distance away. Thinking quickly, Nara raised her arm high and pitched, throwing her saber towards the cultist. The blue blade span in the air, fizzing towards the bowcaster cultist. Nara smirked with satisfaction as it cut through the caster...

Only to feel a sharp explosion of pain in her arm. She twisted back, gasping, feeling the blood pour from the deep slash. A cultist, two vibroblades in his hands, moving towards her. No saber. She backed off, ducking from another slash, twisting out of the way of the next. Breathing heavily as she responded with a kick, her boot smacking into his stomach. She reached out to her saber, attempting to call it back as she scrapped with the cultist.


@Six @Nefieslab @Reyn @Isen @Mr. Teatime @Frannykins87 @Corbeau @Topher Ridge

Jago Haaldin


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Topher Ridge
Sep 1, 2020
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Jago saw the group of Jedi split and decided to stick closer to whatever group had Nara, thus he shadowed with the advanced group as the moved forward. It didn't take long for things to get interesting and the Nautolan could see the group tense up and take up and ambush position. He looked ahead of them and saw the incoming cultists, nasty looking buggers at that. The Matukai would edge his way closer as the battle began in full, ready to help if needed.

He didn't have to wait long for his moment to come. The Jedi went into action against the attackers, a few were taken out quickly but the one in the back line with the bowcaster had caused some serious issues. Especially bad as Jago watched a younger jedi fall down from the tree he'd taken to. Jago was already on the move as another Jedi tried to move to help the kid, but the...bug lady was also cut off by the bowcaster wielder. He didn't think he only made his way forward, his poncho removed as he ran. Just before the 2 cultists were on top of the kid a green blur would fly over him followed by 2 resounding cracks. If the younger Jedi would look up he'd see the moment Jago's feet connected with both cultists chins as the Matukai delivered a devastating flying split kick to the attackers. As soon as his feet connected he would tumble forward, easily rolling and coming to his feet, a smile on his face. He would immediately see Nara and the problems she faced and moved to aid her. Jago was interrupted by a battle cry to his left and had to stop to deal with the over head slash from one of the cultists he'd just kicked. Seemed the guy didn't appreciate it very much. He parried the vibrosword to his right, the blade sending sparks over his gauntlets.

"Sorry to interrupt guys, but thought I could lend a hand yeah!"


@Six @Nefieslab @Reyn @Charndley @Isen @Mr. Teatime @Frannykins87 @Corbeau

Weiss Zano

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Aug 25, 2020
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The full on battle had begun and though the plan of ambushing the cultist forces somewhat worked there were some unaccountable aspects that seemed to held it back. The bowcaster wielding foe was no fool and two of their Jedi peers seemed to be completely out of luck and stuck in a bad situation. Weiss was faced with the vibrosword wielding cultist and two more behind him after he had taken out one already when his eyes caught what was going on on the battle field in front of him. Nara was blindsided by one of the enemies and attacked while unarmed and the Vratix's padawan, Isen, seemed to suffer a nasty fall and was now a ripe prey for the picking as several cultists rushed towards the downed Jedi.

To take on the situation of the three enemies in front of him wasn't something the white haired knight couldn't handle, and engaging the foes previously only confirmed his thoughts as they weren't as skilled enough to pose a real threat in a close quarters combat to the the dueling centric Weiss. However the scenes that had unfolded before him of his teammates getting in serious trouble threw up Weiss's concentration by a great deal and instead of attacking the three before him the Jedi leaped over the group performing a flip in order to try and get to the other side and help. But in a cruel twist of luck, much like what had followed them since the moment they engaged the cultists, as soon as Weiss's feet had touched the ground a mechanism hidden in the semi tall grass grasped at the young man's foot, yanked and pulled him up.

The unexpected nature of the trap combined with the strength of the pull made Weiss drop his lightsaber as he was lifted up in the air and suspended on a thick tree branch. Hanging upside down with one of his feet clenched by the mechanism and suspended by a thick cable Weiss watched as the three cultists that he had jumped over now turned and ran towards him.

''Crap, crap!'' he thought as his eyes flickered between the attackers and the grass bellow, trying to locate his lightsaber.

One other thing that he was able to notice was the Nautilan that came out of nowhere and was seemingly aiding them. However he was unable to further reflect upon this sight as the moment he had laid eyes on the green skinned alien was the moment the trap had suspended him up into the air.


