The Collector

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Dec 24, 2017
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The majesty of Alderaan was an impressive sight to behold. It's snow-capped mountains rose high into the sky and the valleys in between where lush, green and full of life. Anyone born here should consider themselves lucky.

Today, though, that luck was about to run out. Alderaan was in the eye of Azgarn Nekkario and if he achieved his goals the idyllic world would never, ever be the same. Of course, if the master plan managed to come to fruition, the whole galaxy would change forever.

The capital city of Aldera contained what Azgarn sought. It was nestled on an island in the middle of a large lake, surrounded by mountains. It was home to numerous museums, schools and other places of science and education which contained priceless artifacts that could help him bolster his quest. Azgarn needed them and the citizens of Alderaan would pay dearly if they denied his needs.

He and his army moved across the still lake waters by boat. Less conspicuous than by space craft, more thematic for Azgarn's personal tastes. He wanted the Alderaanians to feel fear as he descended upon their home. Their screams would bring him pleasure like listening to jazz or classical music would to normal people.

Azgarn was a powerful force user and had a flair for the dramatic so as they moved across the lake a thick, dense mist began to rise. As their boats hit the dock, the mist engulfed all of Aldera. Seeing just a few meters in front of your face would be difficult until the mist lifted, which would take some time. Azgarn's army wouldn't suffer from it too badly.

The bulk of Azgarn's army was made up of abominations of his own creation. There were some that looked like decaying and diseased dogs, while the others were faceless monsters. Both obeyed his every command without question and could understand him when he and only he spoke to them.

"Find the innocents and bring them back here, we will need them later; children should work fine. Kill anything and anyone else you find."

The swathes of abominations fanned out at Azgarn's command. It didn't take but a few minutes for the screaming to start as the creatures found people in the streets, broke into their homes and starting killing. It was a macabre symphony that brought the cultist a sense of peace. He began to walk down the street, one of Aldera's larger museums his destination.

Amidst the now dismembered and dying Alderaanians that now littered the streets, the blood beginning to pool on the sidewalks, Azgarn began to whistle a tune as he walked - a creepy and content smile spreading across his face.

PvP between participants is prohibited - but death is enabled. Please keep in mind that since this is an event, posting time tables will be enforced. Participants will have 36 hours to post before they timeout and are skipped. Delays or lack of opposition, intentional or otherwise, will result in a higher difficulty thread.


SWRP Writer
Apr 11, 2019
Reaction score
" a Banthas." Donny concluded his tall tale, making what appeared to be a measurement of distance with his both his hands, and lavicious grin painted upon his face. He had been at this gambling den, on the lower east side of the Alderaanian capital for three days now, slowly burning his way through his company expenses account, and praying that the finance department did not notice before his 'absolutely guaranteed playing tactics' paid off. Not one to take chances, he was blending in with the locals as best he could, a large rancher style hat, lose fitting workers clothes and a ZA-13 hanging on his hip as he leaned back in his chair, presenting his card, a shit-eating grin smattered across his face, as he took the hand.

"Ladies," he stood up, collecting his winnings as he tipped his hat at the two heavy-set dockworkers before him. "...look me up." he added insult to injury, as he walked out of the bar, with a swagger befitting a man who had just cheated at several rounds of cards and come out on top.

That was when he heard the tune being whistled across the misty air.

That was when he heard the strange summoners odd instructions.

That was when he realised, his day was about to get a hell of a lot worse.

Turning to face what appeared to be some sort of semi-melting abomination from the deepest recesses of a nightmare, his hand dropped to his pistol, and his face dropped likewise in horror. The...thing, snarled at him, gesturing with a cruel looking claw as Donny remembered the creepy mans instructions that carried on the wind, probably for added menace.

Find the innocents and bring them back here, we will need them later; children should work fine. Kill anything and anyone else you find.

His mind raced.

His heart raced faster.

One overtook the other, and Donny spoke. "That's a very ambigious set of instructions no? Surely, nobody is innocent - if one takes the word as an absolute, including yourself no? We are all gui...." the monster droold at him

Donny drooled back.

"Sometimes," he drew his pistol and pulled back the firing hammer "...the words of the wise are lost," he pulled the trigger, blasting out the back of the monsters skull "...are lost on the foolish." he spun the pistol in his grip, nearly dropped it, and stowed it back in his holster. Looking around to ensure nobody had seen his pistol swinging faux paz, he waled backwards up the road, his eyes fixed on where the nasty, and now faceless, being had orginated.

Staggering out of the bar, his two former gambling buddies spotted him and shouted. Something about cheating and 'teaching him a lesson'.

Donny sighed.

And started to run.

Catching a quick glimpse of a nearby road sign, he spotted in bronze letters the words Museum of Aldera. Figuring that would be a good place to lie low, he started in that direction.

Afterall, it wasn't like today could get any worse, was it?

OOC - Episode 1: Norbs solos an event.

Irma Kinton

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score

Irma Kinton, interstellar adventurer and, recently, amateur archaeologist, shifted in the heavily padded jerba leather seat she occupied.

"...and so that's what I've found out." The Tintinna said. "My ancestor's discovery lines up with most of the more plausible theories regarding Agorax's location. I've done a bit of research on the subject myself; everything lines up with what we know of Agorander's empire."

From the other side of a large, somewhat ornate wooden desk, a dour-looking human of advanced years peered at Irma over folded hands. The Museum of Aldera's Director of Acquisitions was, by necessity, a deeply skeptical man, and he was having trouble believing that this... well-endowed librarian had stumbled on the coordinates of the most significant archaeological find of the age. It was not an unreasonable stance, he believed; there had been many who claimed to know the location of that fabled lost world over the millennia, and they had all been, at best, mistaken or, at worst, outright frauds.

He did have to give this one credit, though; she did seem quite sincere.

"What you propose is quite... fantastic, Miss Kinton." The Director replied, tapping a fingertip on one of his knuckles. "The Museum of Aldera of course would be remiss to take the possibility of rediscovering lost Agorax lightly, after all. And I will admit, your findings do have a more genuine quality to them than most of the Agorax-seekers I've dealt with in the past."

The Director laid his hands flat on the desk.

"But if you have the location, will you at least tell it to me? I could organize for a probe droid to be dispatched, confirm your findings before-"

Irma sighed, and shook her head.

