The Effervescent: Steps Towards Phantoms (Part 1)


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Hello everyone! Here I have an idea for a plot that is meant for the Jedi Order. It is a feat that I am willing to subject myself to and hopefully do it justice. Basically the plot is for characters to investigate the rumors of a possible ghost ship. All of these will be ASK threads but be warned, ASK does not mean safe.

Who will be participating?
Any Jedi members may join. Technically indie characters can be hired to partake in this plot but must be accompanied by a Jedi member. Each thread needs a DM since they all have NPC opposition.

If you want to be a DM please let me know. I could use good DMs. DMs will recieve limited information on the Effervescent that they will give to the players as they progress.

Note: I will limit people to One thread per character so that everyone gets a chance to participate.

What will be the goal?
Finding answers is the original goal IC. It may (and most certainly will) evolve as the plot continues. Things may not turn out as originally planned. Vagrants might side track characters, answers might be more complicated than originally predicted, etc. After each thread is complete, clues to the Effervescent's past will be revealed.

Where will this take place?
All over. The progress of each group of characters/threads will be spread far enough apart that people will relay their information to the jedi forces. Characters will be far enough away from one another that there won't be any backup and the events that transpire on one planet won't necessarily affect the immediate events on another. Each thread has the location named in its summary.

When do these take place?
They are meant to happen around the same time. This is part 1 and contains four out of the six threads to complete this plot. there will be a part 2. I am posting part 2 separately even though it is technically the same plot since revealing the setting of threads 5 & 6 in part 2 would spoil the outcome of the threads in part 1. I hate spoilers.

Plot Overview

[fancybox4=""] The Effervescent: Steps Towards Phantoms

(Part 1)

Rumors spread throughtout the galaxy of ghost ships, mysterious hulks of darkness. These represent the lives lost to catalysm, mystery or both. Some have been drifting through space for decades while more join them with each passing year. It has come to the Jedi's attention that one capital ship, the Effervescent.

The Effervescent, now fifty years old at least, was an old Republic corvette even for its time. Its primary mission was used for exploratory purposes. During the hundred years of darkness it saw some action but primarily was used as joint reconnaissance and ferrying VIPs between systems.

It may still hold information important to the Jedi Order that could aid in their current efforts. Alternatively it could hold intelligence that could cripple the order if found by other parties. Either way it is important that it is found and either recovered or destroyed

The Effervescent is an old CR-10 corvette and would be added to the Jedi's personal fleet and possibly be a small stepping stone for future ships. In addition it would provide answers to the mystery of its disappearance and depth to the relations with the past.

Cast of characters:
@Darasuum as Gale Rhevus
@Insalius as Mikko Wexler
@Nightfall096 as Vollen Shai
@C.X. Jenious as Qhorinn Solas
@TheBrokenMadMan as Rainea Duanfen
@Nefieslab as Cregan Doldan
@dblue095 as Lou Wilson
@Fyremage as Solyan
These are just tags of interested people and not automatically guaranteed a spot in the plot.

Thread 1 Name:Dirge Bell
Summary:Rumors of a strange beacon on the planet Thyferra warrants investigation. It is said to be a distress signal, automatically repeating. Other spacers have ignored it because several others have gone missing after trying to check it out. They say it is either a cursed call or a trap set by bandits. Either way it might lead us close to the Effervescent.
Thread 2 Name:Ear to the Alloy
Summary:Construction workers and salvagers keep their ear to the ground for great hauls around Bomis Koori IV. Investigate any rumors and new hauls they may have pulled. They may have you do them a favor and don't take kindly to outsiders sticking their noses in their business.
Thread 3 Name:Corsair Crossing
Summary:A known debris field circles the planet Lanthe where the Effervescent maybe passed through. However the ship had lost contact with the main force before it was confirmed to have stopped and/or moved on from this point. It is also a known pirate location so be on your guard.
Thread 4 Name:Questionable Munitions
Summary:Arms dealers don't deal in just small weapons. sometimes they will move entire warships or found weapons from battles long past. A notable dealer that seems to know the in and outs of the area resides on Eriadu. Go to him and his crew in the down trodden industrial sector for answers. Be careful, they are obviously armed.



I'm Terrible at PVP
SWRP Writer
Feb 29, 2016
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I'm down. My preference would be either 1 or 3, but I can go wherever if there's a lot of interest. :)


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2015
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I'll add in @Bruce Guleya for any thread.
As of lately Bruce and Cregan have been working together a bunch of times (okay two times thus far and likely to see more going forward...)

I'm happy to help. Granted Bruce isn't much of a fighters - he's a Force slinger and more specifically a support/healer type character. But he's not useless! :)


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Apr 3, 2018
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Be tempted to join if you have need for a reader,