@Corbeau @Nefieslab @Mr. Teatime @Charndley @Frannykins87 @Isen @Reyn @Topher Ridge

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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The temple inside the forest

The priest walked out of the long open hall that led from the inside of the temple to it's surroundings. Elevated by a few meters from the ground there seemed to be a ledge surrounding the structure from all sides with only the front side having the stairs that led to the ground. The ground itself was an open meadow surrounded by the haunting trees of the 'Blood Forest' and in was filled with a mass of cultist worshipers. All hailing and yelling out as The Priest's figure made it out of the temple.

''My children! The trap was sprung. The Jedi are here and they bring with them... the sacred blood!''

The entire area was filled with screams of joy from the men and women bellow.
''The Father has begun the fated Ritual and you know your duties! He is to not be disturbed.
Currently a group of your brothers is engaging the Jedi team in the woods but they are not alone my children!''

The men yelled out.
He extended his pale, long nailed hands outwards as if he was holding up a chalice of something. The blood poured out of the Priest's hands down onto the ground bellow.
''The blood of the Jedi Master that was unfortunate enough to stumble here a full standard month ago will power us in this battle.''

As the Priest started chanting some incantation in a long forgotten and horrid language his eyes went white and the rest of the cultists on the ground all reached for small bottles on their person and drank up. Finishing with their last gulps they unanimously smashed the bottles into the ground and yelled out an echoing united roar as they raised their fists up in the air.

''The Rite of Power.''
The priest exclaimed as his eyes went back to their normal state.

It seemed that the odd streak of misfortune following the Jedi team wasn't just pure chance alone. The Rite of Power seemed to be a form of Sith Alchemy that acted similarly to the technique known as Battle Meditation. It boosted the morale and concentration of your own troops and allies while hindering your enemies. Replacing their lack of knowledge of this technique The Priest and The Father instead instigated a makeshift Battle Meditation by using the said ritual. The methods and intricacies of the ritual do require preparation and strict conditions to be filled making it far less practical than the original technique and even less powerful to a degree but The Rite of Power's main difference was that it's caster did not need to maintain deep concentration to maintain the effects once the ritual was cast.​

Elara Salis


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Aug 7, 2020
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Elara was puzzled by the Jedi's strategy. Splitting into three groups didn't seem to make sense to her if these foes were as cruel as the name would suggest. She is starting to think the white hair jedi really did underestimate them. Trying to remain calm amidst the rising anxiety, she nods back at the human woman that remained behind like her. She takes out her blaster and grips it tightly with one hand only, readying herself. A shiver runs down her spine as she looks around the group again. The whole planet didn't feel natural. Somehow. She wasn't force sensitive but there was something in the air.

And then she heard the commotion up ahead. There were the unmistakable (now that she knew) noise of lightsabers slashing through the air. She walks a few paces forward, frowning and raising her weapon slightly, gripping it with both hands now.

"I guess they found the enemy...Should we go help...."

She looks around at the others, unsure on how to proceed.

@Corbeau @Nefieslab @Mr. Teatime @Charndley @Six @Isen @Reyn @Topher Ridge

Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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Fiach looked to the Ranger. “In my humble opinion, there are enough of us seeking to engage the enemy. I recommend we stay put. Let them come to us. We can place ourselves so that we greet them precisely where we want – as much on our terms as we can make it. If I remain here, centred in the Force, I can pinpoint their movement when they get close. If I’m moving then I have too many variables to deal with.”

“Not that I’m saying I’m in charge, but I’d rather we kept together than create a fourth group. Action will surely find us, there’s no need to go looking for trouble.”

And with that, she closed her eyes and to all intents and purposes looked as though she had gone to sleep standing up. In truth, she was reaching out with the Force and building up a map inside her head – like radar – on which she would sense the arrival of anyone who wished them harm.


Isen Ramm

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Apr 24, 2020
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Isen saw the blur of green save his rear as the Nautolan sprang into action. The young padawan even managed to curl a small smile onto his lips. His ribs and back reminded him of his tumble, however, and that grin quickly got wiped away. Isen coughed and tried to roll over. There was a very good chance that he had broken a rib. He was wheezing, but there was no blood coming from his lungs, so that was a distinct positive. Isen was able to get to his stomach and then lift his body so that he was on his knees and elbows. He looked up and saw Weiss hanging upside down from a tree. That certainly didn't look good. The bowcaster had been cut through, so that was a positive.