"With all due respect, Director, and as I've told you before, I can't do that." The Tintinna replied. "While I have utmost faith in your integrity, and in the integrity of the Museum of Aldera, to divulge the coordinates to anyone would put the most potentially significant pre-Republic find ever at risk. My associate and I can guide an expedition there, but we need absolute secrecy. If the route were to be leaked ahead of time, the scavengers and despoilers of the Outer Rim might descend on Agorax like dekk flies on-... well, you get the idea."

The Director puffed out a breath and leaned back in his chair.

"But surely there must be a way you could confirm your findings aside from just your word that they are true." The old human replied. "An expedition is a complex, costly thing to put together. Especially on the word of one person. No offense, Miss Kinton, but you must understa-"

It was at that moment that that a long, high scream was heard, drifting in from outside. Both Irma and the Director turned toward the window.

"Good heavens! What was-"

Another scream, a less steady, more panicky sound, and abruptly cut off.

"What the..."

More screams, drifting in from the night. Irma scrambled out of her chair and over to the window, looking out into the fog-smothered streets. The screams continued, but Irma could see frustratingly little.

Abruptly, a comlink went off, causing both Irma and the Director to jump in fright. After a second's hesitation, the Director answered the call.

"Director of Acquisitions, t-to whom am I speaking?"

Irma moved from the window to hear the conversation. On the other end of the line, a panicked voice replied.

"This is museum security!" The caller replied. "Director, something is happening at the front gate! There's-... wait, what the KRIFF IS-"

There was a cry of horror from the other end of the line, and it went dead. The Director's eyes, and Irma's, both widened.

"Security! Security!!"

Irma, meanwhile, was shaking her head, looking around at the doors and windows.

"Oh kriff..."

@Nor'baal @Logan


SWRP Writer
Jun 21, 2019
Reaction score


Howl stood to the side of one of the main streets in the city shopping district gazing through the broad display window at an NX-13 grapple pistol. The weapon wasn't all that special as far as weapons were concerned, but with all the things she could imagine it being useful for, she wanted it bad. She was a terrible window shopper, and a horrid impulse buyer. This isn't even what she had come here for. But still, Howl felt that anything she wanted would eventually prove its purpose. But the store owner was asking far too much for the grapple pistol, and Howl had not brought a great deal of money with her. Indeed, she had travelled here on public transport due, of course, to her reason for being here. And she couldn't very well steal the weapon right out of the case, as she was now trying to hold herself back from doing, because it would draw a significant amount of attention to her, and she couldn't have that for what she planned to do next. But still... She wanted it so bad! She already had her twin ZA-44 blaster pistols hanging from her hip, her Echani Vibrosword and LRA9200 Carbine wrapped in decorative cloth on her back for cover, as well as her gas and concussion grenades tucked inside her armor where prying eyes wouldn't find them. But still..... She had seen it, so she had to have it.

It was because of her infatuation with the pistol that Howl didn't notice the thick fog rolling in around her. It wasn't until the screaming started, that she realized something was amiss. Turning from her new-found love to the street behind her, she found that she couldn't see much of anything. "What the kriff is this-" Howl's musing was cut short by another scream from very near by. Dark shadows could be seen moving in the fog to her right. Howl's hand reached for her blaster, but as the mist swirled in front of her, she thought better of it and grabbed the vibrosword off of her back. As she ignited the deadly vibrations, the mist seemed to part and a decaying, hound-like creature leapt from the mist at her. Spinning, Howl swung her blade around her back and cleanly removed the beasts head, the body collapsing to the ground behind her. A growl was heard and two more beasts leapt from the mist to her left. Spinning again, Howl seemed to dance as she brought her blade horizontally across and sliced one of the creatures in half and cut the legs off of his partner who had leapt a bit higher. Pulling one of her ZA-44 blasters from her right hip, Howl popped off three shots at another two shadows moving through the fog nearby and heard the whimpering of the dying animals beyond. "Like I was saying... What the kriff?" Howl turned and stabbed her blade down through the head of the animal she had cut the legs off of as it writhed on the ground. Looking down at the poor creature, she couldn't recognize it as any sort of fauna that she was familiar with. It definitely didn't look like a native creature of Alderaan. Pausing for a second, Howl glanced around. Seeing no-one, she sheathed her sword and pistol and bent down, picking up the maimed body. With a mighty heave she threw the corpse through the shop window she had been looking through just a moment before, resulting in a mighty crash. "Oh no! Look what these horrible creatures did to your shop! Good thing I was here to slay them for you! I'll just borrow this as my reward, okay!? Thanks for your support!" Howl called out to no one in particular. Howl's cybernetic arm reached through the broken glass and grabbed the NX-13, pulling it out and hanging it on her hip as she ran off into the fog. This could actually prove to be the most excellent distraction! She wondered what, in fact, was going on, but also what other opportunities such a situation might provide?

@Nor'baal @Logan @AutoFox
Last edited:

Eisa Swan

Rebel with a Wrench
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score
At times it just felt that when things couldnt get any worse they just go completely blue milk run! The Fiery haired Jedi was en route back to Jedha to resume training her padawan Terria, when in her haste from departing her last mission, had neglected to check on her remaining rations stowed aboard her ship. Not the smartest of actions, then again there had been worse. Eisa had been visiting the local market vendors, located on the outskirts of the spacer District of Aldera, overshadowed by the Towering White structures that made up the capital city's striking architecture. Her reasoning was that it was likely to be the best place to buy the needed provisions at a fairly low price, well in comparison to the over inflated prices you would typically find the closer you get to a space port or service station.

It was during her attempted replenishment of rations for her return journey for her, that she had felt something strange, she could feel a powerful radiance within the Force, it was somewhat difficult to tell the orientation of the source, as the presence seemed to be relatively devoid of any real sense of life. The exposed skin from around her Jedi attire concealed beneath her hooded cloak, flared up in goosebumps as a deathly chill ran down her spine, even though the origin was hard to passively determine among the tumultuous currents in the ebbs and flowing currents of the Force, it was clear that whatever was at its source, was a dark and foreboding presence.

Deciding to abandon her attempts at sourcing provisions and instead opting to investigate the source of the disturbance that was washing throughout the Force, taking a look around her current surroundings, the Jedi Knight directed her attention towards the nearest visible land mark. With a quickened pace she traversed the sprawling streets, hastily making her way towards the museum. Figuring that the nearby Towering structure would be as good a place as any to act as a reference point so she could seek out the source of the disturbance.

As she approached the outskirts of the museum, Eisa stopped dead in her tracks, the disturbance in the Force had now escalated, rather than the original closing in sense of dread that had been washing over her. The Force was now violently resonating with pain and death! Instinctively lowering her hands to her sides and reaching back underneath her outer cloak, her fingers touching upon the respective bodies of her two Jedi weapons. A combination of both traditionally formed and a pistol hybrid Lightsabers, bound within their respective restraints, Eisa unclasped the lightsaber pistol from its holster and withdrew it, out of precaution.

Her grip on the withdrawn weapon tightening as the sound of distant screaming carried over in the wind, almost moments before a haunting tune seemingly being whistled followed in its wake. Taking a deep breath Eisa reached out through the Force, actively channelling it though her and into her surroundings. Her brow furrowing at the sensation, amongst the lives that were being torn asunder, there was nothing, just voids in the Force. Her emerald hued eyes snapped open in realisation of what was approaching, before her attention fell off to the side as she saw from the corner of her eye a male figure (@Donny ) running towards the museum. Casting a brief fleeting glance towards the the screams heralding the wave of death moving towards her position, the Jedi Knight turned towards the entrance of the museum and sprinted up the flights of stairs, if any thing it would serve as a vantage point to see and assess what the approaching disturbance would bring or worst case provide a defensible position

As she reached the summit of the stair case, the Fiery haired Jedi directed her attention towards the human male. "I sure as kriff hope that blaster isn't for show? " Eisa commented, as she drew close, her eyes lingering over the man's held blaster briefly before priming her lightsaber pistol, and gesturing for the man to get inside the museum and swiftly following him inside. Her gaze soon falling onto the security guards that were stationed at the entrance. "You, guys got a vault?" the Jedi Knight spoke out, as her free hand moved up to the clasp that bound her cloak around her neck. "Well yes.. But" the guard spoke out, taken back somewhat by the direct questioning in the midst of the chaos that was falling in around the city. "Get all non armed staff and visitors down there and seal it up, tell them to stay down there and seal it, as long as they've got air they don't open up" Eisa continued as she pulled away her outer cloak and cast it off to the side, exposing her secondary lightsaber and revealing herself as a Jedi. "But it's restricted access..." The second guard started to protest, warranting the a furrowed brow on the Jedi's features as she turned her attention towards him "We need to save as many lives as possible, and going by the screams in the distance they sure as Kriff ain't taking any prisoners" she iterated through a somewhat uncharacteristic stern tone, before she turned her attention back towards the entrance of the museum.

"Sure hope to Kriff the Force is with us"

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Dec 24, 2017
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The stroll through the streets was leisurely, like one would do walking through a meadow and really stopping to see the flowers. Each scream that echoed through the ever more deserted streets of Aldera hit Azgarn's ear pitch perfectly.

The creeping mist seemed to grow ever thicker as Azgarn neared the museum, though he had no real issues with sight. The forced flowed through him and gave him vision, his mind able to be occupied with little else. One thing did seem to threaten his focus, some man who'd managed to survive being mangled by the dogs and was somehow still clinging desperately to life. He'd attempted to reach out and grasp Azgarn's ankle. Most unwise.

Lifting the man up with the force, Azgarn peered at him with nothing but contempt, his eyes twisted into slits of anger like a snake ready to go for the kill. As quickly as he'd taken interest Azgarn become bored, though he did suddenly find himself rather hungry. Using the force, Azgarn carved the man down the middle so that every piece of him would fall to the ground in two equal halves of loose skin and bone; like someone had unzipped a human suit. The man's heart remained floating, though, and Azgarn reached out and grabbed it as he began walking again, biting straight into it like he was eating an apple.

He could sense power gathering although he was unfamiliar with it. It was bright and somehow.. sharp, as if it was ready to stand against the rising tide of darkness. A fruitless endeavor, surely. Azgarn was at the front of the museum now, staring up at its impressive face from where he stood down at the bottom of its numerous steps, his form shrouded by the mist.

The front of the museum of Aldera was an architectural beauty, large panes of glass to let in all of that wonderful natural light. Azgarn started whistling his tune again but it was much, much louder and more focused this time. Fueled with the force, the noise shattered the glass front of the museum. Shards both massive and microscopic rained down on whoever was unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity. The sound would attract his abominations, many of whom were likely still ravenous with bloodlust.

Azgarn would begin ascending the steps, one at a time, glass crunching beneath his feet. So far Aldera had fallen without a fight which Azgarn found mildly disappointing. Perhaps the museum would offer him a challenge. He was ready for it.

@Plebometer @AutoFox @Yuan @Nor'baal


SWRP Writer
Apr 11, 2019
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Donny had approached the museam at some considerable speed, arriving at the main door shortly ahead of the 'Collector' and his motely crew of semi-melting wax figure look-a-likes. He caught the passing comment of the new arrival, some sort of force user - and suddenly it dawned on him.

Nobody knew who he was.

Nobody knew what he was, or wasn't capable of.

An idea began to brew in his mind, and removing it before it could stew and ruin the broth, he allowed it to give life.

"Oh, it's for show darlin'," he responded to @Eisa Swan, effecting his most 'Corellian gunslinger' drawl "...nd it's goin' put on a good 'un." he dropped his right and to rest on the butt of the pistol, and tipped the brim of his hat with his left, chewing the end of his cigar as he added "Names...Donny 'Quickdrawn' Stallone. Bounty Killer." he invented, before turning a 180 to face the oncoming abomination, who - he calculated - probably also had no idea who he was either.

Walking slowly, just after the glass shards finished falling, with all the swagger of a confident killer, he stopped some short distance from the creature, within pistol range, and looked it up and down. "I make you about 5' 8''?" he asked nobody in particular, stubbing out his cigar, and hawking a globule of plegm onto the floor with a sickening splat noise "...might wanna note that down, and pin it to your sleeve." he fixed the 'Collector' with as steely a gaze as he could muster, his heart pounding overtime as he desperatly hoped his bluff would work, or at least slow the devil down.

"Save the undertaker some time, friend."

His hand never leaving the pistol at his hip, his held his ground before the creature, and readied his draw.

OOC - Fite me.