Still coughing, Isen sat up on his knees. He looked and saw that Weiss was frantic...and apparently unarmed. He must have lost his saber somewhere in the melee or when he was caught up in the trap. More reason for his frantic nature was that three cultists were coming for him. "Pay it forward," Isen thought to himself. He would never be able to stand, run, and fight the cultists off in his current state. He could barely breathe. Weiss was about 30 yards away. He might be able to muster the strength to throw him one of his own lightsabers and give the Jedi Knight a fighting chance.

Isen took a deep breath, held it in and gave a good heave-ho with one of his own lightsabers to Weiss who was still hanging from the tree. The young Kiffar let loose a yell to get Weiss's attention, clutching his torso as his lungs and ribs exploded with pain. Isen noticed that the lightsaber was going to intersect with the lead cultist heading for Weiss, so Isen tried one last desperation ploy. Reaching out with the Force, he tried to ignite the lightsaber. Call it luck, call it the Force, but the cobalt blade ignited splitting the cultist's head down the middle. Should Weiss simply extend his hand, the lightsaber hilt would land flush with his hand, the blade safely pointing down to the ground. An easy catch, should Isen get his attention with the yell.

Seeing the trio's leader's head get split like a canoe gave the other two cultists pause, further giving Weiss time to cut himself down and fight the good fight. One of the two cultists would go off in search of the origin of the yell and the toss, however, and started searching the high grass where Isen was still trying to catch his breath.

@Reyn @Nefieslab @Corbeau @Mr. Teatime @Charndley @Six @Frannykins87 @Topher Ridge

Izel Thral

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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The situation seemed to be deteriorating quickly. Their ambush had gone south, and several members of their party had already been injured. Not to mention Izel could sense something through the Force, something manipulating the flow of battle around them, something discouraging that muddled the mind and made it difficult to focus on what she was doing. Is this Battle Meditation? The Vratix wondered. She had studied this technique but never seen it in practice. From her understanding it was a rare talent. Rare and powerful. If their enemy could use this power they were in a very tenuous position indeed.

Izel watched as Nara's lightsaber cut through the bowcaster keeping her pinned down, only to then immediately be attacked by another cultist herself. Meanwhile some stranger had come to Isen's aid, but was still outnumbered. Stuck between two difficult choices Izel ultimately chose to try and aid her apprentice rather then her friend. As she darted out from behind the tree towards Isen and the Nautolan she brought her comlink to her mouth. "Masters," She attempted to contact Max and Hannibal. "Something is wrong here, we need your assistance. I fear the cultists have-" Her message was cut off by a pained cry as a vibroblade sliced into her hand, nearly severing the insectoid's fingers and causing her to drop her comlink.

Dammit! Izel thought as she turned her attention to the cultist now bearing down on her. I didn't even feel him coming, why isn't my Force sense working? She dodged left and right as he swung at her, clutching her bleeding hand close to her chest. She continued to back away, though she had truly rotten luck. Slipping on a moss covered rock the Vratix lost her balance, and was unable to dodge as the cultist delivered a grievous slash to her torso. The Vratix cried out in pain again as she collapsed, the cultist bringing up his blade to deliver a death blow.

At the last second Izel raised one of her legs and kicked him as hard as she could in the stomach, sending the cultist flying several feet backwards for his trouble. Rolling onto her belly the insectoid crawled away while clutching her bleeding wound. "Dammit..." She hissed in her native language as she tried to get closer to her allies. "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!"

@Six @Nefieslab @Charndley @Isen @Mr. Teatime @Frannykins87 @Corbeau @Topher Ridge

Maxims Tionson

Jedi Order
Jedi Council

Character Profile
Jan 5, 2020
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He had been heading in the direction of the temple when he had felt the twist and change in the Force. All of a sudden he could feel a presence bearing down on the group he had left behind. It felt like the weight of the Dark Side, concentrated to reinforce the enemy and to undermine the Jedi.

It didn't even need to be discussed - he turned back, rocketing back through the trees.

Gathering the Light to him while it was still easy to do so, his grip on his saberstaff in his right hand tightened and he wanted to growl in frustration. For their enemies to pose this much of a challenge? He had not foreseen it and now people he looked to as brothers and sisters were paying the price.

But no more.

Trusting in the Force, he gathered it to himself as he leapt through the air. Twisting as he fell, he ignited both ends of his saberstaff in mid-air, in mid-twirl, and the Force surrounded him like a maelstrom. Down he fell like a comet, slamming into the ground, the Force protecting him from the damage comfortably before rocketing outward from him in a wave of Light that was guided, rushing across the clearing to knock down both of the cultists and wash over the Jedi like a light breeze.

The cultist closest to him (the cultist attacking @Izel Thral ) didn't get a chance to even move before he was upon him, his landing being close to where the man had been attempting to kill his friends. He lashed out twice with his saberstaff, cutting off the man's right arm at the elbow. Pulling his blade up, he knelt down on the man's chest to pin him down and stabbed down with his blade, the lightsaber blade impaling the man through his left shoulder.

Before Max twisted his saber free, cutting the left arm off at the shoulder cleanly.

He didn't rise to stand as he stared at the remaining cultist. There was an anger bubbling inside of him but it was contained, controlled and collared. His anger was natural but it was his and he demanded that it obey him and not the other way around. The Light still clung to him, singing into the Force, but the song was not one of peace any longer but of peace through arms when necessary.

Max addressed the remaining cultist (the one attacking @Isen ).

"Lay down your weapons or I will take them from you."
he demanded calmly, his eyes not straying from the other man, "Do not mistake my mercy for weakness; throw down your weapons and surrender or I shall remove choice from the equation."

This was what he had tried telling Izel about in the caves awhile back - the tranquility that came with finding a way to have emotions and have them be controlled, to walk in the Light as you knew that your fury was righteous and well-aimed.

@Mr. Teatime
@Charndley @Isen @Frannykins87 @Corbeau @Topher Ridge @Six

Weiss Zano

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Aug 25, 2020
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Weiss saw Isen's weapon leap across the air and cut through one of the cultists approaching him. He extended his hand instantly and grabbed onto the weapon. It was shameful that Isen was saving him even while being at such a disadvantagous situation himself while Weiss was seemingly helpless for a moment. Though he couldn't indulge these thoughts for the moment. Grabbing onto the blade he arched his back forward trying to get his torso up and cut the thread that was dangling him in mid air.

The cultist rushing at Weiss was thrown off by his comrade's previous sudden death at the hands of the downed Isen and he took a step back. Now being to far from Weiss to reach him in time with his vibroknife he reached out for something on his belt. His arm extended revealing the weapon to be an electro whip as the cultist lashed at the young knight. Weiss was struck along the back before he had time to cut the cord that was holding him up in mid air and with a roar of pain he dropped the precious saber Isen had worked so hard to get to his hand just moments before and fell back down in the upside down position as he dangled. The strike cut through Weiss's clothes, skin and tissue and he felt the pain sharply press against him. Driven to the point of frustration by all that had happened so far and the burning pain being the last drop Weiss roared through his teeth in anger and extended a hand towards the whip wielding cultist that was now trying to raise his weapon once again most likely wanting to continuously lash at Weiss's dangling body.

The anger sent the Force boiling and rushing within the young knight and he sent it all out, gripping the man with the whip around his neck so hard that he could have sworn his eyes almost immediately started to bulge out a bit. Weiss turned to his side as much as he could from his position and while still keeping a hold on the first cultist reached out with the Force and grabbed the second one, the one running towards Isen's location, in a same manner, stopping him in place as the man's mouth opened in a wheeze. He didn't stop to think what his peers might think and how they'd judge such tactics, usually he would refrain from using such abilities while others of his kind could see him but at the moment he didn't really care. Perhaps the forest already had an effect on him..

Bringing both of his hands up the two men levitated off the ground as they gasped for air before being flung at each other with tremendous speed stopping only as they bodies collided violently followed by loud sounds of nasty cracks.

@Nefieslab @Frannykins87 @Corbeau @Charndley @Mr. Teatime @Topher Ridge @Isen

Jago Haaldin


Character Profile
Topher Ridge
Sep 1, 2020
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The sword went wide to his right and Jago followed in behind it with he intent to put the cultist down with a sharp blow from his right elbow. That was the intent anyway, before the strike could follow through he felt another blade bite into the calf muscle of his left leg. He winced in pain and his elbow went wide of the cultist's head. Jago fell against the cultist, his weight caused both of them to tumble to the forested ground. Years of training told Jago he needed to move so he planted his arms and rolled to right off the cultist. He took a glance behind him as he hobbled to his feet and saw the other cultist he had kick with a bloodied hatchet.