Irma Kinton

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score

It was bad form, Irma knew, to bring a blaster to an interview with a potential sponsor at a fancy museum, but right around the time an ear-splitting whistle sounded the Tintinna was cursing herself for not bringing one anyway. The Director of Acquisitions' office was at the rear of the building, but even so, the large windows that ran floor to ceiling on one wall rattled and cracked. The ringing in Irma's ears faded just in time for her to hear a pounding at the door. The Director jumped to his feet.

"Wh-Who goes there?!"

Irma turned to look at the Director, who she noticed was holding something underneath the desk. A weapon, maybe? Her estimation of the old man went up a few notches.

"Security, sir!" Called a voice through the door, its tone authoritative but verging on panic. "Something's going on outside! We're evacuating everyone not armed to the special collection vault!"

It was at that moment that Irma felt a strange, cold tingle up the back of her neck, and instinctively turned toward the office windows. Outside was something huge, pale and lanky, one of its massive palms spread against the cracked glass.


The creature roared, and its hand became a fist, smashing through the already damaged window. Irma heard the Director - and possibly herself - give a cry of fear and alarm, but then Irma heard the report of a blaster. Within a few seconds, the monster's chest was cratered by several bolts; it roared, gurgled, and then fell forward, sprawling at Irma's feet.

The trembling Tintinna turned to see the Director, standing with a look of terror on his face and a tiny holdout blaster clutched in an outstretched hand. He still reflexively jerked the trigger, but it was plain he had expended the entire power pack into the monster. At that moment, the door burst open, and the Director swung toward it, causing the hapless security guard to put his hands up.

"It's just me, d-don't shoot!" He turned to look at the fallen beast. "Kriff... a-are both of you alright?!"

Irma shook her head clear, turning to the security guard.

"W-We're fine!" She said, turning back the the creature. She noticed for the first time that it didn't seem to have a face, only a huge, fanged mouth. "What... what the kriff was that?!"

The security guard shook his head, entering the room. With what seemed admirable calm given the situation, he pushed the Director's arm down.

"We have no idea. But there are more of them, and also these... dog things. They came out of the fog..."

Shaking her head again, Irma tried to pull herself together. The Tintinna had once led a sheltered life as a librarian on a backrocket world, but her adventures in the wider Galaxy had taught her a thing or two about how to handle herself in a crisis. She made for the Director's desk, peeking into an open drawer and reaching in to take the handful of gleaming cylinders stashed there; spare blaster power packs.

"Alright, well, we shouldn't stay here! Show us the way, officer. Director, c'mon!"

The Director seemed to snap out of his fear-induced trance, and nodded. The security guard lead the way, holding his own blaster in both hands.

Irma, meanwhile, could not help the increasing sense of dread that was overtaking her. It also felt cold... no, wrong was a better term.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

@Nor'baal @Logan @Yuan @Plebometer

Eisa Swan

Rebel with a Wrench
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score
A bemused look crossed the Fiery haired Jedi's features, as the man spoke out initially confirming what she didn't want to hear. In that moment during the break and the build up to his 'punchline' as it were, Eisa could feel her heart stop and the blood flow away from her face. Only to do a complete 180 the moment Donny continued, proclaiming that he was going to be putting on a show. Further relief came as the man introduced himself, revealing his career choice being a contract killer of sorts, whether there was any truth to that statement, time would undoubtedly tell! A cheerful smile started to once again cross her features, as the knight nodded in return to the man's introduction. "Eisa Swan, Jedi Knight" she offered in return, before her attention was pulled away off to the side as that creepy ass whistling seemed to pick up in volume and strangely pressure. It was clear now that the figure approaching them, was the servant of the Darkside she had felt earlier.

Her eyes narrowed, as the glass above started to tremble in initial reaction to the impact of the Force amplified noise. Throwing her free hand upwards, the Fiery haired Jedi reached out with the Force and projected it outwards towards the panes of glass as they submitted to the tension they were under. Closing her open palm, using the Force Eisa snatched the larger shards of glass mid air, leaving them hovering above her and Donny. Before with a swift forwards motion and opening of her closed hand, projected the shards of Glass outwards towards the stair case. After all at this point it was clear to gather now, the only ones that would be approaching the Museum was the tall crimson clad, pasty looking figure and his horde of twisted beasts. Now evident from their proximity that they were Abominations.

"Kriff" Eisa muttered under her breath, "what is it with the Sith and their bloody abominations?" she continued, seemingly cussing and ranting along to herself. Her attention was pulled off to the side as Donny stepped forward towards the approaching figure, eyes widening in a mixture of shock and confusion, either this guy had a death wish or he had some serious stones to back up his claims, especially in the wake of what was standing before him. As the man started to size up and reason with the crimson clad bringer of death, Eisa stepped forwards until she drew level with Donny, summoning her lightsaber hilt to her hand and wrapping a firm grip around the eartly grains of Brylark wood. Her emerald hued eyes narrowing as she intently studied the unknown figure, looking for the slightest sign that he was about to attack. Whilst she was silently assessing the situation that was unfolding, Eisa opened her mind and body into the Force, channelling the energies of the light side through her and concentrating them within her. Preparing herself for what the collector was going to bring forth.


SWRP Writer
Jun 21, 2019
Reaction score
Howl had made her way through the streets by this point, navigating as best she could by memory through the fog, and found herself near the rear entrance to an Alderaanian museum. The very same museum, little did she know, that seemed to be the epicenter for all of the excitement taking place on this particular evening. Drawn by the sounds of shouting and blaster-fire, she crouched behind a low wall and watched as what appeared to be museum security tried to hold back a small swarm of creatures like the ones she had repelled before. Howl was near the action, but vision was still blurry due to the fog. Still, she could estimate that there were about 4 guards who had erected some sort of barricade at the top of the steps leading up to the door, and they were using blaster pistols to fire down on what could easily have been 6-8 of the canine-esque creatures down below. Even as she watched, one of the guards got off a lucky shot and one of the creatures fell to the ground dead, the others pacing back and forth in apparent annoyance.