That was the moment that some crazy ass Jedi came into the battle like a comet, sending out a wave of energy and easily dealing with one of the other cultists that had engaged the bug lady. Jago took further stock of the skirmish and could see multiple cultist lying dead, but the forces of light were still outnumbered. There was something else, a feeling that Jago had. His typical smile came a bit harder, and his limbs felt just a touch bit heavier than normal. It had to be the power of the darkness, they needed to end this fight and soon.

Jago couldn't think as the cultist who'd cut his leg was now up and on him again with his buddy right behind. Jago planted himself, and winced again as the cut on his leg ached from the movement. He'd coup with it, he had little choice as the 2 came in hard, frenzied from the thought of a kill and blood they could collect. Wild cuts and slashes came in from opposing angles, something the Matukai could normally easily deal with, but whatever dark power he felt earlier was still taking effect, slowing him down just enough that his own blocks and parries were just slow enough to throw him off. Some of their attacks began to get through and Jago could feel their blades bite into his arms, nothing fatal but eventually the pain would cause him to slip up if something wasn't done.

Welp this and this did not go well.

@Nefieslab @Frannykins87 @Corbeau @Charndley @Mr. Teatime @Isen @Six

Hannibal Grayza

Jedi Order
Force Ghost

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Jan 16, 2020
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It seemed Max was changing tact. Likely for the best, all things considered. It didn't feel like it was going well over by the other group, so when Max rushed off Hannibal followed- from a different angle. The other Jedi Master's attack was an impressive display, spinning staff and telekinetic power simultaneously taking down cultists and drawing attention. Perfectly, this allowed Hannibal to rapidly approach from off to Max's right concealed behind a tree, getting just close enough to be dangerous.

The Light answered Hannibal's call, flowing into and through him. Somewhere in the middle of Max's insistence the cultist by Isen drop his weapons Hannibal emerged from his concealment, the Force speeding him along. The Jedi Master-shaped blur flew toward the two cultists engaging @Jago Haaldin with his silver blade straight before him, off-hand curled across his stomach. An assassin's cut meant to take the two by surprise- which, luckily, it did. They were just a hair too slow to react.

The one to Jago's right found his swing toward the Nautolan's head was prevented by a sudden lack of weapon-wielding hand, his wrist burned through by a quick and accurate cut by Hannibal's lightsaber. The cultist tumbled to the ground, knee dislocated by a sharp kick to the side of the joint as Hannibal's movement stopped. His guard shifted slightly toward the second cultist, who had reacted more quickly and whose response was not exactly what Hannibal had expected.

The second cultist threw his hatchet, and while the Jedi Master habitually moved to deflect it the mad cultist charged in to grapple. The hatchet was half-deflected, the tip of it bouncing off of Hannibal's shoulder, the armourweave protecting it from its edge. But the charge left him off balance, both arms in the grip of the cultist. He'd have to reestablish ground before he could do something about it.

Hannibal could sense the surrounding darkness seeping in everywhere. Apparently the man Hannibal had pegged as a problem early on was in the middle of giving in to it, by the feel of things. The Jedi Master really wished he was wrong less, but dealing with Weiss would have to wait until the cultists weren't trying to make mince of the Jedi.

@Nefieslab @Frannykins87 @Corbeau @Charndley @Topher @Isen @Six


Weiss Zano

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Aug 25, 2020
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As the two cultists were dispatched by his telekinetic attack Weiss now had to do something about the whole hanging situation. He extended his hand towards the ground pulling Isen's lightsaber towards him and then arched his back forwards and up and finally cut the string that was dangling him upside down. The tall Jedi landed in a three point stance, on his knee, foot and one arm and as he did he noticed the first thing that was in a direct line of sight - Hannibal dispatching some cultists before being stopped and grabbed onto by another. Weiss glanced the ground once more and noticed the shining reflection of his own lightsaber's hilt withing the grass. As he gave into a sprint forward the weapon flew and landed into his left arm stretched behind his back.

Pumped with the adrenaline and with a clear objective at hand he had somewhat of an easier time ignoring the pain from the lash across his back. Calling upon the Force as he moved Weiss swiftly crossed the distance between him and the cultist that was holding onto the Jedi Master. The man's back was facing the white haired Jedi knight and as he neared him he stabbed directly through the man's heart, making sure only the tip of the blade of his elongated lightsaber made through to the other side so as to no not endanger Hannibal. The cultist's body cramped briefly as he let out his last breath and then quickly went limp and Weiss pulled the blade of his weapon out.

@Mr. Teatime @Nefieslab @Charndley @Izel Thral @Corbeau @Topher Ridge @Isen @Frannykins87