Suddenly, there was a crash from down the street, and one of the guards shouted something that sounded like an expletive as a much larger shadow could be seen charging through the fog towards the stairs. Howl was able to make out an almost humanoid figure, but the brief flash of a face she saw showed no features whatsoever. Well, none but a gaping maw of razor-sharp teeth. More than that, though, Howl could feel a sense of unnatural disorder emanating from the creature as it ran past her position, several meters away and charged towards the barricade. "Welp... they're karked." Howl muttered to herself as she rose slightly planning to slip away in the chaos. It was then that she became aware of a high-pitched whistling-like sound that seemed to reverberate through the air around them. The sound rose sharply to a screeching level and suddenly the massive windows rising up the side of the structure erupted from the sides of the building, raining down on man and beast alike. Large pieces of plate glass came raining down. Howl ducked behind her wall as they struck the ground on the other side, erupting in explosions of little particles. There were yelps as the remaining hounds were crushed beneath the massive pieces falling from the sky. Likewise, screams could be heard from the guards behind the barrier. Looking back over the wall again, Howl couldn't see much, but she could make out the large bulk of the humanoid monster still charging towards the barrier, and only a single random green bolt was shot out from the barrier in response, not even coming close to it's target.

Howl gritted her teeth. "Well, that doesn't seem very sporting, does it?... Kriffing hell." Reaching back over her shoulder, she quickly swung her LRA 9200 off her back and raised it to eye-level. She rose from her position and stepped around the short wall, leveling her sights on the shadowy figure of the charging monster. It had just about reached the base of the stairs now. She had to be quick. Focusing on the unnerving feeling emanating from the monster, Howl led the shadow just and bit and pulled the trigger. Her red bolt of energy cut through the fog and impacted the beast's back. The shadow seemed to stumble, but continued on, mounting the stairs. Walking forward now, rifle still held steady, Howl fired off another shot. This time the beast tripped, but picked itself up and charged forward once more. "Go down and stay down you
kriffing chakaar!" Howl shouted, unconsciously reverting to her native mando'a for an appropriate insult. She squeezed off two more shots. The first missed the target by a hair's breadth, but the second impacted the back of the beast's head, ever-so-gently removing the head in question from existence. The creature's body crashed down on the barrier and Howl heard a fearful shout.

Running across the street and up the stairs, Howl leveled her rifle at the corpse she had just created, making sure it was really dead, before peeking over the barricade three guards in basic uniforms cowered behind what appeared to be a couple of office desks that they had thrown together. A human body impaled by a large piece of glass and another that looked as though it had been used as a chew toy suggested that there had been more of them not so long ago. Howl turned to the nearest man. "Report soldier! What the hell is going on here?" The man looked up at Howl's armed and armored figure like he was seeing an angel. "Oh thank god! The army is here! We're
sav- Wait, you're not Alderaanian military, are you? B-But neither are we. We're not soldiers. We're just security guards for the museum!" Howl looked up at the large building towering above them. So this was a museum? What was so important about a museum? But then... people did put valuable things in museums sometimes. "We don't know what the hell is going on! There was this fog, and then these monsters just started coming out of nowhere and killing everyone! Our security manager told us to lock the door and barricade it, but these things just keep coming!" Howl was checking her rifle by now, only half listening to the man. "Alright then, you're museum security? That means your civilians then? I'll tell you what you need to do to survive the night. Give all your spare power packs to me, find a closet or office with no windows and locks on the doors, and bar yourselves in. Stay quiet and keep your guns handy and you just might live through whatever this is. Stay out here and I promise you won't be so lucky. As for me, I'm heading in." The guard paused for a second processing what Howl was saying. "Oh, yes, you're right. We won't last out here. But clearly you can take these things! You should go in. There are still people in there!" Howl stared at the man for a moment blankly as though saying Why should I care if there are people in there or not? But then, realization dawned on her. "Yes, I assumed as much. Why do you think I'm going, but to save whoever is left, of course! Now give me those power packs."

Several moments later, Howl walked down the halls of the museum, her rifle back on her back and her dual ZA-44 blasters in her hands. Seven additional power packs in her belt. The pistols were better in these closer quarters. Now she just needed to figure out why these creatures were drawn to as random a place as a museum? And if it was something in the museum..... What could something like that be worth?

(OOC: Sorry for the long post! Wanted to try and catch up to everybody without drawing it out too much.)

@Logan @AutoFox @Plebometer @Nor'baal
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The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Two had been brave enough to show their faces, to stand against grim death and stare it straight in the eye. Azgarn would have found it admirable if he was a better person. But he was not, not even a little bit, so he mostly found it humorous that these two would be so willing to give their own lives. And for what? To save the city of Aldera? If they'd seen the streets and inside the homes, they'd know there were very few people left to save.

Azgarn was about halfway up the stairs when the Jedi took out her lightsaber. An inquisitive eyebrow raised in response, Azgarn wasn't expecting any Jedi to be here. Although he did have to admit that they had an annoying habit of showing up exactly where no one wanted them to be. Such annoying creatures Jedi were.

The force had been flowing through Azgarn for some time now, fueling his body and giving him a keen sense of power. As the saber ignited, Azgarn slammed his foot against the step. A shockwave of force energy erupted, heading straight for Eisa and Donny. It would reach them in seconds and explode beneath them, sending bits of stair in every direction.

Azgarn took out his own weapon, a wicked looking sword that was inlaid with numerous runes and markings. It had undergone a similar process to Sith forging, allowing it to stand up even against the bright haired Jedi's lightsaber. Azgarn would look to close the gap between he and the two that had been outside, though he would keep his wits about him and alter his course of action should the situation require it.

His abominations had made their way inside the museum and would find those that were still there in due time. It wouldn't take long for their numbers to overwhelm. Azgarn knew exactly what he was looking for in the museum and where it was located. His only obstacle at the moment were the the Jedi and the idiot, but he didn't foresee them putting up a fight for very long.

@Plebometer @AutoFox @Yuan @Nor'baal


SWRP Writer
Apr 11, 2019
Reaction score
Like it or not, there was one major issue with being an edgy force wielder.
Being edgy took its sweet time.

However, being a constant disappointment to your parents, (ex)-girlfriend and extended family, like Donny, took surprisingly little time at all. As such, when the force-user began to move forward in an undulating and shuddery way, like a trunkied meth-head at a Hoopy Hutta concert, Donny was already reacting. He moved quickly, the moment the creature Azgarn began to move, his pistol – readied for the draw – complying with as much elegance as an inanimate lump of metal wielding by an all-to-animate lump of human could muster.

Yet, Donny may be an idiot, but he was not a fool.

Well, not in the ‘dodging incoming attacks’ sense of the word.

By the time it had taken two steps, he had already fired once, moving off at a run – not away from the creature, goodness no, such an action was far to predictable – but toward it. From his position, he moved forward and to his left, firing a second, third and fourth shot as Azgarn. His first shot, which had been fired at the mans torso, was followed by the second and third at Azgarns upper right-hand side, and the final, fourth shot, at the creatures right leg.

If his attacks did not distract Azgarn from his ‘foot slamming’ attack, it would not matter, for Donny would be out of the attacks intended field of damage. Praying his new-found Jedi friend would move off to the right and attack Azgarn as well, Donny was hopeful that together, they could hold the creature here whilst others dealt with his minions in the museum.

Irma Kinton

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score

Irma followed the Director and the guard through the halls of the museum, passing through huge exhibits of historical and prehistorical artifacts, from Alderaan and beyond. The Director, or at least his predecessors, seemed to have good taste at least.

"Just this way." The guard said, turning into a large gallery that made Irma pause.

"Wait, wait! Hold up... what's all this??"

Inside the gallery were weapons, hundreds of them, lining the walls and displayed in freestanding transparisteel cases. Each had a small holoplaque that gave some information about the piece and its history, and Irma ran up to one, pressing her palms to the transparisteel and looking in.

"It's... the Hall of Armaments." The Director replied. "We have one of the best collections of vintage arms and armor in the sector! Though sadly it's incomplete... several early-Republic specimens I wish we had..."

Irma turned to the Director, raising her eyebrows.

"Does any of it still work??"

The Director spread his arms.

"I don't know... some of it?? They're not loaded, though, we don't keep power packs in the building!"

In response, Irma held up the fistful of spare power cells she had taken from the Director's desk.

"Not quite true. Quick, do you have a key to any of these??"

In response, the old human began frantically going through pockets.

"Keys... keys! Blast it where-"

There was a loud report, and one of the cases to Irma's left shattered, splinters of transparent, crystalline metal scattering all over the floor. Irma turned, seeing the guard with his blaster drawn and smoking, before he re-holstered it.

"Sorry, Director, but we don't have time for the Absent Minded Professor routine." He walked toward the case, lifting down a carbine that was a few decades old and hefting it. "Everyone, grab something that looks like it'll work, and let's go."

Irma wasted no time, joining the guard and scanning the contents of the case. Eventually, she spotted a crude-looking rifle and lifted it down, hefting it before loading a power pack into the drum-style magazine. It hummed, and Irma aimed it experimentally from the hip; normally, such a weapon would be too bulky for her to use, but the vibrosaw-style grip on this one made it easier to handle.

"Alright, let's get going!"

@Nor'baal @Logan @Yuan @Plebometer

Eisa Swan

Rebel with a Wrench
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score
Well despite the swagger, and tough guy act. It seemed that the human male's efforts to talk the Sith out of attacking the city, was well... Fruitless.

Not that it wouldn't be to unexpected, this pasty looking Sith didn't really look to be the type for talking. Whistling a creepy tune? Yes. Talking and perhaps looking to find a peaceful solution, well that was the Jedi way - and not everyone in the 'verse shares the view point that things could be resolved in such a manner. Hell, the Jedi Knight knew herself that not every Jedi sees it that way, she was at times one of them!

Through narrowed eyes, Eisa continued to intently study the Sith standing further down the stair case from her and Donny. Even passively she could feel the deathly chill of the Dark-side emanate and swell within the Sith. But like the swirling mass of dark energies that was building up within Azgarn, so were the energies of the Light-side building within the fiery haired Jedi knight, since the moment she had first heard the screams echo throughout the streets. Undoubtedly it was likely that the Sith had been doing the same.

At the first instant of movement from the darksider, Eisa like her newly met ally sprang into action. Her Force enhanced body propelling her forwards and off towards Azgarn's right hand side, the muzzle of her lightsaber pistol coming to bare on the crimson clad figure. A burst of peridot green flashed from the muzzle of her hybrid saber pistol. Her first shot ringing off after her initial step, before being swiftly followed by three more shots as she manoeuvred to a broad flanking position. The first shot being directed towards Azgarn's left shoulder, before progressively tracing downwards, the second shot to the left side of his chest, the third - his left hip and the fourth shot - the Sith's left knee.

As the last of the four rounds was discharged, her lightsaber wielding hand drew backwards. Projecting the energies of the Force from out from her hand, with a subtle curl of her upper most fingers, Eisa manipulated the projected Force energies, forming a sweeping arced wall of force energy. And, using it to sweep up the various shards of glass, and debris that had erupted from the ground in the wake of the Sith's attack on the pair's former position. In a swift and focused movement the fiery haired Knight brought her arm forwards, directing the wall of Force energy towards the advancing Darksider. Projecting the mixture of stone and glass shrapnel within a telekentic blast, towards Azgarn.


SWRP Writer
Jun 21, 2019
Reaction score
Howl dashed through the halls of the museum, turning left, right, running straight down the long corridors. Behind her, snarls and roars could be heard. Rounding a corner, she saw a humanoid beast running towards her, her blasters were raised in a millisecond and two burning holes glowed in the beasts head. Not even stopping, she continued running. A four-way intersection lay ahead of her. Howl skidded to a stop right at the center. Spinning, she raised her right pistol down the hall to her left and fired a shot, sending the canine beast there crashing to the ground. Her left gun she spun to raise down the right hall, firing another shot she fell the foul beast running down that hallway as well. Down the hallway she had just come from, two beasts of the four-legged variety rounded the corner she had only moments before and charged her. Three more shots had both beasts down on the ground and a particularly expensive painting had a new hole burnt through it. Before the beasts had even finished sliding to a halt, Howl was spun around and dashing once more down the hallway as the snarls and roars from behind continued, seeming to get closer with every minute.

As Howl ran, she heard the unmistakeable sound of a blaster pistol going off down a hallway ahead heading off to her left. Sliding to a stop at said hallway, Howl saw an open doorway a little ways down and thought she heard voices. Just then, the back of Howl's neck crawled and her mind screamed at her. Danger from behind. Howl made a mighty, full-body leap forwards, spinning in the air as the door behind her came crashing down and a large humanoid beast leapt out at her. As she and the beast momentarily soared through the air in slow motion, Howl brought her twin blasters up, straight into the monster's gaping maw and pulled the triggers. The back of the beast's head was suddenly open for business as the corpse landed on top of Howl's lower body and the two slid down the tile floor several feet. As the roars from down the hall got louder, Howl squirmed and wriggled herself free from the ugly corpse she had just created. As she rose to her feet, she looked down at her armor, now covered in no small amount of the beast's blood. Quite an attractive look. But she had no time to worry about that. A ways down the hallway shadows could be seen flickering on the walls. They were near. Very near.

Howl dashed down the hallway she had been looking down before, towards the open door and the laser blast. Her heeled boots slid on the tile as she skidded around the corner into the hall of armaments. Looking up, she saw several living beings holding some rather antique-y rifles. "Haar'chak!" Howl said allowed in Mando'a. "Don't know what I was expecting though." Holstering her right pistol, Howl swung out her right hand and hit a control panel on the wall next to the door. The large durasteel door slid down with a hiss. Howl spun and shot the control panel causing it to explode and spark before holstering her left pistol. But this was not a high quality security door, Howl knew. Not in a civilian museum. She reached over her shoulder and pulled out her Echani Vibro-sword and slashed the legs off of the large display case to the left of the door, then followed suit with the one to the right. As the two cases crashed to the floor on top of one another in front of the door, Howl spun back to the beings in the room, returning her sword to her back and trading it out for her LRA 9200 rifle. As she walked towards the center of the room, she double checked the power pack and sight on her rifle and spoke. "I don't know who you all are, or what your plan is. But, if it involved going in that direction." Howl pointed over her shoulder with her thumb. "I've got some bad news for you."

@Nor'baal @Plebometer @AutoFox

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
A wicked smile curled Azgarn's lips as the his two would-be adversaries sprang into action. He commended them for being quick on their feet, ready to fight and defend this place that they likely didn't even know or hold allegiance to. It was a hallmark of the good to put themselves in the way of evil. And as such, it was Azgarn's job to eviscerate them and leave their entrails scattered across the duracrete. The Jedi looked particularly fetching, perhaps he would remove her head and hang it on his wall. Misery was his business, after all.

Their vision had tunneled too, it seemed. Had they completely forgotten that Azgarn was not alone? So foolish. They would learn today that eyes on the prize doesn't mean you forget your surroundings. That, or they would die. Azgarn had hedged his bets on the latter.

As Donny took his first shot Azgarn's eyes snapped to him, reaching out with the force to grip his ankle. Donny was moving with speed down the stairs and his eyes were trained to shoot, it was unlikely he would be ready for the sudden loss of balance he was about to have. With a strong yank Azgarn would extend Donny's leg forward so that he would end up doing the splits as he attempted to move. It was likely he'd go tumbling down the stairs in short order.

At the same time, one of his faceless abominations would come sprinting up the stairs to meet Donny, looking to plunge its claws deep into whatever pieces of him it could find. Even if he did manage to hold his balance, he'd have a new friend to contend with.

The vibrant green blaster shots from the Jedi didn't go unnoticed by Azgarn either, vibrant as they were. The first one that came flying toward him was met by his hand layered in the force by tutaminis. The shot from the lightsaber pistol was weak in comparison to most guns and Azgarn had no trouble dissolving it to nothing. He didn't take the same chance with the rest, moving his body hard to the right, like he was dodging getting ran over by a car. Given that the Jedi had focused her shots on him in such a manner, dodging the line of green was easy enough.

As the Jedi began to lift the debris to send a wave of deadly shrapnel toward's Azgarn's location, two of his dog-like abominations would burst from the darkness behind her. They had unnatural speed but were not explicitly quiet in their attempt, although their bloodlust was almost palpable. The Jedi would need to make a choice, reign carnage down upon Azgarn or have her guts torn out by demon dogs. Azgarn would be ready regardless, should she let the dogs succeed and commit, he'd send out a burst of aerokinesis to send the more dangerous pieces of glass and such harmlessly away from him. These children were simply outmatched.


Inside, the abominations had begun to comb over the museum. It seemed that most had managed to get out or were otherwise killed when they were found. The talking of Irma and Howl attracted the attention of several of the dogs, and in turn several more of the faceless. Just as Howl blocked one of the entrances with her makeshift barricade, the group would hear a massive THUD as one of the faceless began pounding its... face against the door. It would take mere moments before the massive beast would break through and the room would be flooded with abominations.

What would the unlikely group of heroes do? Only time would tell.

And time was running out.

@Plebometer @AutoFox @Yuan @Nor'baal

Eisa Swan

Rebel with a Wrench
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score
Ah Kriff!!! Of all the things to forget, whether it was just being too focused, or simply being caught up in the heat of the moment. She should have accounted for the fact that the hybrid weapon, even in its blaster form lacked the focusing emitters that gave the projected rounds of plasma their longevity. The peridot hued rounds would have been more effective at close range, where the opportunity for the rounds to deteriorate would be limited. Not that it appeared to do much good in the end, despite the attempt at catching the Sith in the crossfire by mirroring her ally's movements.

As soon as she saw the Sith avoid the projected bursts of plasma, she could feel a chill ran down her back as a result of the closing presence of darkness. Whilst there was the darkness presented by Azgan - the presences that was drawing near from her flank was much weaker. But given their closing proximity, the Fiery haired Jedi deemed them to be the greater threat. Amidst the telekinetic manipulation of the gathered debris, Eisa instinctively swung her arm back towards the closing abomination hounds and releasing the debris into their path. The vicious shards of rock, glass and everything else that had since broken loose during the escalation outside of the museum would eviscerate the 'abominahounds' as the debris would tear through their twisted bodies before impacting and crumbling against the clean white walls, spattering viscera in it's wake.

Although one threat at been attended to, there still remained Azgarn. Not wanting to leave things to chance, Eisa snapped her pistol wielding hand back behind her waist, securing her hybrid lightsaber into its waiting holster and allowing the concentrated lightside Force energies to freely flow through her her now freehand. No sooner had the weapon been holstered the Jedi Knight snatched her carried EMP grenade from its bindings, her thumb looping into the ring of the safety pin and removing it, her fingers holding the safety lever inplace. Without hesitation , Eisa threw the held grenade towards Azgarn - before immediately following it up by projecting the Force out towards him. The tendrils of force energy rushing forwards in the wake of the cast grenade, the strength of the Jedi's will and resolve being projected in her attempt to hold the darksider in the binds of Force stasis. Should Azgarn, attempt to deflect or redirect the thrown grenade he would leave himself open to the binding energies of the Force. Long enough for realisation of what was going on to set in, which in that window her ally could take advantage of of the opening.

Even though the EMP grenade was a feint, as it would only effect the delicate circuitry of cybernetics. And, If it was to hit its target the most that would occur would be to stun Azgarn should he possess any implants. The grenade's nature would not be realised until its detonation, only Eisa knew what the grenades function was. But with the combination of the distraction and the nature of the Force power she was currently using it should be enough to create enough of a window for Donny to capitalise on - even if it would be short lived, likely having to shift her focus onto the next threat that may appear.

There had to hope, even if somehow, despite all that was beset upon the capital, the widespread carnage that had befallen the local populace.
It was unlikely that the survivors wouldn't question how or why there was no sign of the Alderaanian military or security forces, surely all the panicked chatter over the holonet would not have gone unheard? Was the planetary security forces based that far out from the capital that when their arrival finally came, the capital City would be nothing more than a blood bath with no signs of the perpetrators?
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Irma Kinton

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score

That the individual who burst into the hall brandishing a sword and firing a blaster had taken her life in her hands by doing so was something of an understatement. Irma, the Director and the guard all aimed blasters at Howl for a moment. The Director jumped and made a distinctly undignified noise when the newcomer shot the control panel, and Irma was mildly amazed he didn't lose fire discipline right then.

Irma, meanwhile, uttered a curse in an Outer Rim tongue, staring at Howl. She was about to say something, but the security guard beat her to the punch.

"It kind of was, yeah!" He replied to the newcomer's statement. "What-"

It was just as the guard was about to ask his question that there was a resounding bang, and a dent appeared in the solid durasteel blast door the newcomer had lowered. Everyone in the hall took a step back, and Irma aimed her blaster at the door, betraying a steadiness that did not come from filing holobooks and reference cards all day.

"As much as I'd love to know who you are, stranger, I don't think we have time right now." Irma said, backing toward the other entrance to the Hall of Weapons. "That door is not going to hold, and I don't wanna be here when whatever's out there comes in here!"

@Nor'baal @Logan @Yuan @Plebometer


SWRP Writer
Jun 21, 2019
Reaction score
Howl was somewhat surprised by the group's reaction to her arrival. The security guards from before had been overjoyed to see an over-armed, over-armored warrior woman come running through the streets towards them. Howl decided that this group may not be fully aware of the situation. It made a certain amount of sense. If they had been inside the museum from the start, and had repelled any light attacks they had come across thus far, perhaps they were unaware of the severity of the situation. She supposed it was her civic duty to fill them in on the situation. After all, if she left them to die, they would only buy her a few minutes tops before the horde was done with them. With a cold and annoyed expression on her face, Howl opened her mouth to speak and pointed her thumb over her shoulder again, but before words could come out there was a loud bang on the door behind her. Glancing back, Howl saw the large dent that had appeared in the door. As if to illustrate her point.

"Alright then. Not much time. Long story short stuff." Howl walked as she talked, placing her rifle back on her back she pulled her pistols back out and changed out their power packs. She took the two she had removed and hooked them together to combine the remaining power into one, placing the spent pack on her back waist. Then she reached up under and into her armor in various places, pulling out four round objects that she hooked to her hip. A learned man might think that these looked like grenades. A learned man would be correct. "These monsters aren't just here. They're everywhere. The entire city has been overrun, including this building. Everyone is either dead, or well hidden. For some reason the monsters are attracted to this building. I came in the back entrance. Saved the guards there. What was left of them anyway. Told them to hide. I came in to see if I could figure out why they were coming here and put a stop to it-" Yeah, that bit sounded good. Better for Howl to keep playing the hero role. "-but I found myself getting chased by a horde of them and wound up here. My name is Howl, and right now I have two questions. One: do any of you have any idea why a massive horde of monsters would be attracted to this museum in particular? Two: does this door we're heading towards lead to the front of the building? Because if it connects to the rear corridors, we need to shut it immediately." As if to illustrate her point, Howl holstered her pistols again and drew out her rifle one more time, sighting it on the doorway they were walking towards for good measure, in case one of those beasts came charging around the corner.

@Nor'baal @Plebometer @Logan @AutoFox

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
It didn't take much for the first domino to fall. The boastful human that was with the Jedi hadn't taken the proper precautions to prevent his own demise. After tumbling down several stone stairs, likely breaking a few bones in the process, Donny would find himself with the long, sharp claws of a faceless plunged deep into his chest and stomach.

The beast would lift him in the air and simply rip Donny into two pieces, showering itself in his blood and entrails and letting out a hideous, triumphant roar. Azgarn was used to the sound, though the others around would probably find its inhuman-ness cringey, possibly making the hair on the back of their necks stand straight up.

With Donny gone, only the Jedi remained. His eyes had never really left her having felt the growing force energy she'd been summoning to attack him, though his dogs seemed to have absorbed that blow. Man's best friend indeed.

As the Jedi attempted to holster her pistol, Azgarn would raise his hand towards her, his palm facing outward and his fingers stretched wide. A violent red hue would begin to shimmer around Azgarn's hand and around Eisa, the cue to her that his power had already begun working. Until Eisa could break Azgarn's concentration, he would continue to drain the Force from her, bolstering his own strength while simultaneously dwindling hers.

At the same time, the Faceless who'd murdered Donny, as well as a second, were already racing towards her. Their objective was simple, to just dogpile on top of the woman and allow Azgarn the time he'd need to drain her completely. Force drain was only lethal after a time, although it would become agonizingly painful much sooner than that. Without the aid of a partner, the Jedi's situation seemed dire.

What would she do to save herself?


Inside the museum, the thuds on the door were becoming ever louder, and the abomination's progress on busting it down ever closer to success. As the group inside wasted their time talking and fiddling with their guns, they would soon find their barricade failing. The first few abominations that tore through the door would likely find themselves with a face full of blaster fire, but as if they were a virus, the abominations were ever replicating.

No matter how many that Irma and Howl would kill during the barge in, they both would find themselves beset by an opponent they couldn't simply blast in the face. One of the demon dogs would lunge itself at Irma, attempting to bite her tiny frame in half. To the dogs, she would seem like not much more than a mid day snack.

As for Howl, she would be facing off against two Faceless, both looking to claw her in whatever parts of her body they could reach. The abominations were not looking for hostages or prisoners. They were hungry, a hunger that never left them no matter how many they killed or how many they devoured. It was in their nature, their purpose to exist. A life of ravenous torment and eternal torture.

It's what made them ideal killing machines, after all.

@Plebometer @AutoFox @Yuan @Nor'baal